The Boy That Can Foresee the Future

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Hayato Akira

Third person pov

Later, after Kichi got a cast for his broken arm at the infirmary, he and Catalina were called to the principal's office for running through the campus. The principal is, of course, Hayato Akira, the leader of AITA.

"Why would you chase him and cause him to break his arm and jaw?" Hayato asked Catalina while being stressed out by it.

Kiba and another teacher named Shuya Ayato are there, too.

"He just took my spot," Catalina reasoned her doing towards Kichi. "I'm supposed to be at the top place."

"Hey, it doesn't matter what place you are in in exams," Kiba responded to this, "as long as you had the skills and intelligence."

Kichi was sitting on a chair while putting his casted arm on his lap, looking a little bit down.

"Whatever," Catalina scoffed back.

"I can't believe this," Hayato responded back to this. Then to Kichi, "So Kichi, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine, sir," answered Kichi calmly and normally while looking at Hayato, before glancing at Catalina for a few seconds. "My arm just hurts."

"Don't worry, Sasaki-san," Hayato reassured. "Our cast had the technology to heal your broken arm faster than usual."

"Oh really?"

Hayato then nodded. "Yes, it will be completely healed by tomorrow morning."

"I see," Kichi replied back.

After that, Hayato said to Kichi and Catalina, "Yes, welcome to Assassins' International Training Academy, you two." Then to Kichi, "Mr. Sasaki, you may go to your designated dorm room" Then to Kiba, "Kiba, can you do it?"

"Yes, sir," Kiba replied back. Then to Kichi, "Come on, let's go."

"Right," Kichi responded, before slowly standing up and left the office with Kiba.

After that, Hayato looked at Catalina and said, "Since you are partially responsible for his injuries, you will be carrying his stuff."

"WHAT?" responded Catalina with shock and anger. "Why me?"

"Hey, we don't have social classes here," Hayato seriously replied back. "Everyone is equal here, okay?"

Knowing that she can't say anything back to Hayato, Catalina give in and replied, "Yes, sir."

"Okay, his stuff is over there," Hayato replied while pointing his pen towards one corner of the room.

Seeing that, Catalina walked towards it, carried Kichi's belongings, and casually left the office and catch up with Kichi and Kiba.

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