The crows:Death falls on all eventually

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

[Sirens wailing]

Black cars of different sizes and types sped along the high way while there were blockade with military personnel fully armed . It was chaos on this day , many may wonder why all this was happening, well it's just a chase of four teenagers.

News popped up on every visual platform Indicating that the teenagers were group of dangerous terrorist fugitives, it's hard to believe that teenagers of their age would be labeled very dangerous to the extent of being able to cause the highest military agents and personnel of the city to be mobilized. Here in the city of Gaspé peninsula everyone was entering there various homes out of strict warning from the government.

" Over there, get them!!! " A solider in military clothing shouted sighting the teenagers in an alley between two town house.

Marching foot steps raged the ground as fire flares shout out towards the sky to send signal for backup.

" Shit that's not gonna happen" A beautiful bun hair girl with almond eyes made a gripping pose towards the move flare in air controlling the air around the flare and with the folding of her hand into a fist the flare turned into a crushed piece of plastic.

The soldiers were stunned at the sight of this. It had to be known that things like superpowers were said to be fictional, even when there received the orders from there superiors that the teenagers had special traits . They thought maybe it might just be a newly developed technology, but now seeing it in flesh is another thing entirely.

"Don't let them get away. Fire the tranquilizers" The solider in command ordered.

While the solider did as they were told their commander found a space at the rear and shot another flare into the sky. The teenagers stopped in their tracks ready to face off against those that were onto them.

"Shit he shot another flare, our cover is exposed " another girl with curly hair with similar feature and a bun hair girl said sweating profusely.

"Claire take care of the ones coming from the left Rein take on the frontier " the boy with spiky hair and blues eyes instructed both the curly and bun haired girls respectively examining the area with vigilance.

" What about us Klaus" another boy with long hair and an ear ring inquired looking flustered for no reason.

"I'm going to bust us into one of the rooms here cover me " he replied as he moved both his hands touching the two walls they were in between.

Ryan the long hair boy smiled as he wore his shades though it was getting towards the evening where sun shades weren't needed this was needed for him to be able to get the exact target he wants before using his powers. Tranquilizers specially made for piercing through bulletproof vest shoot out towards them . Rein without hesitation used here telekinesis power redirecting the tranquilizers at the shooters while Claire use her powers to maximize the frequency of sound waves traveling around through the alley they were in to stun the soldiers causing them to involuntarily drop their tranquilizers but unfortunately the back up arrived faster than they could have anticipated.

" When will you be done , the back up have arrived and I'm not sure what they might want to do at this moment"

A helicopter appeared in the sky with it's light brightly shone upon them. " Give up resistance or we'll be forced to take action " a loud voice transmitted around the area said.

"How much longer do you need "Rein once again asked as her breathing became fast . At this moment they were all trying to maintain their calmness and rationality.

" All done just need to distract them, Ryan it's your turn"Klaus replied panting and sweating. Ryan locking on to his targets controlled the metals in the tranquilizer guns and those on the soliders ready to shot them towards the sky to block their visions towards them

[Sniper clicks]

From a distance of about 2000 metres away a certain person dressed in black and well suited up spies towards the group with scope from his sniper. It had to be known that he was already in that position waiting for the chance to finally take action but due to the chaos he couldn't get a clear view on the target. Now seeing that the group were all on stand by and no one was willing to take the chance to move this gave him the best opportunity and with that, he pulled the trigger against Rein since she proved to be the most hindrance.

[ Splatter]...

Rein who was ready to assist her brother got shot at her chest by the left causing blood to sprout out of her body. The bullet that was sniped at her was a special billet from the government secret agency which could cause those who were shot by it to experience paralysis and enhanced blood loss.

Everyone were all shocked knowing how dangerous it could be if things got out of hands facing this new group of beings. The commander himself was at loss since he didn't order the shot .

"No no... There's sniper" Claire panicked while Ryan who was ready to create an opportunity at first was at a loss due to the sudden occurence but now at the moment his eyes shone with madness. The burning rage in him resulted in many nearby metals to start converging near where they stood.

" Don't Ryan you can cower here just because of one bullet " Klaus said firmly grabbing onto his shoulder which was shivering , "just make us a shield . We need to get to safety first rein is loosing a lot of blood at this moment "

Snapping back to reality, Ryan used his powers to creat metal walls blocking off the soliders and also one to block the helicopter above them while Klaus with a gentle touch disintegrated the wall to their left .

"Release fire, don't let them get away. Those inside the buildings get in position don't let them get away" the commander said speaking though the military walkie talkie.

" Rattata Rattata"

The bullets were fired continuously as they escaped to the left Town hall while blocking of their entrance with the help of Ryan's power.

"Shit shit shit, we're trapped. How are we supposed to get out of here to find a hospital" Ryan said grabbing his hair in frustration and panic, never would he have thought that there would be a sniper causing them to have a casualty. Claire on the other hand kept bitting her fingers pacing to and fro the room trying to think of a way to get out.

Meanwhile outside , the soliders order immediate evacuation of the residents in both town hall as it had occured that the fugitives they were chasing might want to mix in with the residents if they were to search each rooms orderly.

Some where in a city seemingly like it capital, a far location slightly isolated in a well built secured terraces house, certain people within the house in a dark room stared at the big screen in front of them watching as how the situation turned out to be through the drone they sent along with the helicopter. These people composed of the higher ups of the secret agent, special operations supervisors, the army general and scientists. Although there faces were not particularly clear from the look of it since the room was dark. It could be said that few.of them knew if each other identities since the each came in through different doors. Don't look at the building that its a traced house, it has a different structure internally along with a different door mechanism.

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