The crows:Death falls on all eventually

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

" what so you think of the situation No.1?"

" Not bad I'll say I expected this to happen since it's just probing that we are doing at the moment. Also since one of them got hit with the specially made bullet, we should be able to get hold of them soon " the one called number one responded with a modified voice transmitter. The other part Which asked this sighed as they continued to watch the big screen.

" What's so special about this bullet anyway, it's not like it's different from the last one which just paralysis their body and shuts down their ability for some hours. Also the sniper was dumb he could have just shot them during the time they were in chaos. There should be disposal of him after this since his face is probably seen" a female voice said with a mask on based on the shape of the figure.

"Oi number 7 didn't you receive the document containing the details of this new bullet?. A few months ago" another modified voice said.

"Tch, I was out of reach at that time so I didn't get it at hand. But it should still be in the slug " the female voice number 7 answer lazily.

"Well let me give you heads up on it, the bullet has a tracker and also a reactor which help to send the component of a gene. But the thing is it's only been tested on wild animals. Didn't get access to the captured test subjects since Gordon didn't allow" the modified voice replied with his fingers tapping the table at the same frequency and interval.

"Gordon said to be patient since new members would be joining in soon from other places" another voice said " No.1 should be able to verify what I just said"

" Let's just continue watching for now, we'll talk on the decisions later" another voice seemingly agitated said even with the modification of his voice one could still tell his mood.

[Back at the town hall]

"The bleeding seems to the slowing down but the wound seems like it's being eaten up from the inside" Klaus said holding a scissors and a small seemingly blink knife covered in blood along with his hands. He had tried cutting the areas of the bullet while carefully examining the wound. Claire was busy detecting the sound of the foot steps while Ryan stood guard the wall they had made their way through maintaining the iron blocking the wall durability.

Five hours had passed since the pursuit and the army still stood at alert of any movement pointing their guns along with and alloy shield .

Cough, cough...

Rein still unconscious coughed as her temperature began seem to be rising. Her body grew cold as pebbles of sweat sipped out of her forehead, her eye seem to be covered with dark circles along with her lips getting dried. If it were in a normal circumstance on would think she was poisoned but I. This situation it was different. Apart from having special unrealistic powers different from humans, their way of thinking and their body constitution were by a mid merging stronger and better, this includes their thinking, healing circulatory system and the speed at which the nerve cells and auxins in their body responded. But this time it was a total crashing for them.

The sun seemed setting and the night showed signs od descending at the moment, the city which would be bustling with noise and chatters was silent around the area which was surrounded while the the journalist and reporters were the only one who were allowed to be around since they were specifically selected and approved by the government agencies. Many people who thought this was just a farce began to change their views of things after staring at the screen of the various phones and television. Metal kenosis and telekinesis were just things they had seen to be fiction with nothing more to it but at the moment it is more than it seem.

Some felt great fear in what's to come of the future events while some we're thrilled and the rest restless and uneasy.


"Commander Gordon what's the status on the inside?" the commander who was in charge of guard the outside stood at the fire front with his advance armer gun and bullet made of unknown material, asked through his communicator.


"We checked the rooms from the third to second floor with careful examination. It seems they are near your direction and didn't move away from the spot" the commander spoke hoarsely.

" The sniper must have hit them hard, we'll be forcing our way in in twenty minutes as soon as the army jeeps arrive with the special weapons. Be are on your side " he replied.

"You too sir" Gordon saluted at where he stood . He looked at a particular room in front of him which seem to be where Klaus and the others where hiding and signaled to two of this comrades to take the left side towards the direction in the hall way while four took the right and the thirty others behind him stood vigilant waiting for the command to start moving.

" Brother we have to hurry. They seem closer. We have got only fifteen minutes left". Claire said pacing back and forth. Ryan sat on the ground feeling hopeless in this situation they were caught up in who would have known that a simple sniper would cause this.

Tap...Tap... Tap...Tap

"Rein wake up , we really need to get out of here" Klaus said continuously tapping rein gently by the neck while he made a hole towards the ground which lead to a railway.

"Since when did he make that "Ryan thought as he moved closer to the hole.

Klaus then lifted up rein from the bed with the help of Claire.

"Both of you should go first, I'll need to not make them notice our movements " he said leaving rein to the hands of Claire while Ryan went forward to support. The two nodded as they stepped on an iron dug out from the hole using it as a means of transporting themselves down the hole. The hole was about four feet to the ground where the railway was. Seeing that they made they way down with the sound of a grunt Klaus sighed thinking of what to do. Although he said would stay behind so as no the cause any usual notice he himself didn't know what to do at the moment. Now with the sound caused by the landing, it was sure that the army outside would have noticed they were trying to escape for sure.

[Outside the town hall]

"Sir, I heard a sound just now sir, it seems like they are trying to escape sir" one of the soliders said with a salute with the right hand and his left hand on the gun assault

"I also heard it sir, should we start moving in sir" another solider also said in the same manner as the solider who had just spoken.

The commander frown because he also not just heard the sound of something landing in the ground, the reactor in his hand also seemed to have detected some movement in the ground while the was also a movements in the town hall.

"This is getting troublesome, could it be that they are trying to split up or is it a decoy" the commander, Jeffrey,who they saluted wondered. Just as he was lost in thought the communicator sounded again along with the sound of a jeep coming from behind them.

[Slug : the word used to describe place where a documented info either visual or electronic is sent to by the organization]

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