Chapter 58: 50 arc's family interlude.
[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat ALSO JAUNE GOT A PUPPY LOVE IN THE NEWEST CHAPTER ON MY PATREON! HE GOT STRUCKED BY THE CUPID'S ARROW! ROMANCE IS STARTING!!!!!!!]
I hear a voice calling out my name and yet no matter how much i tried to look for it, i cannot find it.
"Who is there! Is somebody here!" I call out to the voice and yet i hear not a single reply from it.
I sigh and look at my surrounding trying just to see and found out where in the broken moon am i...
I am in a forest.. with white trees as tall as i can see and leaves... black leaves to be more accurate falling all around me.. its.. strangely beautiful and haunting at the same time..
And if that is not weird enough, the ground made much less sense... rather than dirt.. its sand as dark as ink..
I tested it myself and yes.. its sand.. as for how i tested it? Well i gotta be thorough so i... uhmm.... i taste it..
Trust me, i tasted so many dirt in my days that i would know how dirt would actuslly taste like and this doesn't taste anywhere closr to dirt.
And it have the same texture as sand too i guess, should had known it was sand in the first place but who could blame me, the sand here is as dark as ink.. like i have an ink well? Or what was it name again.. ink.. something... well it was a fancy gift i got a couple years ago but whatever its name is, its a glass container that stores ink, well my ink is not even as dark as this sand.. and that is saying something..
And yet.. even the sand couldn't top off the weirdest thing i am seeing right now... the sky is red.. yes red.. blood red... but that is not important.. the wierdest thing is the whole moon i am seeing right now from what i could see through the gaps of the trees..
And yes i am not kidding, the moon is whole.. as in not shattered.. not a remnant what it was once..
Maybe its the reason i am here.... well either that or this is the weirdest dream i had ever experience.
A fever dream maybe... i honestly don't know why i am dreaming this kind of places..
I don't think i am sick, or this is a drunk induced sleep... i have been sober for years now.. so this can't be a drunken dream...
So what the hell is this..
"Fuck it.. what does kids these days say again?" I hummed as i start to walk on a random direction. "Oh yeah.. fuck it, we ball." God, Mordred would strangle me in the name of Justice if she ever hear me say that world.
I start to whistle as i walk calmly, my instinct isn't telling me shit so i don't need to put my guard up.. well put my guard up too tightly, cause as much as i trust my instinct.. it will be stupid of me if i completely let my guard down.. god knows whatever is in this weird dream and me not having any of my weapons also made it hard for me to let my guard completely down.. i'm still in my pajama for oum's sake.
There could be a grimm land shark for all i know.
I let out a chuckle and hummed as i continue to walk.
These past couple of months.. had been great, i guess... Jaune and i.. finally have what could be considered as a good father and son relationship.
We talked... we watch tv together, hell, we even played catch a week ago... that would be.. the first time we did that in years.. the last time we had played catch was.. before my.. decisions...
I let out a sigh, well... i fucked up on that one.. but i will stand by my decision.. Jaune and Mordred could hate me for it, i won't blame them, but i am doing this for Jaune's own good.
I am trying to save him, i would never let him die like my father.. no... i will not... he... fuck me...
... i hate it that this always happened.. whenever i think about Jaune, My mind will always come back to the thought of My father.
I know that i had done something really wrong, but i am trying to make amend for it, and yet my mind had given me no reprieve!
Speaking of Mordred and Jaune... those two had been much closer than usual.
Well.. maybe there are always this close, but not this close in front of the whole family, but hey.. like i said, maybe there are always close to each other and had become comfortable with showing the family of it.
For example, a week ago Mordred had hold Jaune's hand for almost the entire day and never leave his side and yet they didn't utter a single word to one another.. but they still work like a well oiled machine...
Even Luna and i would be hard pressed to be continously in sync with each other for the entire day without any words coming out of our lips to each others.
Those two connection are much too close.. Blancheur and Noir couldn't even do that and they are twins! If the old myths are true, twins have like.. telepathy with each other right?
Maybe its true or maybe its not true, at the end of the day Mordred and Jaune are much closer to each other than an actual twin.
They... how could i say it.. but those two children of mine.. they complete each other.. Mordred filling gaps in Jaune and Jaune filling the gaps in her too.
Its like.. they're soul twins or something?
That sounds stupid.. but my point is that they are two side of the same coin! I'm really don't know ehy i am thinking this shit anyway...
Oh yeah.. i am bored walking through this.. weird black sand forest or some shit... the bone forest? Nah that sounded weird... wouldn't be suprised if i hear somebody talk about how he is the bone of his wood or some shit.
But yeah.. what should i call this place.... come on Miles, you're the father of 8 children! You gotta be able to name a single forest! Well.. to be fair.. Luna was the one who named the children.. i was never good with names..
Hmm.... grimm.. this forest reminded me of the grimms.. from the bone white trees to the sands as dark as an ink.. grimmy forest.. i will now name you grimmy forest.. no.. grimmy forezt.. yeah.. much more.. exotic..
I had been walking through this weird ass dreamlike forest for god know how long before i hear a
Something.. metallic... like steel clashing against each other..
*CLUNK* (idk how to describe the sound of steel clashing.. like is it more like clank? Sling? Clunk? Clink? I don't fucking know.. just bare with me okay? Please.. i beg.)
I decided to follow the sound of steel because frankly, i have nothing else to do and maybe it will explain this weird ass dream.
The closer i am to the sound the harder it is for me to walk.. like the sheer shockwave that reverberate through the forest is making me physically flinch and sometimes take a few step back to not fall on my ass.
It take me no less than 8 minutes before i finally managed to get out from in between the trees and into the clearing.
The sight that greets me is... beautiful...
It is two man.. no.. Knights... two Knights.. two knights fighting with each other..
One of the knight wore a cloudy white armor with green accent on the armor's edge alongside donning an emerald green cloak with gold accent making most of the symbols on the cloak.. the Knight is covered fully from head to toe with the armor's plating and is completely covered by it.. the green, knight's helmet is.. is sleek.. a simple and practical.
And his sword is what i could only describe as a wide longsword with emeralds running down its groove, the hilts is predominantly silver alongside emerald green running down the hilt like a line.
The other knight.. was less protected by his armor.. the colour of his plating was silver.. silver to point that its almost white, he wore a breastplate that connect to a skirtlike plating that protected his thighs and lower body, he also have.. a.. gauntlet.. yes.. one gauntlet on his left arm.. while his arm was completely free of any armor with only a flowing sleeves protecting it...
And just like the green.. no.. emerald knight, this knight also have his own colour which is predominantly a blue fabric like material that covered the gaps inin his armor with gold accents on it, his sleeves is also blue with gold accent on the edge of it but right where the sleeves meet his wrist, it ended with some white furlike material..
And rather than wearing a knight's helmet, this blue knight covered his head with a detachable dark blue detachable hood that looks like it connect to his shoulder's cauldrons.
I had thought that his right hand is completely unprotected but i caught a glimpse of steel on it.. it looks like that he wore a steel plated gloves to protect it.
All in all, the blue knight wore something much less protected than the emerald knight... but as i continue to watch the... fight..
The blue knight doesn't need much protection in the first place compared to the emerald knight.
In term of skills, the blue knight completely dwarved the emerald knight with his footworks, let alone his riposte and parrying skills.
Watching the blue knight moves is akin to seeing a master dancing to the tune of his own music, for how the emerald knight raised his sword and swing it to the blue knight with a such power that i had to take a stepback, and yet.. all the blue knight had done is tap the emerald knight's sword on the side as it come down onto him and effectively redirect it to the ground.
And the blue knight sword is.. unimpressive compared to the emerald knight's.. it looks just like any other sword, without any adornments on it.. no motive.. no uniqueness.. just a plain steel sword.
With the emerald knight's sword now syuck on the ground, he used it as a leverage point and swing his entire body to kick the blue knight's away and yet Once again in a show of superior skills, all the blue knight had done is step his foot on the hilt of the emerald's knight sword to stick it deeper on the ground and that simple action made the emerald knight's loses his balance because both of his feed wasn't touching the ground and the only thing that connect him to the ground was his hand that was gripping the stucked sword.
The kick went over the head of the blue knight's head by a few inches and the momentum made the emerald knight spin in place before he fell on the ground.
It was... magnificent.. that is the only way i could describe the short bout of this two knight..
From the quick thinking on the emerald knight psrt when his sword was stuck on the ground.. and the frankly terrifying calmness and skill of the blue knight with how he disrupt the emerald knight's attsck just by calmly stepping on the hilt of his opponent sword and make it dig deeper on the ground.
The emerald knight stay sprawled on the ground and i can hear him panting before he sit up and rest a knee up against his chest and an arm draped over it.
"My king." The emerald call out to the blue knight. "I'm sorry for... bring shame to you with my lack of skills against."
'...the blue knight is his king...' i thought to myself but something also managed to get my attention. 'And that voice... it sounds familiar.. as if i had heard it before.. but where?'
I the hear The knight king let our a soft chuckled and shake his head. "You did well, my knight. Your lack of skills isn't something to be ashamed of. for you must take your lack of skill as something to be improved upon day after day.. you could only go up, my knight."
The emerald knight hang his head and shake it. "But i am shameful, my king. For what if my lack of skill bring harm to you or the royal family..... it would be my greatest regret if i ever do that, my king."
The knight king hummed and shake his head. "Never think of what if, my knight. It would only bring you sleepless night... you must think of what is happening now rather than what ifs.. you could had been too stuck inside your mind to the point that you had missed something and hurt yourself, my knight."
The emerald knight let out a chuckled. "You are always right, my king. Sometimes i wonder how someone could be as perfect as you... the perfect knight.. the perfect swordsman.. the perfect king.. the perfect man."
"The perfect man? I'm perfect?" The knight king let out a laugh before he offer a hand to the downed knight. "Do you want me to tell you a secret, my knight?"
The knight take the knight king's offer hand and the knight king pull him up on his feet. "It would be an honour, my king. I will bring your secret to my grave and no one would know about it from my lips." The emerald knight put a hand on his chest and vowed to the king that he had offered his loyalty too.
"... you shouldn't go that far.. its nothing serious." I can hear the knight king let out a sigh and shake his head. "My secret is that.. i hate being called perfect..because i'm not perfect."
"What?" The emerald knight is so in shock at his king's words to the point that he took off his helmet and revealed his face.. his skin is slightly tanned with brown eyes and Hair. "You surely don't mean that my king! If you are not perfect then what could you possibly be!? If i asked anyone from our kingdom and beyond, they would agree with me at the fact that you are perfect!"
"I meant that wholeheartedly." The king then let out another sigh. ".... being perfect.. meant passing the finish line.. there's no more goal.. no more room for improvement.."
The king the grab the emerald knight's sword and pull it out of the ground before he used it to swing it around in a flourish that looks so beautiful that it could only be called perfect.
"I.. i hate the word perfect... perfection is what i would consider stagnation.. if i become perfect then i can't become better.." He the casually flip the sword on the air and catch it by the blade. "I always strive to be a better version of myself, my knight... for i am not perfect... i am just.. better than i was yesterday.."
The knight king then offer the sword back to its rightful owner. "Would you want me to stop being better, my knight?"
The emerald knight shakes his head in refusal and take the offered sword. "No my king! It is my fault for thinking that perfect is the word best suited to describe you! You are.. beyond perfect my king!"
The knight king stay silent before he starts to talk again. "That is not what i...."
But the emerald knight in his devotion had talked over him. "I will start to train twice- no! 5 times as hard as i used too! So i will never bring shame to you again my king! I will follow your footstepst and strive to always be a better version of i was the day before!" He then stand up and starts to jog into the forest in excitement at the prospect of following his king's footsteps.
The knight king reach out his hand to the emerald knight before he stopped it mid motion and shake his head. "... that.. nevermind.. at least he got something out of this conversation.."
The knight king the grab the the back of his hood and pull it off his head before he turn around to my direction.
'That face.. that golden hair... that eyes... that turquoise eyes.. that.. it can't be.. why does he looks like...'
The knight king that wore my father's face look at me straight in the eyes and let out a small smile. "Ah.. i see you."
"Dad." That was the only word i managed to say before a bright light washed over my view.
"MILES! wake up!" Luna slapped the face of her husband and the pain finally managed to wake him up after what feels like hours upon hours trying to wake him up for breakfast.
Miles sit up straight and Luna had to back off or her face would meet Miles's forehead because of how fast he was sitting up.
"Dad!" Miles let out a shout and start to pant as if he had run a marathon with a grimm on his ass.
"Why are you calling your fa-" Luna cut herself off and give Miles a sad look. "Oh..."
'He.. he must be dreaming about John again.. its been years since the last time he woke up on cold sweat because of that dream.' Luna thinks to herself before she raised her arms and wrapped it around her husband's body.
"Come on.. its okay..." she pat her husband's back trying to comfort him and stop him from having another panic attack. "Breath, my love... breath in..."
Miles take a deep breath and Luna smiled at that. "Yes, good.. now follow me.. breath out.." Miles let out a deep breath out. "Yes good.. now do that again for me again please?"
Miles starts to taking a deep deep breath in and out while Luna continue to give him comfort.
After a few minutes of that, Miles finally calm down enough for Luna to pull away.
"You're okay now, Miles?" Luna asked her husband because if he is still not okay.. well she can hold hik for how long he need it... just like the last time this happened.. it was one of the few times where she and Miles didn't attend breakfast at all and Luna had to leave it to Jaune to take over the kitchen and prepare food for his siblings.
The other times it happened.. well lets just say that its because she and Miles had done some strenuous activity that end only after midnight...
"Yeah... i think i'm fine... its just that..." Miles wanted to tell his wife but he doesn't know if he should tell her about the weird dream that he had or not.
"Miles.." Luna put a hand over her husband hand and squeeze it. "You know you can tell me anything right? I'm your wife, Miles.. i had seen you at your worst... whatever it is won't faze me anymore.."
Miles think about it and nodded because she isn't wrong.. she had been with him from his teenage days.. to the early days of his father death... to the past few years when one of his children hates his guts with the blame rightfully belongs to him..
"Yeah.. its just that.. i had this weird dream.." Miles squeezed his wife's hand. "I first woke up inside of a... weird forest... i called it the grimm forezts."
"And then.. i started to walk in a random direction hoping i would find a way out and i did.. i found a way out when i follow the sound of swords clashing." Miles explained to her and Luna nodded to signal him to continue telling her the story about what had happened in his dreams.
"When i got out of the forest, i walked into a clearing where 2 knights is sparring... the emerald knight and the knight king." Miles then let out a sigh. "I could considered the emerald knight to be one of the most skilled person i had ever saw but the knight king... he made fighting the emerald knight looks like childs play.."
"After the fighting end, they both have a conversation about perfection.. the emerald knight called the knight king as perfect and the knight king told him that he is not perfect because being perfect meant stagnation to him.." he then let out a sigh. "The emerald knight feels familiar to me.. but the knight king."
"What about the knight king, my love?" Luna aksed her husband gently because this could very well be the reason for his distress now.
"He... he looks exactly like dad when he was young..." Miles revealed to his wife and All Luna could do is blinked and covered her mouth.
"Oh.. that would be... jarring..."
"Jarring... yeah... after that, i woke up to you slapping my face i guess." Miles rub his cheek. "If i didn't have my Aura, i could have a handprint of my face now."
Luna laugh softly and slap his shoulder. "Oh hush now, i didn't slap you that hard."
Miles then chuckled. "Well.. you did..."
"Lets agree to disagree now... we don't want to be late for breakfast.. well we already are." Luna revealed to her husband.
"Damn... what time is it now?"
Luna pick up her scroll and look at the time. "Its already 8:30 in the morning, Jaune would probably finished cooking right now and the rest of the children are waiting for us."
Miles nodded before both him and his wife get off the bed and walk out of their room and headed straight downstairs to the kitchen.
'Weird.. i'm not smelling any of Jaune's cooking.. maybe he open the windows or something.' Miles thought to himself and when they both enter the dining room/kitchen they found all of their children sitting on their chair except for Jaune.
Saphron is trying to calm down Olivia.
Mordred look like she is not feeling good.. maybe she is sick or something because she looks a little pale and her eyes are red.
Jeanne is sitting there calmly.
And Noir is predictably bugging Blancheur about the lack of food on the table.
"Girls... where's Jaune?" Luna asked her children but her eyes is locked onto Mordred's pale face.
Saphron was the one who answered her rather than Mordred. "I don't know mom.. maybe he is still sleeping?" Her eyes look at Mordred.
It took a few seconds before Mordred blinked and realized that they are waiting for her to answer.
"Oh... i... i don't know..." she then rest her head on the table weakly as if she had lost all of her strength. "I'm not feeling well.... i think i got sick..." she replied weakly and it managed to make the other's heart hurts at seeing Mordred this vulnerable.. this could be the very first time any of them had seen Mordred being vulnerable.. most of her siblings never thought the word vulnerable could be associated with Mordred.
Luna quickly go to Mordred and use her semblance on her. "Its okay.. its been a while since the last time you've been sick Mordred.. its expected that the next time you would get sick, it would be pretty bad." She continue to use her semblance on her daughter while slowly rubbing her back.
"I.... i'll go check up on Jaune and wake him up." Miles made an excuse for him to get out of the dining room because he doesn't to make worsen Mordred's current condition without Jaune being there acting as a buffer between the two of them.
It doesn't take Miles long for him to reach Jaune's bedroom door. "Jaune... are you awake?" He knock on his son's door and waited for a few moment. Before he knock again after recieving no answer.
"Jaune... wake up..." he knock on the door again but this time, his instinct is saying that something is bad had happened.
Mile trusted his instinct but he doesn't want to risk Jaune being angry at him for breaking down his door. "Jaune, wake up! Its time for breakfast!"
Miles waited a few more second before he put his ears on the door and listen in into the room.
His heart feels like its crawling up his throat because all he can hear is... the sound of draft coming through the window.
His heart is beating against his chest but he force to calm himself down to not make a scene. "Jaune... i'll open your door okay?"
Miles twist the door knob but he can't open it because it looks like Jaune had lock it.
"Jaune! Open the door now!" He shouted into the door before he shakes his head and back away from the door.
He'll ask forgiveness from Jaune later for what he is about to do.
With a huff, Miles kick the door open and storm inside.
His worst fear had come true.. the room is completely clean as if somebody had make sure to leave it tidy, and yet the window is open... meanwhile, Miles couldn't see any sign from Jaune anywhere.
He can hear footsteps rushing up the stairs.
"Jaune!" Miles shouted in the hope that maybe his son is playing hide and seek as stupid as he sounded like.
Jeanne and Saphron burst into the room together and look at him.
"Dad! What happened! Why did you kick down the door!" Saphron shouted at him in panicked while Jeanne look around the room.
"Dad... where's Jaune?"
All Miles could do was stand still and try not to faint because he is having a panic attack, what if Jaune got kidnapped? Why did Jaune is not here? Did one of his enemy decided to take Jaune hostage?
A thousand thought ran through his kind but the most important thing is that he need to find Jaune.
"Saphron! Tell your mother to take care of the house! I'll go and look for Jaune!" Miles ordered his eldest daughter before he jumped out of the window and start to run to the town as fast as he can so he can start an emergency search party for Jaune.
'Hang in there Jaune! Dad is going to save you!'
[AN: So... i dropped some more lore on this shit... and before anyone ask, i may or may not are considering Mordred to Join the harem.. one of my readers told me that Mordred is much too... connected to Jaune to not be made into a waifu i guess.. and yeah.. i couldn't help but agree.. but then again, if their would even be a romance between Jaune and Mordred, it could only happen in arc 5 and above cause arc 2-3-4 would not have much of Mordred and she wouldn't meet Jaune until either the climax of Arc 4 or beginning of arc 5...]
[An2: give me reviews for gyat dyamn... and if you wanna give a low rating its okay too as long as you give me a constructive criticism so i can improve on my writing..]