Chapter 19: Chapter 19 Ravenclaw
'Interesting...' Daniel heard a voice in his mind the moment the Hat landed on his head.
'I can't read your memories at all,' the voice continued.
Daniel sighed, a bit relieved. 'So even the Sorting Hat can't read my memories,' he thought.
'No, I can't read your memories, but I can read your surface thoughts,' the Hat replied, almost as if it was matter-of-fact.
Daniel felt an awkward tension. 'Oh, so…' he thought, feeling a bit exposed. 'What do you do with the sorting if you can't read my memories?'
'I don't read everyone's memories, anyway, just the most memorable moments,' the Hat explained. 'But if I can't do that with you, I guess I can let you pick the house you want to be in.'
'Huh, you can do that?' Daniel thought, now genuinely surprised.
'I can do anything when it comes to sorting,' the Hat said, sounding smug. 'But before you decide, I've got a question for you.'
'Okay, shoot,' Daniel replied, curious but still cautious.
'How did you get Occlumency shields strong enough to block even me at such a young age? Is this some unique trait or mutation?'
Daniel stiffened. 'I'd rather not say,' he thought quickly, feeling a pang of unease.
'Hmm... alright,' the Hat said. 'So, what house do you want to be in?'
'Ravenclaw,' Daniel answered without hesitation.
'I guess it's our goodbye then,' the Hat said with a chuckle before shouting, "RAVENCLAW!"
As the Hat was lifted from his head, a wave of applause washed over him. The sound of clapping and murmurs of curiosity filled the air as Daniel rose to his feet. His robes shimmered and shifted, turning from plain black to a refined blend of blue and bronze, Ravenclaw's proud colors.
The Ravenclaw table greeted him with a mix of polite applause and intrigued stares. Some of the older students exchanged glances, no doubt wondering what had made the Sorting Hat deliberate so long on his choice.
When he reached the end of the long table, a boy with glasses flashed him a grin and nudged an empty seat next to him.
"Welcome to Ravenclaw!" the boy said, with a playful twinkle in his eye. "Hope you like riddles." The joke was a little lame, but Daniel smiled out of politeness anyway.
"Thanks for the warm welcome," Daniel replied, sliding into the seat next to him.
The Sorting ceremony continued, and before long, everyone had been sorted. At last, Headmaster Dumbledore stood from his seat to address the students.
"Welcome!" he said, his usual twinkle in his eyes. "I have a few start-of-term announcements I'd like to share. First years should note that the Forbidden Forest is strictly off-limits to all students," he said, casting a pointed glance at a pair of mischievous redheads. "Also, the Third Floor is off-limits to anyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."
A ripple of nervous laughter spread through the hall.
After pausing for dramatic effect, Dumbledore added, "And finally, I must tell you that magic in the corridors is strictly forbidden. The janitor has asked me to remind you of this. No magic in the corridors, please!"
The students exchanged amused glances. Dumbledore's unique style of humor always seemed to lighten the mood.
"Now, everyone, let's sing the Hogwarts hymn," Dumbledore announced, his voice lifting in a way that made the whole room fall silent.
Words appeared above his head, and everyone, even the most tone-deaf, joined in with varying degrees of enthusiasm:
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,Teach us something, please,Whether we be old and bald,Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling,With some interesting stuff,For now they're bare and full of air,Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,Bring back what we've forgot,Just do your best, we'll do the rest,And learn until our brains all rot."
As the last note faded, Dumbledore grinned. "Ah, music! What a beautiful thing," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
Then, without missing a beat, he declared, "And now, before we begin our feast, I'd like to say a few words..."
"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
A few chuckles rippled through the hall at the odd combination of words.
"Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore finished, and with a wave of his hand, the tables were magically filled with food.
Roast meats, golden mashed potatoes, peas, carrots, and various other dishes appeared, along with large bowls of treacle tart and other sweet treats. Drinks like pumpkin juice and water filled the goblets, creating a spread fit for royalty.
The entire hall buzzed with conversation as everyone dug in.
"The Sorting wasn't what I thought it would be," Michael, who had been sitting beside Daniel, remarked between mouthfuls of roast chicken.
Daniel glanced at him, leaning back in his chair. "Yeah, but if you think about it, some of us are Muggleborns, like me, so it wouldn't make sense to do a test," Daniel replied. "And don't even get me started on fighting."
Michael hummed in agreement. "You're right," he said, taking a swig of pumpkin juice.
They ate and chatted casually, the tension of the Sorting Ceremony slowly melting away, until the feast came to an end. Dumbledore stood up once more.
"The feast ends here. First years, the Prefects will take you to your common room," he announced and with that, he began walking away.
A voice spoke up, and Daniel turned to see an older student standing beside them. "Come with me. My name is Penelope Clearwater, and I will take you to the Ravenclaw common room," she said, her voice calm but warm as she guided the group toward the exit.
The Ravenclaw common room was located in a tower, like Gryffindor's, but it had its own unique charm. The entrance wasn't a simple door, it was guarded by a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. When Penelope knocked, the eagle came to life and posed a riddle,
"I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?"
"Anyone wants to take a guess?" Penelope asked, looking around at the first years.
Daniel raised his hand. "An echo," he said confidently, and the door swung open.
"Good," Penelope smiled, "Let's go inside."
The room beyond was nothing short of stunning. Spacious and airy, with tall, arched windows that framed the breathtaking view of the Hogwarts grounds. The walls were adorned with shelves full of books, a true reflection of Ravenclaw's intellectual nature. Comfortable chairs and study desks filled the room, providing the perfect space for both relaxation and study.
"Now, boys, your bedrooms are on the right, and girls, your rooms are on the left," Penelope continued as they neared a fork in the hallway. "Your belongings are in the trunks beside your beds. Goodnight," she added, before turning to head up the left staircase.
The boys made their way to their shared bedroom. As everyone found the bed that belonged to them, Daniel took a deep breath.
"I guess we should introduce ourselves," he said, eager to break the ice. "My name's Daniel."