Chapter 47: Chapter 47: The Ice Beast’s Temper Tantrum
The frost beast's icy blue eyes locked onto Chan Li, its breath misting the air like an overworked tea kettle. It let out a ground-shaking roar, flexing its enormous claws and smashing the ground in fury.
Yan Ling gulped. "Okay, so Plan A didn't work. Do we have a Plan B? Or at least a Plan 'RUN FOR YOUR LIVES'?!"
Chan Li cracked his knuckles. "Relax, it's just a big angry ice puppy."
The frost beast roared again.
Yan Ling scoffed. "A puppy?! That thing looks like it eats dragons for breakfast!"
Chan Li nodded sagely. "Exactly. Which is why I'm about to tame it."
Lan Xue crossed her arms. "Oh, this I have to see."
The Beast Whisperer
Chan Li took a deep breath and confidently stepped forward. The frost beast watched him cautiously as he raised a hand in an exaggerated, mystical gesture.
"Behold! The ancient and powerful technique of… belly rubs."
The entire team stared at him.
Yan Ling facepalmed. "You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding."
Chan Li ignored them and continued. "All creatures, no matter how fearsome, secretly crave one thing… affection."
The frost beast blinked. Then it growled, swinging a massive paw straight at Chan Li's head.
"Okay! Maybe not this one!" he yelped, dodging just in time.
Cold Feet and Hot Tempers
Liu Feng, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up. "Why don't we just distract it and run?"
"That's quitter talk," Chan Li declared, barely dodging another swipe. "Besides, I have a better plan!"
"Is it another dumb plan?" Yan Ling asked.
Before anyone could stop him, Chan Li pulled out a bag of freshly baked meat buns from his storage ring.
The frost beast froze mid-attack.
Its nose twitched.
"That's right, big guy… you want the bun, don't you?" Chan Li wiggled the bun temptingly.
The frost beast hesitated, its massive, razor-filled maw slightly opening as it took a cautious sniff. Then, in an instant, it lunged not for Chan Li, but for the bun.
"AHHHH, BAD DOG! BAD DOG!" Chan Li yelped, sprinting away as the ice beast chased him with surprising speed.
Yan Ling nearly fell over laughing. "Are we seriously watching our fearless leader get hunted by a beast because of a meat bun?!"
Lan Xue shook her head. "You know what? I'm not even surprised anymore."
The chase continued, with Chan Li zigzagging across the frozen battlefield, occasionally tossing a bun behind him to keep the beast distracted.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the frost beast stopped. It sat down, looking surprisingly satisfied as it licked the crumbs off its massive icy claws.
Chan Li huffed, hands on his knees. "See? What did I tell you? Affection and good food always win!"
Yan Ling rolled his eyes. "Sure. Let's pretend that wasn't the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen."
The frost beast let out a soft, pleased rumble… before promptly lying down and dozing off, snowflakes gently settling around it.
"Great," Liu Feng muttered. "We fought, ran, and then fed it into a food coma. Truly, this was an epic battle."