The Knowledgeable Professor

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Hello there, I supposed I should start with introductions, I am Raven Inanis, a shut in who barley manages to leave for work and groceries.

I am 21 years old, I live in California, somehow by myself, and I have no girlfriend. I work overnight shifts at a warehouse company and oversee finances. I also have no living relatives, that care for me and vice versa anyway.

I also have a huge Pokemon addiction.

My entire apartment is filled with Pokemon merchandise.

I also have bookshelves filled with journals on Pokemon theories I couldn't help to think about.

Mega evolution, the need for trade evolution and the magnetic waves used to cause it and other things for special types of evolutions and needed things to evovle. Theories on why Pokemon evolved the way they did.

Ring ring

Ugh, why can't they leave me alone! I'm almost done with figuring out the reason of the different forms for Koraidon and Miraidon.

"Hello?" I answered the phone finally, scowling as I saw the name of my manager, a decent guy admittedly, but annoying when rushing over projects.

"Hey, sorry to call you Raven, but we just had the other shift call out tonight, can you come in?"


"2.5 times pay, full shift." I responded back and heard a hum.

"Deal. Thanks for accepting. I'll see you when you get here tonight." They hung up and I groaned as I fell backwards into my chair.

"You have mail! You have mail!" I heard and looked to see a mail notification. Oh? A someone actually responded back about my theory on mega evolution stones.

"I agree with your theory, but how does the Infinity Energy match the wavelengths and allow for mega evolution control through bonding of trainer and pokemon?"

Oh, someone else knows about the proper terms to use, or at least fully read my theory.

"A challange!" I grinned happily before responding, it wouldn't be until I had to leave for work that I stopped going back and forth with the person.


"Hm?" Why is my latop glowing? Is that a hand coming through the screen? Damn those drugs are good… wait I'm not on any drugs!

Oh it is real, yeah, I probably should be doing something as I watch it grab me, but this was far to interesting to not see through.

Next thing I know is I passed out.


"Welcome to my realm my friend!" A voice said as I woke up, standing before me was a man, or at least I assume so. It had the general shape and form of a man, but was made of some form of energy, a laptop laying besides them.

"God?" I asked mostly jokingly.

"Nope, he's got the best parties though. I'm, let's call me a divine being and leave it at that. Feel free to call me… uhhhh, John. Yeah, John." The now name chosen John said happily.

"Ok John, why am I here?" I asked curiously, this space looked like a cloud with a floor on it, no walls or roof. Just a table, laptop and snack bowl.

"Because my friend, your theories on Pokemon are inspiring. When Arceus created the Pokemon multiverse, no one quite understood it all. Sure we could do something similar, but it was so unique that we still are trying to understand all there is about Pokemon. Your theories are ground breaking." John said with a maniac like grin.

"Ok, that's nice to known, but doesn't explain why I am here!" I said back and John nodded his head.

"Right right. My bad. I happen to be owed a favor by Arceus, and I'm going to use for something special. I'm going to reincarnate you into one of the Pokemon universes with a couple blessings, if you want to. If not, I can always send you back home. You're my theories buddy, I ain't gonna do you bad." John said seriously and I thought on that.

"Go into more details. Timeline. Benefits. All of it." I said, because who wouldn't want to go into the Pokemon universe if you can do it safely.


"and that's everything." John finished explaining as I nodded my head.

"Deal. Now I gotta pick which pokemon to have though. This sucks balls." I said groaning as John laughed.

"Maybe a suggestion. You have two choices. No legendaries of course, Arceus did say you have to catch them yourself if you want one." John smirked and I looked at him with a glare.

Tobias better watch out, because I'm going to one up him one day, if he exist.

"Alright, let's see. I do want a mega Pokemon since I could study mega evolution… wait, what items will I have on me when I reincarnate?" I asked as I looked at John who smirked, the smug bastard.

"You'll have a pokedex, in the form of a rotom phone with an Arceus case, becuase that's the best one. A backpack with camping gear, some food and water, some for your Pokemon once chosen, and a bit of money as starting funds. Oh, and some identity documents." John said and I hummed.

"So no mega stuff then?" I asked and he shook his head grinning.

Ok, that's changed my mind then, mostly. I'll still iffy if I should get one of them now anyway to work on my bond with them.

"Take your time, it's meaningless in my realm." John said and I took his advice and laid flat on my back and started deeply thinking, there was a crap ton of pokemon to choose from.


"I've made my mind up!" I declared after who knows how long.

"By me, that was a while. Alright hit me." John said grinning.

"First, I've decided on Gengar with the Levitate ability." I said as John nodded.

"Second was a tough choice I'll admit. I had to think hard on it, and I ended up choosing Koraidon!" I grinned as John seemed to think, by all technicality, it wasn't a legendary, it was just a prestoric version of cyclizar, who so happened to be an apex predator.

"Alright. Now that we did that. The best part, bonsuses!" John said happily and snapped his finger as a glowing blue orb formed in the air crackling.

"You're going to the Pokemon world, it's time to, as they say, get good. Aura enchantment time baby." John said ferally and the orb shot into my chest and I felt a scream break through my lips as I felt like I was melting.

It felt like an eternity before it stopped.

However now I could feel some kind of energy running inside of me.


Oh how I'm going to have fun exploring this power in the future.

"Now that we finished that, I wish you luck." John said and Sparta kicked me while I was focusing on the power of aura.

"I need a Lucario." I mumbled before it all went black again.


The next thing I know, I'm laying flat on my back in a forest. A backpack besides me.

"Ok, time to check if it's real." I said to myself as I looked down and saw two pokeballs sitting on a belt with clips for them, probably magnetic, and tossed them out hoping that was how it worked.

"Gastly?" "Koraidon?"

I took a deep breath before smiling.

"Hello you two, I'm Raven Inanis, and I supposed I'm your trainer. I hope we can get along well." I said softly as both Pokemon stared at me before loudly proclaiming their names.

"I'll take that as a yes." I said smiling as I gently rubbed Koraidon's head as it purred under my touch. Gastly cackled as it floated next to me.

"I think we'll get along just fine." I grinned as I grabbed the backpack and went through it, eventually finding my documents and studying them.

When in doubt, play the amnesia card when reincarnated.

Wait, could a psychic Pokemon read my mind and find out everything?

Oh well, that sounds like a future me problem.

Now, I supposed I should figure out where I am.

"Rotom, where am I at exactly?" I asked as the phone blitzed out of my pocket and floated in front of me. Koraidon and Gastly looking curiously.

"Gast?" "Kor?"

"Bzzt! You are currently in the Kanto Region. Viridian Forest." The rotom phone said and floated behind him now.

"That's an ally, pretty shy, but a great companion. Now, let's see if I can do this how I think. Rotom, scan Koraidon and Gastly." I said as the possessed phone floated in front of the two Pokemon who curiously looked at it.

Gastly - The Gasious Pokemon

Gender: [Male]

Ability: Levitate

Moves: [Confuse Ray] [Lick] [Disable]

Koraidon - ?

Gender: [Female]

Ability: ?

Moves: [Breaking Swipe] [Sunny Day]

Ok, not too bad. Not at all. I can work with this. The first gym is Brock, rock type gym. At least it's probably Brock.

"Rotom update Koraidon's ability as Orichalcum Pulse. Also, pull up information on Pewter City Gym for me." I said as I hummed and read through the details showed on the gym.

It was Brock still, so if this follows the anime timeline, if I'm on that timeline, hopefully I am, I should be facing Geodude and Onyx. Gastly should be able to handle Geodude, Koraidon can handle Onyx. Hm, I should teach Koraidon, Rock Smash. What to try teaching Gastly though? Toxic!

I should probably get some Pecha Berries and Oran Berries. Just in case.

"Koraidon, we're gonna start on your moves. You have Breaking Swipe, a dragon type move used through your tail." I said as she nodded excitedly. Her tail gaining some kind of minor glow to it as she swung it at a rock, but only cracked it.

"Good try. I'm sure with a little practice you'll be smashing everything, that also brings me onto your next move, I want you to learn this one. Rock Smash. You punch a rock with the strength to break it. Your remaining move is Sunny Day, it lets you make the weather sunny on command, though it's mostly pointless due to your ability, but still useful to boost it if someone somehow tries to change the weather against us." I said as she nodded excitedly looking at her first and running off.

Gastly floated in front of me swishing about excitedly.

"Gastly, you have the moves Confuse Ray, Lick and Disable. Confuse Ray causes confusion when you hit them with it, something we can't really practice without targets that aren't Koraidon. For now, practice using Lick. Figure out the range and speed of it, and go beyond that." I said as Gastly bobbed up and down before floating away to sling its tongue about.

Ok, now it's time to do my own physical workout, I gotta get strong too. A lot of walking ahead, well maybe I can ride Koraidon, but still, I'll need to do a lot of walking nonetheless.

Yet, a large smile formed on my face.

This was the beginning of my journey!

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