Chapter 2: Chapter 2
Ok, I might have forgotten how bad I was at directions…
I got lost, even with Rotom guiding me about.
"Bzzt! Go left! No that's right! How did you manage to do a full loop!? Bzzt!"
Yeah, that happened, so he was shoved into the back of Koraidon and Rotom gave her directions.
"I challange you!" A voice yelled and I tapped Koraidon to stop running as I looked to my left to see the samauri brat from season one.
"Ok. I only have two Pokemon on hand though." I accepted, after all I'm in the Pokemon world, why wouldn't I battle?
"Deal. Metapod go!" Samurai said tossing out his pokeball revealing the famed hardening Pokemon.
"Gastly it's time to play." I said as I tossed out Gastly from his pokeball since it was unsafe for him to move at those speeds while still a Gastly.
"Gastly!" Gastly cackled as it floated into position.
"Metapod harden!" Samurai called out and I sighed, welp, it was time to deal with this.
"Gastly use Disable, Confuse Ray and then Lick." I ordered smiling as Gastly cackled and did so.
"Metapod use-" Gastly had finished using its only known moves and had wrapped its tongue around Metapod and tossed it up before dropping it.
"Metapod?" The Metapod called out before it fainted.
That was too easy.
"You did good Metapod." Samurai whispered as he withdrew it, and I couldn't help it and sweat drop, what was he seeing, that was anything short of good. Perhaps it was mental conditioning to prevent depression and delayed evolution?
"Come on out, Pinsir! Use close combat." I just blinked, as did Gastly as the Pinsir flew through him.
"Ok that happened. Gastly return, Koraidon hop in with Breaking Swipe, followed by a Rock Smash." I ordered as Koraidon jumped from my side.
"Koraidon!" Yelled out happily as she jumped into the battle and tail smacked the confused Pinsir and then landed a heavy punch to it, I did notice the flashing of the energy for Rock Punch though as she landed the hit, more training!
"Pinsir! Pin!" Pinsir yelled out as it stood back up.
"Use bug bite!" Its trainer called out and I only smiled.
"Dodge and follow up with full power Breaking Swipe." I called out softly knowing she could hear me just fine.
Koraidon taunted Pinsir as she dodged the bug bite and spun around landing a hard tail smack sending the Pinsir flying back and securing the victory for me.
Samurai recalled Pinsir seeing it fainted.
"You have bested me trainer, I must know though, how did your Pokemon evade my close combat?" I sweat dropped and sighed, was he really that stupid?
"Gastly is a ghost type, fighting types can't hit him." I said, of course there was ways to make that work, but this wasn't one of them.
"Oh I see, that is good to know. Here is 500 pokedollars for winning the battle. Next time we meet I'll win."
"Koraidon!" (◦▼◦)
Oh I forgot you get money for beating people up and it's legal if they agree to get beat up!
"I doubt it." I mumbled before I mounted Koraidon again as Rotom gave us directions to finally get to Pewter City, the place of my first gym badge.
I'm confident with my two Pokemon, and who knows, maybe in the future I'll have an amazing full team.
I don't exactly want to catch a ton of Pokemon besides my own team in the future, it would be like leaving your pet behind and only occasionally visiting it. Leaving it home all alone.
Yeah no. I'd only ever have a small team of Pokemon, plus feeding them all would be a massive pain in the ass to handle all the time.
"Bzzt we've arrived at Pewter City." Rotom announced, and true to his words, we did.
"Thank you Rotom, can you guide us to the Pokemon center." I said and he flew about excitedly and led me to the big red building that was the Pokemon center.
"Welcome in. Are you looking to book a room with us tonight?" Nurse Joy asked and I felt a calming like pressure in her presence.
Some kind of calming aura unique to the joy line?
"Yeah, how much is it? Also can I register for the Indigo Leauge Tournament here?" I asked and she nodded.
"Yes. Just let me see your identification, and a room is 100 pokedollars a night." She answered and I hummed.
"I'll take a room for a week then if you have availability. Also can you check out my two Pokemon? My Gastly just finished battling, he didn't take any damage, but I wanna give him a check up. Also my second Pokemon is… unique. She's a good girl though despite how she looks." I said as Nurse Joy smiled and took the two pokeballs from me and went into the back after handing me my key and telling me my room number.
The next morning I stretched as I decided to go and book my gym appointment, because that's a thing here. Make an appointment, or hope there's an availability soon.
Just like a restaurant.
"We do have an opening right now if you wish to battle immediately, otherwise the next available time is… 13 days later." The receptionist said as he looked through the avabilty.
"Guess I'm battling now then." I said as he nodded and gestured for me to head on in.
The room was dark, but I expected this and confidently stood in my spot.
"Stare your name challenger!" A deep voice said and I smiled.
"Raven Inanis, seeking my first badge!" I said as the lights flashed on to show Brock standing on a hill of rocks before he stepped forward and casually with ease slid down it before landing in his spot.
"Very well, I am Brock Harrison. The Gym Leader of Pewter City. We shall both be using two Pokemon. You shall be allowed to switch out as you wish. The referee has the right to call out your Pokemon if he decides it's beyond its limit." Brock said seriously.
"Got it, I only have one question." I said with a smile as Brock nodded. "How many times did you fall before perfecting that entrance?"
"One too many times. Ref." Brock said after a moment as the referee raised his flags up.
"This is a zero badge battle between Gym Leader Brock Harrison and Trainer Raven Inanis. Gym leader sends out first." The referee said as Brock started with his Geodude.
"It's time to play." I said tossing out Gastly's ball.
(°▾°) "Gastly!"
"A Gastly huh? Very well, Geodude use-"
"Gastly use Lick followed by Confuse Ray!" I ordered immediately.
(≧▽≦) Gastly cackled as it did so.
"A good start, but don't discount us yet. Geodude, use Rock Throw!" Brock said just before lick could happen. However the tongue and rocks seemed to cancel each other out, but the confuse Ray still landed.
"Gastly lick again, and toss them up and then toss them down like we practiced!" I ordered as Gastly did so.
Geodude laid on the ground before it slightly floated it and hit itself. Gastly went for another lick again, however it didn't matter as Brock recalled his Geodude, forgeiting the Pokemon.
"A good plan, to use the first lick to enable confuse Ray to land. Then imitating Schesmic Toss with Lick as well, well done." Brock praised and I only scratched the back of my head, it wasn't imitating that move, he and Gastly just liked the idea of slamming the Pokemon down to cover their lack of moves currently.
"However! You are not the winner just yet! Shake the field, Onyx!" Brock called out as he tossed out another pokeball and his Onyx popped out roaring.
"OOOONNNNYYYYYXXXXX!" It roared as it set its sights on the gaseous Pokemon floating nearby.
"Gastly! Gas! Gas!"
"Sorry Gastly, but you won't do good against Onyx, return!" I said as I recalled Gastly to his pokeball. "Quick question, any recordings here are private, or can be made private by request by any chance?" I asked Brock who made a more serious face.
"Yes, it will be saved into leauge drives, but locked only those of high clearance can access." Brock responded and I nodded.
"Ok, good to know. It's time to show your primal might, go Koraidon!" I said with a wide smile as I tossed her pokeball out and she came out roaring.
"KORAIDON!" Her roar momentary shook the surrounding rocks. Onyx and Brocn both locked in on her and I saw understanding in his eyes about my question.
"Battle begin!" The referee declared and I smiled.
"Koraidon, double rock smash!" I yelled out as she ran forward at Onyx, both her fist glowing with fighting type energy as she went to slam them into the living rock snake.
"Onyx use your tail to grab them and squeeze!" Brock ordered and I smiled, just what I wanted.
"Koraidon switch breaking swipe!" I ordered as Koraidon grinned showing her sharp teeth before her glowing blue tail smacked into the rock tail and smacked it away as she fell downwards after the momentum put her into the air.
"Rock Smash!" I ordered.
"Harden and Rock Throw!" Brock ordered in return as Onyx glowed white momentarily before roaring as a few rocks shot from the ground at Koraidon.
"Punch those rocks right back Koraidon!" I ordered, and watched as she did so, the rocks sent flying back into Onyx as she came down and landed a hard Rock Smash.
Onyx roared and sprung up sending Koraidon flying back into my side of the field.
"Good job Onyx! Now use tackle!" Brock ordered.
I could feel a battle maniac worth grin forming on my face, my heart pounding strongly, each individual pump, and I was loving it. By the look on my fighting dragons face, she was too. Our eyes locked for a moment and the same grin was shared on our face.
Both pokemon yelled out as they gave it their all and slammed into each other using all their strength, and both Brock and I waited for the dust to clear, and when it did, I felt elation.
Koraidon stood triumphantly over Onyx who was knocked out on the field as she stood with one foot on his head.
"KORAI!" She roared out proclaiming her victory. She then gently got off Onyx as Brock recalled his rock snake.
"We did it!" I yelled as I wrapped my hands around her neck as she purred in content.
"The winner is Raven Inanis!" The referee called out a bit delayed.
Brock walked up smiling.
"You have a good bond. May I ask what type of pokemon she is?" Brock asked curious as he took in her features.
"She is, well an easy way of explaining it is a prehistoric form of a pokemon from a different region. You might know them as Cyclzar." I said, and normally I wouldn't reveal this, but Brock was a gym leader and a good man.
"I can understand why you would want to hide her for the moment then. What is her type? Dragon?" Brock asked and I smiled.
"Dragon/Fighting." I responded.
"I see. Hm, how interesting. She is definitely a Pokemon befitting of the prehistoric time." Brock mumbled before shaking his head and handed over two items.
"The Boulder Badge, and a TM for the move Rock Tomb. Once you get stronger, I would like to face you again with my personal team." Brock said as he gave me the items and offered a hand shake, I took them with one hand and shook his hand with the other.
"Me too. For now though, I should probably get my pokemon healed up." I said as I inspected the injuries of Koraidon who smiled as she returned herself to her pokeball.
"Mr as well, so let us head out." Brock said with a smile.