Chapter 3: Chapter 3
Raven and Brock sat in the Pokemon center waiting area while their Pokemon healed up, apparently I had been Brock's last battle for the day.
"So how did you and Koraidon meet?" Brock asked curiously and I hummed as I thought about that. What kind of lie did I want to use? Lying was easy to do, but being good at lying was something I wasn't the best at, I was still good though, and this was a tough decision.
Oh well, redirection it is.
"Let's just say it was something I don't want to talk about, but it was worth it." I responded, and it was by technicality the truth.
I want to talk about my reincarnation, but it was definitely worth it to be here and have my two Pokemon.
"I understand. What can you tell me about her though?" Brock asked excitedly.
"Well she enjoys sandwiches a lot, her preferred meal. She enjoys battling as much as I do, she's physically very strong as you saw with Onyx. However we're still learning more right now. I'm mainly focusing on my bond and mastering current moves before focusing on going further." I told him, keeping it simple, but not evasive.
"I see. Sandwiches huh? That's an odd choice, but I've seen weirder dietary choices." Brock chuckled as he remembered the odd choices of meals by Pokemon and humans.
"Yeah, but she likes them and they aren't bad for her. She eats her healthy food, so she can enjoy some sandwiches." Brock nodded at my response in agreement. So long as they are healthy, some extra food of desire wasn't bad for them.
Hey now that I think about it, should I mention something to Brock about Flint? I did double check he was here and selling his stones. I checked myself to see if he had any mega stones for the fanfiction trope, but sadly that isn't real.
Hmm, fuck up the timeline, or make it better to keep it similar as it can possibly be so I can use my meta knowledge?
Fuck it, we ball. The Pokemon world is about adventuring anyway, and deadbeat dads can suck it, I'm speaking from personal experience in that.
"Question, though it might be a little personal?" I asked Brock who stared with narrowed eyes, which was weird since his eyes were normally closed.
"Go ahead."
"I saw this guy earlier by the other pokemart earlier, and when I researched the gym, he had a similar appearance to your father the former gym leader. He was selling stones." I said as Brock asked me to guide him, I agreed once we got out Pokémon, which conveniently Nurse Joy called for.
"Koraidon can you lead us back to that hobo looking man selling stones?" I asked and she nodded and happily started walking, her tail redirecting me at times.
"I'm bad with directions." I chuckled embarrassed as Koraidon lifted me onto her back with her tail. Brock only laughed in amusement.
However his face turned serious as he stopped and stared at his father who froze.
"Father." Brock's tone was ice cold as he glared at the man. "Don't you dare even think of moving from that spot." He snarled out angrily. He then turned back towards me. Scary~
"Raven, I thank you for the help, I would like to talk with you later, if you wouldn't be opposed to meeting me at the Pokemon center at 7pm, I'd appreciate. Have these free tickets to the pewter city museum. It's the giant building that way." Brock said, the last part directed to Koraidon who grinned at Brock and I nodded my head in agreement.
A gentle tap to her side had Koraidon moving, Flint's panicking expression gave me a good bit of glee.
I hate people who abandon their family, they are the worst and deserve their pain and suffering.
I had to admit, looking at all the old stuff in the pewter city museum was cool. Gastly was now floating around me, Koraidon resting in her ball. Also to hide her presence for now.
I guess Gastly really liked this type of stuff. It was cool admittedly, but I preferred the researching part, aka the part before it gets shoved into the museums.
"Gastly!" I turned towards Gastly and saw him pointing to what I knew immediately was the future for my little Gastly.
A very old mural of what in assuming could be either old Hoenn or Kalos, before even Lumos City of Kalos. What was depicted in it though?
Mega Gengar.
"Good eye, that's your figure right there." I said as he made excited sounds. "When you eventually become a Gengar and we find a pair of stones, you will be glorious." I whispered knowing that Gastly could easily hear me.
"Gastly! Gas!" He cheered and I smiled as we continued, but not before I took a picture of the mural.
Hm, besides the mural, there were a few more mega pokemon hidden in, Charizard, Metagross, Absol, Lopunny and Sharpedo.
I did take picture of those spots there murals depicted, if I ever find those spots I might find a mega stone.
"Bzzt, it is 6:30!" Rotom alerted me and I smiled before Gastly lead me back out of the museum, and I may or may not have gotten lost three times before Gastly dragged my sleeve covered arm with his tongue.
"I'm glad you could make it Raven, as a thank you gift, I wanted to offer if you would like to have dinner with my family tonight?" Brock asked and I was almost immediately wanting to accept, Brock's food was legendary if he could feed Ash and all his Pokemon.
"Of course. If it wouldn't inconvenience you." I answered and he smiled.
"Not a problem at all. I only ask for a little help preparing dinner. My siblings will handle everything else, they can do many things I've taught them, but cooking is not one of them." Brock said with a small laugh and I smiled.
"Then I'd be glad to join you." I said as we started walking, Gastly occasionally stopped and guided me where I needed to go.
Dinner was a fun thing, chaos would be the best way to sum it up. Good chaos, but chaos nonetheless.
Brock introduced me to all his siblings.
Forest, Salvadore, Yolanda, Tommy, Cindy, Suzie, Timmy, Billy and Tilly.
Nine goddamn siblings, Flint and Lola truly don't know what protection is, that or the Harrison family line is too powerful for birth control.
Though I was amazed how easily Brock identified each sibling of his. One glance and he knew who it was, which was crazy because they look the damn same.
Flint was in a corner sulking as he was ignored.
After dinner and Brock put all his siblings to bed, he and I were doing the dishes, Koraidon and Gastly were sleeping. Geodude laid there as well asleep, Onyx curled around them all. I snapped a photo real quick, it was so adorable!
"I have to thank you Raven, when my parents took off, I was all alone to take care of my siblings. I was just a kid myself, I had to learn quickly. How to budget all the money we got from being a main gym. It was tough, but I like to think I did a good job. With our father back, perhaps things can get even better." Brock said and I smiled as I handed him a dirty plate.
"You did an excellent job Brock. You can perfectly name each of your siblings correctly with a single glance. You manage the gym and your home. Take care of all your siblings needs. It's admirable." I spoke from the heart, and I meant it. Seeing it in the anime/manga was one thing, but here in real life, it was even crazier seeing all the things Brock did.
He deserves better.
"What about your family?" Brock asked and I frowned as I thought about that cluster fuck.
"It's not the greatest story." I said with a grunt. "Father ditched town faster then a Snorlax smelling food. Mom stayed around, but passed away from an illness. Other relatives couldn't give a single thought and said they wanted nothing to do with me. Spent some time in foster care before I got out of it and became a trainer. I met Gastly and Koraidon and I've been happier then I have in a long time." I explained and Brock nodded in understanding.
"I understand, family is a tough thing, but you're happy, and that's what matters." Brock said and I nodded in agreement.
I was happy and that's what was good.
"Here, take my number, if you want to and I'm available, we can talk." Brock said as he wrote his number on a piece of paper and I stuffed it into my pocket.
"Will do." I said as we finished the dishes in silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable to do.
I ended up spending the next few days training at the Pokemon center and hanging about with Brock and his family.
It was a lot of fun.
Can I just say that I loved how I wrote this chapter, but damn if auto correct didn't make me want to shoot myself. Everytime I typed Brock, it wants to autocorrect to Brick lmfao.
Anyway I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.
Voidy, The Insomniac