The Knowledgeable Professor

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

It was a slightly mist goodbye to the Harrison family, minus Flint, fuck that guy, and I was heading out to continue my journey a week later.

My next destination, Mt. Moon.

After thinking on all the Pokemon that are native to that area I decided to avoid catching any of them. While I initially thought of catching a Clefairy or Zubat, I decided against it.

It wasn't that the Pokemon were bad, not at all, but they just weren't something I would see myself wanting to work with every day, it's just personal preference.

Sorry not sorry.

So began the climb. Passing through Mt. Moon was fun. We had a few battles with trainers, a lot of newbies, so I didn't loose a single battle, though there was some close calls.

Gastly learned Mean Look and Payback. All through battle and I was so proud of him.

Koraidon learned Fire Fang and Agility, again through battle.

Of course we hunkered down and I put them through the ringer to learn their moves properly. I wouldn't have either of them doing their moves improperly, one that was just bad, and two it could be painful for them if they got into that habit, so I corrected it.

Speaking of-

"Koraidon agility into fire fang!" I called out as she blurred and vanished, before appearing besides her opponent, a Clefairy.

Hm, now that I think about it, I should do some research into if fairy types are properly known currently in all regions.

Food for thought.

"Koraidon breaking swipe!" I called out after a moment and I heard a cry before the trainer returned their Clefairy.

"You win, but next time I'll win!" They said and handed me some money before running off. I'll probably never see them again.

"Whatever." I mumbled as I scratched Koraidon under her chin, I had thought about giving them nicknames, but neither of them wanted one, so I decided to shrug off nicknames for now, perhaps in the future.

"Let's go girl, I wanna see if I can get some moon stones." I said as she took off in a sprint the moment I got onto her back.

"Koraidon!" She yelled as she jumped over a big stone, looking down, I saw a few Pokemon startled as they saw us, but we were gone before they could fully process it.

Hm, perhaps I should see if Koraidon can enter her battle form soon. Also try and see about helping her learn to glide, oh I hope she can eventually fly like in the games second DLC where you unlock true flight.

Having extra power would be great, but I can always work around it till she's ready in the future, for now though…

"Dodge left!" I called out as I saw a bit of poison powder coming our way. A small group of Paras being the culprit.

"Gastly come out give them some payback." I said as Gastly cackled as he appeared and hit them all with his move. "Koraidon breaking swipe now!" I added as she hit them, I was clutching on tightly and grinning through it all.

"That's that. However why are Paras doing on the main path of Mt. Moon they usually stick to the edges of the denser forest area and the caves." I mumbled out before I glared deeply in the direction of the cave, I could avoid it, should avoid it, but damn it if this doesn't call to my adventurous spirit.

"Rotom, guide us to the entrance of the main cave of Mt. Moon." I ordered and the phone buzzed before we started moving. Gastly was returned to make it easier and faster.


"Team Rocket." I mumbled, not totally surprised, and hid out of sight as I dialed up Brock, quietly.

"Raven, call so soon-"

"Brock team rocket is doing something in the main Mt. Moon cave. They've hung up a lot of lights and are mining for something." I said quietly.

"Stay hidden, I'll call the leauge and have them send people immediately." Brock said and cut the call to do said call.

"Well look what we have here, a brat and a rare pokemon it seems, come on out-"

"Koraidon quietly knock them out!" I ordered sharply and I grinned at the thump I heard hit the ground. I dragged their body into the foliage and stripped them of their clothes.

It was time to play dress up.

Now freshly dressed in a uniform of team rocket, I made my way into the area while having Rotom record everything. Not that he wasn't already since before I knocked the guy out. I'm very meticulous about how I do things. Also for my safety.

"There an issue grunt?" A voice asked and i immediately played into the role.

"No sir, was just some wild pokemon, I chased them off." I said standing at attention.

"Good. With less distractions we can mine these moonstones for boss faster. Grab a pickaxe and get to mining." The man ordered and I saluted him before moving to do that, ensuring Rotom had good angles of everything and peoples faces as they mined.

With a grunt I swung my pickaxe into the stones mining away. Occasionally hearing people call out they found a moonstone.

I had hit one myself, but quickly shoved it into my pocket. Yoink. I worked for it, so it's mine.

"Everyone take five. Get some water and food." The leader, or who I assume they were without being an admin, ordered.

"Man this is such tiring work, but the boss wants these moonstones, so he's gonna get it." I heard one of the grunts say as he sat down and took a sip of water and ate some protein bars.

"Yeah, though I wonder what boss wants with all these stones?" Another grunt asked curiously and I wondered the same.

"Who knows, only the higher ups know anything like that, but I've heard it's something big and involving heavy power." A third grunt said in respond and I decided to use this time to slip away.

"Hey where you going?" A fourth grunt asked me, and I grinned at her.

"Gotta take a piss, unless you want me to do it here?" I gave her a saucy wink, or at least I hope it was, I'm a bit rusty.

"Disgusting pervert." She said with a glare and I grinned as I walked off. I could hear the laughter of the other grunts.


Five minutes later I was slowly making my way through the caves while trying to be sneaky.

"Sir, from our estimation we've mined 78% of the total moonstones located in Mt. Moon. So far we haven't found the location of the possible large moonstone. We estimate the total moonstones found so far will just be enough for Project Storm." A voice said and I froze and dared not make a single move or sound.

"Good. Excellent work Admin Ariana. I will expect another call soon in the future about the completion of the mission." The boss, obviously, said pleased before the line cut. I wait a minute before stumbling my way forward that way.

"Grunt what are you doing this far from the operation?" Ariana asked with a cold smile and I froze.

"Sorry Ma'am! I went to the bathroom and got lost, these caves are a maze." I said as she sighed.

"Damnit, I told Archer we should have set up designated bathroom areas. Follow me, I'll lead you back." She said and I saluted her before following her.

Damn did she have a great ass. I'd smash.

"Now we're back grunt, get back to wor-" she was cut off by an explosion, and she ran towards it.

"THE LEAGUE IS HERE!" A few grunts yelled out as they started sending out their pokemon. I took that chance to ditch the rocket uniform and hit the fucking road. This was not my problem anymore.

Ten minutes later, I had somehow managed to get out and saw Brock commanding his Onyx to attack some grunts.

"Brock!" I called out as I ran towards him, he shot me a grin before ordering a rock throw.

"Raven I'm glad you're ok. Stick with me this shouldn't last-" Brock was cut off as all the team rocket members vanished in a dark purple glow.

"Shit, they escaped. Onyx search for any left over people." Brock ordered and I waited till everything calmed down fully before I explained what I saw.

"Brock." A voice called out and I turned and saw Lance on his Dragonite. So fucking cool!

Hyper Beam Master himself! The flying type master!

"Lance. This is Raven Inanis, he made the call about Team Rocket." Brock introduced and explained shortly as I offered a hand to Lance who dismounted his Dragonite and shook it.

"A pleasure. Feel free to call me Lance. Tell me everything you can." Lance said and I smiled as showed them my Rotom phone which started playing evening.

"A risky thing you did, but very brave. Send that to my number, it's." Lance started telling me his number, Rotom of course saved it, why wouldn't he?

"Thank you, I'll make sure a reward is given to you." Lance said and I wanted to ask him about any tips for dragon pokemon, he clearly noticed my hesitation, it wasn't anything big, I just didn't want to showcase Koraidon out in the open like this.

"You can ask." Lance said and i immediately did ask for dragon type pokemon tips.

"Got a dragon type eh? Well this should help, I personally wrote this, I think it's a sutible reward for revealing such big plans of team rocket, and the fact that they also apperently have a strong teleporter. Well done. I'm off now!" Lance said with a grin as he sent me something to Rotom and it was a guide to dragon types and a lot of their moves.

Amazing, as expected of the flying type master.



Can I just say, SMASH!

Also if you know, you know.

Till next time!

Voidy, The Insomniac who is writing this chapter and last chapter at work. Tehe.


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