The Knowledgeable Professor

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

It had been three days since i beat Lt. Surge. Koraidon had fully recovered since then. Haunter had been cackling away happily. Eevee had been depressed loosing her first battle, even though she tied, however one little trip into steamrolling a few trainers also camping out and she felt better.

So now I glanced at the tree where my dart had been thrown and a dice rolled in my hand. It was time to pick my next destination.

Fuchisa City. Gym Leader Koga and his poison types. I really should put battling him off as well since I don't exactly have a psychic type pokemon on hand.

Though admittedly if he used any of the teams not native to Red and Blue, I should theoretically be good to go, via Koraidon spamming [Flamethrower].

Fire is a hell of a pest control.

Of course that's once she can properly learn the move. Perhaps I should skip the gym?

No! We can't grow if we just take the easy way out, plus Haunter can be a good naturalizer if needed as well. He resist Bug and Poison types moves. So I should in theory have a decent chance against Koga with him.

Now we just needed to go through five different routes to reach the city, at least that way my Pokemon can gain some more battling experience.

"Alright I've decided." I called out to my Pokemon who stopped messing around with each other and made their way over to me.

"Our next stop is Fuchsia City, home to the poison type gym. Haunter you will be a good choice here, your [Hypnosis] will be especially be super effective. Koraidon we'll work on your [Flamethrower] attack to get it working. Eevee, we'll work on perfecting your remaining moves." I called out as my pokemon called out happily before I packed everything up and we started on our way to going through routes 11-15.

I had looked up the current Pokemon inhabiting those routes and I had considered Scyther, Nidoran and Tauros. However after some debating with my Pokemon, we decided to keep with us three for now.

However we did decide on our future teammate as we went through routes 11-15. More specifically we needed and wanted a water type.

Sure I had taught Koraidon how to swim like the beast she was in some small lakes, but she didn't count as a water type, no matter how many times she imitated water gun by shooting water out of her mouth she inhaled.

So after some deliberation, my team and I decided on our next victim, partner! I totally meant partner. Totally…

Anyway, we decided on Lapras. Though if I run into a shiny Magikarp I'll be taking that in instead. Red Gyrados goes hard as hell.

An a quick call over to Bill, who had some insider information, and I found out there was a Lapras pod expected to go through that area near Fuchsia City within two weeks.

Just enough time for me to reach the city, fight the gym, and win because we refused to lose. I'd need to rent a boat, is what I'd say if Koraidon wasn't an excellent swimmer. She can carry Eevee and I. Haunter can float besides us.

Of course I also thought about the cons of catching a Lapras. I'll definitely have much more attention on me by the league, and by connection to that, Team Rocket, albeit less from Team Rocket.

Lapras while not endangered as it is in the games until Ultra Sun/Moon, it's still a very rare species currently, but protection acts have been put in to let it breed up and increase their population.

I wasn't going to try and battle them, that would be stupid and suicidal. Especially since they're water/ice types and a bunch of ice beams was a sure way for us to all die.

Thankfully their kind are very kind pokemon and love ferrying people about. Plus I could enjoy some nice time out at sea with a Lapras.

Hm, now that I think about it, even since I've been in the Pokemon world, I've grown, physically and mentally.

I got out of my shell, I'm still introverted as hell, but I'm much more willing to go outside, talk to people, battle I mean, and enjoy the wonders outside.

Perhaps this was the greatest blessing of my life.

Ok, enough with the mushy stuff, I should probably focus on the battle happening right now.

"[Flamethrower]!" I called out to Koraidon who let out an intense breath of flames at her opponent who fell soon afterwards.

I also noticed I was less worried about Koraidon being seen by people now, perhaps not fully, but I was much more willing to let her out to battle, and this only greatly helped increase her strength.

Haunter and Eevee were giving it their all, but they were just unable to catch up fully, of course I expected this to change once they evolved. Perhaps by the time of riding the S.S. Anne I would evolve him. Eevee would evolve when she evolved and she would give Koraidon a much more difficult time with her fairy type moves, until Koraidon got in close anyway.

"Left!" I called out as Eevee dodged left with ease and I returned to spectating style of battle I used with weaker trainers. It totally wasn't because I thought it looked cool starring them down.

Totally not… ok maybe a little.

"Jump and use [Shadow Ball]!" I ordered Eevee and she perfectly jumped up avoiding a quick attack from the opponents Vulpix and landed the shadow ball with perfect accuracy.

"Good girl." I called out as Eevee cheered happily at the sight of the now fainted pokemon. The trainer gave me some pokedollars and walked off.

With a smile, I held my hand out as Eevee jumped onto it and climbed onto my shoulder. I should probably stop this sooner then later as a Symveon she'll weigh over fifty pounds, but I supposed I can handle that, if it's too much, I'll say something,

With a jaunty whistle we were on our way again. Koraidon was resting after battling 13 times in a row. Truly she was something else, of course I was the same way. She was like a mirror of me, except you know, a pokemon and female.


Four and a half days later we strolled into Fuchsia City, and I got to admit, nothing screamed ninja, but I didn't expect it to either. One doesn't admit to being a ninja, it's expected for everything to seem normal.

Though I was pretty confident there's a bunch of ninja hiding spots and such all around the city and forest nearby.

I accidentally smacked into someone and looked down to see a guy laying down on the ground, on his back specifically.

"Sorry about that." I apologized as I did realize it was most likely my fault for being distracted by possible cool ninja stuff laying around.

"It's fine." They said and I looked at who it was, not someone I recognized. However I felt something was off about them, but shrugged it off.

"Hey, you look like a trainer, let's battle!" The man said excitedly and I decided to go with it, because why not. I followed the guy to the Pokemon center.

I won't lie, the battle was ridiculously easy. Eevee soloed the man's team of four Pokemon consisting of Nidoran, both male and female, Fearow and Venonat. Kind of embarrassing for that guy.

With a shrug of my shoulders as he ran off, I made my way into the Pokemon center and booked a room while having Nurse Joy ensure my Pokemon were in top condition.

I decided we were gonna take it easy this week while I wait for my time for the gym challenge. Luckily I was able to apply online for it, something I only found out recently, and I was due to fight in six days.

"Raven Inanis, you're Pokemon are ready for pickup." I heard over the intercom.


Hahaha no epic battle. Trolled you all. No rival shenanigans just yet.


-Voidy, The Insomniac

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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