Chapter 9: Chapter 9
I'm trying something new this chapter in regards to how I display the moves when named, tell me what you think. It's obvious how I do it.
Raven smiled as he packed up his gear, idly watching his Pokemon eat their food. Their week long training had been well worth it.
His Pokemon had learnt new moves, mastered old moves. Learnt combo strategies and single strategies.
I also worked on their ability to battle without my commands even furthur. I had one go against the other two and only occasionally receive commands from me, so they were forced to compensate by learning how to rely on their instincts and self to get through a battle.
It worked well, Koraidon as an apex creature took to this the best. Her instincts and reactions were top notch as expected of her.
Haunter unsurprisingly did pretty well in this, he got distracted at times to taunt, yes he did apparently learn the move on a whim, the other two and got hit by the one he wasn't taunting at the moment. It was fine though, we had plently of time to work on that, plus most our battles are one vs one.
Eevee was still learning to get into the thick of things again, but I'd like to say she did well. She sometimes froze relying on orders from me, but we're getting past that. Getting past the past is not easy. Ha pun!
As for their progression with moves, it most definitely was impeccable. I'd expect nothing less from my Pokemon.
Koraidon, the murder beast puppy she is decided to go ham.
She perfected her use of [Breaking Swipe] [Sunny Day] [Fire Fang] [Agility] [Rock Smash] and [Dragon Claw]. She learnt the moves [Fire Spin] [Low Kick] [Dragon Tail] [Drain Punch] [Body Press] and [Breaking Swipe].
She also started working on learning [Flamethrower] though right now it's more like a [Ember] then a [Flamethrower] if I was honest.
Still though, the amount of moves she learnt was downright scary. All without TM's too. Without a doubt, Koraidon was my ace pokemon. If my other pokemon were to be tanks, she was a goddamn mechzord, yes I did watch power rangers, that shit was the bomb.
Haunter was not one to be left out of course. He mastered all his currently known moves.
[Confuse Ray] [Hypnosis] [Lick] [Mean Look] [Payback] [Spite] [Curse] [Hex] [Shadow Punch] [Disable] and [Toxic]. So he went on to learn a couple new moves. [Dark Pulse] [Shadow Ball] and [Shadow Claw].
[Dark Pulse] was pretty easy for him to figure out, he took the way [Payback] worked and dismantled it. Then figured out how to launch it without storing thr power up and imbuing it with negative emotions. Then spreading it out in a pulse like form, he achieved [Dark Pulse].
[Shadow Claw] was a lot easier for Haunter who took the ghost like energy of [Shsdow Punch] and turned it into claws. He did ask Koraidon who tried her best to explain it to Haunter who managed to put the move together soon after.
[Shadow Ball] was a pleasant surprise for me. Eevee knew the move and had been practicing it, and Haunter asked to learn it, and Eevee tried to explain the concept of the move to him, and the shade wearing ghost managed to figure it out, so now there was a bunch of mini craters in the area from the [Shadow Balls] being slammed everywhere from practice.
My dear little Eevee though, she had a TON of moves that we had to go over each individually and see her proficiency in them.
[Covet] [Growl] [Helping Hand] [Tackle] [Tail Whip] [Sand Attack] [Quick Attack] [Baby-Doll Eyes] [Swift] [Bite] [Cooy Cat] [Double Edge] [Double Kick] [Charm] [Fake Tears] [Protect] [Dig] [Substitue] [Shadow Ball] and [Alluring Voice].
It makes me want to murder and thank the bastard who force fed her all those TM's. When using a TM, it force feeds the knowledge directly into a Pokémon's brain.
Shadow Ball, the knowledge of how to directly use the move and properly control it is immediately imparted. However using one TM, it's fine. Pokémon are very smart creatures and can easily handle it.
However, when multiple are used soon after another, it can directly harm a Pokémon's brain and cause issues. I'm lucky Eevee didn't have any of those issues, pure luck.
However as with rushing anything, Eevee never got to master a lot of the moves she knows now. So she knows a lot, but not quite anything beyond how to use the move.
Honestly though, if she knew Foresight or Oder Sluth, Haunter and I might have lost to her since he isn't a physical fighter. Mostly.
Still, we managed to at least worn a bit on each move Eevee knows. She no longer just knew the moves, but what to expect from them and the best proper way to use said move in battle and training.
So now we prepare ourselves, it was time to battle Lt. Surge. I had gone in on the first day to the city and booked my match with the gym.
Today was the day, my pokemon and I were well rested, a quick stop by Nurse Joy to confirm that, and we'd be on our way to the gym.
It was time to teach the Lt how one deals with one very knowledgeable trainer. He won't know what hit him.
"Oh, it's been a while since I've had someone not a baby walk into my gym." The voice of Lt. Surge said with a cocky smile as he walked up to me and I smiled. I could see him eyeing my body, not in a weird way, but in an appreciative way that I took care of myself.
"A pleasure to meet you Lt. Surge. I hope our battle will be shocking, for you." I punned with amusement as I heard him snort as we walked to the battle arena.
"I'll give you 4/10 for that pun, but now it's time to get serious. You have two badges, so this is a third gym badge battle. I will be using three pokemon, and so you are limited to three pokemon as well. Only you can switch out. The battle ends when someone forfeits or one of our pokemon all faint. Do you agree?" He asked in a no nonsense voice and I smiled.
"I agree. Let the battle begin." I said as the ref called out for us to begin with Surge as gym leader throwing out first.
"Voltorb come on out." Surge declared and I was immediately prepared to play defensive now. This was no doubt a bait pokemon to use [Self-Destruct].
"Let's play some games Haunter." I said as Haunter cackled and rose from my shadow. It's his favorite spot, and who am I to deny him his fun. He liked to scare people from it.
"Hm, not too bad for starting off, but let's start this off. Voltorb use [Charge] and [Eerie Impulse]." Surge started off strong, but I wasn't going to let Haunter take a massive weakness like that.
"Haunter use [Dark Pulse] and go under." I called out immediately as Haunter launched his [Dark Pulse] off at the Voltorb before immediately darting into the ground avoiding the [Eerie Impulse].
"Haunter, use [Shadow Ball]!" I called out with a smile.
"Roll around to avoid it Voltorb and use Electroweb to get rid of it." Lt. Surge ordered and I smiled. This is just what I wanted. Lt. Surge couldn't use [Explosion] or [Self-Destruct] here since Haunter as a Ghost type would be unaffected by the moves, so he was forced to use a different strategy.
Sadly for him, Haunter and I are much better prepared then him and his Voltorb.
"[Toxic]! Spread it out wide!" I ordered and Haunter cackled as he rose out the ground and started making his [Toxic] into a mist like form that spread over the field, and landed on the arena area immediately poisoning the Voltorb.
"[Electro Ball]!" Surge ordered and I immediately counted it.
"[Shadow Punch] on the [Electro Ball] and then follow up with [Hypnosis]!" I decided to finish this now, just in case I need Haunter in the future.
It landed and I heard Surge curse and smiled. It was time to finish things off.
"[Hex]!" I declared and watched as it landed and Voltorb fell. Haunter's [Hex] would get stronger by the amount of status conditions the opponent was effected with.
Voltorb was poisoned and asleep, so it did triple the damage. If I could find a way to stack more status effects, it would be a one shot KO move. Future evil planning to do.
"Haunter suck up all the poison." I ordered as Haunter sucked up the [Toxic] like mist on the field happily and now floated in front of me cackling as surge recalled his fainted Pokemon.
"Point challenger!" The referre called out.
"Come out out, Magnemite." Surge ordered and a line magnet with a couple screws and an eye floated in place and I smiled. It was time for a switch. Haunter had his fun, it was time for Eevee to have her turn.
"Haunter return, it's time to shine Eevee." I ordered as I tossed her pokeball out and she appeared with a confident "Eevee!"
"A baby Pokemon?" Surge asked with disappointment. Haunter wasn't a baby Pokemon. Eevee is considered a baby Pokemon by the man though, but I'll show him, no, Eevee and I will show him.
She's a big girl.
"Eevee, show them how much of a big girl you are. [Quick Attack] into [Double Kick]." I ordered and Eevee immediately blurred forward and landed a solid double kick to Magnemite who couldn't react properly and got hit.
It didn't do too much damage, but it still landed nonetheless. It also proved a point.
"Magnemite use [Spark]." Surge ordered and I hummed, Eevee immediately used [Substitute] to avoid the attack.
"[Alluring Voice]." I called out as she switched again with the doll the moment the attack finished and landed it.
"Magnemite put some distance between yourselves." Surge ordered as Magnemite took to the air.
"Haven't you heard Surge, the sky isn't safe." I grinned and Eevee used [Double Kick] and [Quick Attack] like she did against Haunter to launch herself into the air at Haunter.
We both ordered at the same time. Eevee landed the [Bite], but took the full front of Magnemite's [Discharge].
Both Pokemon fell to the ground. Surge and I waited while calling out for them to get up.
"Magne!" "Eev!"
Both Pokemon stood up, or well Eevee stood up and Magnemite floated up, barley though. Both were very close to fainting, both Surge and I could tell, so this would be an all out attack from both of us.
"[DOUBLE EDGE]!" I yelled out for fun.
"[WILD CHARGE]!" Surge apparently was matching me.
Both our yells filled with passion and desire. Battle lust. The need for battle. Our hearts pounding alongside our desires. Wild grins on our faces as our Pokemon slammed into each other, and then past each other. Both of us held out breaths.
The two Pokemon locked eyes.
"Magnemite." "Eevee."
Then they fainted.
"It's a draw!" The referre called out as we returned both our Pokemon.
"Hey, I'll let you choose. I've got a newer prepared third badge Pokemon, and I've got a Pokemon that's just roaring to enter by four badge group. It's your choice." Surge said and I could already tell the answer he wanted, and it aligned with what I wanted.
What Koraidon and I wanted.
"Of course I want the challange, I'm a Pokemon trainer, not some kid. I want the four badge Pokemon to be. Only if this part of the match becomes private." I said and Surge nodded his head as he clicked a button on his watch and probably did that, or something, I don't know.
"Alright, get ready then trainer. He's strong and ready." Surge said as he tossed out a pokeball and out came a Raichu.
I figured as much, he wouldn't be Surge if he didn't use Raichu. The Raichu looked a bit arrogant, and I was ready to wipe that look off its face. Rat, meet Alex Predator.
"Koraidon, come and hunt." I called out smiling as I tossed out her pokeball and she came out roaring with all her might. The area shook from it.
"I'm impressed, but let's see if you two can back up that roar or if it's all talk." Surge declared and I smiled.
"Come and find out. We can take anything you two can give out." I taunted and Koraidon made a sound of agreement as she looked at Raichu who tried to still act arrogant, but I could see its slight nervousness.
"Battle begin!" The referee called out.
"[Thunder Punch]!" Surge ordered, not the best idea for him. Raichu weighed 66 pounds roughly. Koraidon weighed 668 pounds. This would not be fair, but perhaps he was baiting me into this.
Oh I can see it now. Well I wouldn't fall for it.
"Throw yourself back and use [Fire Spin]!" I immediately took action as Koraidon three herself out of the way of the [Thunder Punch] and launched a [Fire Spin] at Raichu.
"Use [Agility] to get out of the way." Surge ordered as Raichu immediately landed on the ground and used [Agility] to avoid the [Fire Spin], albeit just barley. Still impressive though. We'd have to work on the moves speed.
"[Thunderbolt]!" Surge ordered before Raichu even finished dodging.
My moves for Koraidon currently were all physical besides [Fire Spin] and it was impractical for this type of battle, so it looks like we're going to have to just deal with a paralysis debuff.
"[Dragon Claw] to rip out the ground and toss it in the way!" I ordered and Koraidon ripped into the ground casually and tossed a large rock managing to make the [Thundedbolt] out of her way. It struck the ground near her frying it.
"Koraidon we're gonna have to get a paralysis for this battle, so let's give it our all." I said grinning as she matched my feral ness with ease and grinned as well showing her teeth.
"[Agility] into [Breaking Swipe!]" I started off and she shot off.
"[Charge] and [Agility] into [Wild Charge]!" Surge ordered quickly and I smiled. Even with that boost, it wouldn't do.
"[Body Press!]" I called out at the last moment and saw Surge go wide eye before they clashed. Koraidon 600 pound bonus and high defense enabled for a very strong hit, however I wasn't done there.
"[Fire Fang]!" I ordered knowing full well the battle wasn't over.
"[Thunder!]" Looks likes Surge was getting into it as well. An by the sound of Raichu, he was as well.
The four of us only had one desire.
Beat the fucking shit out of each other.
Both Pokemon clashed once more, Raichu and Koraidon giving it their all, and all I could do was keep going, Koraidon wasn't giving up, and neither was I. Surge and Raichu seemed to be the same.
However we weren't fools.
This would be the last move either of us could do, both our Pokemon were pushing themselves beyond their limits here. Going beyond anything they had before.
"One last attack!" Surge yelled out and I grinned while nodding.
"RAICHU USE [VOLT IMPACT]!" Surge yelled out and I smiled, Surge and Riachu were giving it their all combing [Volt Tackle] and [Giga Impact],we hadn't fully finished it yet, but here was hoping for the best, but we were gonna give it our all!
Koraidon and Raichu both glowed with impressive auras of their raw energy before they slammed into each other. Both hoping to win giving it their all.
Then the explosion happened.
Surge and I waited for the smoke cleared, once it did I cheered.
Laying battered and unconscious was Raichu, Koraidon stood there, barley, but standing proudly as she roared to declare her victory.
"Winner challenger!" The referee called out and I made my way out into the field and gently rubbed Koraidon's chin in the way I knew she liked.
"You did good girl. Take a good long rest." I smiled as I returned her to her pokeball.
"You both great Raichu." I heard Surge mutter as he returned Raichu after gently rubbing his head. Then he approached me.
"You did great, one of the best battles I've ever had kid. My blood was pumping strongly. You and that girl are one fierce duo." Surge complemented and I smiled as I took his offered hand and shook it firmly.
"Thank you, this has been the best battle I've had yet so far as well. I know that Koraidon is equally as grateful as I am for it. Please thank Raichu for us when he recovers." I said and Surge nodded before he pulled out the winning items.
"The Vermillion City Gym Badge. Alongside my favrotie TM, Thunderbolt." Surge said as he handed me the items and I gratefully took them. Storing the badge inside my badge case which had been buried at the bottom of my bag. The TM inside my bag for later.
"You did good, as a bonus I wanna offer you these. Tickets for the S.S. Anne luxury cruise. They always send me some of these and I give them out to outstanding trainers. In a month the ship will be docking here, if you're interested, make sure to take it. I've heard they got good tournaments with prizes." Surge said smiling before walking off.
I nodded in thanks before I left to the Pokemon center to listen to Nurse Joy berate me for letting it go this far, but she just sighed in the end afterwards as she saw the happy look on Koraidon's face.
"Just try and take it easy for a couple days." She asked and I nodded, that was fine.
I needed to plan the next destination, now where did I leave my dice, darts and map?
This chapter had me fucking hyped as hell, was driving to work planning the battle and I felt like I was in the battle myself. Commanding Koraidon. It was great. I got looked at like a weirdo by some passerby's as I drove, but fuck them.
Anyway what did you all think about the slight format change for the story, using [Insert Move Here] as a way to highlight moves, or perhaps I should use bold for them.
"Koraidon use [Collision Course]!"
"Koraidon use Collision Course!"
"Koraidon use Collision Course!"
Which looks better in y'all's opinions?
Anyway ima go now, hope you enjoyed the extra long chapter.
Until next time!
-Voidy, The Hyped Up Insomniac