Chapter 8: Chapter 8
After another day of relaxing at the lighthouse and no giant Dragonite visit, I decided it was time to head out. So I picked up a dice and rolled it.
My next choice to go was… route 5. Guess I'm still following the normal path. It'll lead me to Saffron City, I'm not ready to fight Sabrina yet, Haunter still doesn't know enough moves to be a full threat yet.
Sure all his moves are super strong against Sabrina's pokemon, but she's no doubt learnt how to deal with such things, and if she is still in her creepy phase… oh boy.
So I'll pass through Saffron City and head directly towards Route 6 and follow up to Vermillion City. I'll camp out for about two weeks there training hard before we go and fight Lt. Surge.
I'll have to bring my a game for that. Lt. Surge is a very power oriented man who's seen wars.
However I was worried about one little thing.
Team Rocket.
In some iterations of the story, Sabrina, Lt. Surge, Koga, Will and Karen were all members of Team Rocket.
So it made me worried about dealing with said people. Especially with Sabrina, because if she can read my mind, then I'd be screwed. Royally screwed.
I'd either end up dead, or kidnapped and held prisoner for the knowledge I have.
So either way, I'd be screwed over.
Ok, maybe I should avoid Saffron all together and just grab a minor badge instead of Sabrina's… no, I want the full main line Kanto gym badges.
I glanced down at my shadow momentarily and could see Haunter grinning at me.
I guess it wouldn't be life without some risk.
I blinked however when things froze, Haunter in my shadow was paused mid blink. I also couldn't move, but I could still look around.
Then in the next moment, no reason why, but John just appeared. No light or visual cue, just there in a single moment.
"Hi again, I probably should have mentioned this, as it was something Arceus and I decided on. My bad. Psychic Pokemon and people can read your mind, but anything of future knowledge is hidden away. Also your aura defends your mind, but because it's untrained, they can still get through and read your mind. However if you learn to control your aura you can protect your mind. That's all, sorry for not saying anything. Until next time buddy. I'll be there to cheer you on at the Indigo League!" John waved cheerfully before just vanishing.
The next moment I could move again, and I felt a smile come onto my face.
Welp, onto Saffron City I go, after I venture on Route 5. If I remember correctly some Pokemon I'd be willing to catch there is Vulpix, Growlithe, Nidoran(male and female) and Mankey.
Vulpix was an interesting Pokemon to have as a pure fire type and along into it's evolution to Ninetails.
Growlithe pure fire type evolved into a Arcanine, also a pure fire type mon. If you don't count Hisuian Arcanine.
Niodran(male) into Nidorino, both having poisoning typing. Then a Moon Stone into Nidoking with a Poison/Ground typing. Nidoran(female) into Nidorina, both poison type. Moon Stone into Nidoqueen with the same Poison/Ground typing.
Then Mankey into Primeape through training. Most people thought that was it, but there was the evolution of Annihilape using Rage Fist twenty times straight without fainting.
However I already have a ghost type, and a fighting type in Koraidon, plus I'll eventually get myself a Lucario somehow. So I don't need one of them.
Then while they have good power, Nidoking and Nidoqueen are better as a combo battle them one on one. Ninetails and Arcanine would be strong too. Both of them are strong fire type pokemon and look amazing.
"Of course due to my luck, we only run into Pidgey's, Abra's, Jigglypuff's and Rattata's." I complained aloud as we made our way through the route, Koraidon purred gently as he tail wrapped around my arm as she walked with me on her back. Eevee rubbed her head against mine from my shoulder. Haunter cackled in a soft way.
I smiled before I tapped her side and she sped up, my three Pokemon were more then fine for now. I moved eevee from my shoulder to my front and held her in place. Haunter sped up to match our speeds cackling away with his shades on.
"Kakakakaka!" His cackled seemed to freak out many Pokémon who were watching us speed by, even a couple trainers, but they couldn't really see us at the speeds we were going, at least not properly.
However to my eternal joy, we managed to reach Saffron City and quickly pass through after a quick supply restocking.
Then it was another dash till we were in the forest of Vermillion City. A nice spot picked out to camp and train.
"It's training time." I said with a grin as I brought out the new equipment I bought. Thank you shrinking technology.
Oh yes, this would be great.
A poison orb for Haunter, as promised, a set of heavy waited gear for Koraidon. Fairy Gem for Eevee to better attune her to Fairy Energy for her evolution into Sylveon.
I myself had some weights to lift. Gotta get in good shape, might have to start dodging attacks in the future.
But shorter chapter then normal, but hope you enjoyed, and don't worry, Sabrina will get her screen time in the future, she'll be part of a plot in time.
Now for the pairing.
Raven x Cynthia x ?
So I've decided on these five as the possible second pairing. I'll make a poll and let it go for a while, but in the end I'll still have priority choice on who is the final piece of the love triangle.
Anyway I hope you all enjoyed the chapter this day. Until next time dear readers!
-Voidy, The Insomniac