Chapter 7: Chapter 7
You know, it's kinda cute, but still, what the fuck.
"Ah, that little one. She's been here for a long time. She's quite special." Bill said with an amused tone as the eevee stood in its position still.
"Oh, you want to battle?" I asked with a smile. The eevee barked at me, or close enough for an eevee, as she tensed her muscles.
"Ok, but let's take this outside, I don't think Bill would appreciate the lighthouse being damaged up." I said as she glanced at Bill who had a calm, but frightening, smile on his face.
"It would be appreciated." Bill said and all three, four, of us headed outside. There was a nice clearing just a bit out of the way. Bill stood out of the way and near a tree to take cover behind it in case.
"Vee!" Eevee was rearing to go, and I wouldn't deny her that sweet battle pleasure.
"Haunter, it's play time." I said as my dear ghost rose out my shadow cackling.
I grinned, but then paused, where did he get those shades? Because damn do they add style points.
Should I do some contest in the future? It would be interesting to do so.
"Eevee!" I glanced at Eevee who decided to start the battle by her choice. A quick attack into, was that Bite? Oh you clever little fox.
"Haunter go up." I said smiling as Haunter cackled and floated up, but this didn't seem to stop Eevee who used I think double kick to launch herself up into the air alongside quick attack in the same moment and using bite again.
Eevee just landed an attack on my Haunter, one of the very few to do so. My smile grew as did Haunters.
"Haunter, Payback." I called out, and Eevee was unable respond, is what I'd like to say, but she used copycat to fire her own payback at Haunter.
Not too bad. However just because he was limited in moves, doesn't mean he couldn't fight back.
"Haunter use your tongue to fling Eevee." I called out and Haunter cackled and grabbed Eevee and sent her flying to the ground, however that didn't stop her from trying to attack again as she got up.
Neither of us were prepared when Eevee used Alluring Voice and it smacked right into Haunter, hard.
That was two attacks now, in such short time too, ok, it's time to play seriously.
"Haunter, it's time to get serious. Let's play some hide and seek." I grinned as Haunter cackled and shot down towards Eevee who jumped out of the way while opening its mouth and firing another Alluring Voice, but it didn't matter, Haunter had entered the ground.
"Payback." I called out and Eevee was sent flying. "Rock Throw." Haunter appeared and his tongue flung a few rocks towards Eevee who panicked and tried to use quick attack, but fell forward on one of rocks that flew towards its feet and was hit by the other rocks.
"Haunter, hide." I called out and Haunter immediately sunk into the ground avoiding a sudden appearing Eevee who was aiming for a bite.
"Subsittue. Quite the special Eevee indeed." I muttered before I grinned at the Eevee, I wanted her. Oh yes, she would make a fine addition to my team.
"Haunter. Payback into Hypnosis." I called out and eevee was unable to react as she was hit by the payback enabling to fall victim to Hypnosis.
"Now, double payback." I called out and Haunter cackled and fired the two paybacks off, but Eevee suddenly used Double Edge, however when Normal meets Ghost, it just went right through Haunter who watched the little Pokemon.
"Eevee." An she was awake now, she struggled to stand up, and eventually she did, but I shook my head, this was far enough.
"We surrender." I said with a smile as Haunter moved beside me and cackled at Eevee who looked so confused.
"Eevee?" She asked before suddenly fainting.
"Good job Haunter. I'll be sure to get a poison orb in the next city we go to." I said as Haunter cackled and retreated into my shadow. I walked over and gently picked up Eevee who was fully unconscious now.
"Well done, I applaud you for knowing when to stop." Bill said as we moved back to the lighthouse and I started treating Eevee. Thank you Nurse Joy for those extra lessons on proper care of Pokémon.
The next two days passed by, Bill let me stay for a couple days when he saw my research papers and we ended up nerding out together. Especially when he saw Koraidon.
Koraidon was confused, but she preened under the attention of the professor.
Eevee had slowly been approaching me at times, and I knew she was trying to decide whether or not to go with me. On the second day, Bill told me her story.
She had been a Pokemon of a previous trainer who pushed his Pokemon beyond their limits, force fed them a ton of TM's and expected good results.
Unlucky for that trainer, Bill had his old friend Professor Oak over, and well Professor Oak had detained that trainer with ease, Charizard go brrrrr.
The trainers Pokémon were taken in by much nicer trainers or healed up and returned to the wild.
Eevee had it the worst though, he had treated her the worst and tried forcing her to evolve into an Espeon.
I wanted to punch that jackass in the face and then stomp on his balls. Thankfully it seems Professor Oak did that already, but much harsher.
That man is my spirit animal at this point.
Anyway, Eevee had decided to stay in the woods here for some reason and Bill had taken to keeping an eye on her.
"Eevee." I glanced down at Eevee who had cautiously crawled into my lap and I gently ran my fingers through her fur. It was soft, somewhat tangled, but soft.
"Vee." She purred as she leaned into me and I smiled. She was so cute.
"Aren't you just the cuties thing." I cooed softly as eevee purred away. I tried to gently undo all the knotting of her fur as I could. Eventually I was able to run my hands through her fur without obstruction from the knots.
"Eevee." She called out and I looked down and saw her staring at me with determination. I smiled and reached into my bag and pulled out a pokeball.
"I want you in my family, but I will understand if you don't want to join. The choice is all yours." I said as I placed the pokeball down in front of her.
Without any indecision, she tapped the front of it and was absorbed into the ball. I soon after let her out.
"Welcome to the family Eevee. Now, I have two serious questions. One, do you want to evolve?" I asked and she nodded her head.
Ok. That's good, I would have been fine if she didn't want to though.
"Second, which type of evolution do you want? There is eight different paths I know of." I said as I pulled up images of each type of eevee's evolution.
"Flareon, Fire Type." I said and she shook her head.
"Jolteon, Electric Type." I offered the second one and she shook her head. Ok.
"Leafon, Grass Type." I gave her the third choice, and another shake.
"Glaceon, Ice Type." I offered the fourth and another head shake in the negative.
"Vaporeon, Water Type." Another shake of the head.
"Umbreon, Dark Type." Another shake of her head, but some hesitation in this one. Progress!
"Espeon, Psychic Type." A very eager shake of the head. A fat no.
"Sylveon, Fairy Type." I declared and I could already see it. She desire in her eyes, I would eventually have a Sylveon on my team.
A future dragon slayer. Dragons fear my newest, for she'll put the fear of Arceus into you.
"Good choice, and you already meet the requirements. I think you just need to refine your moves and you'll be ready to evolve." I said smiling as she purred.
Of course I didn't say we needed to bond, that would just make it worse and feel uncomfortable. She will evolve when she evolves, it's simple as that.