Chapter 6: Chapter 6
After some, fun, with Daisy for a week I found myself leaving Cerulean City and heading out. I had pondered on my next destination, to figure out where I'm going to go.
After a bit of indecision, I decided I wanted to head up route 24/25 to see Bill's Lighthouse. Maybe if I'm lucky I can meet that super big Dragonite. That thing must be packing huge amounts of power due to its probably old age.
Wait, maybe I can tell it where to find the giant Gengar, Alakazam and Jigglypuff. Maybe those are its friends?
It would be interesting to also see those three. Gengar and Alakazam duking it out.
Plus my Haunter could possibly learn something from them. Perhaps in the future that's an option.
However as I was walking, and costing through the trainers on the bridge of Route 24, I pondered on my future team. I have two out of six for a full battle team.
"Haunter dodge and shadow punch!" I called out, I like to let my pokemon be able to battle on their own without being fully dependent on me to guide them, I realized that can lead to stagnation and bad reactions in battle.
For my team though, I don't want to have so much of one type, so I had to think on it.
I want at least one ice type pokemon. Preferably a Lapras, Aurorus or Glaceon.
One psychic pokemon. Preferably a Espeon, Gardevoir, Metagross or Armarouge.
One steel type. Preferably a Lucario or Metagross.
One electric type, like Luxray.
Of course if I end up with a heavy team type, I can always plan ways to deal with disadvantages against it. There are many ways to go about that.
"Haunter payback!" I called out the moment Haunter was hit and Haunter cackled before firing back with double the normal power.
I happily took that kids money.
"Hey you, let's battle!" A teens voice momentarily distracted me by yelling almost into my ear and I turned around with a glare.
"Fine, 1 Pokemon only for this battle." I said angrily, I hate people yelling in my ear, one it's rude, and two it's painful.
"Deal. Come out on Persian!" The teen yelled as his Pokemon appeared as if it was some royal cat. I'll teach them.
"Haunter, it's time to play some games." I said as my shadow expanded forward and Haunter slowly, on purpose, came out of my extended shadow with a cackle and a purple glow on his body.
"Haunter start of nice, Shadow Punch." I said and immediately Haunter did so, however that was part of the plan, Haunter behind that Shadow Punch had lunched a Payback.
Which in hindsight, was like the only move my Haunter could hit the cat with, ok, perhaps Koraidon would have been better to use here… oh well.
"Persian use bite!" All the dark type moves Persian should know without TM's should be physical, I can work with that.
"Haunter, time for some peakabo." I said and Haunter cackled as he sunk into the ground avoiding the bite attack.
"Persian watch out, he can appear from anywhere!" The teen yelled out, and I smiled.
"Payback." Haunter immediately launched the payback from below the cat pokemon and it got sent flying up into the air and rolled on the ground before it stood back up and glared.
Haunter being Haunter taunted the pokemon, without using the actual move and made silly faces and hand signs.
It worked surpassingly well, I'm gonna have to check if he learnt the actual move now…
"PERSIAN!" The cat pokemon ran forward towards Haunter who cackled and sunk into the ground and reappeared behind the cat and launched a payback at it. The cat seemed to try and power through it with its taunted rage, but by the time it turned around Haunter was back in the ground and launching another payback from below.
"Persian snap out of it and use Power Gem!" The teen yelled, but it was too late, Haunter had already appeared again and launched one final payback directly into its side sending the cat pokemon off into the sky and rolling once it hit the ground.
"Persian." It called out softly as its pride demanded it get back up, but it wasn't to be, the cat pokemon fainted.
"Return." The teen called as he returned his Persian and gave me my winning money, a solid chunk of 3700 pokedollars. Hell yeah!
He then ran off next time he and Persian would win.
"Haunter? Han? Kakaka!" Haunter asked before cackling and I smiled before he went back into my shadow.
Unknown to both of us at this time, a pair of wide beedy black eyes stared at me and Haunter without either of us knowing before it ran off.
After another few trainer battles, some which Haunter had to get creative and even use a sudo rock move, rock throw, aka he grabbed some rocks and threw them at his opponent.
It was hilarious.
However I've finally reached my destination, Bill's Lighthouse.
I am courteous, so I knocked on the somewhat large door about 1.8 Brocks tall. Why yes, I am American. Fuck the measurement system.
"Come in, come on in. I would appreciate a little help." The voice, probably Bill, said happily. There was another hint of something in his voice though.
Walking in I saw a Rhydon? Oh wait, this was probably a costum Bill owned.
"Could you help me? I made this costume and I was unable to reach the zipper, and my assistant left for the night already." The plea for help was heard, and I have to admit, I wanted to have Rotom take a picture of this, so I did, while I moved forward to help.
"This one?" I asked for clarification as I gently pulled on the zipper and I was told yes, so I pulled down and it revealed a man wearing some basic clothes, shoes, pants and a shirt. He also grabbed a lab coat from out of nowhere and he seemed much more Bill now.
The man who created the PC.
"Thank you for that. I have been stuck in there for a while." The man laughed with a nervous chuckle.
"No problem, I'm just glad I wanted to come see the lighthouse and this area." I replied happily. I was happy too, meeting people like Bill got me hyper.
Especially people like Bill who understood stuff needed to make the PC. It had to use some form of infinite energy to properly function. How else could it handle everything properly, retain all that information and more.
Even a ton of servers would struggle to retain that. At least with what the level of technology I've seen on the market says about the timeline of progression of technology.
It had the level of the early 2000's or very late 1990's to my knowledge. However the resources of this world are much different allowing for increased productivity and technology growth.
However what I want to learn the most was-
I was cut off by something smacking into my head, not that hard, but still it did nonetheless. Thank you Pokémon world human body.
Staring me down with a challenging look was a eevee, determination shining in their eyes.
Hello everyone, don't expect the multi chapter drop like yesterday to happen again, I was just surprisingly in a good writers mood and managed to drop those four chapters somehow. But I want to try and promise one a day, maybe two a day since this doesn't require great planning.
After all, Pokemon fanfiction can be summed up as such.
Fuck around and find out.
Anyway I got shit to do, so toodles.
Voidy, The Busy Insomniac
[Random Pokemon Image]