Chapter 21: Vol. Chapter 19 - ‘Exlor-Crystal
/After arriving, on the planet Leemar-II, as Ves, Lucky, Dietrich, and Uhtred travelled and made their way, towards the area Ves, will have his designer-competition at./
/Location: Planet Leemar-II, inside the mag-lev, hover-bus our 'Main-Character, and his group are currently traveling on./
"A million Bright-Credits can be used for much worthier causes, other than buying a set of anti-grav clothing. I could have had a Expert-Mech custom-built and designed for me, but you don't see me selling my soul or my future glory, I plan to pry from the corpses of only most worthy of opponents, for it or other fancy trinkets, that make the second and first-raters believe they are superior, even though the truth of the matter, is they were just more fortunate in the location of their birth, than we were, with us being born on the third-rater planet, we were birthed on." I tell Ves and Dietrich, as they speak of the fliers, pointing their noses up in the air at us, and the rest of the walkers, less fortunate than them, in the location of their birth.
"You truly believe the sex-trade will be lucrative?" Ves asked, for the third-time.
"Ves, you are almost offending me now, you ask me again, and I will be insulted from the insinuation, I would lie to my own twin-brother. You know me, I do not lie, for no man or god or god-like being. I have never lied to kick-it, with no mother-fucking lames, I'll stand to the death, over mine." I said, telling Ves, not to ask me again.
"If you do not wish to invest, do not invest. I am bringing you opportunities, you can choose to act on them, or not. It is your choice to choose, do not ask me again, or I will be insulted." I reaffirmed, my previous statements to Ves, once again.
"Geez, what's got your panties, in a bunch?" My brother replied, asking me what was wrong, with me.
"I do not fucking know! I thought I would bask in praises of the peasantry. Where is my fucking fan-club? Why hasn't anyone recognized me?" I said, then asked a couple questions to no one, in particular.
"Well I'm sure once we get off the hover-bus, and arrive in the city, someone is bound to recognize you." Ves said, trying to reassure me.
"Fuck that! Someone has tampered with my fucking memories! I pity them, for once I have my teeth on their throats, for ever crossing Uhtred of BebbanBurg! Fucking god-cunts! You cunts! Fuck them, I shall taste vengeance before my death, my most glorious-death, wielding my preferred weaponry, killed by the most powerful and most omniscient god-like opponent. Mark my words, brother…" I said before fainting, and collapsing into my seat…
/After Uhtred, fainted, and collapsed into his seat on the hover-bus/
"Don't worry Ves, it's the 'Exlor-Crystal, pop been getting his formula perfected. Uhtred will pop back up, any second now." I almost laughed out, telling the young-mech designer. Whom, is still in shock, at watching his twin-brother twitching and flopping all around his seat on the hover-bus, like a fish out of water. Whilst all the passengers on the bus, just stare and watch in confusion and shock as well.
"What the fuck! What was he talking about then?" Ves asked me, yelling in shock and utter-confusion.
"It's the drug, it transports your consciousness, whilst auto-piloting your body for you, while you take a trip to a crazy 'parallel-universe, filled with all kinds of alien-sex and crazy stuff. Don't try it, it's addictive, and your brother would not like you doing it, he has stated this to me, himself." I told Ves, as Uhtred just popped up and opened his eyes, seemingly fine while blinking his eyes a couple times after looking around at everyone staring at him.
"What the fuck are you all looking at? Mind your own fucking business, or I'll gut everyone of you like a fucking fish!" He shouted at all the onlookers, whilst standing tall and steady, putting up a formidable stance, whilst staring at all the onlookers, dead in their eyes.
"See, he's fine, nothing to worry about." I said to everyone, trying my best to ease the tensions, on the bus.
"You're Uhtred Larkinson! Holy fucking shit! I saw you at the freshmen tourney, sponsored by the Carnegie-Group three years ago! I remember your face! It is you!" A fatter boy shouted, shouting out statement one after another, kicking off a little excitement to sit back and watch.
/The trio, plus a robotic-cat, finally arrived near the institute, the open-design competition would take place at. They found a boat-house like structure built by a student of the Leemar Institute of Technology, the Lit, Klaus informed the group he hailed from a third-rate state as well, the Terach-Republic. When the group boarded his student residence, the 'Belladonna, a ship-house structure floating in the waters near the institute, he built himself with his own hands./
/The group saved a considerable-amount of credits, staying at the student's ship-house, instead of one of the expensive, floating-hotels the wealthy choose to reside. They also learned a little about the school-life, Klaus has lived at the LIT, being a fellow third-rater./
/The next day, during the opening day of the competition, as Ves handed Lucky, to Uhtred, as the group entered the competition venue./
/Location: Planet Leemar-II, Leemar Institute of Technology/
"I'll take good care of Lucky, look at this place, I can already see hundreds of security forces wearing exoskeleton-suits. This is like a Mecca of mechs, can you smell the opportunities of fame and glory? In the air?" I told Ves, as he handed Lucky to me, to head-off to his competition.
"Fuck yea I can smell it, let's go get some beers and maybe a couple cigars. Should be a good show to watch." Dietrich said, agreeing with me, and suggesting we get some refreshments and something to smoke, whilst we watch Ves compete.