‘The-Mech-Touch I’ve ‘Transmigrated; Ves Larkinson Is my Twin Brother

Chapter 22: Vol.2 Chapter 20 - Leemar Opening-Ceremony

/After Dietrich, Lucky, and Uhtred purchased their goodies, they found their seats to watch the opening-ceremony for the Open-Design competition, at the Leemar Institute of Technology./


I took in our surroundings, after we finally arrived at our seats, and sat down. I could already see beautiful women all around, turning their slender pretty necks, to check-out Lucky.

"Lucky, I do believe, I need to start taking you around more often. Look, all these women think you are so handsome, there has to be at least a couple of them, checking us out, right? Dietrich…" I told Lucky, as I enjoy the feeling of all the pretty eyes, staring in my direction, thanks to the New-Rubarthan gem-cat.

"I sure hope so, I have never seen this many gorgeous maidens before, not on Cloudy-Curtain at least." Dietrich replied, to my question, as he nodded his head in agreement.

"Meow!" Lucky made a cat-like noise, causing giggles and noises of laughter, from the surrounding women.

"Are you proud?" An old-man, asked the crowd, as he stood center-stage in the open-aired themed coliseum.

Causing the entire stadium, to silence, waiting for his next words, to leave his mouth, for them all to hear. The man obviously benefited from life-extending treatments, he had to be over five-hundred years old. Making him alive before the Age of Mechs ever started.

"You are young, pride makes you courageous, and that is good! Without courage, the Age of Mechs would never have made it this long, as long as we have made it today. The galaxy does not revolve around us, hostile alien-forces, wait, gathering their strength, and waiting for the right-time to attack humanity. That is why we are pushing for more advanced and deadlier weapons, that is why we build more and more advanced mechs day by each day that passes by us. Never give up, never stand still, and above all else, never betray humanity! Perfect your crafts, hone your skills, and prepare for the day of the war to protect humanity!" The old man said, giving a mass-erection producing speech, an impressive speech by all rights.

"Fuck that got me hard, I hope I'm half as cool as that old-man, once I'm that elderly." Dietrich said, as an older-woman took the stage, after the old-elder finished his speech.

Center-stage, the Dean of the Mech Development Faculty, Senior-Mech Designer and renowned professor, Edith Marshall started her speech.

"Welcome young mech-designers, to the LIT's seventy-third Open-Design competition in Mech-Design. As an administrator of one of LIT's centers of mech-design in the Komodo Star Sector, I am gratified to see you all here with us today, to witness this historic-event. I will go over the rules, but first, let me introduce our master-designers overseeing this competition." The older women, said giving her speech, until she stopped to drink from a glass of water, that was resting on the podium she was standing at giving her speech, to all those lucky enough to be in attendance today.

"First, we have Master Guillaume Duchamp, at only one-hundred and three years of age, Duchamp was able to breakthrough and become a master-designer. He specializes in a liquified and solid-armor and it's systems, Duchamp has pioneered his own design-philosophy, others have already started, attempting to follow in his footsteps and trying to replicate his success in his design-philosophy." The older woman, introduced a younger looking man, who obviously benefited from life-extending procedures as well, being over a hundred years old and looking like he is around thirty year of age.

"Second, we have the eminent Master Timothy Nguyen. Master Nguyen, has been a sitting professor among the faculty at the Leemar Institute of Technology, for over two-hundred years, joining shortly after the institute's founding. His previous, studies in shuttles and flight-pack technologies have broken many grounds, earning him his current position as Chief-Designer for the Carnegie-Group's frontline flight-mechs." Said the old, kind woman, as she introduced the second master-designer, Master Timothy Nguyen.

All of the audience, gave their applause yet again, just like they did for the first master who was introduced. I took a good swig, of my beer, as I waited for her to continue her introductions.

"Thirdly, we have the crown-jewel, so to say of the LIT, Master Meredith Katzenberg. One of the brightest and most advanced minds, in the mech-designer career-path. Her Katzenberg Research Institute has been a prime-partner frontlining research, into exotic-materials research. Without her, and her work the Friday-Coalition mech's, would never possess the might required for us to become and stay a second-rate galactic-civilization." Edith Marshall said, introducing the third master-designer overseer, of the competition.

"Fourth, we have Master Carmin Olson, our most-revered and respected guest-professor, she has made numerous great contributions, to research into mechanical-engineering with her most-unique perspectives. Her ultra-efficient engines, have been incorporated into the endurance-based mechs, the Friday-Coalition currently use today." The dean, told the crowd, introducing our fourth master-designer.

"Gods! I'm willing to bet an entire bag of 'Exlor-Crystal, her bumhole tastes like cinnamon sugar!" I told Dietrich, who sat beside me and Lucky, whom broke out into a fit laughter beside me, drawing attention from some of the crowd seated near us.

"Stop! This is a serious ceremony! You just made me snort beer out of my nostrils, that shit burnt worse than a line of E-Crystal. Damnit…" Dietrich exclaimed, after he finished laughing and projectile-snorting alcohol out of his nose-holes, begging me not to make him laugh like that again, at least until the opening-ceremony is complete and finished.

"Last, but not least, we have our Master Null, atleast that is what you should know him by. If for some reason, you happen to possess the knowledge of his true name, please turn yourself in to the security or any faculty staff, here at the competition. So we can go ahead, and have your memories erased, haha!" Edith said, making a pretty-decent joke, if I say so myself, causing all the audience to bust out laughing, together as one.

"Did not expect the lady to have such a good sense of humour, I'm ready for this shit to get to poppin-off already, they could have made the general-seating a little more comfortable, the cheap-fucks…" I said, informing Dietrich, I was already ready for this shit to be started, and done with…

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