Chapter 24: Vol. 2 Chapter 22 - LIT Open-Design Competition (2)
/As the competition, continued to proceed, back with Uhtred. Who is holding Lucky, whilst watching the show, seated by Dietrich, the Young-Boss of Walter White's Whalers./
/Location: Leemar-II, Leemar Institute of Technology./
"Fuckers, didn't even mention Cloudy-Curtain, figures. I'm taking another bump, of this E-Crystal, tournaments like this seem to drag on forever." I tell Dietrich, as I start to fiddle with my little drug-dispenser, I created and fabricated myself, for my Exlor-Crystal, that I use to make the time pass a little more swift-like…
"You said, Ves has a couple more 'Fantasia 2R, variants, designed to tackle different roles in conducting mech-warfare?" Dietrich asked, as he lit a cigar, for me and himself, to enjoy after we each took a bump of some pick-me-up whilst watching the mech-design competition.
"Of course, I tell no lies. He has a 'Phantasm variant, that would make a perfect, cheap and affordable, easily-repaired light scout or ambusher mech. He also has other designs for variants, he has been working on." I replied to Dietrich, telling him a little about one of Ves' designs.
"'Phantasm… That sounds pretty legit, I'm so excited, for the gang to upgrade our forces. We can build a army with these cheap mechs." Dietrich said, whilst thinking of the future, and the possibilities it holds.
"That is the idea, they make for perfect training mechs, with how cheap and affordable they are. We can use these mechs, as cannon-fodder if needed, they are so cheap." I told Dietrich, whilst petting Lucky, whom is having a pretty-good time, I imagine.
/The competition proceeded as the two conversated, about different plans or ideas they had for the Whalers, and planet Cloudy-Curtain. Mostly pertaining to the all-female mech-corps, Uhtred plans to build from females recruited on planet Cloudy-Curtain. Uhtred will use his position and standing with the Whalers, to locate and recruit the females he plans to train into conductors of mech-warfare and everything that comes with it. The cheap and affordable, easily repaired Fantasia 2R variants, are already female-humanoid mechs, perfect for female soldiers to interface with and to pilot./
/Uhtred plans to recruit the males 'potentates, of those born with the ability to interface with a neural-interface, giving them the ability to pilot mechs, on the planet, into the Whalers. Meanwhile, he will recruit all the females into his personally built and paid for all-female, Mech-Corps. Uhtred plans to name the Mech-Corps, the 'Unsullied, who will be well-trained and equipped for any and all situations./
/Uhtred has already started to make plans, to build and open a Martial-Arts and Mech-Piloting Academy, on planet Cloudy-Curtain near the outskirts of Freslin-City, the planet's Capital-City. With the knowledge and know-how, he has learned from his studies in the Friday-Coalition, a second-rate state, one of the two second-rate behemoths, whom control the Komodo-Star-Sector. The other, of the two, being the Hexadric-Hegemony, a Matriarchy ran and led by noble houses, generally led by a Matriarch./
/After a long day of his mech, competing in the virtual free-for-all, Ves ended up ranking in the top one hundred easily. When Ves met up with Uhtred, Lucky, and Dietrich./
"Good job out there, only two more days and we can go home, Lucky here has been getting all kinds of attention, from all sorts of pretty females. I really gotta look into getting one of these, too bad there is no chance of acquiring one like him…" I told my brother, as he took Lucky back, who greeted his owner.
"Yeah, the Unicorn performed extraordinarily, I was more than pleased." Ves replied, whilst petting the gem-cat he was currently carrying, as we made our way towards our hotel, for the next two days.
"Some of these cadets, are really talented, you can tell they have never seen real battle though…" Dietrich said, putting in his two-cents about the mech-pilots, piloting the mechs designed by the competitors.
"Let us get you to the hotel, you need to get your rest, got two more big days ahead of you…" I told the group, as we hailed a hover-can, to transport us through the city.
/After resting, for a full-night's rest, on the second day of the main-event. As Dietrich, Lucky and Uhtred, took their seats, inside the coliseum./
/Location: Leemar-II, LIT/
"Fuck it, I guess a bump, is neede to get me awake, this morning. I feel like dog-shit…" I told Dietrich, as we took our seats, waiting for the second day of the main-event, of Ves' mech-designer competition to begin.
"I believe, I shall have a bump as well, even though I feel absolutely fine, this glorious morning…" Dietrich said, all bright and chippy-like, making me roll my eyes and groan…
/Back on the field of battle, with Ves, the young Larkinson mech-designer, whom is currently busy fabricating the swordsman-mech, he plans to build for the second round, of the main-events. The Sword-Dancer, will be made for the pilot, whom prefers swordsman-mechs that is paired up to be Ves' mech-pilot, for the duration of the rest of this tournament./
/Ves, envisioned a complex, graceful, flexible whirling sword-dancing swordsman-mech, when he performed his pre-fabrication ritual. Guaranteeing, the 'Sword-Dancer mech, will possess a rather impressive 'X-Factor. His mech-pilot, Cadet Lovejoy, will be able to bring the most power or ability out of the mech, Ves built for him./
/Cadet Lovejoy, went on to pilot the 'Sword-Dancer, to do battle in four consecutive mech-battles, winning four consecutive matches, carrying Ves onto the third and final day of the Main-Event, of the Open-Design competition on planet Leemar-II, at the Leemar Institute of Technology./
/On the Next day, as opening speech was given, the audience were informed, the pilot for mech-designer Carter Gauge, Cadet Freeman, was found dead in his hotel-room, last evening. The evidence found, points to suicide, due to stress the young cadet mech-pilot was under, during his competing at the mech-designer competition./
/Obviously the Gauge-Dynasty did not appreciate the mech-pilot cadet, whom was responsible for piloting their mech-designer's mechs. Either that, or one of the enemies of the Gauge-Dynasty, or just maybe one of the other major families of the Coalition, such as the Konsu-Clan assasinated the young cadet. He is dead, that is a fact, and so the competition continued to proceed, after the news of the young mech-pilot's unfortunate demise…./