Chapter 25: Vol. 2 Chapter 23 - Finals
/After the announcer, finished telling the audience in attendance, the news of Cadet Freeman's unfortunate passing, the evening before. The announcer kicked off the final event, and round of the competition. For this final round, the twenty-four young designers, will be pitted against one another, in a single-elimination tournament./
/Location: In the audience, of the competition, at the LIT/
"See, look at how Ves, is standing there, just planning and envisioning his fabrication-plan, he does this as a ritual for all his mechs." I said, whilst pointing out to Dietrich, Ves is just standing there, with his eyes closed, while the rest of the competitors are all working and moving around.
"Why does he do this? Is he not worried for time?" Dietrich asked, perplexed, at the thought of standing around wasting time, during a competition.
"Trust me, it is worth the wait. Look, he has started." I told my friend, as I petted the Rubarthan gem-cat Lucky, who attracts all the pretty ladies naturally, as if he does it without even trying to.
Ves started his fabrication, envisioning a medium-swordsman mech, as an angel or demon visiting different fields of battle, reaping lives like farmers reaping crops in the fields.
"He is adding a flight-pack, to his medium-swordsman mech. It might not make it, an aerial-mech. The medium-mech will be too heavy, but it will get it a mobility-boost and add to it's arsenal of abilities. Cadet Lovejoy, should be able to pilot this mech, to really shine on the field today." I said to Dietrich, pointing out and informing him, of Ves' moves, as I waved a pretty blonde waitress, being followed by a hovering tray of beverages and other goodies, to sell to the members of the audience.
"I can see how that could make a deadly combination, quick-agile medium-swordsman mech, capable of dealing with enemies in the air, and also the ones on the ground." The young small-time crime-boss said, as he purchased a large glass of chilled beer, and some space-twizzlers, at least that is what I am calling them, the candy Dietrich is purchasing with his beer.
"How can you snort this shit, and still have a taste for sweets? Dope, always gives me a terrible taste in my mouth, I for sure do not imagine ever wanting to eat candy, whilst doing some E-Crystal." I asked Dietrich, whilst drinking from a mug of nice chilled beer.
"I just snort a little water, it clears it all out, I can not live without sweets." Dietrich told me, whilst doing exactly what he was describing doing, snorting a little capful of water up both his nostrils.
"Hmm, I'll try it I guess, fuck it. Fuck, we have to sit here six-hours waiting for these mechs to be built. I'm hitting some E, and more than likely falling asleep after doing so." I said to Dietrich, informing him of my plans, for the rest of the competition.
/As our main-character did, as he said he would do, Ves continued building his 'Executioner. A fitting name for the medium-swordsman mech, with a flight-pack installed on the back of it./
/By the time, Uhtred woke from his space-drug induced coma, there were only five other designers besides Ves, still in the competition. Uhtred woke to the announcer, showing the prizes for the top three finalists in the competition. The Akron Mark I, a smaller space-ship classified as a 'Corvette, that features advanced FTL, or faster than light travel, capable engines. The ship's cargo bay, contains enough space, for two standard-packaged mechs, or four standard-sized containers./
/After giving her speech, Professor Marshall, started off the final matches. Ves, received Felix Tremor, as his opponent, for his match. Whom, Ves defeated securing his space-ship trophy, and his spot as a top three finalist, at the seventy-third Open-Design competition, at the LIT on planet Leemar-II/
/Patricia Schneider, a fellow Bright-Republican also placed as a top three finalist, alongside Ves. Marcel Westkerke From Leemar, secured the last available top three finalist position, saving a little face for the institution./
/Ves received his opportunity and accepted it, making him an apprentice to the Master-Designer Carmin Olsen. As her apprentice, Ves received the title of Knight, in the Clifford-Society, of the Carnegie-Group./
/After dealing with his apprenticeship ceremony and everything, Ves met up with the rest of our group. Then they transferred Dietrich and Uhtred's mechs and all their supplies, to the Akron Mark I. A spaceship that is a hundred-meters of pure craftsmanship, of second-rate technologies and equipments./
/The 'Barracuda, the name of Ves' new corvette, then plotted a course through the stars, to make the return-trip to planet Cloudy-Curtain and their respective home-planet. Unlike a normal corvette, the 'Barracuda was extensively-automated thanks to the navigation-bot and other droids, Leemar decked-out the ship with, when they designed and built the spaceship./
/The Barracuda, came with almost a mini-mech workshop, that was of course built and designed with all the up-to date second-rate equipments and technologies. The ship, even came with a closet of free antigrav-clothes, this ship is the kind that could bankrupt even the wealthiest of families back in the Bright-Republic./
/After traveling on the spaceship, and only stopping to refresh the FTL engines, the group made their way to their home-planet. Midway through their return-trip home, the group found an empty base, that some sort of criminal-organization used to store their stolen goods. Among other things, the group found a Dortmund 'Three-Dimensional-Printer, a very expensive state-of-the-art 3D-Printer, much better than Ves' current 3D-Printer at his mech-workshop./
/Our group of adventurers, grabbed their loot, and made their escape from the planet, before any of the owners of the stolen-goods, could make their return to the base. Once they were all back inside the Barracuda, their return-voyage continued. Taking them through the milky-way galaxy, all the way home. To their little slice of heaven, in the form of a quiet, slow-paced, agricultural-based planet, named Cloudy-Curtain. A planet founded by pacifists, who originated in the Bright-Republic, and moved to the small quite planet, to call it their home, and live their for generations./