‘The-Mech-Touch I’ve ‘Transmigrated; Ves Larkinson Is my Twin Brother

Chapter 26: Vol. 2 Chapter 24 - AstralWolves

/Only a few days, after leaving the crime-syndicate's stolen-goods filled base, whilst traveling through Komodo-Star-Sector, space-pirates appeared on the Barracuda's radar-equipment./

/Location: Komodo-Star-Sector, Onboard the Barracuda/


"We only need thirty-minutes time, until the FTL-Engines, are cooled and reset, we can escape them then." I told my brother and Dietrich, as the pirate ship actually sent a communication-channel request-signal, to the Barracuda.

"Who are you boy? Let me speak to your captain, we are the AstralWolves, you will now surrender to me and my forces, or die!" The leader of the space-bandits said, as Ves accepted the request-signal from the hostile cargo-carrier space-ship, carrying the AstralWolves and their mechs. Projecting the space-bandit's leader's voice and face…

"Listen cunt! My brother's words would be wasted, conversating with pirate-scum like you! Me, on the other-hand, well… Let us just say I tend to act really rapey, when I deal with the galaxy's shit-stains like you lot… The real naughty-boys of the galaxy, huh? Is that what we have here? Ves, get the bots loading up my javelins, I believe it is time for some fun. Me and the Valkyrie, will educate these scum-guzzlers, on what the name Larkinson will mean from now on, in this galaxy… Dietrich you and the Harrier, just protect the ship." I said, talking a little shit to my enemy, before shutting off his communication channel whilst flipping him the ol' middle-finger, and informing Dietrich, his task whilst letting Ves, know I was launching-off in the Valkyrie…

/After briefly, opening the cargo-bay of the Barracuda, to let Uhtred and the Valkyrie sortie from the spaceship. Ves closed the gate of the cargo-bay, keeping the navigation-bot working on dodging the pot-shots, being fired from the little over twenty outdated currentgen-mechs, that would soon be lastgen-mechs, if they never were to cross paths, with the Wolf of BebbanBurg./

/Location: Komodo-Star-Sector, outside the Barracuda/


After interfacing, with the Seraphim-Valkyrie, it's almost as if Uhtred's consciousness merges with the mech, as if it is creating and birthing a new third-life, something like a hybrid, between man and machine. In the case, of the Seraphim-Valkyrie, it is like becoming a pure-metal walking and flying fallen-angel of death.

The senses, he has control over, when he is interfaced with his custom-mech. Are godlike, what I would imagine omniscience must feel like… the mech's metallic and electrical organs, producing the mech's ehanced-senses. The power coursing through the mech's internals, making his foe's attack, crawl to a snail's pace.

"Gods, I pity my prey, I pity all twenty of them… Hahahah!" Uhtred lamented out, at what will take place, here in this small piece of space, located within the Komodo-Star-Sector.

"You!" He shouted, as he pointed at the closest light-mech, with his mech's female metallic-hand, the enemy mech was obviously built more for speed, at the least it was faster than it's allies. As the mech found itself, staring at a female-metal giantess, hurling a metal stick-looking object, that flew-true accelerating and carrying itself through the open deep-space, flying right towards it.

After launching his first javelin, instead of waiting back, Uhtred decided to hit the boosters, of his mech's jet-pack. At full-power until the Valkyrie, was brought up to a peak velocity, then Uhtred killed the power, to the boosters. Traveling at a high-speed through space with max fuel or energy-efficiency,

On a trajectory, dead-set towards the mech, that just received a metal-alloy mech-javelin to its upper-torso, ripping off an entire limb at the shoulder, free from the enemy mech's torso…

After finishing off, his first almost helpless prey, with a swift cock-pit penetrating pierce of the Valkyrie's metal-alloy spear to the enemy's fallen mech's cock-pit. Uhtred pulled another javelin from his back, and launched another javelin at the nearest enemy mech near him, before repeating the process, with most swiftness three more times.

As the three enemy deaths, took place, the space-bandits started to realize, they were dealing with a true conductor of war. Their enemy started to use their own attacks against them, by weaving and dodging lasers and other energy-based attacks, and placing himself within the line of fire of their comrades.

Uhtred was now just toying with them, he would use his flight-pack's boosters, just enough to clear him from his enemy attacks, or to push him just close enough, where he could pick at enemy vitals with his mech's spear.

"What the fuck! Boss? Help where are you!?" One of the poor devil's turds of the galaxy said, shouting out for help, searching for a savior from anywhere…

"Sleep…" the Seraphim-Valkyrie's speakers spoke, in a gentle voice to the fallen mech, as It stood over it, before slamming down it's metal-alloy spear, ending the life of the mech and it's unfortunate pilot.

"Wait! Don't go! We were just getting started!" Uhtred shouted, in rage, at the fleeing space-pirates. Whom decided, they had taken enough losses and damage for the day, this target was not a sheep at all. No, for it revealed it's fangs and face to be a wolf, a true predator…

"Fuck it!" Uhtred exclaimed, as looked at the mechanical-carcasses, littering the beautiful sight of deep-space and the beautiful cosmos. With torn and destroyed mechanical parts and mech corpses, strewn across the open-space.

"Haha I only got to fire two times, and they already run off. Fuck Uhtred! You can really move that light-mech! You were dancing with them, playing with them almost." Dietrich's voice and face popped up, inside Uhtred's mech's cock-pit, as Uhtred accepted the communication request from the small-time crime-boss, mech-pilot.

"It's called ballet, ancient art-form of dance, focusing on leverage and principles of tension and inertia, you really learn how to shift and turn your center-of-gravity, shifting your weight weaving in and out of your opponent's strikes and attacks, whilst allowing you the perfect, strange, undefendable-from attacking-angles, to unleash your own strikes or blows onto your enemy… it's a long-lost art-form, created by a group of martial-warriors, who created the agile-flexible martial-arts, to defeat enemies that were always in much larger groups than they were, as they were rebels. Fighting an entire empire, starting from one postal-message office, in a small town, by a little-known small-ranked grassroots government-official, named Liu-Bang. Whom, went on to overthrow the evil Qin-Dynasty, penultimately establishing his own dynasty, the Han-Dynasty. The time of the blue-dragon is over, the time of the yellow-sky is upon us!" Uhtred told Dietrich, through the communication-channel, as he took another fat key-bump of his favorite blend, of the most potent-strains of 'Exlor-Crystal. The blend, is so much to his liking, he has monikered it, the 'Cunnilingus…

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