Chapter 27: Vol. 2 Chapter 25 - Pilot-Points
/Back on board the Barracuda, after gathering a few of the most valuable trophies from the bodies, of his enemies mech's metallic-carcasses, Uhtred received his very first PP, or Pilot-Points, to his account on his mech-pilot software, on his personal-communications-bracelet./
"That is not the mech I built, how could it evolve like this?" I said, questioning how the variant-mech of the archaic-model, could conduct mech-warfare, like I just witnessed it doing so…
"She is not, you are correct, she is something more now… she answers my calls, and I answer hers… it is hard to explain brother… I will sleep now…" Uhtred told me, as he waved one of his arms and hands, whilst sleepily walking to a guest-cabin, or compartment where he could rest, aboard the corvette-class space-yacht.
"Did he say anything to you? Dietrich?" I asked my brother's friend, whom just shook his head…
"He said some stuff about dancing and dynasties, I wasn't really following it all, you know how he gets on his crystal… I don't know what to tell you, other than just let him sleep it off…" Dietrich said, whilst taking a seat on deck, in the command-center of my ship…
"Alright, I'm engaging the FTL, another week and we will be home, thank the gods…" I said, out-loud really just to myself, as I inputted a couple commands on the A.I. assisted navigation-system. Sending the Barracuda and us, into hyper-speed warp-travel, headed home.
/After traveling the remaining distance, to the planet Bentheim, where Ves plans to ask Marcella Bollinger, his personal mech-broker to store his new ship for a while./
/Inside Marcella's office on Planet Bentheim/
"The 'Prodigal-Son, finally makes his triumphant-return home, It is good to see you all, once again." Marcella, greeted the Larkinson-Twins, as they entered her personal-office, in Dorum-City.
"I told you, my brother is a walking and talking gold-mine! Did I, not?" The more sociable and bearded-twin, said and asked, as the brothers took their seats, in two of the chairs on the opposite side, of the desk where Marcella is sitting.
"You did, and that is why, I agreed to only a tenth of the profit for my commissions. Ves has caused quite a stir, back here in the Republic, you need to get back in the shop, and get to selling them mechs pronto." The mech-broker, told the two younger males, sitting opposite her.
"I plan to get started, the moment we land back on planet Cloudy-Curtain. Do you have a buyer for a Marc Antony, lined up?" Ves Larkinson, informed Marcella, then asked how things were, on her end.
"Vincent Ricklin, the playboy, young-master of the Ricklin-Family and Corporation. He has expressed the wish for you to add a 'codpiece, to his personal 'Marc Antony. He will pay you, handsomely for doing so." The stoic and stockier woman, told the two young Larkinsons, as she fiddled with some documents, pertaining to the young-playboy she just mentioned.
"Haha! He wants to add a tackle-box! Onto a fucking mech, that is classic, if I have ever heard it! Fuck my sides hurt, I can't stop laughing!" Uhtred Larkinson, the more-handsome and nicer-beard having of the two brothers, said as he held his sides, having a fit of laughter, that just could not be ceased…
"Are you serious? He wants me to add a package? To his, over thirty-million Bright-Credit costing, Variant-Mech?" Ves, asked Marcella, in disbelief at the outrageous idea.
"That is his request, and as you can see he will pay thirty-eight million Bright-Credits, if you accomplish his request." Marcella Bollinger, said to the two younger men, whilst highlighting some text on the documents, for Ves to take notice of…
"Whatever, I am getting paid, let him know to pay the deposit, and then and only then, I will start the fabrication, for his codpiece wielding-mech…" Ves said, almost depressingly-like, as he tried to remember what he wanted to ask the woman.
"Right, are you sure it is ok, for me to store the Barracuda here?" Ves asked, what he meant to ask, originally coming here.
"Ofcourse, mech-brokers always have plenty of space, I can keep your newest toy safe for you, no problem." The woman said, informing Ves it was fine.
"Great, well we shall make for, planet Cloudy-Curtain soon as our goods and mechs are transferred to the Transport-Shuttle, keep in touch." Ves, told Marcella, as he and Uhtred made their exit, to meet up with Dietrich, to travel home aboard a transport-shuttle, that will travel from the planet Bentheim, to Cloudy-Curtain.
/After a day and a half, the group returned to the small agricultural-based planet, Dietrich returned to the Whaler's embrace, to prepare to salvage the abandoned-base they found, on their return-voyage through space controlled by the Friday-Coalition. Ves returned to his mech-workshop, to get it back-up and running, cranking out his personally-designed variant-mechs. To sell for the funds, needed to create a mech-fabricating and selling enterprise./
/Uhtred went back to his villa, to enter closed-cultivation, for a week. Before getting started, recruiting and building an all-female pilot, Mech-Corps. Consisting of the females, he plans to recruit on the smaller-planet, planet Cloudy-Curtain. The drug and sex-trade, has started gaining profit, and making traction, attracting the citizens, going about their slow-paced days, living on the slow-paced, agricultural-based planet./
/Uhtred Larkinson, Ves Larkinson, and Walter White's Whalers, are all common-household names on planet Cloudy-Curtain, presently. Local politicians and other government-officials, are either blackmailed or strong-armed and threatened into obedience. As the Whalers, are the sole mech-gang or any sort of private mech-based force or organization on the planet. The MTA claims to be neutral, and they are the only other mech-based force, still on the historically economically-poor planet…/
/In only a week's time after Uhtred exited, his week's time of closed-cultivation, Uhtred had already recruited ten, young-females, ranging between the ages of eighteen and twenty, with the aptitude to interface with and pilot a mech. Whilst recruiting a hundred non-pilot female-personnel, of the same age-group. Uhtred had an abandoned, decently-build building, refurbished and redesigned into a barracks and all-female mercenary-force's headquarters. With the amount he paid, the nearest top-construction company. Uhtred only had to wait a week for the company's construction-bots and A.I.-assisted machines, to finish with the build./