Chapter 28: Vol. 2 Chapter 26 - Ricklin-Incident
//The day, the construction-company finished, the refurbishment, of the old building that has been transformed, into the Head-Quarters of the 'Unsullied. The all-female, mech-based mercenary-force, Uhtred has started to build and train./
/Location: 'Unsullied Headquarters/
After finishing, getting the women started on their breathing exercises, and the beginning of their morning's exercise-routine. I personally-designed for them, I decided to visit my twin-brother.
"Samantha, I shall visit my brother, I leave the 'Unsullied, in your more than capable hands. Make sure none of them hurts themselves, I know they feel, they have a lot to prove, being orphans. That may be true, but that is no reason for them to push themselves, until they are seriously-injured. Each and every one of them, are no longer invaluable, they are now more important, than they themselves could ever imagine…" I told my second-in-command and Minister of economy.
"I'll keep my eyes on your newest investments, everything here will be fine. If I can handle running brothels on this backwater-planet, I'm more than positive I can tackle babysitting some girls." She replied, as she nodded her head whilst I whistled, and walked away from her to meet Sleipnir. Whom just hopped a fence, to escape his paradise-like expansive-enclosed pasture, responding to my whistles.
"Neigh!" Sleipnir roared out, as he approached me without slowing one bit, to which I just start sprinting alongside him, to penultimately vault myself on top of his back, by gripping and grasping tightly upon his glorious mane, whilst leaping mid-sprint to land gracefully on the warhorse.
"Away! My valiant steed, to the workshop we go!" I echoed his calls, shouting alongside him as he carried me, on our short horse-ride to Ves' workshop.
"Neigh!" Sleipnir called out, whilst kicking up large clods of soil and chunks of earth, as he sent that full-throttle so to say. Carrying me, so swiftly my longer hair and beard flowed and whipped with winds, as we traveled towards our destination. Along the perfectly flat and smooth, building-material the road was built with.
In less than a ten-minute sprint, for the heroic and valiant steed, we arrived at the workshop and before Ves decided to rent a separate residence for himself, the home of the young Larkinson mech-designer. The first and only of his family to become so, as of yet at this point and time in the history of the martial-clan or family, consisting of mostly and almost all mech-pilots.
"Alright my boy, go find you some water, you did well my son." I told the warhorse, as I leapt from his back landing firmly and stably on the ground.
"Looks like Vessie, has a little company, wonder who it could be…" I speak to myself, as I approach the mech-workshop's front-entrance, to place my hand on the digital-pad to confirm my identity, whilst having my eyes and retinas scanned by the door, before it opened granting me entry.
"Knocky, knocky, Uhtred be walking up inside here, anyone home?" I shouted, questioning as I entered into the building.
"Hey! Ves? Why do you have a beard all of a sudden?" Asked an unfamiliar young man, whom looked to be around the same age as Ves and I.
"Hah! He wished he was as handsome and had a beard as glorious as mine, nah bro, I'm Uhtred! What's good?" I laughed then informed him, the beard was real and I was indeed not Ves, but his more handsome and more glorious beard having twin brother Uhtred.
"O! You are the twin brother! Um, what's good?" The young man shouted, as he realized who I was, whilst repeating the same question I had just asked of him.
"It's like asking someone what's up, Where's Ves?" I said to the man whom I didn't plan on asking, for his name.
"He went to Freslin-City-Hall, someone is delaying his heavy-turret defense systems being installed, he hopes he can get it fixed." He replied, informing me of my brother's possible location.
"Hmm, well I guess Sleipnir will have to take me into the city then. It is a beautiful day today, perfect for a ride on horseback. Thanks for the information, I shall make my leave.." I said to myself, then informed the younger man of my thanks and my departure…
"Ok! It was nice meeting you! My name is Carlos Shaw!" Carlos yelled, as I had already exited the front-entrance doors, to whistle for my steed…
/Meanwhile, at this moment in time, on planet Bentheim. At the Ricklin-Family Compound, where the buyer of the latest 'Marc Antony Mark-II, Vincent Ricklin, is currently piloting his new purchase from Ves Larkinson. The 'Adonis, as he has monikered the personal-mech, he is currently using to escape the planet he is on, after killing almost all the elders of his own family, in a failed assassination attempt on his sister, Catelyn Ricklin/
/Location: Planet Bentheim, Ricklin-Family Compound/
"Fuck it! I might have not killed my sister, but I have struck the first blow in this war, We just declared Turin! Hurry up, the rebels have a transport waiting for us. We will free Bentheim, once we make our return home, mark my words my friend… Let us make haste…" I told my partner during our escape, from my failed but still valuable assassination attempt on my sister, which claimed the lives of almost all of the Ricklin family elders.
"She must have a second-rate shielding-technology equipment, to withstand the firepower of the Adonis." Turin replied, to which I agreed with his statement, inside my head.
My new personal medium-mech, had more firepower than I thought it could possibly produce, unfortunately it was still not enough to kill Catelyn.
"Once we meet up with the rest of the Bentheim Independece Movement, we shall make our plans to finish the job, this galaxy is not big enough for both, Catelyn and I. One of us must perish, that is just how it is. It is, what it is and it isn't, what it is not. I did not spend the last decade, pretending and portraying myself as a wastrel degenerate, to not accomplish my goals. I will succeed, at all and every goal I have…" I shouted out, as if declaring my claims to the heavens…