The One Punch Man (a.k.a Saitama) in Demon Slayer

Chapter 92: Chapter 90: A Day of Chaos and Peace

The Demon Slayer headquarters was unusually peaceful that morning. No emergency calls, no demon attacks—just a rare moment of calm. For once, the Demon Slayers could go about their day without worrying about survival.

But, of course, with people like Inosuke and Zenitsu around, peace never lasted long.


Morning - The Great Laundry Disaster

Tanjirou stretched his arms as he stepped outside, inhaling the fresh morning air. Today was a chore day, and he had been assigned to laundry duty along with Zenitsu, Inosuke, and—unfortunately—Saitama.

Zenitsu yawned. "Why do we have to do this? Shouldn't the lower-ranked slayers handle this kind of stuff?"

Tanjirou shook his head. "We're all part of the Corps. We share responsibilities."

Inosuke, who had somehow managed to tie the laundry cloth around his head like a warrior's bandana, grinned. "HAHA! I'll finish this before you weaklings even begin!"

Saitama, standing lazily with his arms crossed, blinked. "I have no idea how to do this."

"Wait, you don't know how to wash clothes?" Zenitsu asked in disbelief.

Saitama shook his head. "I used to just wear the same thing every day. It never got dirty."

Zenitsu nearly collapsed. "What kind of life is that?! Even demons probably have better hygiene!"

"Enough talking!" Inosuke declared. "LET THE COMPETITION BEGIN!"

Before anyone could stop him, Inosuke grabbed a bundle of clothes, dunked them all into the same bucket, and began furiously stomping on them like he was crushing grapes for wine.


"Sure it is! You just beat the dirt out!"

Zenitsu covered his face in frustration. "I swear, this guy…!"

Meanwhile, Saitama grabbed a random bucket, dumped everything inside, and just started stirring it with one hand.

Zenitsu's eye twitched. "That's not how you do it either!"

Saitama looked down at the swirling water. "It looks clean to me."

Tanjirou sighed, rubbing his temples. "At this rate, the clothes will be dirtier than before."

After several minutes of damage control, only Tanjirou ended up properly washing anything, while Zenitsu lectured Saitama on hygiene, and Inosuke declared victory despite accomplishing nothing.


Afternoon - Cooking Chaos

After their failed laundry duty, the group was called into the kitchen to help prepare lunch.

Mistake number one.

Shinobu was supervising. She had wisely kept Zenitsu away from the knives and put him in charge of washing vegetables. Inosuke, somehow, had ended up in charge of cutting ingredients.

Which was mistake number two.

"AHHAA! Watch and learn, weaklings! My blade skills are unmatched!" Inosuke cackled as he dual-wielded knives and began wildly swinging them.

"WAIT, STOP!" Tanjirou tried to intervene.

Too late.

The vegetables were obliterated. The cutting board was scarred. Even the air felt like it had been sliced apart.

Zenitsu looked horrified. "You just massacred those poor onions…"

Shinobu calmly placed a hand on Inosuke's shoulder. "Maybe we should let you… take a break?"

"WHAT?! But I'm the best at this!"

Saitama, meanwhile, was staring blankly at a pot of boiling water.

"Hey," he called out, "what am I supposed to do with this?"

Shinobu smiled patiently. "You're boiling noodles."

Saitama looked back at the pot. "How do I know when they're done?"

Shinobu's smile remained, but her patience cracked a little. "...You take them out when they're soft."

Saitama nodded. Then, without thinking, he reached into the boiling water with his bare hand and pulled out a noodle.

The entire kitchen froze.

Zenitsu shrieked. "WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU?!"

Tanjirou panicked. "Are you okay?! Your hand—!"

Saitama just blew on the noodle and ate it like nothing happened. "Yeah, it's soft now."

Shinobu massaged her temples. "Forget it. Just… sit over there, and don't touch anything."

And so, lunch was finally completed. Though most of the work was done by Tanjirou and Shinobu, and Inosuke and Saitama were permanently banned from kitchen duty.


Evening - A Trip to the Hot Springs

After the disaster of a day, the group decided to unwind at the hot springs.

"Ahhh… this is paradise," Zenitsu sighed as he sank into the warm water.

Tanjirou smiled. "It really is relaxing, isn't it?"

Giyuu, who had appeared out of nowhere (as always), sat in the water silently.

"Geez, do you always have to be so creepy?" Zenitsu muttered.

Giyuu ignored him.

Meanwhile, in the other section, Shinobu and the girls were enjoying the quiet.

"This is the only time we don't have to deal with those idiots," Shinobu said, smiling.

Mitsuri giggled. "Oh, come on, they're funny."

"But very tiring," Kanao added.

Back in the men's side, Inosuke suddenly stood up dramatically, his muscular frame dripping with water.


Before anyone could react, he scooped up water and hurled it at Zenitsu.

Zenitsu screeched. "HEY! I JUST GOT COMFORTABLE!"


Saitama, lazily sitting on the side, watched as Inosuke and Zenitsu began an all-out splash battle.

Giyuu got hit in the face with water. He didn't react. He just closed his eyes and sat there.

Tanjirou sighed but couldn't help smiling. Despite the chaos, these moments were rare. No demons, no battles—just simple, ridiculous fun.

Even Saitama, who usually found things boring, had to admit… this was kinda nice.

As the stars twinkled in the sky and the laughter echoed through the mountains, the Demon Slayers enjoyed one of the few peaceful days they had left.

Because soon… the battle would continue.


End of Chapter 90.


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