The Rebirth of Harry Potter

Chapter 48: Chapter 46: Q&A



(This chapter is not part of the main story; it's a collection of comments from readers over the past couple of days and my responses. I found them quite interesting, so I thought I'd share them with you. Today's chapter count remains the same.)

Comment: Where is the author?

Reply: (⊙o⊙)…

The author is right here.

Comment: Author, you're so cruel! Hermione is only a first-year, and you already went for it… And are you planning to build a harem too? Baka yarou--...

Reply: Why do I get a strangely intriguing feeling from your comment?

If you're a girl, I have a feeling that what you actually mean is:

"Author, you're amazing. You dared to go for Hermione while she's only in her first year—this is exactly what I love to read! What's that? You're planning a harem too? Shameless… but I like it! Keep it up, author!!"

Ahem… Am I right or not?

Comment: How many chapters do you update per day?

Reply: Hehe…

All I can say is: "Dare I ask, where is the road?"

Such a profound question… Let's talk about it again when I turn eighteen.


Comment: Liu Yanchang was actually a heartless man, and at first, his son didn't have the courage to save his mother either. It was only because of the Three Holy Mothers and his good older brother that he was slowly trained and molded. They even used magic to make Liu Yanchang devoted. Over time, Chen Xiang grew stronger, and eventually, Buddhism played a role in the story too. In the end, Chen Xiang became some kind of Buddhist guardian, just like Sun Wukong—I can't quite remember his exact title.

Reply: Stop, stop—I've always disliked Liu Yanchang. When I first watched the story as a kid, I thought he was way too ordinary, completely average, and honestly kind of annoying. He was nowhere near worthy of the celestial beauty that is the Three Holy Mothers. Back then, I thought she was incredibly beautiful, and I really, really liked her. ^_^

Comment: Today, I saw someone criticizing the author, and I felt really bad for you. After all, most fanfictions are written purely out of passion, not for profit. Even though I didn't get sorted into Slytherin, I'll still support you! Keep going!

Reply: I don't know who you are, but I'm really, really touched.

When people insult me, I don't argue back. I just reply calmly.

I tell myself, "It's actually quite amusing."

But when I saw your comment just now… that feeling of excitement, joy, and even a little bit of sadness…

I realized—I actually care.

Thank you.

Comment: Replying to @Luo Bei: ╭(°A°`)╮ Stay calm, author. It's a well-known fact that fanfictions on Qidian don't make money. They're written purely out of passion. If the story is good and gets completed, readers will praise you. If it's not good or gets abandoned, at most, they'll just say, "That's a pity," and move on. People who curse or insult the author are just lacking basic decency. You don't need to take them to heart.

Reply: Thank you. I'm fine, don't worry—I won't take it to heart.

Comment: Yeah, people who insult others usually lack basic manners. Let's not stoop to their level.

Reply: Thank you. I feel much better now. o(∩_∩)o Haha~

Comment: I don't like Cho Chang. I didn't like her when I read the books back then, and I found her even more disappointing in the movies.

Reply: Well, reading is a personal experience—everyone takes away something different.

I'll try my best to write her in a way that won't make you dislike her.

Mind telling me why you don't like her?


Comment: Luo Bei, you haven't updated for days—don't tell me you're abandoning the story!!!

Reply: (⊙o⊙)…

Please don't use the word abandon so casually. Have you ever heard of Murphy's Law?

I wouldn't drop the story that easily… unless you hand me the Sunflower Manual—then I might consider it.

o(∩_∩)o Haha~

It was just one day!

Comment: By the way, how many people know that Dumbledore's actor was actually replaced? I never noticed it…

Reply: Hmm, sorry…

I don't quite understand what you mean. Maybe my IQ is too low?

I even searched it up, but I couldn't find anything. What do you mean by old honeybee kind?

Can someone explain?

Are you talking about Professor Dumbledore?

Yeah, I think they changed his actor after the third movie.

Comment: Keep going!

What's wrong?

Out of inspiration? Giving up?

Reply: Even if I run out of ideas, I'll still finish writing!

I went back to my hometown yesterday.


Comment: Haven't read it yet, waiting for more chapters to pile up first. I've read almost all Harry Potter fanfics—except for BL ones. I have high hopes for you, don't abandon this, okay?? A student here, donating 100 to support you.

Reply: Thanks. :-D

Comment: Any good recommendations?

Reply: Do you mean Harry Potter fanfics or just good books in general?

Comment: Harry didn't end up with Cho, didn't end up with Hermione, and in the end, he ended up with Ginny—I'm speechless.

Reply: Yep.

We all get it.

Ginny is basically an overlooked character. If the movie had made her really beautiful, maybe fewer people would have complained.

But what did we get?

There's a picture of the four most well-known female characters in Harry Potter: Ginny, Hermione, Cho, and Fleur.

And guess who's the most plain-looking one? Ginny.

No words…

Comment: Fate is strange! Such an ordinary book title, a simple cover, but the content is so… fun!!!

I found this completely by accident while looking for something else, but I'm so glad I did!

Author, keep it up! Ganbatte!! Whatever you do, don't abandon this story! Please try to get it up for premium soon—I can't stand not being able to auto-subscribe!

Quick question: (On the mobile app) I don't see a "favorite" button—does adding it to my bookshelf count as favoriting?

Also, if I donate to you now, are you sure you'll receive it?

Well, whatever—let me just send a donation first!

Reply: It's my honor that you like this book.

On the mobile app, as long as you add it to your bookshelf, that counts as favoriting.

Thank you!

I don't think I can receive donations yet. This is my first book, so I don't know how that works… Do I have to go premium first?

Question: Is your avatar Sora from Yosuga no Sora?

That's all I'll post for now.

By the way, to the student readers, please be mindful of your spending. Just voting with recommendation tickets is enough to make me happy. Or you can check in daily to earn coins and then donate those. If you're rich, feel free to ignore this!

One more thing—I'm a forum moderator, and out of over 200 comments, I've personally replied to almost all of them, as long as they weren't outright insults.

Whether it's criticism, suggestions, opinions, praise, or even if someone says my novel isn't good, I've responded. And every reply has included an experience point reward.

But now, I'm running out of experience points to distribute this month—I only have a few dozen left. So, from now on, if you leave a comment, you might not get any experience points. Sorry about that!

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