The Rebirth of Harry Potter

Chapter 47: Chapter 46: Halloween

The Morning of Halloween Eve 🎃

That morning, the moment they woke up,

A sweet, enticing scent filled the corridors—

The unmistakable aroma of roasted pumpkin.

The rich fragrance was so overwhelming,

That it immediately defeated their laziness and got them out of bed.

Flitwick's Charms Class – The Levitation Charm

On this day, Professor Flitwick began teaching the Levitation Charm (Wingardium Leviosa).

Each student was paired up with a partner.

In the original story, Hermione was paired with Ron—

And because Hermione excelled in the spell and corrected Ron's mistakes,

Ron became frustrated and mocked her behind her back.

This led to Hermione running off to cry in the girls' bathroom—

Which set off a chain of events that changed everything.

But This Time...

Since Harry and Hermione always sat together in class,

Even when the professors divided students into pairs,

They naturally ended up together.

The Difficulty of the Levitation Charm

For first-years, the Levitation Charm was one of the hardest spells to learn.

✔ The incantation was long.

✔ The pronunciation had to be precise.

✔ The wand movement had to be just right.

During Quidditch practice two days ago,

Wood had used the Levitation Charm to make the balls fly into the air.

However, unlike these new students,

Wood had already mastered the spell,

So he poured in more magic power and swung his wand faster—

Making the balls shoot out at incredible speeds.

For these beginner first-years,

They could barely make a feather float—

Let alone control multiple objects at once.

Harry couldn't help but smile

As he watched everyone seriously following Flitwick's demonstration.

A few years from now,

When they looked back at how difficult this spell seemed today,

They would laugh at themselves.

Students Struggling with the Spell

As soon as practice began,

Everyone excitedly waved their wands at the white feathers.

✔ "…Why isn't it moving?" 🤨

✔ "Are you stupid? You didn't even say the incantation out loud!"

✔ "Impossible… Oh! I just remembered—I was saying it in my head."

✔ "…(⊙o⊙)???"

✔ "Mine isn't moving either!" 😤

✔ "You need to get the wand movement right! How do you not know that?"

Most students shouted the incantation multiple times—

Yet the feathers remained completely still.

A small number of students managed to make their feather tremble slightly,

And they instantly started celebrating.

Their partners, however, weren't convinced.

They squinted at the feather and muttered—

"That was just the wind." ðŸ˜‘

Harry's Turn

With one casual wave of his wand—

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

Harry's Overpowered Levitation Charm

The feather shot up instantly—

Unlike Flitwick's gentle, slow-floating demonstration,

Harry's feather launched into the air like a rocket,

Soaring all the way up to the ceiling—

Before getting stuck in a far-off corner, refusing to come down.

Hermione's Perfect Execution

Not to be outdone,

Hermione flawlessly controlled her feather,

Making it hover gracefully exactly four feet above the ground—

Perfectly mimicking Flitwick's demonstration.

"That's what we were supposed to do!"

All the students internally screamed in frustration.

Other Students Giving Up on Harry's Level

By this point,

None of them even bothered trying to copy Harry.

His skill was so ridiculously high,

It was like he was playing at a whole different level—

Several floors above them.

"There's no way we can learn from that…"

They sighed, giving up.

Flitwick Rewards Gryffindor

As expected,

Professor Flitwick was so impressed

That he awarded Gryffindor ten points

For both Hermione and Harry's performance.

Desperate Attempts to Cast the Spell

Watching Harry and Hermione succeed

Only made the other students more determined to get it right.

The room echoed with attempts—

✔ "Wingardium—Leviosa…!"

✔ "Wingardium—Levios…"

✔ "Wingardium—Levio…"

✔ "Wingardium—Lévi…"

✔ "Wingar—…"

Then suddenly—


A loud explosion shook the classroom.

Everyone's heads snapped toward the source—

Only to see Seamus Finnigan standing there,

His entire face covered in soot,

His hair still smoking,

With a completely blank expression.

Even Ron, who had been sitting next to him,

Looked half-burnt from the blast.

Seamus's feather… had exploded.

Ron's Justified Fear of Seamus

Now, it made perfect sense

Why Ron never wanted to be paired with Seamus.

Being near him was a life-threatening experience.

The Aftermath

By the end of class,

Only less than half the students managed to make their feathers float.

As they left the classroom,

Some students seemed completely possessed—

Mumbling "Wingardium Leviosa" under their breath,

Absentmindedly waving their hands around.

Afternoon Lessons – No One's Paying Attention

In the afternoon,

Almost no one was focused on class anymore.

Every student's mind was elsewhere—

Thinking about the grand feast tonight.

Except for Hermione.

She was annoyed at how distracted everyone was.

At first, she wanted to complain to Harry,

But before she could even say a word,

Harry had already started discussing

All the delicious food that might appear at the banquet.

Harry's Sudden Departure at Lunch

At lunchtime,

Harry barely ate a few bites,

Before getting up and leaving.

Hermione watched in surprise.

"Do you have something urgent to do?"

She asked, concerned.

Harry wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Nothing too important. I can handle it myself. You take your time eating."

Harry's Sudden Fatigue

Over an hour later,

Harry finally found Hermione,

Who was reading in the library.

Hermione's Shock

As soon as she looked up,

She was shocked.

Harry's face was pale,

His forehead dotted with sweat,

His eyes looked unfocused—

As if he had suffered a serious injury

And hadn't recovered properly.

Concerned Hermione

Harry sat down next to her,

Hiding his face behind a book.

It was only then that Hermione noticed

His rapid breathing.

Hermione Urges Harry to Go to St. Mungo's

"You're really not okay!"

Hermione stood up,

Trying to help him up.

"You need to go to St. Mungo's hospital, right now!"

She insisted.

Harry's Weak but Playful Response

"I'm fine!"

Harry weakly smiled,

Grabbing Hermione's hand to pull her back down.

"Relax, I just cast too many spells at once, so I feel a bit weak."

He explained.

Hermione's Doubt

Hermione wasn't convinced.

"Are you absolutely sure you're okay?"

She pressed.

Harry's Vague Response

"Yes, I'm fine!"

Harry's tone was firm.

Hermione narrowed her eyes.

"Then… what kind of spells did you cast that made you like this?"

"Haha, you'll find out later…"

Harry grinned mysteriously.

Hermione huffed,

Clearly not satisfied with his answer.

Harry's Exhaustion Explained

It turned out casting just a few dozen spells

Had drained him significantly.

Of course, each spell wasn't just cast once.

What Harry didn't realize

Was that even for a fully trained adult wizard,

Casting so many spells at once

Would have been extremely difficult—

Even if they were simple spells below fourth-year level.

Harry's Plan Against Quirrell

Even though he was still learning fourth-year magic,

And stronger spells weren't yet an option,

He felt confident

That the 100+ cursed prank spells

He had just placed in the fourth-floor corridor

Would at least slow Quirrell down.

If only he had thought of this sooner,

He could have already obtained

The Half-Blood Prince's potions book—

Which contained a very powerful attack spell.

Forced to Skip Class

Harry had overestimated

His own ability to recover.

For the entire afternoon,

He was too exhausted to attend classes.

So, he had no choice but to stay in the library.

This was the first time

Since starting at Hogwarts

That Harry had skipped class.


Hermione stayed with him.

Of course, that meant enduring her endless nagging.

An Afternoon in the Library

The two of them sat together

In the vast, quiet library

For the entire afternoon.

It wasn't until after school ended

That Harry finally felt better,

And they left the library together.

The Grand Halloween Feast

That night,

Every student eagerly made their way to the Great Hall

For the Halloween Banquet.

Stunning Decorations

As soon as they entered,

The students gasped in awe

At the breathtaking decorations.

✔ Thousands of bats fluttered along the walls and ceiling.

✔ Dark clouds floated above the tables, swirling ominously.

✔ Massive carved pumpkins lined the hall—

✔ Their jagged mouths twisted into eerie grins,

✔ Lit from within by flickering candles.

As the clouds drifted,

The pumpkin lights

Flickered unpredictably,

Creating an eerie, yet festive atmosphere.

The Students' Excitement

The students poured into the hall,

Buzzing with excitement.

Laughter echoed throughout the room,

As they eagerly chatted and enjoyed the food.

The Great Hall was filled with pure joy and celebration.

The Halloween Feast Had Begun. 🎃✨

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