Chapter 11: In the Academy
After we stepped inside, the room was filled with other Sleepers, forming cliques and chatting, mostly about their first Nightmares. At the sight of this, Sunny and I separated without a word—we hadn't spoken since his question about my blindfold.
What should I do? I don't really want to talk to random people here. Right now, both Sunny and Nephis are a lost cause. That leaves the depressed seer, Cassia. Now, where is she?
As I wandered through the room, I finally found a lone girl sitting on a bench, far from everyone else. Even though I couldn't see her, I was sure it was her. Without hesitation, I walked over and sat down beside her.
"Oh, what a lovely place to spend our time until someone tells us what to do next," I said casually.
"I'm Christopher by the way, but just call me Chris."
"I'm Cassia."
"What a beautiful name. A real shame I don't see you, though."
"Huh? You don't see me?" she asked, sounding surprised.
"Hmm, can't you tell? I have a blindfold on," I said, even though I already knew the answer.
"I'm blind," she admitted, her voice laced with dejection.
"Oh, so that must be the reason for your isolation. It's your flaw, isn't it?"
"Yes, it is."
"Hahaha, young kids just don't get it," I said, laughing.
"What do you mean?" she asked, curiosity creeping into her tone.
"I mean, look at it from a different perspective. Your aspect must be so great that the Spell had to take your vision as the price for it."
"But I can't fight... How am I supposed to survive in the Dream Realm like this?"
"It's just fighting. Can't someone do it for you?" I said lightly. "There are so many people here—surely, there must be someone willing to help."
"Yes… there must be someone… but how are you not worried? Aren't you blind as well?"
"No, no, no. In fact, quite the opposite." I smirked. "As you've already noticed, one of my attributes helps me greatly, so I can do anything without my sight. Besides, I spent most of my first Nightmare blind."
"What do you mean I've noticed?" she asked nervously.
"I know you can see my attributes. I can feel it." I said it casually, without any care.
She tensed.
"Just a word of advice—you should be careful. Some people won't take it as lightly as I do when someone spies on their attributes."
"I know… I'll be careful," she murmured.
"Ah pervert, we meet again." I said cheerfully.
"Who do you call a pervert ?" Sunny snapped at me.
"You." pointing at him "going around saying this and that, just to end up slapped across the face, what do you call that if not a pervert ?"
"You... damnation." came the reply in a voice that felt like it finally settled in what he has been doing.
"Hmmm, someone slightly stronger is coming."
Before Cassia and Sunny could respond, a deep voice echoed through the room.
"I am Awakened Rock. Sleepers, welcome to the Academy."
Then, he launched into a speech about the Dream Realm—how dangerous it was and how the instructors would do everything they could to increase our chances of survival. But, in the end, it would be up to us to choose what we wanted to learn. He also explained the objective of the Dream Realm, setting the foundation for what lay ahead.
After he finished i stood up and started walking away.
"See you around."