The Unknown class summoning

Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2

Am so sorry your highness… would work the next time we try though….,the lab attendee replied.., YOUR HIGHNESS!!!...., A fellow lab attendee called out to her with a serious expression written all over face…, yes what is it?...she asked looking at the caller looking straight into a holographic screen in front of her…., ummm we detect some sort of energy signature in the lab…., she replied…, huh? That's absurd….did we mistakenly leave a lab attendee in there?....., she asked as she put on her lab coat heading towards the lab door, immediately call some guard's here as soon as possible!!...., she ordered them all, in less than 3 second's five guards showed up…, They made their way in walking past chunks of debris and scrap metal…looking at the destroyed particle accelerator they observed a faint bluish glow at its base…., what's that?...., a guard asked out loud alerting the rest including her…., hmmm….must it be?...., she thought as she made her way towards the glow…it was hard to see what it was as it was been covered by a sheet of metal…., Princess…don't go there it might be a threat!!....., A guard exclaimed as he made his way towards her unsheathing his blade…, hold it….that can't possibly be a threat….it's obvious…., she spoke on as she made her way towards the emanating aura….as she came close she lifted it up… her utmost surprise it revealed the body of an unconscious guy who was not less than 19 years of age…, it's obvious he's our summoning….., she replied to the amazed soldier's.

Urgh!!....Dammit my head aches so bad….., Tatsuki exclaimed as he suddenly sprang up from the bed he was on...., huff…seems like am in heaven aren't I it definitely look's comfortable so to say…, Tatsuki thought as he looked out a window beside him but something was off…., huh?....was heaven always this fantasy related? seeing some really weird things here…, Tatsuki spoke out slurry as he noticed some levitating tube shaped trains….also noticing some weird demi-humans working in a garden…it looked like he was I some kind of fancy mansion…., you are not in a place called heave Tatsuki Hinokami...,A voice spoke behind him which startled him a bit…., Ayooo what the!!...when…how long have you been there?!...., Tatsuki asked the girl seated right beside him…..,Well….since you got summoned here I guess?....., She replied..., S….Summoned? re-incarnation and stuff?....i don't quite understand the re-incarnation part but yeah… can address me as PRINCESS JULIANA ONSWELL….i am the current princess of my country and I was given the responsibility of summoning a hero….., she replied to a clearly blank and confused Tatsuki….., okay okay lemme get this straight…I was summoned here as a hero of this nation by you…the current princess of this nation?...., Tatsuki replied her….., ummm basically yeah your exactly right…, she replied him…., well umm princess?-just call me Juliana..., she cut him short correcting him….., Ohh well Juliana...THIS IS BASICALLY AN ISEKAI ISN'T IT!!!!..., Tatsuki exclaimed throwing her off guard..., ummm am really really confused right now…., she thought as she tried to make up with what he ust said….., this…this….this is epic!!!....I die and get to start afresh in a new world…..there's no doubt it's truly an Isekai…..Ohh I can't wait….., Tatsuki exclaimed…., but….umm Juliana….where am I currently?....., Tatsuki asked the bedazzled princess….., you are currently residing in the country of ADROPH…., huh? that supposed to be someone's great grand uncle's surname or something?....., Tatsuki thought as he stood up…., hey hold on you still need time to accumulate all this information don't you?..., Juliana asked surprised at his fast composure…., nah…right now I need to eat…am starving…., Tatsuki replied…., hmmm it seems like your Mana got drained after the summoning…., well come with me I will show you your way to the dinning room….., She replied him as she guided him out the door….., hmmm…..all these people…they look like maids and guards….where they also waiting for my awakening?....., Tatsuki thought….., quick prepare him something to eat…and also prepare the appraisal device we need to appraise his abilities and skills….., she ordered the maids…., hmm?...appraisal device is it some sort of testing machine?....., not exactly…it will determine what type of class you are in and your abilities that follow…., she explained as they made their way past the hallway leading into the dining hall….., hmm…..though there's a lot of tech and all…the area still looks like a regular castle and all…., Tatsuki thought as he looked around…he also noticed that he wasn't putting on his uniform instead it was a pair of shorts and a t-shirt…., several minutes later after he was done eating his fill..., whoa that was the best meal of my life…., Tatsuki exclaimed as he rubbed on his belly…., umm princess?...., a maid tucked at her sleeve…, Ohh what is it Belle?...., Juliana answered…, well you see….our summoning eats like a wild animal…, She spoke in her ear's as though she was serious about the matter…, he he…well….he's still our summoning after all isn't he?...., Juliana replied…, well I believe it's time for your appraisal…., Juliana spoke up…., Ohhhh…I almost forgot he he..., Tatsuki replied suddenly getting up…., umm my princess…there has been some re scheduling with the appraising….., A fellow made exclaimed giving her a holographic tablet…., huh?...what's this now…., She thought as she saw the message on the tablet….which stated ALL STUDENTS MUST APPRAISE THEIR INDIVIDUALLY SUMMONED HEROES AT THE ACADEMY….., Dammit this must be the work of Elizabeth…., Juliana thought as she read…., oi what's going on?...., Tatsuki asked picking his teeth with a tooth pick….., ummm well you see…I have received news from the royal academy informing every single noble to bring forth their summoning's to be appraised there afterwards...Okay then what eves but I really didn't know anything about any royal academy though…., Tatsuki replied…, sorry but I haven't really enlightened you on why or what you are here for totally….maybe that's why you still have this lacklustre behaviour isn't...well to inform you…you were summoned here to take on full responsibility of anything that might happen to the Adroph kingdom Adroph had many other summoning s by many other past heir's to the throne…but either they were killed or they grew old and died off….Adroph isn't known for having strong summoning s so they are looked down upon by other neighbouring kingdom's….putting them at risk in the process… it has reached my turn which I have obviously taken part of….to be honest…I really do not know if you would be worthy of being called Adroph's hero… could likely die in the process off been appraised….cus…it's easier to pick out the most weakest summoning…., Julian finally ended…, I didn't mean to destroy his esteem to early…but it's best telling him what his likely going to face in the future…, Juliana thought as she noticed how stiff he looked as he backed both she and Belle…., well….is that all?.....if that's all then...THAT'S THE MOST MESSED UP LIE I HAVE EVER HEARD!!!...., Tatsuki exclaimed…, w….what!!...i beg your pardon?!...., Belle exclaimed at Tatsuki….., am confused….why is he still looking all excited….i couldn't sense enough mana from him so I decided to break his esteem but….why is he still like this?..., Juliana asked inwardly as she looked at Tatsuki who was in a hot argument with her personal maid Belle….., hey I wanna ask you something princess…., Tatsuki cut in to her thoughts…., what is it?....., Juliana replied..., well you did say that your ancestors summoned weak ass heroes…..meaning you also summoned me right?..., Tatsuki asked…, off course you dunce!!...., Belle cut in…, stop it Belle….and to answer you…yes we did….what's your point?....., well doesn't that just mean that you nobles are just weak or something?.....not excluding you that is..., Tatsuki added…., tch!!....yeah…your….not wrong about that fact…., Juliana replied looking quite irritated hearing it from him….., how dare you say that to her highness's face!..., Belle exclaimed annoyed…, well nothing much….its best I move on now…I have to prepare for tomorrow's appraisal see ya….., Tatsuki waved them off….., where are you going?...., Juliana asked…., well I wanna get accustomed to this palace is all…, Tatsuki replied as a maid showed him the way….., huff….i feel really bad for him…he doesn't know what he's in for tomorrow….., Juliana thought as she walked towards her quarter's.

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