The Unknown class summoning

Chapter 3: CHAPTER 3

with this uniform….., Tatsuki exclaimed behind them….he was all set and ready he was also putting on the uniform she put on…, right on time Dork face!!..., Belle exclaimed, Oi what gives…..why's she putting on this messed up uniform anyway?..., Tatsuki asked pointing at her…, well ugh she's my personal maid and also my roommate too and plus she's really really skilled at close combat…, Juliana replied as she got into the vehicle….., come on in Tatsuki we don't have much time…, she added as they all got in…few minutes had passed and Tatsuki could be seen itching at his neck…., Dammit…I really hate this uniform….it's really tight around the neck…., Tatsuki exclaimed as he unbuttoned his neck down to his chest…., Haaagh!!! Much better…., he heaved a sigh of relief…, am pretty sure the system made it in a way it was best suited for your body and physique…., Juliana added…., well the system did wrong unfortunately….., Tatsuki replied looking out the window…he could clearly see how wide the city he was in was….he noticed some demi humans going on their daily activities….he also noticed several holographic projections of advertisements on several skyscrapers…., cool…, Tatsuki thought….45 minutes had passed before they got near a huge gate…., This must be the place right?..., Tatsuki asked…, of course dumb ass….seems like we made it half way late…., Belle replied…, hmm I can clearly see some pretty fancy hover board cars…., Tatsuki replied as he noticed other vehicles pass through the gate…, the vehicles you see including this ones are called Aster-ix….., Juliana corrected him….almost immediately they made their way through the gate…..Tatsuki observed the wide and vast landscape of the school…he noticed several students walking casually he also noticed the mixed variety of demi humans and humans all together…., They are commoner's….they get to start school activities before us nobles…., Juliana explained as they stepped out of the asteryx, WHOA!! IF IT ISN'T PRINCESS JULIANA!!....., A loud feminine voice echoed behind them…., huh?..., Tatsuki reacted as he looked back…, Hehehe…long time no see Juliana…, The girl replied…., nice to see you too Elizabeth…, Juliana replied…, Oi…who the hell is this grub…., Tatsuki suddenly cut in…, What!!!...who the hell do you think you are addressing!!!....., A boy exclaimed suddenly unsheathing his sword…, huh?....the Elizabeth of course…., Tatsuki replied suddenly erupting some laughter from the already eaves dropping students…., hey…are you calling for a death wish!!!?....., The boy asked pointing his sword at his face…., hey hey now please can we all calm down…., Juliana cut in…, Ohh shut up!!....this piece of shit trash here doesn't deserve to live…after all it's another one of your families failed summoning's….am I wrong?...., Elizabeth asked as she walked up to Juliana who didn't seem fazed…, Huh!?...shrimp who the hell are ya talking to Huh!?...., Tatsuki asked as he walked up to the boy…., Whoa is there gonna be a fight with princess Juliana and Princess Elizabeth?...Cool the start of the term was beginning to look boring anyway….they just started and they are already about to fight?....kinda messed isn't it?..., A lot of chatter began rising up…., umm miss Elizabeth…I think its best you don't cause trouble at the start of the term…., A maid spoke to an already infuriated Elizabeth…., Shut up….i don't care let's just get this over with…, Elizabeth retorted…, better listen to your miss…cus am all pumped up already…, Belle replied as she withdrew a hair pin which began glowing a purplish black aura…, oi kid answer me….aren't you too small to be looking for other people's trouble?...., Tatsuki asked until he noticed something…, hey your just a wimpy summoning from that shit ass Adroph kingdom…..and yet…you talk big like you can lay a single finger on me…., The boy replied as an ominous aura began emanating out of his body…., Whoa….what is this creepy aura that guy's with?...., Tatsuki thought as he braced himself…, whoa whoa this doesn't look good…its best we all back out…..i think your right….., Some students began muttering…until…, Please now..., A soft masculine voice rose up…completely putting the whole arena in silence….., whoa it's the school chancellor WINSLOW REIHARDT and his vice chancellor CHARLETTE BROWN…., a lot of students muttered as they noticed the two figures walking towards them…, Oi…what's up with them?..., Tatsuki thought as he looked back at them….by then the boys ominous aura calmed down…, Juliana onswell and Elizabeth greyhaert what might be the trouble this time around…., The guy asked as he adjusted his glasses….., kindly answer the question or there might be repercussions…, The female by the name Charlotte added…., chancellor and vice chancellor…there wasn't any matter actually…, Juliana replied bowing…, well what was the whole fuss about then…that reply won't do…the teachers heard the noises outside…, Charlotte replied…, Ohh umm…we were just arguing about who had the most strongest summoning is all…., Elizabeth replied as a drip of sweat found its way down her forehead…., hmmm….an argument over such minimal things…kind of foolish isn't it?...., winslow replied looking at them both as he's eyes became visible..., with all due respect sir…we are really sorry for the childish behaviour…it won't happen again…, Juliana replied as she made a slight bow…, hmmm….as formal as always Juliana…even though you and I were child hood friends…but due to your behaviour….i will spare the both of you for now…., Winslow replied smiling as he walked away with his vice chancellor Charlotte…., hmmm?....this guy seems sus( short for suspicious)…, Tatsuki thought…, huff… that was a close one wasn't it?...., Juliana spoke to Belle who had put back her hair pin…., yeah yeah…it was that bastards fault anyway…, She replied pointing at Tatsuki…, oi watch it !!!..., Tatsuki exclaimed at her…, hey!!..., The boy called out to Tatsuki…., huh? What is it shrimp?...., He replied…, You're a summoning too right?...., He asked pointing at him…, Yeah of course dammit…are you looking down at me?...., Tatsuki retorted…, nope…its just…I can't wait to destroy you…., He replied with a dark imprint to his face…, huh? tryna scare me off with a bullshit expression?...., Tatsuki exclaimed pointing at his face…., Damn your face can sure make somebody lose their will to live ya know?..., Tatsuki replied as he walked away….two hours later Tatsuki was seen laying on his rooms bed..., Dammit no privacy at all? literally in the princess's dorm house….maybe cus am her familiar?-OF COURSE DAMMIT!!!!...., Belle cut in as she burst through his door…., Hey!!...what the hell…how long have you been behind that door stalker!!!...., Tatsuki exclaimed as he sprang up in fright…, Nothing dummy…I was just cleaning the hall way before I overheard your loud thoughts…., she replied as she made to go out…., by the way the princess has called you to dinner…., She replied as she shut the door behind her…, Sheesh…what's up with that girl….well back to my thoughts…..i don't know but I feel this throbbing in my heart…., Tatsuki thought as he lay down back….., huff…he's not even yet accommodated to the school and its rules and yet he has started trouble with the last person I ever wanted to meet first….., Juliana thought as she ate her food…., Oi what do we have for dinner?...., Tatsuki cut into her thoughts as he walked downstairs…, Ohh Tatsuki…seems like you were hungry after all…, She replied him…, yeah yeah what eves….by the way does that winslow guy have a thing with you or something?...., Tatsuki asked as he took a bite out of the bread he grabbed from the bowl…., what? way..he's way to chilly to think that way….we have just been friends since child hood seeming that kingdom Adroph and kingdom Port fall had an alliance 5 years ago….our kingdoms basically share resources so our families are kinda close to each other…, Juliana explained as she took another spoon full of porridge into her mouth…, Ohh whatever…, Tatsuki replied…., Ohh and Tatsuki…I need to tell you something…, Juliana spoke up…, Huh?...what's up?..., Tatsuki replied in between bites…, well you see…I feel for you…you know that right?...., She replied…, huh? have a thing for me?...., Tatsuki replied looking at her…, Wha!!…no that's not what I meant alright!!...., Juliana retorted between blushes..., well your out there putting yourself in trouble and all…, but you really don't know the forces your up against do you?....., Juliana asked…., well Julia I already know that I could be one of the weakest summoning out there….and I also know that your trying to avoid conflicts with other kingdoms too….but I can't help but have this feeling that I could take them head on…., Tatsuki replied…., huh? do?...., Juliana replied looking confused…, well as I entered this academy there was this throbbing that began inside my chest… was like I was all excited…., Tatsuki replied…, BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!...., A beeping alarm was heard as an orb found its way floating right in-between them…., Huh? What's this...?, Tatsuki thought as he observed the device floating around…, ALL STUDENTS ARE TO ATTEND THE APPRAISAL STAGE OF THE SUMMONINGS AT THE MAIN SCHOOL HALL WHERE THE INDIVIDUAL SUMMONINS WOULD BE APPRAISED AT EXACTLY 22:00am EXACTLY TOMORROW…..Beep Beep!!...., it beeped away as it flew right away…, well…seems like your going to be busy tomorrow Tatsuki…, Juliana spoke to him.

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