The Walking Dead: Visions of the future

Chapter 13: I Wish I wasn't a Nostradamus (NZ)

[A/N: This chapter is a special one.

In this one, we will have an awkward conversation with the main character and we will know an approximate date of when everything starts. However, will the main character really know the date? After all, they are dreams, and everything he remembers may be different from reality.

Thank you very much for continuing to support me and comment.

By the way, for those who didn't understand, Nostradamus is because of Alex's ability to "know" the future.]

In the truck.


In the Discord group they talked about the periods in which certain things were ending or stopped working. For example, they said that it is very likely that the telephone networks, both wired and wireless, were cut off on purpose by governments in the first hours to avoid massive chaos and reduce the saturation of the networks.

The next thing would be the electricity supply, which would not go away completely, but would be linked to the number of accidents or damage to the power lines. The more damage to an area, the more likely it is that you will be left without electricity in the first hours of the apocalypse.

In addition to a partial cut in the first hours, it is possible that the general supply will be lost after a few months, since many of the parts that make up the power plants need periodic maintenance. On the other hand, there are many systems within the plants that are maintained to supply a certain consumption, but if this consumption is not carried out, it can damage part of the mechanisms and fail long before the parts wear out.

"There is a lot I didn't know about power plants", I thought as I tried to come up with a plan to be able to generate electricity after the main system goes down.

In the case of water, it depends on many factors such as the reserves, the water delivery mechanism and its power system, as well as accidents. For example, if you live in a place with few water reserves, and your water supply suffers damage to its structure, water may be one of the first necessities you lose. On the other hand, if your water delivery system is directly connected to a secure power supply line, you may only lose this commodity when the power plants fail.

In the case of supplies such as food, medicine and fuel, these generally depend on how much is taken by private or public hands, in other words, stolen. Also, the group talked about how to ration food so that it lasts much longer, and how the duration of these supplies can be reduced when it comes to a large group. What they did make clear was that some perishable foods had a different amount of consumption time depending on the season they were in, more specifically the temperature to which the items were exposed, as is the case with perishable foods and medicines.

They talked about many other things, and the truth is that it seemed like a lot of information to digest. I listened for a couple of minutes to each of the things they said, although I couldn't remember everything, having a general understanding of what was necessary to survive, already put me at an advantage compared to the rest.

"Damn… Thank goodness they started talking about other types of apocalypses", I said suddenly. I had spent quite a bit of time listening, and I hadn't realized that I was a little behind.

I left for the loading area quickly, even helping load the items onto the truck to save time.

"This is going to be another long day", I thought as I drove to the first delivery point.


In the afternoon


"Phew… I finished on time, thank God", I said as I drove back to my house.

I had spent the whole day driving a little recklessly so I could gain a couple of minutes and not be late for any of the deliveries.

"The dreams and the apocalyptic groups I have been visiting are not letting me work in peace", I thought as I thought about how close I was to a few accidents today. "I hope I don't get into trouble at work because of this."

I arrived home a few minutes later than usual, and I was feeling completely exhausted. I made myself a hearty dinner.

"To relax a little after eating, I'll have an ice-cold beer", I said to myself as I made dinner.

After dinner, I grabbed a beer from the fridge, it wasn't completely ice-cold, but it was enough for me. I sat on the couch and put on some comedy movies. It was time to completely clear my mind, and what better than comedy movies for that.

I watched a couple of short movies, and it was already getting pretty late. If I didn't want to wake up even more tired after the dreams, I'd better go to sleep early. At least the comedy movies did their job and made me stop thinking about how the world might end soon.

I put the reminder back on to write down what I remember in the morning, and I stared at the ceiling hoping to fall asleep.


In the morning.


"Sun, I've won the war apparently", I thought as I saw a familiar ceiling and woke up without the sun bothering me when I woke up.

I got out of bed and the first thing I did was do my morning exercises and stretching. After that I left the room and went to the room across the street where our blonde girl whose name I didn't remember was. I opened the door to her room very carefully and was surprised not to see her in her bed. However, I heard movement from the bathroom. I waited for her by her door and after a few minutes she came out of the bathroom.

[A/N: In this novel, as in all fiction, there will be different recovery times for injuries and wounds. I will try to be as realistic as possible, but I couldn't keep a character injured for too long. So "miraculously" they will heal a little faster.]

"Good morning", she said as soon as she saw me. Her face was a little flushed.

"Good morning… Your foot seems to be fine", I replied. It was clear that she could walk almost 100% of her normal capacity, since I didn't see her limping.

"Yes, I feel much better", she said, a little happy about her recovery, but also a little sad at the same time.

"Good, that way you'll be ready", I said without thinking that she could misinterpret what I said.

"Go down the stairs carefully", I said as I went to the first floor. I walked to the kitchen and started preparing our breakfast. This time, I decided to incorporate some energy bars that I had found at the pharmacy the day before, perfect for starting the day with energy.

Once I finished getting everything ready, I stood at the bottom of the stairs and called out, "Breakfast is ready!", My voice was loud enough for her to hear from the second floor. I waited for her for a minute and soon saw her descending the stairs without any problems.

We sat down at the table and began to eat. I noticed she was happy with what she had in front of her, although at the same time she seemed immersed in a deep sadness, as if she were thinking too much about something I had told her.

"What's wrong? You don't like it?", I asked her.

She looked at me suddenly, showing a certain reluctance to speak. At first, she only let out incomprehensible murmurs.

"I can't hear you", I replied, trying to encourage him to express himself more clearly.

"I don't want to leave", she exclaimed, her tone of frustration unconcealed.

"Do you want to leave?", I asked in a serious voice.

"No", she replied flatly.

"Then why would you leave?", I asked, full of doubt.

"Well, you seemed to want me to leave", she replied, hesitating a bit.

"But I haven't said anything to you or kicked you out, have I?", I questioned.

"Not explicitly. Yesterday you mentioned that you would show me the bands you knew and that I could take whatever I wanted... And today you told me to be ready. I thought you meant 'ready to go'", she explained, letting out her frustration.

"First, you showed interest in the other groups in the city. I assumed that, like most people, you wanted to be safe in a large group, or one run by the government or military. Second, you started taking medicine to recover quickly, which I took as a sign that you wanted to leave as soon as possible", I replied, almost without taking a breath.

"Really?", she asked, surprised.

"Yes, and I've told you before: I'm not kicking you out, and I won't", I assured her, with sincerity in my voice.

"So, why did you mention that I could take things?", she inquired, a little more relaxed.

"Well, I've helped people before and I have a little mantra or motto for these apocalyptic times: 'if people need what I have, even if it's out of greed, let them take everything they can carry.' Plus, it helps me avoid confrontations and disappointments that can arise", I explained. I realized that talking so much was apparently becoming a habit for me.

"Aaaa… So that was it", she commented, visibly surprised by the revelation.

"Yes, that's right", I nodded, closing the subject.

"Have you encountered people who want all your stuff?", she asked suddenly.

"At first, I encountered a young couple whom I helped out of a parking lot. I was carrying a backpack with water and food, and when they told me they wanted to go in another direction, they asked if they could share some of my provisions. I offered to take as much as they wanted or just what they needed, and, as expected, they chose to take it all", I said. As I told her this, my voice took on a nostalgic tone.

"Really? Such ungrateful people", she replied, somewhat annoyed, as if she had suffered that situation herself.

"Don't worry. These times can bring out the best and the worst in people", I tried to calm her down.

"But still, they shouldn't have done that… Has anything similar happened to you recently?", she asked curiously.

"No, usually people just take a little of what I carry in my backpack. I end up giving them more anyway, since it increases their chances of survival", I said, noticing her discomfort starting to dissipate.

"How kind of you… So, if I had left, would you have allowed me to take as much as I wanted?", she inquired with an expectant look.

"Of course", I replied without hesitation.

"Wow… That's really nice of you, don't you think? You look like Santa Claus from the end of the world", she commented playfully, making a joke of herself.

"It's not the same", I replied, a little embarrassed.

"Ah… If this hadn't happened, in a couple of weeks we would be celebrating the Christmas holidays. Do you have any wishes for this Christmas?", she asked me in a melancholic tone.

"Nothing in particular, and you?", I asked her back.

"I… I hadn't asked for anything, really, maybe just a nice dinner and a quiet Christmas Eve watching TV", she confessed to me.

"It seems like a pretty normal plan", I said in surprise.

"Right now, it's more than I could wish for, honestly… I can't believe everything has turned upside down in such a short time… How long have we been in this apocalypse?", she suddenly asked.

"A little over two weeks", I replied.

"What?! I thought we were only here for a week", she exclaimed, quite surprised.

"Yes, it all started with the first riots in the most vulnerable areas of the city. The government tried to hide it as much as possible, but after a few days, everyone knew about it, I explained, remembering the first appearance of the zombies.

"I didn't know, I thought it was just strikes and riots that had gotten out of hand. Anyway, I gain nothing by thinking about the past… I just hope this ends soon", she told me, with a glimmer of hope in her voice.

"I also hope this ends soon", I lied a little so as not to take away her hope. The feeling was that we would never come to an end and that this would become our new reality.

[A/N: Chapter Completed

The protagonist reveals many things to us; some of his disappointments, about other groups, and his future prospects.

By the way, this is the first chapter published with the new update rhythm.

I hope you haven't abandoned me.

Did you notice that the protagonist is against being part of the survivor groups? Will it always be like this? Or will he be in a group in the future?

Comment if you had noticed that detail.]

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