Chapter 4: Chapter 4
- Janitor's Closet -
Well… this certainly isn't how I saw my day going…
Locked in a janitor's closet… my arms tied behind my back and my legs tied together… a gag over my mouth.
Yes. Certainly my strangest day.
Perhaps it's my own fault for being so careless. I never thought that one of Haruto-sama's potential lovers would go so far to get rid of competition (Yes. I do indeed know about his plans to build a harem. That's why I've been trying so hard to get close to him, so that he may someday ask me to take part)...
Truly, for Haruto-sama to have such a knight as weak as me… how sad. Forgive me, Haruto-sama…
But to sum up my thoughts at that moment:
"I really SHOULD be more suspicious about this…" Then a growling noise from my stomach interrupted me. I hunched over, in pain due to hunger. "... But I really don't care right now… I'm so huuuuuungry…"
… But I got the strange feeling that I was forgetting something.
I reached towards the bento, but Yura-san so cruelly pulled it further beyond my grasp.
"Please, allow me to feed you, Haruto-san."
I frowned. "Well, I-I can feed myself just fine…" I then trailed off as I noticed Yura-san's eyes staring at me intently. There was a disturbingly forceful glow about them. There was also a slight pink on her face.
"Allow me to feed you, Haruto-san." She said it again in a scary yet calm tone… Did she get hotter all of a sudden?
I sweatdropped.
…Is… Is this a possible harem candidate? She's blushing slightly, so I'm thinking she has some affection for me for some reason… she also appears to be dead set on feeding me…
I never even met this girl before (not in person anyway), so I didn't exactly feel comfortable with trying to recruit her for my harem, but she was being more forceful in her attempts to feed me and make me eat with her. Not to mention the mysterious disappearance of Karly was something to feel worried about.
As per my rules and guidelines to being a TRUE Harem King, I don't recruit girls who I have no clear romantic interest in or who are strangers to me. I don't really know Yura-san by anything other than name, so I could clearly tell this situation would get worse before it got better.
I would have to wing it and hope for the best. There were worse fates than being forcibly fed a bento by a cute girl.
I managed an awkward smile at Yura-san's forceful offer.
"Err… Sure."
The scary look on Yura-san's face vanished and she smiled lightly, opening up the bento that Karly made for me.
It was filled with all sorts of yummy stuff… Riceballs, tempura, tsukune, a whole bunch of delicious food. So much that it was surprising how it all fit in this small box.
I think I started drooling at some point…
Yura-san continued smiling as she picked up a pair of chopsticks and picked up something random from the box. She was staring at my face, so I don't think she even knew what she had picked up.
"Say 'Aaah'." Yura-san instructed, raising the piece of food she picked up with her chopsticks.
I hesitated for a moment before opening my mouth. "Aaah."
Yura-san was about to feed me the delicious morsel when—
The door to the roof suddenly slammed open, a lone projectile ripping through the air and stabbing through the piece of food Yura-san picked up, sending it flying through the air and leaving my sight.
I felt the urge to cry… my precious foooood…
"Ah, what a coincidence to meet you up here, Haruto." I noticed a powerful hostility that made me break out in a sweat. "Especially considering we made plans earlier and here I am, seeing you being fed by another woman even though that position should've been promised to me."
I turned and swallowed, waving. "Heeeeeey, Ruruko…"
Shit. I knew I was forgetting something. In my fit of hunger, I forgot I promised a rooftop lunch with Ruruko!
I noticed Ruruko was twirling a lone chopstick in her hand in a strangely menacing way. I could take a guess at what had happened to the other one.
She smiled in a menacingly sweet way… but her gaze was directed towards Yura-san.
"Thanks for saving my spot, Yura-senpai, but Haruto's supposed to be on a date with ME right now." Ruruko illustrated her point by walking over to Yura-san and pushing her still-sitting form a few feet to the right, sitting where Yura-san had been sitting, smiling as she picked up her own bento and opened it, taking out a new pair of chopsticks.
"Now, how about you try my homemade bento, Haruto? I've made enough for the both of us." She then picked up food with her chopsticks and smiled cutely. "Now open up—"
Just wanting food and not paying much attention to who gave it to me, I opened my mouth again.
Ruruko was about to feed me when Yura-san grabbed her arm, her expression matching the menacing one on Ruruko's.
"How rude of my kouhai," Yura-san stated. "Making poor Haruto-san wait for your date, knocking away the person who was trying to feed him."
"And how rude of you to get in the way of love." Ruruko shot back.
I had the distinct feeling this could only get worse before it got better.
The door to the roof slammed open once again.
I turned to see my "knight" running through the door… or perhaps "flopping" would be the best word to describe it… for her hands were tied behind her back and her legs were also tied together, leaving Karlamine no choice but to flop about in order to move.
"Hey, Haruto-kun! Look what I found in the janitor's closet!" Yuka greeted cheerfully, either ignorant or not caring of the current situation.
I raised an eyebrow. "Karlamine? What are you doing all tied up?" It was a fair first question.
Karlamine, a desire for vengeance written all over her face, used her head (due to her hands being tied behind her back) to gesture in the direction of… Yura-san?
"Why don't you ask her?"
Yura-san smiled innocently. "Who? Me? Whatever are you accusing me of doing? I was just trying to have a peaceful lunch with Haruto-san since both his girlfriend and his knight were cruel enough to abandon him."
"You KNEW I was eating lunch with Haruto! I specifically TOLD YOU to stay away from him like I do EVERY SINGLE DAY!" Wait. Ruruko has to constantly tell Yura-san to stay away from me? Is Yura-san really interested in me?
Yura-san scoffed. She was CLEARLY trying to challenge the two.
"Pretty good excuses for the flat-chested loli and the wannabe knight."
And then all Hell broke loose.
Ruruko and the still-tied-up-Karlamine lunged at Yura-san.
It was hard to follow because they all moved surprisingly fast, Ruruko and Yura-san more-so than Karlamine, but they still moved very fast.
At some point, Yura-san was…well it looked like she was trying to crush Ruruko in a powerful bear hug-type attack while Karlamine looked like she was trying to choke Yura-san out with her legs, managing to wrap them around Yura-san's neck.
To sum it up: It was hot.
I observed from a distance, eating the bento that Karlamine made for me, sitting next to Yuka.
Despite feeling somewhat interested by the catfight going on in front of me, I felt awkward.
"Aren't…aren't you going to join in or something?"
Yuka waved off the question. "Oh no. I'm usually horrible when it comes to using my fists to fight."
I noted the way she worded that was kind of weird. Has Yuka ever used something else to fight?
"I can't wait for our date on Sunday, Haruto." Yuka said out of the blue.
I noticed that the rooftop had suddenly gone silent. Karlamine, Ruruko, and Yura-san were all shooting shocked looks mixed with envy and hatred at Yuka.
Is what I thought at first. Then the other girls tried attacking Yuka instead out of jealousy. It wasn't bad though. Yuka was actually surprisingly fast despite how much her gigantic chest should've weighed her down. None of the other girls were able to land a single hit on Yuka. It even looked like Yuka was playing around with them.
It was a wonder she didn't try out for track or something. She would do rather well…
Oh well. I continued observing the catfight until it was inevitably ended by the sound of the bell which simultaneously ended lunch.
I managed to calm Ruruko's jealous rage by kissing her on the cheek, causing Karlamine to cry out of envy and Yura-san to simply leave.
The rest of the day went by in a surprisingly normal way. The Perverted Trio got busted and beaten again trying to peep on the kendo team and I slept through every class except the last one where we had to take a test. I think I made a fairly good grade. I think I got a B+ at the very least.
Anyway, I tried finding Issei after school was over so we could hang out, but I think he already went home. I can't really imagine anyone in the mood to hang out after being beaten by an army of shinai… but I already told Naruko that I was going to be home late. Ruruko had a Student Council meeting and Karlamine had something with her parents she had to do.
Everyone had something to do but me… how sad.
So I did what any normal teenager would do when their friends were busy, had too much time, and nothing to do.
I went for a long walk with no clear destination.
I walked past the park, the shopping district, the river, just about anywhere where there was a path to walk.
It was on this walk that I met the woman who would forever change my life.
I was still wandering aimlessly when an unfamiliar person passed by the corner of my eye, giving me just a small glance. I only looked back because the person herself was dressed strangely for anywhere but in front of a store that sold some kind of magical girl manga or anime CDs.
She was clearly some kind of cosplayer. She had black hair tied in twin ponytails and oddly familiar violet eyes and a child-like body despite her large breasts. It was hard to tell whether or not she was too old to be cosplaying as a magical girl… either way, she was hot.
She seemed somewhat surprised to see me looking at her, but then she waved.
I looked all around me, but then I realized nobody was around that she could be gesturing to. I double-checked just to make sure.
Putting on a confused expression, I looked at the magical girl and pointed at myself, mouthing "Me?"
The magical girl smiled, nodding happily.
Well… it's something interesting to pass the time I guess.
So I walked over to the magical girl cosplayer, still feeling confused.
She lunged forward and, for a second, I thought she was going to attack me, but then her arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a super tight hug.
Do… Do I know this girl?
I ran her cute face through my memory, but nothing came up. I'm sure I would remember a girl as cute as this one. She wasn't threatening me, so I let her continue hugging me, the perverted side of my mind savoring the feel of her boobs pressed against my chest.
"Erm… not to be rude, but… who are you exactly?" I asked after the hug started to feel awkward.
The girl released me and winked. Before I could react, she shoved a strange paper with strange occult symbols into my hands… Naru-nee would seriously have interest in this. She always had some strange obsession with the occult. I don't know why. Just, whenever there was some kind of occult-related subject or object brought up, she always had differing expressions. Sometimes she was extremely excited, other times angry, sometimes surprised. It always varied.
"When you are in your hour of greatest need, I'll appear by your side. Keep that with you. Just make your wish for me… and I will be there!" She gave a peace sign and—WAS THAT A HEART THAT JUST APPEARED?!
Before I could even figure out where to start questioning her, the magical girl ran away… leaving me confused as hell.
"Well… that was… certainly new."
And now I've had my fill of "weird" for the day. I'm gonna get groceries for dinner and then I am getting the fuck home. No more aimless walks for me.
And I thought the weirdness would end there.
A second later, my cell phone rang. I checked the caller ID:
I picked up the phone—
"—OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU! Haruto Haruto! You'll never guess what just happened!"
I rolled my eyes. Knowing this idiot, it was probably something perverted.
"You got a girlfriend?"
"Yea—Wait! How'd you guess?!"
I shrugged. "I just said the most unbelievable thing that came to mind— got a girlfriend?" I couldn't hide the shock in my voice. I mean, I figured Issei would get a girlfriend at some point… but I figured it would be far into the future with a girl who realized she had no options left and had to settle (No offense to Issei of course).
"Hell yeah! And you won't believe either! She asked ME out! Isn't that awesome?! I got a date on Sunday!"
I smirked. Time to screw with him.
"Oh yeah? I got a day on Sunday, too… with Kiba Yuka." Yeeeeeaaah. I just had to one-up him like that. A date with one of the most popular girls in school was a big thing.
I waited for an angry tongue-lashing or some kind of threat to beat me up, but instead I got—
"Congrats… I don't care cos—like I said—I GOT A GIRLFRIIIEEND!"
My eyes widened. "Oh shit! You were serious?! Way to go, bud!" I found myself grinning. I was still half-certain Issei was lying, but there would be no way he could stay so calm unless he had something else to be happy about.
"Yeah. I'm still half-sure I'm dreaming right now! I really think that things are looking up for us, bro!"
"You gonna try asking Yuka-san to join your harem?"
I pondered that question… I still wasn't sure if she was interested in me or not.
"Don't know. I'll try measuring her feelings for me first and then go from there."
"Bitchin. I still hate you for being actually able to start building a harem, but I'm too happy to care right now!"
I chuckled. "Just be sure to NOT be yourself. Try to make yourself out to be something OTHER than a pervert, bud."
"Alright alright! I get it. I'll be a gentleman… and maybe get a reward afterward… hehehe…"
I sighed, perfectly imagining my perverted friend drooling with that goofy perverted grin of his.
"... Right." I said, not even wanting to correct my friend's behavior. With any luck, his new girlfriend was a girl who liked perverts. "Anyway, I gotta go grocery shopping, so we're gonna have to talk later."
"Right. Later, buddy."
"Later, buddy."
We both hung up and I was left on my own.
Make that TWO of the strangest occurrences in my entire life.
Not wanting to make three, I went about on my errands and went home earlier than planned to make dinner for me and Naru-nee. God knows I'm not gonna give her the chance to cook again…
When I got home, I felt I should've shown the piece of paper that I got from the magical girl to Naruko, but her words rang through my head again:
"When you are in your hour of greatest need, I'll appear by your side. Keep that with you. Just make your wish for me… and I will be there!"
I don't know why… but I found myself believing her words… so I kept the paper hidden…