The White Devil of Leviathan

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Today was the day. Sunday.

My big date with Yuka.

I had the whole thing planned out, too. If Yuka wasn't already in love with me, she would certainly be in love with me by the time the date is over. Maybe then she would be willing to join my harem.


Just to make sure I made a good impression as a potential boyfriend/harem king, I arrived at the location me and Yuka agreed to meet up at twenty minutes ahead of time.

I wondered how Issei's date was, poor girl's probably in way over her head… unless Issei somehow managed to control his perversion… I blame that perverted old geezer for poisoning mine and Issei's minds. Personally, I'm more of an ass-man, so I think that's why I'm more capable at keeping my perversion in check… I wasn't as affected by the old man's perverted rant that he spoke to me and Issei.

"Hey, Haruto-kun!" A familiar and cheerful voice greeted me. I turned and my jaw dropped when I saw my blonde-haired date.

Her hair was tied back into a long ponytail and she wore a red dress along with a white jacket that went rather well with her colors.

Beautiful. I mean… I never usually see Yuka outside of her school uniform, but… wow…

I was supposed to be the one trying to woo her, but she… wow…

"Geez, you're going to embarrass me if you keep staring like that, Haruto." Yuka had a small smile and an equally small blush on her face as she shuffled nervously.

I kept staring. "You look… wow…" Yeah, reeeeeaaaal smooth, Haruto.

Yuka didn't seem to mind my rather plain statement, even seeming happier because of it.

"I'm glad you like it. I've never actually been on a date before, so I was kind of nervous on what to wear." Yuka admitted, still blushing. "I had to ask President for help deciding what to wear." 

I frowned, raising an eyebrow. "'President'?" 

"Ah! Right! I mean Rias Gremory! She's the president of the Occult Research Club and our senpai!" 

Oh yeah… Rias Gremory. One of the "Two Great Onee-samas" as I believe she and Himejima Akeno-senpai were called… Rias Gremory was the number one popular girl at Kuoh Academy.

"Well, she certainly has a taste in clothing if she can make you even hotter than you normally are." 

I only half-meant to come off as flirtatious.

"Wow, you really know how to make a girl blush," Yuka complimented. Despite her cheerful and somewhat joking tone, Yuka's blush deepened further and I noticed her hands were getting sweaty. She was nervous.

She really WAS new to dating.

Haha! Looks like I have an advantage!

I gave a thumbs up. "Alright then, Ms. Kiba, first stop on the first and best date of your life: Ice cream parlor! So leeeeeeeet's a goooo!" I gently grabbed my date's hand and led her forward.

Operation: Heart-Race is a go! 

...Shut up! I'd like to see you come up with a better name!

I led Yuka into the local ice cream parlor and guided her to her seat.

When the waitress came to us, I looked at Yuka. "What kind of ice cream do you want?" 

Yuka blushed again out of embarrassment. "...Vanilla." She giggled to herself to alleviate some of her embarrassment. "I know it's a rather plain flavor, but it's always been my favorite…" 

Oh that's so cuuuute!

I smiled gently. I then turned to the waitress. "Two vanilla ice creams please. On me." The waitress nodded before walking away.

Yuka shot me a grateful look, smiling.

While we waited for our ice cream to arrive, Yuka and I made small talk, talking about things like school, the weather, our friends (although I had much more to say about Issei due to his many antics), stuff like that.

I sometimes threw in a joke and got Yuka laughing her butt off… her gorgeous, round butt…

NO! No imagining the many beautiful curves of Yuka, Haruto!

Anyway, we continued our pleasant conversation even after our ice cream arrived.

Yuka had such a happy smile when she took that first bite (would it be considered 'biting' ice cream?), it made the plain vanilla taste so much sweeter.

We gradually finished our ice cream and I paid our bill. We left.

"Thank you very much, Haruto-kun." Yuka said, thanking me for the ice cream. "This is a lot more fun than I thought it'd be." 

I rubbed the back of my neck, smiling. "Yeah, but it's not over yet!" When Yuka and I left the ice cream parlor, I held her hand again, blushing only slightly.

It was important to hold Yuka's hand to show that I was interested in her.

"We're gonna go to the shopping district next." I told Yuka.

She blinked. "Why?" 

"To shop, of course." I replied. Really, I was going to let Yuka pick out anything she wanted and I'd buy it for her. "But quick warning: We might run into Issei there. So be prepared for that…" 

"Hyoudou-san?" Yuka asked. "Why would he be there and why would it matter?" 

I grinned, remembering the unbelievable thing he told me before.

"You might not believe it, but Lil' Issei got himself a girlfriend! He told me he was going to be out on a date with her today." I warned Yuka. "So assuming it wasn't some cruel joke by that Yuuma-girl he told me about, we might bump into them… maybe. I just didn't want you to immediately panic and position your hands to protect your panties or bra from that pervert." 

"Well, you say that as if HE was the pervert I had to be worried about right now." Yuka teased.

I gave her that one. I was a pervert, but I'm a ROMANTIC pervert.

"Well, at least you're a romantic pervert." Yuka added. Haha! Even if she called me a pervert, she called me romantic as well!

But I wasn't going to let her teasing go unpunished.

"Oh? A pervert, am I?" I said with a wounded look. "Then maybe THIS pervert won't buy you a present then." 

"What?!" Yuka cried suddenly. "Awww, you're so mean, Haruto!" I stuck out my tongue at her as we continued to play around. "Pleeeeeaaaaaase?" She wrapped her arms around my right arm, squeezing my arm inbetween the secret weapons all women possess:

Her breasts.

I felt my face going red.

Dammit! While I'm an ass-man, I'm far from immune to the power of those brilliant, bouncing globes of hers! Yuka was truly a force to be reckoned with!

We continued going back and forth in our attempts to "defeat" the other as we headed towards the shopping district, but we still had a good time.

We mostly window-shopped, but Yuka still had a beautiful smile on her face and her eyes became all sparkly when we passed by something she liked.

We passed by a clothing store where I watched Yuka in various outfits she liked. If someone said Yuka only looked good in one type of dress, they would be dead-wrong. No matter what kind of dress or clothing she wore, Yuka pulled it off and looked amazing doing it.

Yuka picked out the outfits she liked the most and I bought them for her using the allowance I got from Naru-nee and the money I made from the occasional part-time job.

I carried Yuka's bags as we continued just walking, chatting with one another.

Then I noticed Yuka stopping in front of a store that sold toys. Despite it being rather childish, Yuka had her eyes glued to an admittedly cute stuffed animal… thing… I don't think it was any kind of animal I've ever seen… it kind of looked like that stuffed toy C.C. from Code Geass had. I think it was called Cheese-kun or something.

Yuka was so happy when I told her I'd buy it for her, she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me so tight that I thought my eyes would pop out of my head.

It was strange… I intended to woo Yuka and discern her feelings for me… but if anything, I think it went the other way. While I've had some interest in Yuka before, it felt much stronger than it had been before… I really liked hanging out with Yuka. It was an awesome feeling like when me and Ruruko went out on a date.

I carried all of the bags from Yuka's purchases while Yuka affectionately hugged her "Cheese-kun", a light blush and an adorably bright smile.

I found myself smiling again. Seeing a girl smile like that… that's what I desired for the girls who entered my harem. Even if I never got to touch their bodies, to see them smile like that would be worth it.

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