The World the Goddess Only Knows: The 3 Lillies of Konoha

Chapter 2: Violet Attractions

Kakashi walked into the classroom, exactly three hours after he was supposed to show up (he counted it to the second), and looked over his team, analyzing them silently and critically for ten seconds. "Hello, I'm your new sensei."

He then proceeded to gauge their reactions, looking at how the pinkette glared bloody murder at him (it actually kind of scared him, he'd only seen such powerful glares in the eyes of much higher ranked kunoichi) while gritting her teeth. Apparently, in the time he'd been gone, something more had happened that he'd lost the privilege to see.


His eyes then rolled to the pinkette's right. There sat a stoic-as-ever Uchiha Satsuki. Except that the impact of her stoic demeanor was very much lessened by the slight tinge of pink that still remained across her cheeks. And she also seemed dead set on glaring a hole on her desk. One of Kakashi's eyebrows raised.

He'd already known that Naruko would most likely have no problem getting the Ice Princess to open up, at least slightly. The Hokage had explained the reason why he'd put this team together in the first place. Not out of some dumb, outdated tradition, but because Satsuki was a huge flight risk.

The Haruno girl, Sakura, had been chosen to round up the team. The other two were definitely shoe-ins for an assault team, but they also lacked any potential to become self-sufficient in that task. While Satsuki had shown a lot of talent with Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, she hadn't shown very much talent in the arts of genjutsu, her grades when it came to basic first aid had been passable at best and she did not show any aptitude to increase those abilities whatsoever.

Naruko's appalling chakra control made the thought of her learning medical jutsu laughable at best. Genjutsu was a lost cause (conversely, it would be easy for her to break out of genjutsu the moment she learned the slightest bit of control of her… other… chakra, since it disrupted any and all chakra constructs, which Genjutsu were by nature), as well.

Kakashi absent mindedly noted that if she had started her training in chakra control by age four, then maybe today she'd be able to do the basic three. As it was, she could do none of them. Kawarimi? She overpowered that so much that she'd probably hurt herself from the sheer speed of the replacement. Bunshin? So much chakra in them that they were almost physical, but not quite, which made them look very weird for the two seconds they'd exist before dispelling.

Henge was where things got interesting. Somewhere down the line, Naruko screwed up the hand seals for her henge. Later on, it'd be revealed that she couldn't actually read the kanji in the sheet that she'd been given, but before that had been fixed, Naruko managed to do the impossible and make up a new jutsu on the spot, one that actually made use of her obscene chakra reserves and made her transformation true.

Not very efficient, but nearly impossible to dispel and detect unless you were specifically monitoring Naruko's chakra before and after she performed the henge.

"You. Are. Late." Sakura said, her voice low, cold and with a note of warning to it that made Kakashi smile. She had potential to be a superb kunoichi, too, if she could direct her temper at her enemies.

Satsuki's blush cleared from her face and she too joined Sakura in glaring at Kakashi, except on her part, the glare was the standard way she looked at people. "Three hours." She remarked, her voice positively frigid.

In contrast, Naruko merely smiled widely. "Hi!" She called, waving at him, almost causing Kakashi to fall down. There was no way that she was that ridiculously cheerful after being made to wait for three hours. Then again, it WAS Naruko, she probably got her jollies watching her teammates squirm in boredom. Or maybe what had happened that he'd missed could be the reason why she was so cheerful.

Then again, they'd been playing strip poker when he'd left, so there was a chance that Naruko had managed to embarrass her teammates to the point of keeping her happy until Kakashi came just from that. "My opinion of you?" Kakashi began, his voice a lazy drawl that barely managed to make their glares relent.

Naruko began to rub her chin, in thought. "I think I've seen you somewhere…" she mumbled to herself.

"… I love this team." Kakashi informed, his eyelid somehow managing to beam them a smile. "Meet me on the roof in five minutes!" he said, vanishing in a poof of smoke.

"Couldn't we have continued to talk here? There is no one else in the entire academy." Sakura said, trying her hardest to come up with a reason why they shouldn't turn their teacher into a smear against the wall. And failing.

"The roof is nice. I've been there to eat my lunch a couple of times!" Naruko informed both of her teammates, as she stood up. With a quick movement, she jumped over the desk they'd been using to play Strip Poker, though her doing so caused her skirt to move in the wind, once again showing her underwear for all to see.

"Could you stop doing that?" Sakura asked, sighing and trying her hardest not to blush.

"But Satchan likes it when I do that, Sakura-chan!" Naruko informed, as she landed on her feet. However, as she was not particularly paying attention and she had tried a complicated flip so that she'd land looking at her new teammates, she ended up slipping and falling on her butt painfully. "Owie, that hurt!" she declared, rubbing her bottom.

"Serves you right." Satsuki said, though even Sakura was forced to admit that it sounded less venomous than her usual scathing remarks, though her eyes were intently focused on the lower half of the blonde's anatomy.

As were Sakura's.

The blonde merely giggled. "Don't worry, nothing broke!" She informed them, dusting herself off and standing up fully, offering them both a charming smile. "Let's go, let's go!" She yelled, making a motion as if giving orders to an entire platoon of trained soldiers, before rushing off with a smile.

"This girl is… weird…" Sakura trailed off, looking at the cloud of dust that formed behind the escaping blonde. With much reluctance, she decided to follow at a rather sedate pace.

Satsuki simply sighed, shook her head and began to walk to her destination. Not even she herself noticed the small smile on her face.

When they did meet together again, Naruko was the last to get to the roof, surprising both of the other two, the ones that had walked, since she'd taken off running well before them.

"I may or may not have gotten lost on the way here." Naruko informed them when they asked, prompting them to ask again, this time, however, they asked how she could get lost in the academy. "I don't spend a lot of time here." She confessed, sticking her tongue out in a gesture that showed her clear embarrassment at not knowing the layout of the academy building as well as she should.

Kakashi appeared, of course, three minutes late. "Oh hi everyone."

"Hi again, sensei!" Naruko replied, cheerfully waving her hand at the man, causing the silver haired teacher to ruffle her hair affectionately. This had the side effect of messing up her hairstyle, making her puff her cheeks and blush in anger, trying to look intimidating. She was about as intimidating as a baby fox.

"That… that's not fair…" Sakura said, looking away. "It should not be legal to be that adorable." She mumbled to herself.

Satsuki nodded in dumb agreement.

"Well, girls, since I don't know you and you only barely know each other, I thought it would be best if we introduced ourselves to each other." Kakashi informed them.

"Introduce ourselves… how?" Sakura asked, looking at him while raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, you know, your likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams, favorite books, food, anything you think your friends ought to know." Kakashi said, waving his hand as if he were throwing the list with the things he was saying away. "Anyway, I'll go first so you can know how it's done." He also actually wanted to introduce himself to this team.

He always got such delightful reactions whenever his students reacted to his introduction.

"My name is Hatake Kakashi, you can call me Kakashi, Kakashi-sensei or just sensei. I have a lot of likes and a few less dislikes. I think I have a few hobbies. I had a dream last night, though you don't want to know what it was about, I'm sure. My favorite book is Icha Icha by the Gamasennin, and I like food."

"So all we learned was that you like a book named Icha Icha and your name." Sakura summarized, which caused him to smile and nod. Sakura absent mindedly decided that she would find a way to get back at her teacher.

"Yep! Information on jounin is classified." The man informed. "Anyway, since you oh so generously volunteered, why don't you go first, pinkie?"

Sakura sighed. "My name is Sakura, not pinkie!" She yelled, glaring at the silver haired asshole. "I like reading and I dislike perverts!" She said, glaring at where Naruko whistled innocently. "My hobby is reading. My dream is to become a great kunoichi to impress a certain person I admire." Kakashi let a lecherous smile cover his face, hidden as it was by the mask he wore. He knew something Sakura did not, indeed. "My favorite book is 'The tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi', though I don't know the author, and my favorite food… I don't really have one." She said, thinking about her preferences.

"Okay, then, you go next!" He said, pointing at where Satsuki was fixing the ponytail on her head, taking advantage of the time Sakura was talking to do so.

"My name is Satsuki. There aren't a lot of things I like and many I dislike." She began, sounding as calm as she always did.

"Satchan likes tomatoes!" Naruko informed, popping in from behind the startled Uchiha. "And she dislikes sweet things!" She added.

"W-Wha—How do you know that?!" Asked the utterly shocked Satsuki, letting the hand she was tying drop behind her, showing how silky smooth it was in comparison with Naruko's wavy locks. The comparison was easy to make, since Naruko had thrown herself on the Uchiha's back and was laying her head on the poor girl's shoulder.

"I've seen you steal the tomatoes from my garden, Satchan!" Informed Naruko, her hands snaking their way around the Uchiha's neck until she could hold her still. "And you always throw away the chocolates the boys give you on Valentine's day without even tasting them." She added.

"Get off me, insufferable pervert!" Yelled the Uchiha, grabbing the arms around her neck, and pulling Naruko over herself, intending to throw the pest away. However, she had underestimated the strength that Naruko was using to cling to her, and when she'd thrown the blond away, she'd ended up dragged herself, causing them both to hit the floor rather than just Naruko, landing in a tangle of limbs and bodies.

Naruko let out a rather loud moan of, most likely, pain when she hit the ground, since the Uchiha had landed on top of her a second afterwards, she also let out a just-as-loud grunt. The problem is that, due to the specific way that they had ended up entangling, Satsuki somehow ended up with her face planted on Naruko's crotch.

"My, what a pervert!" The blonde said, a somewhat pained smirk on her face.

"Okay, girls, let's break this up before it becomes obscene." Kakashi said. "Poor Satsuki might die from embarrassment if we don't." He added.

"Ah, but I'm so comfortable like this, Sensei!" replied Naruko, smiling widely.

Satsuki shot off like a bullet away from Naruko, her face as red as red can be, and she went to hide behind Sakura so she could die of embarrassment herself with nobody looking at her. Sakura for her part was petrified with her mouth half open. "That… that's not fair…" She mumbled to herself.

"Let's continue on while we still have time." Kakashi said, sighing. "Satsuki-chan, please do finish your introduction."

The Ice Princess, however, had broken all composure and was still trying her hardest to calm down her raging blush. She still did, however, admirably push through and sat back down, using her now loose hair to cover her face as she did. "I-I-I h-h-hate PERVERTS!" She yelled, pointing at Naruko and glaring with the heat of a thousand suns.

"Aw, I love you too, Satchan!" Naruko said, smiling widely. "But don't you think Sakura-chan might get jealous?"

"Shut up already!" Sakura yelled, smacking her upside the head, a fierce blush already showing on her face. "Just let her finish her introduction!"

Meanwhile, Kakashi was busy laughing his ass off internally.

"I don't have a dream… I have an ambition… I will kill a certain person…" It was hard, hellishly so, but the Ice Princess regained her composure and tried her darndest to push through while not letting herself drop it. It did make her sound more angry than just cold, but it was still better than sounding like the nervous mess that she was feeling like at the moment. "I don't have any hobbies."

"And her favorite food is anything with tomatoes on it!" Naruko piped in. "You're taking too long, Satchan!"

"And whose fault is that?" Spit back the enraged Uchiha.

Naruko merely rubbed the back of her neck and offered her a sheepish smile.

"Okay, then." Kakashi said, shrugging. "Now that we're done with that, it's your turn, goldilocks." The jounin said, pointing at the genin in question.

"I'm Naruko, Konoha's Prankster Queen!" She was quite proud of that fact, the silver haired man noted, as she stood up and said pride rolled off her in waves. "My hobbies are pranks and gardening. I like Satchan, Sakura-chan and ramen! I don't like the three minutes it takes for the ramen to cook!" She said, seemingly absolutely serious when discussing her hatred of the three minutes it took for the ramen to be finished. "I'll be the best like no one ever was, and I will be the first female Hokage ever!"

"Hm. That's nice." Kakashi said, while his entire interest was put into his book.

"Hey… that's mean! You didn't pay attention to me, but you paid attention to them!" She said, stomping her foot against the ground and pouting at her teacher.

The man chuckled and once again ruffled her hair. She really was too cute for her own good, and what he'd done was explicitly to provoke said reaction from her. Maybe this was how Itachi felt when he spoke of bullying Satsuki? It really was too fun not to do it. And she seemed to like the resulting hair ruffling, so it was a win-win situation.

"Anyway, you guys aren't genin yet! There's still another test you must pass before you become a full-fledged kunoichi of the Leaf." Informed Kakashi, almost regretting letting go of Naruko's head so she would pay full attention to his words.

"What!?" Sakura said, shocked. "We just got done with the graduation test!" And it had been grueling for the few that had terrible physical conditioning, one of those being Sakura herself. "You can't be serious!"

"Oh, but I am!" Said the tallest of the newly formed Team 7. "The academy just tests if you have the potential to become a member of the elite. Of the twenty seven graduates, only the best nine will be allowed to be a part of Konoha's elite shinobi force, the ones that get to have a jounin teacher. The elite is the face of Konoha's shinobi force, so we can't let just anyone be a part of it."

"Makes sense." Satsuki said. The Uchiha Clan had actually been famous as an 'elite clan' not because they were all prodigies, but because they were the clan with the best elite-to-standard shinobi ratio. That much she knew.

"Uh… What happens if we fail?" Naruko didn't seem to be particularly enthused with the thought of this new test coming right the hell out of nowhere. Kakashi knew why, as the girl had barely scraped by the test and passed by the skin of her teeth. In fact, he was almost certain she'd passed almost entirely because neither of her teachers could stomach the thought of her depressed from failure.

Then again, they might have just passed her because there was simply no way someone with that much chakra could possibly do such a basic jutsu as the Bunshin. Her chakra control was just too awful and it would never be at that level no matter how hard she practiced.

"Whoever fails their jounin sensei's test is sent back to the academy for a year of remedial training so that they can join the standard shinobi corps!" Kakashi neglected to tell them that if a single one of them failed, all three of them would fail. He would prey on this.

He did not want to fail them. There was too much riding on this team to fail them. Too much politically, and, more important to Kakashi, personally. There was absolutely no way that he'd just let them fail.

Kakashi was, however, much more interested in their well-being than he was their happiness. Whilst he would not be looking to fail them, as he actually had many teams before, he would offer them no quarter and no freebies. This would be the most fair test he'd ever given. "Report to training ground three tomorrow at six sharp. Oh, and I suggest you don't eat breakfast. Otherwise, you might vomit it out. Dismissed."

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