Chapter 3: Soapy Fun and Breakfast 1
Satsuki had been going through her morning routine, that is wake up, take care of her hygiene, train for an hour, take a bath and then spend the rest of her time reviewing the material they'd gone over in the academy, mastering it to perfection. Today, she had foregone training and reviewing, considering the circumstances. Halfway through her bath, as she soaked herself in the warm water, it hit her like a jet powered truck.
Or like someone pounding on her door.
"Oi, Satchan!" Yelled someone, as she heard through her panic-enhanced senses the jingle of the owner of the voice fumbling with keys. "It's about time, are you ready?" There was the sound of a lock being unlocked, and of a door being pushed. "Huh… She's not here?"
She wanted to get up and yell, she wanted to curse the idiot for entering her house without permission, she wanted to get out of the bathtub and maul her with it. But there was a very specific problem with doing so. Namely, it'd require getting up to do so naked or covered with a towel. Not to mention, she didn't seem to be aware of her presence.
And for the poor, sexually harassed Satsuki, that was a blessing in and of itself. Her nerves could only take so much without her daily me-time spent in the bath, getting rid of the accumulated grime, aches, nerves and unforgiving rage.
Therefore, Satsuki decided to just lay back, close her eyes and hope for the best. There was absolutely no need to call attention to herself and if she could just stop making noise entirely, perhaps she'd go for the morning without having to deal with the most obnoxious person in her life.
She ruthlessly squashed the small voice in the back of her head that told her to bring attention to herself. She did not, in any shape or form, enjoy the blonde's teasing. No matter what anybody said, she did not swing that way. How would she restore the Uchiha clan to glory if she did? There was simply no choice in the matter, and she was okay with that.
Or so she told herself, anyway.
"Oh, well, I guess she must have already left." Continued the pervert's voice. She seemed… oddly dejected, as if she was but a baby who had her favorite toy taken away. Satsuki resisted the need to snort at the thought. Yeah, Naruko behaved not unlike a spoiled child at times. Then again, just about everybody gave her whatever she wanted whenever she wanted it. Satsuki would be angry about that…
… If it hadn't actually worked on her at times.
She was just too darned adorable when she wanted to be, and that pout felt like someone ripped her heart out and put it through a meat grinder every time she saw it. It was simply not fair to be that cute, and it sometimes pissed Satsuki off, since it allowed her to get away with pretty much anything so long as she looked sad about it later on.
She had gotten away with being tardy to class, with being terrible at pretty much everything, with pranking the teachers, with pranking the students, with pranking the genin teams hired to clean the academy… Sure, some of those were utterly hilarious to see, and that time when she'd somehow managed to glue every desk and chair to the ceiling had even made the usually anally-retentive Iruka laugh… but she had still gotten away with only slaps on the wrist, if even that.
Letting out a long and drawn out sigh, Satsuki grabbed a book resting in a cupboard next to her bathtub and opened the table of contents. She visually scanned the page until she found what she was looking for. Her chakra control was less than perfect, and it showed in her difficulty performing the Uchiha's staple Grand Fireball. Oh, yeah, she shouldn't be able to use it at all as a recently graduated genin.
The thought of it was laughable. She'd trained her ass off to have enough chakra to use it more than once a day. The thought of any jutsu, other than bloodline jutsu, being beyond her reach was laughable. Even if she couldn't due to chakra constraints, all she'd need to do is train harder to learn it.
She let herself sink a bit further unto the warm and calming soapy water, while concentrating on the chakra theory she was reading about. Usually, she wouldn't bother with something like this, instead going for the more practical parts. She'd have brought a few pieces of paper with her to do the exercises while she relaxed.
Today, however, she needed to preserve her energy, since she wouldn't eat breakfast and thus would require all the energy her sleep brought to her. That's why she'd chosen to avoid training, and why she'd neglected practicing chakra control that morning.
She wouldn't get the chakra back through breakfast and the control boost would be negligible at best, so it'd only be a net loss for the test that was about to take part.
Oh, well, at least she still had half an hour of relaxation left before the blonde bundle of energy, sunshine and cuteness would begin bothering her again. She tossed her book back into the cupboard and let out a contented sigh, closing her eyes and just letting her every muscle relax.
"Hey, Satchan, do you want me to wash your back?"
A moan of approval sounded through the bathroom as Satsuki leant forward and allowed enough space behind herself on the bathtub for another to slip in. The displacement of the water was the first sound that came to her ears, but she was too gone into her happy place to notice as she felt a pair of soft, soapy hands running through her back.
Another moan of approval left Satsuki's throat, as she leant forward a bit more to allow her massager more space to work with on her back and enjoy the fruits of her movements even further. The hands left her back for a few seconds, causing Satsuki to whimper at the loss. Then the hands returned, running from the base of her spine all the way up to her neck, before they began massaging her scalp.
Yet another moan escaped the bathing girl as the sensation ran through her body, her silky black locks parting way to give the hands access to her scalp. The one cleaning her hair began to hum a merry tune which Satsuki found rather soothing and calming as she slipped further into the bliss of full relaxation.
"Hm… your skin is so soft…" Satsuki didn't bother replying to the compliment, distracted by the jolt running through her body as the hands moved to her shoulders and upper back, massaging them to remove the kinks brought in from excessive training. Pressure was applied, and the Uchiha heiress winced when it became a bit too tough to bear, but it made the otherwise constant pains subside when the pressure relented.
The hands kneading her back made her feel like new after a while, and she couldn't help but whimper when they were once again removed from her body. "Um, Satchan… can you wash my back too?"
"Sure…" Mumbled the Uchiha lost in her bliss. She turned around and looked at the damp, wavy locks that cascaded down her friend's back. Now that they were damp and actually being pulled down by their own weight, their length was perhaps even more impressive than her own hair. Indeed, if she had to guess, she'd put them at a little more than waist length. Not entirely conducive to ninja work, but there were ways to counter that.
She knew so because there were many, many shinobi with long hair and she herself liked to keep her hair at least below her shoulders. Maybe it was just a misguided attempt to look like her mother.
Regardless, she parted the veritable sea of hair to get to the tanned skin of her target with one hand while looking for the bar of soap with the other. Finding it, she began to go through the act of removing the previous day's grime from the warm and wet body before her. It didn't take her long, as she didn't dwell upon the act more than she should.
"I think I missed a few spots, can you turn around?"
With a dumb nod and a rather mellow smile, Satsuki did as asked and then felt a pair of arms snake around her chest until they met each other and became intertwined. Something warm and soft pressed against her back and began to move up and down. A moan escaped Satsuki, a throaty sound brought from her rather pleasurable experience.
Whatever Naruko was doing felt rather good on her back and—
Wait a minute. "Naruko what the hell are you doing?" Asked Satsuki, as the haze from her relaxation wore off. The movements behind her back stopped at once.
"I'm washing your back, silly. Since I couldn't be sure with my hands, I thought I should use my whole body!" Explained a rather cheerful sounding voice.
"Um… That makes sense… I guess…" The Uchiha stated, rubbing her chin. Then she shook her head violently and groaned at her own stupidity for accepting that explanation. "That's not what I meant." While she might have been somewhat calm sounding, it was clear that her composure was at the border of breaking. "What are you doing in my bathroom? What are you doing in my bathtub while I am using it?"
"Oh, that. Well, I came here to pick you up so we could go to the training ground together, but since you weren't in your living room, I thought you might be here. And when I saw you, you looked so relaxed that I didn't want to interrupt your bath. Since I needed one myself, I thought that we could take a bath together to save time!" The rather lengthy explanation was given in the same obliviously cheerful and cheerfully oblivious tone that she delivered pretty much every sentence with.
Satsuki's palm met her face. "Let's… let's just get this over with…" She said. She was still a little in her happy place, and she wouldn't let Naruko being Naruko get in the way of it. She had to be ready and concentrated today, so it wasn't even a choice.
"Yay! Then, do I get to wash Satchan's front too?" Asked Naruko, a wide smile on her face.
Satsuki looked at Naruko as if she'd sprouted a second head.