Chapter 29: Massacre
They hear Jake and Sam arguing, on their way back.
(Not a fucking chance, who needs them,) Paul chimed in.
(They want to help, we're on the same side,) argued Jake.
(You mean your side,) Paul sneered.
(Everybody's side! What do you think will happen when that army of vamps comes, Everybody will die!) Yelled Jake.
(I agree with Paul, fuck them, we'll be fine on our own,) said Jared.
(This isn't a debate, we'll wait for Dean to decide,) said Sam.
(Why do we need to wait for Dean, this is about all of us,) said Jake.
(Dean's our Alpha, it's his decision,) said Sam.
(Why is he Alpha? Because he was first?) Jake spat.
(He wasn't just first, so show some respect,) Sam replied calmly though there was a noticeable edge to his voice.
(I can teach him,) volunteered Paul, his wolf strutting forward.
(Oh yeah, bring it Lahote,) said Jake, matching him.
Dean stepped forward and they all backed away, giving him the floor.
(What's this about?) asked Dean.
(Jake wants us to join with the Cullens for the coming war against the Newborns,) said Sam.
(Not just that, they offered to work with us, train us to fight them better,) said Jake.
Dean snorted, what a joke, to think they could teach them to fight better if only they knew how outclassed they were.
Jake continued, (They would like to meet with you to discuss future cooperation regardless, seeing how we're all on the same side for this fight.)
(I think those who haven't fought a vamp should go,) Seth piped in, eager to meet the Cullens.
(Not a chance,) Leah growled, which Seth promptly ignored.
(If we go, they'll discover we're all immune to their gifts,) Sam warned.
(They likely already have some idea with how often they meet up with Jake,) said Jared.
(We should kill them first for practice before the Newborns show up,) said Paul.
(You would,) Jake snorted in contempt.
(I think Seth is right,) said Dean, causing Seth to beam, his tail wagging.
(What!) shouted more than a few at once.
(Having said that, your goal will be to get used to their scent and their speed nothing else they say matters, you should all stay in wolf form to be on the safe side as well, and this does not mean you're exempt from our training, given a chance I may find a vamp or two for you to actually face off against, otherwise this is your best chance to see what they are capable of,) said Dean.
(I don't like it,) said Leah.
(You don't have to, and neither do I," he quickly added, "But we do what we must,) said Dean.
(Who here hasn't faced a vamp yet?) asked Dean.
(Jake, Quil, Embry, Seth, Leah, Brady, and Collin,) said Sam.
(What are you talking about? Embry and I killed the one with dreadlocks and were there when we chased the redhead,) said Jake.
(Yeah, but it wasn't much of a fight, and that's what we'll be doing in the future,) said Sam.
(I've been slacking, need to start taking them out as I did with you guys,) said Dean.
(You don't have to do everything alone, you and Paul can take a couple, and Jared and I can take a couple at a time,) Sam offered.
(You think you're ready for that kind of responsibility?) asked Dean.
(I am,) said Sam confidently.
(Alright, don't do anything you aren't sure of, we can't afford to lose anyone,) said Dean seriously.
(I know,) said Sam somberly.
(Needless to say, avoid Seattle and the surrounding area,) said Dean.
(Got it,) said Sam.
(Pick you're two and let's get this show on the road,) said Dean.
(Uh, right now? It's getting late, and what about the meeting?) asked Sam, caught off guard.
(No, next week when the army attacks, yes right now! Meeting over,) said Dean.
(Right, okay, I'll take Jake and Embry,) said Sam, quickly gathering his wits.
(Nah, I'll take Embry, you take Quil,) said Dean.
Embry looked nervously between them, wondering what this was about. He couldn't remember doing anything annoying recently.
(Okay, you heard him, let's head out,) said Sam, followed by Jared.
(Tch, let's show them we got this Quil,) said Jake.
(Right,) said Quil.
(Embry, Leah, with me, the rest of you guard the reservation until we get back, your turn's next, and Seth's in charge while we're gone, howl if you're in trouble,) said Dean.
Seth tail wagged, (You can count on me!)
(Kiss ass,) coughed Brady, Collin snickering.
A glare from Seth and more importantly Dean put them in their place.
(Sorry,) they quickly apologized.
(Uh, Dean, is there a reason you chose me?) asked Embry after a while of running.
(Didn't want you causing Sam any more trouble on top of Jake's attitude,) said Dean.
(Oh,) said Embry, going silent.
(Why am I going, I already killed a vamp,) said Leah.
(What! When?) questioned Paul.
(Earlier today when we went out,) said Leah.
(Yeah, but like Embry, you only sneak attacked him and didn't clash head-on, which is one of the main themes in battle,) Dean calmly explained.
(The dreadlock vamp fought back some,) grumbled Embry.
Carefully crossing roads and other busier locations they managed to catch a scent.
(I only smell one,) said Paul.
(Pickings are getting dry around us, was lucky to find those four earlier today, had to go way out to find them though,) said Dean.
(I wouldn't be surprised if word hasn't been getting out about this being a dead area where vamps go missing with how long you've been active,) said Leah.
(I'm hoping in such cases they blame the Cullens or the Newborns,) said Dean.
Embry chuckled, (Now that would be a riot, I'd love to hear about the Cullens falling onto hard times because of us.)
Paul sneered, (More likely to snitch on us than take the blame.)
(Nope, it's in the treaty, they can't be talking about us to others of their kind,) said Dean.
Leah scoffed, (You think they care about it?)
(Probably not, but it's in their best interest to keep to the treaty less they find themselves at odds with their own kind,) said Dean.
(What do you mean?) asked Leah.
(Well like any human vegetarian, I bet their diet is already at odds and a great annoyance to the rest of their kind, how do you think they would react if they learned they also made a treaty with a species created to fight against them?) said Dean.
(Vamp ahead,) said Paul, (Still only one.)
(Okay, Leah will fight alone, beat it however you can, killing optional, and if it's still alive, Embry will finish it,) said Dean.
They arrived outside a small trailer park community off the beaten path, the air thick with blood.
(It's feeding,) said Embry.
Then came the screams.
(It's killing, it's a damn massacre,) growled Leah as they entered. Bodies of all ages were thrown about with pieces dangling from trees, blood everywhere.
A cry from a little girl had Leah pumping her legs as fast as she could. Taking a direct path, she pushed through and climbed over obstacles, crashing into the side of the trailer in hopes of distracting the fiend inside.
(Check for survivors, I got this,) growled Leah as the male vamp poked his bloody head out and back in before her jaws could connect.
Unsure of what the hell that was, the vamp made a run for it with Leah right behind.
Dean sighed, (I have a feeling that isn't going to be much of a fight, Embry, go back her up, Paul, let's look around but stay out of sight if there's any adult around that can take care of things.)
Shifting into a human, he entered the trailer, grabbing a blanket to cover himself as he searched for the little girl. Unfortunately, they were too late.
Turning back outside, (Find anything?) asked Dean.
(Nope, they're all dead,) said Paul.
(Let's get out of here then,) said Dean.
(Yeah, let's,) said Paul, more than a little disturbed by everything.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, what the fuck are you!" shouted the vamp as Leah's jaws snapped at him from behind.
She intended to make this as slow and agonizing as possible for him, she wanted him to suffer.
Realizing escape was futile, he dug his feet in, leaving a small trench behind as he slid against the ground. Forcibly killing his momentum as he came to an abrupt halt. Swinging a fist back wildly to catch the beast off guard, hitting nothing but air upon turning around to find it gone.
A snapped twig behind had him whirling back around, searching for the smallest of movements.
A rock tumbling off a boulder had him twirling again, straining his ears for the slightest of sounds.
"Are you messing with me? You think you can mess with me!" he shouted, angrily hitting his chest as the beast continued to circle him.
Another noise had him turning yet again, not from Leah though, who came running at his exposed backside. Biting down on the back of his right leg, she tore it off as painfully as she could, shaking her head like a wild animal, then dashing off into the woods with her prize, leaving him there screaming and bleeding.
"Ahhh Fuck! You fucking fuck!" he shouted, smacking the ground in torment.
"Not like this, it can't end this way," he groaned, pushing himself up on his good knee.
"I can do this, it's just an oversized dog," giving himself a pep talk.
Knowing the wolf was too fast, he made to turn at the noise behind him but quickly went back to strike expecting a repeat. Only this time Leah did attack from where the noise was, going for his last leg, tearing at viciously.
"Ahhh nooo, stop, stop, stop!" shouted the vamp as the wolf made off with his last leg.
"This can't be happening, this can't be happening," he cried, his dry vampiric eyes doing little to convey his despair, feeling utterly helpless and broken. Hitting the ground repeatedly, he wailed, "No, no, no, no, no, no!"
Leah stalked out into the open, slowly circling him.
"Stay back! go away, go away, Go AWAY!" he shouted desperately as the beast came ever closer.
Then Leah pounced, tearing off another limb, and another, until all that was left was a head on a torso.
She then bared her teeth directly in his face, and when she was satisfied he was sufficiently broken, she tore it off.
A completed version can be found at -