Chapter 15: Chapter 15 Signing of Peace
It's been three weeks since our return to the clan, after which I discovered that the Uchiha and Senju clans had signed a 10-year non-aggression pact.
Which obviously won't be honored, given that the village of Konoha was founded after Izuna's death at the hands of Tobirama and after Madara's defeat of Hashirama.
I also don't know if this had happened previously or not, but the answer to this question will be revealed in time.
In addition, the three InoShikaCho clans gave 30% of their lands to our clan, while the Senju clan gave us 10%, adding a large amount of income to the four clans in compensation for the deaths of our clan members in the attack by Tobirama and the Yamanaka clan.
I would have loved to have been there, just to see Tobirama's face. He'd probably be furious, even more so if he found out that the numbers Madara had given had been completely false.
Well, in a way, since, really, if my friends and I hadn't been there, those numbers would clearly be much higher.
But for now, I was at the patriarch's residence. Apparently, I'll be receiving my salary, although I don't really know how much it will be; it's never clear.
Also, my "job" theoretically ended as soon as we returned three weeks ago, but I still hadn't received my remuneration.
Although my work didn't end at that moment, since, at the end of the war, thousands of clan members had been transported from the clan, who had been fighting on the northern front.
So, my work wasn't over yet, but thanks to the help of Kai, Kotetzu, and even Fuyuko, we managed to treat all those ninjas in those three weeks.
Jomei: Hello, I'm Jomei. I was told I had to come at the request of the patriarch. I introduced myself to a guard outside the residence.
The moment I mentioned my name, the guard marveled at just who I was.
Guard: Yes, of course, follow me. He argued happily, so I began to follow him.
Before reaching the room where the patriarch and his brother usually met, the guard turned around with the kunai in his hand.
My instincts kicked in, so I quickly spun around, doing a couple of backflips.
Guard: Could you sign my kunai?
Hearing these words, my movements became erratic, causing me to end up hitting a wall.
Jomei: Yes, of course I will. I commented, while lying face down with my legs up against the wall.
Guard: That's great! No one will believe my kunai is signed by the great healer.
After that embarrassing situation, I headed over to where Izuna was.
He wasn't wearing his usual cheerful expression, but rather a little angry about something.
Jomei: Hello, young Izuna. I was told my presence was requested.
When Izuna heard my voice, his old expression returned to him, so he cheerfully answered me.
Izuna: Hello Jomei. Yes, it's regarding your salary, but I think you should discuss it with my brother. He commented with a smile, though it was obviously a forced one.
Jomei: Regarding what we talked about a while ago.
Izuna: What specifically? He asked, raising one of his eyebrows slightly.
Jomei: Regarding the allies.
Izuna: Well, I don't think we'll need those allies right now. He argued with simulated cheerfulness.
Jomei: I disagree with that. How long have the Uchiha and Senju clans been at peace?
Izuna: Well... He pondered the question for a few seconds until he came up with the answer.
Izuna: This is the first time. His eyes widened in surprise.
Izuna: This wouldn't have happened without my brother. This is an unparalleled feat.
Listening to Izuna's nonsense, a vein began to bulge in my neck, threatening to explode.
Jomei: I don't think the peace signed by Madara will last more than two or three years; four at most.
Izuna: What makes you say that? He asked the question with a new expression on his face, his gaze seeming to want to bury me at this moment, surely because I refuted his opinion about his brother.
Jomei: Well, you see. His gaze even made me tremble slightly. "The clans that attacked us still maintain the Senju alliance. They'll definitely want their lands back, but seeing that they're unable to do so themselves with the Senju clan's help, they'll seek to add more clans to their coalition."
As I finished my explanation, Izuna's expression became a little complex, deep in thought.
Izuna: Then we'll have to let my brother know. He took my arm and began to pull me toward the door where Madara was, but I stopped him before he could open it.
Jomei: Wait, I think we need to find out which clans we'll ally with, if we're going to recommend this.
Thanks to my words, he reconsidered, so he asked me a question. "So, which clans do you think would be the best allies?" This question seemed really stupid to me, obviously I didn't say it like that.
Jomei: "Well, the truth is, I don't know any other clans," I said, raising both arms.
We both stared at each other for at least a few seconds.
Jomei: "But I could help you select the clans that might be useful to us."
Izuna: "Perfect. Then I'll gather the clan information and we'll review it later."
After saying goodbye to Izuna, I went inside to talk to Madara, who briefly gave me a total of 10 million Ryo. I wasn't sure if that payment was fair or not, considering the number of wounded my teammates and I healed, but I really didn't want to argue with him.
So once I returned to the others, I divided the money they gave me equally among the five of us, leaving us each with 2 million ryo.
We were happy to have gotten so much money. It's worth mentioning that Kai's mother was very pleased about it.
In the afternoon, I finally managed to return to Kazuko's fuinjutsu classes, who still hadn't changed her attitude toward me at all, so I was greeted with a couple of blows to the head.
Because I had withdrawn from the clan for a week, and the three weeks after that, to care for the wounded, I hadn't had time to continue with her classes.
Kazuko: Jomei, you've been absent for a month, so you'll have to make up for that lost time. Therefore, I've written all this down so you can study it. She commented, handing me a book with too many pages to count.
Seeing this huge book, a fog formed on my forehead, while my eyes dried up at the mere thought of how much I'd have to read.
Jomei: Okay, how long do I have to finish the book? I asked, hoping he'd give me a reasonable amount of time.
Kazuko: How long? You should start now and finish it in two days at the earliest.
Although resigned to the future filled with an immensity of information, I picked up the book and began reading.
I quickly began reading the contents of the book; otherwise, if I didn't, I'd surely get hit on the head.
Jomei: Excuse me, Kazuko, do you think it's possible to seal a ninjutsu inside a seal? Something similar to a detonation seal? I asked, my gaze focused on the book.
Kazuko: Really? After all this time, you're still looking for work for me to do? She asked, a bit annoyed, actually, if she'd asked any of these questions, but she'd never been bothered by them.
Jomei: Sorry, forget my question. I didn't mean to bother you. It's just...
Kazuko: *sigh* The detonating seal doesn't seal any explosive ninjutsu. What it does is seal a large amount of chakra in the seal. When it's activated, the chakra inside comes out in such a way that we see it as an explosion, but it isn't.
Jomei: So the explosion we see is due to the rapid release of the chakra inside, isn't it?
Kazuko: In a way, it is, but the chakra itself doesn't create the flames of the explosion. They are created through a reaction, which begins with the chakra imbued into it. Since the chakra doesn't belong to the same person, it reacts in such a way that it causes the explosion, which spreads through the chakra contained within the seal.