Wanderig Legend

Chapter 3: Kalos: Battles to Come

Ash and Calem were standing in their respective posistion of the arena awaiting for the referee's anouncement. Their respective Pokemon inside the pokebals, waiting for the battle to begin and none of the two breaking eye contact with their opponent.

Meanwhile Serena, and unexpectedly Don George himself, located themsleves in the expectators seats. Serena actually brought her Holo-Caster to record the battle and let out her team to observe the battle "Pay attention how their pokemon fight. This will be of use when for Contest Battles" They all noded.

"You can also use one of our computers to seek recordings of that kind..." The honey-haired girl looked at the manager "What?"

"My family has been considering for some time extending the battle club appeal reach tomards coordinators and other types of less orthodox types of trainers" Don George explained to her about it "And we decided to start with coordinators, given that Contests are quickly winning popularity in Unova with Kalos following it"

Serena though for a moment a decided she would check in for some reference after the battle. She turned back to see the referee making signaling for the battle to begin


"This shall be a Three vs Three match between Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and Calem Xander from Luminose City. The match will end when one side has no more Pokemon to battle" The referee spoke profesionally.

Ash held his belt tighly observing the Pokeballs where his friends are residing right now, thinking carefully whom he should send. Initially he considered sending Tiamat first, but he discarded because how predictable would be, that's adding the fact both Gojira and Astrea reached the age where they are capable of fighting. Both are still very young pokemon but in need to experience battling, he can't be coddling them!

So he will send either Astrea or Gojira but who goes first

"Begin!" The referee's voice snapped Ash out of his thinking. 'Better to not dwell too deeply right now.' Those were Ash's last thoughs before hearing calem send his first Pokemon.

"Salame, I choose you!" 

The Charmander named Salame made his apparition letting out a loud growl while holding up his tail, an habit he had since very young, according to Calem. "Is your turn Ash, show me what you do" Spoke the Kalosian with expectant grin.

Ash observed the fire type. As a fan of both dragon and fire types and the fact he studied under kanto's regional professor, the pallet town boy was quite knowledgeable of his region's fire type starter and it's line. He planned to catch one in the future. And of course he would knew the capabilities of one.

'Fire Type, usally speciallized on ranged attacks, but they also have good capabilities in melee and above average speed...' Reviewing his knowledge about charmander he came to a decisión. 

"Psych up, Astrea!" The shiny Ralts made revealed herself staring her opponent with determination then turned to Ash. "This shall be your first battle. Kept your focus on it and don't worry, I have trust on you" He spoke encouragingly, it seemed to do the effect as Astrea looked more than willing to fight.

"So you are sending Astrea, mmm..." Calem observed his opponent's Pokemon with an analitic eye. 'Now what will be your strategy Ash?' 

"Let's set the battle to our favor. Salame go for 1 and follow up with 3 right now!" Calem shouted.

Ash was initially confused by the commands Calem shouted before he remembered something he witnessed when looking at some recorded matches.

"Astrea keep your senses high! He's preparing for something!" Sensing her trainer's current burst of caution the shiny Pokemon amplified her sensing capabilities as she was told. Even the faintest hint of aggression or hostility from the opponent will be traced.

That proved to be an intelligent choice, as Salame released a cloud of smoke, that hid him and almost a two thirds of the arena from their vision. 'Smokecreen to hide Salame from view and attack from any possible angle freely' A good strategy, one he needs to react and counter swift and strong to if he want's to avoid a disatvantageous position.

"Astrea focus on locating it. You know the rest" Ash was thankfull they had a three hours to prepare his team and drill on them several plans and strategies he had in mind before the scheduled match. 'Must be carefull. Unlike Gary I don't know in any way his way of battling and seems he had previous experience with battling' Playing safe was the best option for the moment as he had that familiar feeling that came up always whenever something was up.

His eyes switched for a moment towards Calem, who didn't change expressions or spoke something since speaking his commands. But Ash was sure he's just analizing the situation inside his mind alongside observing every descision he's making. His gut is telling him if he doens't come up with a plan soon he will be for a bad time.

The expected attack came up with a burst of embers coming from the left. Astrea reacted fast enough to use Confusion both to disperse the embers and damage the target as they had practiced. 

For a split second Ash smiled inwardly for the supposed success of his counter, however that soon died down when he realized no sound came from the opposing Pokemon.

"Now Salame, Metal Claw!"

Before Ash could speak something, the Charmander came out of the ground all of the sudden, right behind Astrea attemping to slash her with the super effective steel type move.

Astrea sensed Salame's attack and attempted to counter with confusion, however due to Salame being marginally faster than the psychic type Pokemon, Metal claw hit first being a direct hit throwing the ralts within a few meters of distance.

Ash almost shouted for his Pokemon well being but hold it seeing she hans't conpletely fell to the ground and was managing to hold herself, albeit with dificulty. The Ralts give him a look that told everything he needed, she could still fight.

"That's a was impressive for a Ralts" Calem comented "Any other one would be down instantly due to their frailty specially for one relatively young" He said with an analitic eye.

"Of course she can do that..." Spoke Ash letting some pride come from his voice, before his tone turn more neutral "And she can do more, Astrea thunderbolt!"


Astrea's small body sparkled with electricity before a bolt of electricity was released. Striking with a speed and power that was more expected from a trained electric type like a Pikachu than a Psychic type, Salame was hit dead on before the fire type or his trainer could react.

The fire type left a loud growl of pain that lasted for a few seconds before the electric attack finished. No longer blinded by the light, Both trainers saw the state of Salame and, in Calem's case didn't like it not one bit.

Aside from the obvious electric burns, the attack did a number on him in more ways than he expected. Not only did a good amount of damage to him, worst there's seems to be small sparks of static around his body, which means the chance he got paralized.

"Suprised Calem?" Spoke Ash knowing what his opponent was thinking "I bet you didn't expect pulling something like Thunderbolt out of the blue and with that power"

Thunderbolt is a difficult move to get for any trainer who doesn't have electric type Pokemon, and the methods to get one, be TM or Tutor, are deliberately made difficult to obtain and for a good reason. Powerfull, precise, fast, can Paralyze and a nightmare to deal if your don't use ground types or a pokemon with some kind of resistance for electric attacks. The same reason extends for flamethrower, ice beam and other very powerfull and destrctive moves.

"You did caught me off guard, I admit that" Calem remarked with earnest expression, before his face turned more serious "Witch... means I have to reveal some of my cards earlier than expected"

Ash eyes hardened, he suspected Calem several tricks upon his sleeve. Mostly laying his Kangaskhan, but he must have some with his chespin and of course Salame must have more. What's worse is if Astrea could endure another one? Probably not much due to the damage she had already and the fact she lacks the endurance to fight for longer. A thing he must rectify later.

If that's the case, he must finish this before Astrea "Calm Mind and follow up with Confusion" He voiced quickly. 

Astrea took focused stance upon herself, an aura of psychic power surrounded her.

"Dig follow up with Six and Four" Calem urged Salame to go underground and avoid the incoming Confusion.

Calm Mind would not only increase a pokemon's special attack and special defense, but also the concentration and precision of their attacks too. He's not looking to test Salame's resistance against a Psychic attack of that caliber, let alone if Ash decides to use thunderbolt again.

"Oh no, not this time, Astrea get him!" Ash shuted channeling his emotions into Astrea.

The Feeling Pokemon, true to her nature, felt a wave of determination and fervor coming from Ash. Being a from a line whose characteristic is being influenced by the emotions of all beings around, she was momentarilly empowered and even more determined to win. And adding the boost of calm mind...

The result: a blast of psychic force with triple the power and more important, faster than their opponents. Salame tried to dig his way out the attack range, unfortuantely for the Kantonian fire type his speed was not enough and the blast of psychic energy send the Lizard pokemon flying away and then rolling in the ground inficting a substantial amount of damage to the fire type until finally landing near his trainer already knocked out who sensibly decided to check the condition of his Pokemon.

"Salame is unable to continue, the first victory goes to Ash Ketchum" Anounced Don George.

"You did your best Salame, return and rest" Spoke Calem as he brought the fire type back to his Pokeball.

Ash decided to check on his Pokemon as well. As soon as Astrea was by his side he noticed that alongside the bruises from the metal claw she was more exhausted than anything, even some heavy breathing. That empowered Confusion must have draw out a lot of her. To the point she wouldn't last much longer in the next battle. 

"You did well for your first battle Astrea" He brought her Pokeball "Return for the time being so you can rest. I'll cal you again if necessary" 

The psychic type nodded before going back to the ball. He then returned to face Calem who looked even more thrilled than before. "You are good Ash, even for a begginer I say..."

"Thanks..." The pallet boy appreciated the compliment "... That also goes for Astrea. Without her faith in me and will to fight I couldn't have pulled that stunt." He said as he prepared his next Pokemon.

"And she's not the only one! Break Them, Gojira!"

Gojira the Larvitar announced his presence by baring his small fangs and growling loudly enough, a characteristic show of intimidation of the pokemons evolutionary line.

"Well someone has faith on his team" Calem smile as he prepared his next Pokemon "Then I'll show you how much faith I have on mine too!"


"That was somewhat impressive. But that Ash kid needs to do more to defeat that boy Calem" Commented Don George in an objective if harsh way of analizing the first round.

"Hu? But he's doing well..." Serena objected to Don George. The Manager turned to her and explained "Don't take wrong. Is clear he's good at battling for a novice and knows his team's strengths and weaknesses" The Burly Manager explained before turning once more to the battle.

"But that Calem boy is dangerous on his own. The way he acts, the tactics and strategies, the way he speaks his commands and how his Pokemon react. That say's the boy has been in the business of battling for a good time and he's good at it" Spoken Don George with absolute certainty. "Enough to overwhelm his current opponent if they are not carefull"

Serena, looked mildly confused at that statement. Is not that she thinks poorly Calem's battling skills. In fact she knew he was at least a competent trainer on his own, a correct assumption given he's Sycamore assistant and the Professor's specific area of study is a part of battling there wans't even a question if he had experience as a trainer. But that good?

"Trust me with a career like mine, gauging the capabilitiesof each battler to their true extent is a skill you eventually pick up sooner or later." He said his eyes not leaving the battle "And you'll see right now" He pointed at the battle drawing the girl focus to the battle.


"My dear old friends it's time to shake the stadium!" Shouted Calem before sending his second Pokemon.

"GRAAAAAAAAH!" Roared Kang, the Kangaskhan followed by her child whose own was just barely heard but transmited the same intention of her mother.

"Kang, Kango show them what you are made off!"

Ash looked suprised but quickly shrug it off to regain composure. He never suspected Calem would send his ace on the second match. He expected for Calem to send Marisso instead and exploit Gojira's type disadvantage in his favor.

But sendig Kang changes the everything.

"You expected I send Marisso instead of Kang and Kango, right?" Spoke Calem as if reading his mind.

"Yeah. Thought you would try to press Marisso's type advantage against Gojira. I was wrong" Ash admited with a shrug. 

"True, I considered the same, but that make it predictable" Calem rose his finger "And as professor Sycamore said once: 'Type advantage is a sugestion, not a decision'" The Kalosian quoted.

Ash had to agree with Calem in that point. Oak drilled in him and Gary something similar on how type advantage are just one of the factors to win the battle, but not a decisive one.

He should put that lesson more at heart after this battle.

"Gojira, let's set up the battlefield, Sandstorm!" 

"Not so fast Water Pulse!"

Gojira did as he told and kicked a sandstorm but the small rock type pokemon had barely time to execute the move as Kang attacked with water pulse, wich Gojira barely dodged. Kango let out an annoyed grunt before using another water pulse, to the small shock of all but Done George and Calem who didn't tell her to do it, wich, with more antelation this time Gojira evaded the attack pulling a dodge roll to, shocking most of the audience save except it was Ash this time, whom ordered to use Sandstorm once more. Wich in conjuntion with current one still active resulted in a stronger and denser storm.

"Dark Pulse now!" Ash ordered quickly.

Gojira created a ball of dark energy and shoot a fast dark beam straight at Kang. The Kangaskhan tried to counter using Water Pulse again, one more larger than the previous ones and launched. However the Dark Pulse managed to pierce through the sphere of water and continued to shot straight towards Kang and hit the normal type in the chest.

The attack did some good damage as Kang led out an and angry growl as it let a mark in the chest, But that's not all. Kang started to feel the sandstorm rock splinters in among the currents grazing with strengh while Kango hid inside in her mothers puch to avoid being affectd by the sandstorm1. The Parent Pokemon was about to use a another Water Pulse but stopped as she heard Calem call her.

"Let's go for a different approach Kang. Go for 6D, Then use your favorite" Calem spoke using his, now know, customized commands. Only this time this ones were added letters.

Kang's expression went from annoyance to smiling and Kango was feeling the same inside the pouch. That smile wasn't a happy one, but one that forewarns great pain, Both Ash and Gojira felt a chill through their spines, while Serena felt intimidated by the change in the air on the Normal type. While Don George observed expectant.

"Go" That quiet command was the only thing Calem said before hell broke lose.

Kang prepared another water pulse, one a lot more bigger and denser than the last threw it at Gojira.

"Quickly dig" Ash ordered Gojira. His reasons were one: Gojira's dark pulses hadn't enough power to pierce an attack of that size on time, two: he guessed Calem would use that on his advantage.

"Just were I want you" Calem did a finger snap "Kang!"

The normal type eyes glinted for a moment before stomping her foot on the ground with force making a shock wave that reverbrated through arena.

Ash stared in a second as he realized what move is using. "Gojira get out, is using earthquake!" He tried to warn but it was too late.

The earthquake's shock waves spread quickly through the arena, reaching the point were Gojira was currently digging. The small rock type was hit violently by the attack and given earthquake potency is doubled against opponents using dig, as a consequence the shock so powerfull the Larvitar was forcibly ejected from the ground and went flying until landing near Ash.

"Gojira!" Ash cried for his Pokemon wo,rried he had gotten hurt. With the storm dispersed the state of Gojira was clear to all the presents. 

Suprisingly The small Rock type was still concious and, even more, trying get up, but looked really beaten with a notorious bruise in his chest and the pained expression and how Gojira struggled to even get up. Only to faint seconds later

"Gojira cannot continue, victory goes for Calem." Don George said with an emotionless voice.

Serena with her pokemon cringed at the state of Gojira, feeling a mix of sympathy and admiration for Rock Type who despite being so hurt still tried to keep fighting.

Calem, Kang and Kango looked clearly guilty. The latter because true to her nature as the Parent Pokemon this amount of force against a young Pokemon didn't sit well for either of them and Calem because didn't intend to go overboard with his opponent and asked the referee to put the battle on hold to allow Ash check and treat Gojira.

"Ouch that must have hurt very much" Spoke a voice that was none other than tierno, with Trevor by his side.

"With Gojira's type being disadvantaged against ground type moves and he recieved an earthquake while using dig... I'm suprised he's still concious" Trevor remarked.

"When did you guys get here" Serena asked now noticing the two boys beind him.

"We were here by the time the first battle was almost finished. We started earlier than Ash and Calem. Short story we tied by a dual knockout" Trevor spoke quickly before turning his attention.

"We thought about calling you, but the battle betwen those two had us mesmerized. Both of them are very good" Said Tierno with anticipation.

"Yeah but Calem is the better of the two. I wonder how Ash will keep up with him" Trevor spoke equally excited.

Serena didn't say anything because shi did not had anything to add to the conversation instead kept her eyes in the battle while looking with a bit of anxiety. She, a bit relucantly, acknowledged Calem was better than Ash. As the battle has shown her, but she knows Ash can win. 'Is a matter of knowing to play one's cards right at the right moment', just as Delia would say.


Both combatants had been given a fifteen minute break, as petition of Calem so Gojira's injuries would be checked by an medic. The battle club always has those in case something happens. Calem decided to tak this chance to have Salame checked.

To both trainer's relief Salame was good he just needed to rest, the same was for Gojira, but also he was applied a potion, feed some berries and given a heal pulse just in case.

After the break ended both trainers returned their positions in order to continue the battle. The referee stated the same rules and signalled for the battle to continue.

The only thing that changed is if both trainers will resume with the same Pokemon. As for now Calem decided to continue with Kang and Kago but for Ash...

"Tiamat I chose You!" The Kantonian trainer decided to send Tiamat who looked at his opponent let out an angry hiss at the normal type.

After thinking about it, Ash concluded Calem's Ace his starter Pokemon had the best chance at defeating Kang. He decided it after talking with his team. Another thing he did was speak Gojira was not happy with his defeat, he wans't angry, he felt more dissapointed with himself for being defeated.

Ash took his time to talk him out of his melancholic state. That while a loss is a bitter taste in the mounth sometimes is inevitable and the only thing is learn from them and use them to become stronger. That culminated in promising Gojira they'll come out stronger and next time coming out as the victor. Wich seemed to do the job.

On the other side Tiamat was angry for her friend and wanted revenge. And Ash was more willing to allow her.

"So is Tiamat now..." Calem looked at Ash starter. He must be thinking in what kind strategies he must have prepared for his starter.


"Be ready for anything Tiamat, our opponent is on another new level compared to Gary and Ferrum"

"I'm more ready than ever Ash" I answer to Ash whitout breaking eye contact with my opponent. Kang and Kango. The ones who hurt my friend and broke his spirit. Well mostly Kang, but the fact is the same.

Just remembering it makes me angrier. Eve if they are remorseful and apologized, that wouldn't have changed. My teammate, my companion, my friend brought so low and broken. 

"You are strong. But we will be the victorious here" I said staring to my opponent with every ounce of determination.

Kango puts herself in a fighting position before looking me into the eyes "Show me how tough you are, little dragon" 

Oh? Now one dares to challenge my pride. I maybe little but my head can deal some good pain! "I'll show you what little is!"


"Start with D4 and follow 7M!" Calem shouted first, lauching his commands in quick succesion.

Kang opened her mouth and shoot a barrage of white stars, Swift. But that did not end there. Kang created a water pulse while she used swift. A surprising feat, given is dificult for a pokemon mantain two moves in continous use. Tierno, Trevor, Serena and Don George wonder for a second what kind of training Calem put Kango to do such thing.

However Ash wasn't without his suprises.

"Fiery dance"

Tiamat surrounded herself with an aura of draconic energy and use dragon breath she began to spin while letting the multicolored flames come out of her mouth. The combination of dragon dance speed boost and dragon breath, boost by STAB and Sheer Force, resulted in a tornado of dragonfire dense enough to block the incoming starts.

All observers human and pokemon watched amazed by the combined move, even Calem was impressed by that but his partner looked undeterred. With the water pulse already made Kang threw it right at the flaming tornado in order to extingish it!

"Zen Headbutt" 

Just as soon Ash ordered, Tiamat undid the flaming tornado and charged straight the Water Pulse with a Zen Headbutt and burts it. The now soaked dragon charged unbothered at her opponent.

The Kangaskhan in response did her own charge her fist glowing withe, Mega Punch.

Kang's Mega Punch and Tiamat's Zen Headbutt clashed. It lasted a few seconds before Kang overpowerd Tiamat and pushed a meter away. However, Tiamat was able to hold the ground and not fall off.

Kang apperaed unharmed, but a more deep glance one can notice some bruises in the right hand she used the move. Still it did make little difference with the juggernaut the Normal type has proven to be.

By this point Ash has come to terms bringin down Calem's ace, is either by using powerfull attacks for heavy damage or chip her bit by bit using hit and run. None of them are easy due to obvious circunstances. Damnit!

If that's the case then no point in saving his better cards for the latter.

"Wildfyre Dance" He said as his expression turned more determined. 

Tiamat noded and used dragon breath again, only this time it was a ball of fire rather than a stream of flames.

Kang answered with Swift. Both moves collided creating an small explosion that left some smoke. Before the smoke cleared off, Suddenly another fire ball came, this one was smaller but significantly faster than the previous one.

The attack took by suprise both Trainer and Pokemon and scoring a hit on Kang directly to the Pokemon's face. Kang's face was barely hurt but the attack annoyed her greatly. Calem eyes shifted through the arena scanning for the dragon type and found her doing finishing a dragon dance.

At that's when it clicked to Calem what was Ash planning.

"It's a trap! They are using the fire balls as a diversion! Kang stop her with A9 numerous times!"

Kang roared in fury before stomping her foot in the ground multiple times and sending a barrage of earthquakes towards Tiamat in order to prevent further boosting. But Ash had seen that coming and reacted accordingly.

"Jump and stop her with Hydropump" Shouted Ash finally revealing his secret weapon.

Gathering all the boosted speed, the small dragon type did a jump, dodging the first earthquake of the wave, albeit barely. And then Tiamat opened her mouth once more unleashing the most Powerfull move in her arsenal.

A blast of pressurized water came out pointing towards the normal type at spectacular speed. So fast it didn't left time for either opponents to react. As result the Hydropump hit Kang directly and the pokemon recieved fully. And those factors combined with the Pokemon's size, mass and weight. Kang was both throw back and lose her balance for some seconds.

Seconds Ash decided to capitalize.

"Use Dragon breath and close distance"

As soon those orders left his lips, Tiamat charged to Kang using Dragon Breath. All the speed she gained thanks to all those previous Dragon Dances helped to quickly close distance and attack the normal type with draconic fire.

"8X and 01" Calem quickly ordered, a hint of desperation leaving his voice.

Kang crossed her arms defensively and charged at the stream of dragonfire while protecting herself and Kango, whom decided to stay in the pouch for the duration the remainer of the battle as a safety measure.

"Telling it to take the attack and charge at the opponent. Seems he's not averse at taking risk's" Ash decided to respond by ordering his pokemon break the charge and dodge while using Wildfyre, Aka: Dragon Breath fire balls.

Acting on her orders quickly Tiamat moved to the left, just in time to avoid a Mega Punch from much bigger Pokemon and attack with Wyldfire. Shame that Sheer Force negates the paralyzing effects of dragonbreath or he would have a much easier time by now due to how much Dragon Beath The Pokemon has been recieving. 

From that point on the next minutes of the battle became basically on a game of chase between the two Pokemon. Kang would try to land a hit and Tiamat would dodge and counter with their respective trainers trying to seize an opportunity. Kang tried with everything from water pulse to earthquake wich Tiamat inturn would dodge and counter. Sometimes the Pokemon took initiative on their own but most of the time it was their own trainers shouting their orders in order to gain the upper hand. Ash manged to have Tiamats use one dragon dance during the engagement but Kang's resilence was something to else given how much much punishment the Parent Pokemon was taking even when recieving a Zen Headbutt with all the power boosts he Tiamat had!

So far the fight mantained in a stalemate. Sometimes Kang or Tiamat would land a hit on their opponent doing damage, resulting in either Calem or Ash attempting to seize the oportunity only for the rival react with time to block or resist it and push further, in the case of the former, or dodge and counter, in the latter's case. 

It is been going for several minutes and the song and dance has no sings of ending.


"Hey guy's enjoying the battle?" Spoke the voice of Shauna who grabbed the attention of her friends. Followeed by Delia whom, to the suprise of everyone exect Shauna, was acompanied not just by Mimey and Teshi, but some of her Powerhouses too, Brahma, Earthbreaker, Cleopatra and Inari.

"Ah, Shauna, Delia. What brings you two here?"

"Well, the truth Serena is that I got a bit bored and decided to come to the battle club to see Ash battle" She says as she turns to watch the battle alongside her pokemon with eagerness in their eyes.

"Well I did all my shopping and practiced my routines. Finished a lot earlier than expected and had free time to spare, so why not come here" Shauna said as she took her seat "By the way what I lost on the battles"

"Well for starters, Trevor and I tied by a dual knockout. And those two are down to one Pokemon each and in the middle of the second battle" Tierno summarized.

"Give it chase Kang!" Resounded the voice of Calem. She turned to observe the Kangaskhan attacking at Tiamat with Swift.

"Oh no, you don't. break through it Tiamat!"

Ash said with his arm raised. The Bagon, Tiamat, charged with an astounding speed meeting rain of stars with a Zen Headbutt that seemed very strong. The small blue dragon somehow break through the barrage as if it was nothing and landing a hit on Kang. 

The power of the attack pushed back Kang in wich Ash orderd to use dragon breath. But Calem was quicker and with some commands she didn't understand Kang countered with water pulse against the stream of multicolored flames. Then Kang emerged from the resulting vapor and hit Tiamat with a mega punch wich in turn pushed back the Tiamat but the dragon type got up looking determined. And then the blue dragon spite some multicolored fireballs, called wildfyre, at Ash orders.

"They have been going like that for a while" Trevor spoke before eyeing his holocaster "It has been eight minutes according to the chronometer"

That's when Shauna asked a question "Who do you think will win?"

Tierno and Trevor shared glances before Turning to Shauna with trevor speaking first "If you asked me a while ago I would say Calem without any doubt. But..."

"...Now we are not even sure" Tierno before turning to the battle once more "I mean, look at how they battle. Their strategies, the way how in sync are with their Pokemon even their Pokemon's moves and how well are following commands says a lot about Ash and Calem skills in battling" His face shifted in a slightly dejected expression "Honestly, It feels like I'm far behind as a trainer"

"We'll with Calem is expected, he's older than us and was a before the age limit was increased and becoming an assistant of the Professor..." Trevor explained.

"But what about Ash?" Shauna interjected, her eyes filled with curiosity shifting for a second towards the Kanto native before speaking again "...He's started today like us, but he's giving Calem a good fight and he's doing well" The girl added her with observations, with amazement on her voice.

"We'll both Serena explained and Calem confirmed he studied under Professor Oak. He was Kanto's champion before becoming the famed Professor Pokemon. Possibly he taught him about battling" Trevor guessed.

"I bet more his mom was more involved in that part" Tierno looked at Delia and all her Pokemon who had their eyes glued to the battle "Just look at those them, one glance can tell they are ready to crush anyone that thinks about facing them."

On the front side Serena, who kept hearing the conversation glanced at Delia "Did you?"

"Just some battle advice and tips for battling. Oak had the rest covered" Delia answered casually.

'Maybe should I ask him later' She put a mental note for later.


"You know, this fight has been quite fun" Spoke Calem, his eyes glowing with emotion as his calm and collected demeanor gone. A an ethusiastic smile and eyes full of excitement were painted instead.

"You are right" Ash a wide grim. Adrenaline pumping through his brain like crazy. So caught in the heat of the battle everything else didn't matter to him anymore. He want's to battle and that's all he cares at this right moment. "Fighting someone who could put you at your limits is fun"

"You tell me. Tiamat and You form a great team, all those strategies and tactics. Is hard to believe you started barely this day" 

Ash scratched in embarassement at the compliment "It didn't do that much really. I just applied what they taught me about Pokemon and have faith on them" He stared at his Pokemon with a smile "The true praise goes for Tiamat and the rest of my team for their efforts" Tiamat, and gojira who had been watching alongised Ash, chirped with pride at their trainer's praise.

"Good you are humble too and have faith on your team" The raven haired Kalosian rose his arm with a now serious expression "But as I said before the battle was fun..." He clnched his hand into a fist "...However all fun things, sadly, have to end"

The raven haired Kantonian understood inmediatly the meaning of those words "So how do you want to end this round? The classic clash of final moves or something else in mind..."

"Let's go for the traditional way." Calem eyes turned towards his Pokemon "Are you ready?"

Kang nodded taking stance ready to use everything she has. Despite all the acumulated damage taken, how slow her moves in general had become and the tiredness the normal type is feeling, Kang still pack enough for a bit.

"Let's finsih this up Tiamat. When I say it deal the finishing blow towrds Kang"

Tiamat growled in affirmative. The Bagon looked absolutely determined to win despite being quite beaten and feeling tired. The dragon type proved herself to be quite stubborn when coming to be taken down. When she becomes a Salamence she'll be a monster in combat.


"Seems they are going to end this round" Trevor observed with anticipation as he inconciously gripped his chair for the anxiety this battle brough.

 "I'm going to push my team to the limits after that. I can't allow myself be left behind" Tierno eyed at both battles with fire in his eyes. He swore himself work hard and learn from this day onwards.

"Come one Ash, you can do it. Never give up is your way of life so go ahead and beat him!" Serena cheered for Ash to win. She didn't care people noticed either, her blue eyes fully focused on the battle.

"Wooohoo, we are going for the climax. Do your best you two!" And Shauna who simply enjoying the battle gave cheers for the both combatants.

Delia supported her son too but in a more quiet manner. Her Pokemon did show their support for their Trainers son to varying degrees.


"Earthquake follow with Mega Punch" Calem was the firts to give the order. Kang proceeded to unlesh the best earthquake she could.

"Eject yourself with Hydropump" Ash answered inmediatly.

Tiamat did a jump before opening her mouth and shooting the hydropump at the soil. The sheer potency combined with her small body doing the desired effect sending the small dragon flying some meters above the ground and falling in direction to kang.

The audience was awed at Tiamat flying. Tiamat herself felt ectasic she was flying, her instinctive yearning for it taking her over for a moment. Only seonds before Ash's voice reached out to her.

"Zen Headbutt"

Tiamat charged herself with psychic energy and dived towards. Kang with all the intention show the normal type got the Rock Head pokemon got it's moniker.

Kang held her right arm and prepared a Mega Punch ready to punch the blue dragon.

This was how both trainers betted on ending the battle's stalemate. The Pokemon were too tired damaged. Their determination to win drove them to this decision and the pride of both human's and Pokemon wouldn't allow them choose anything else.

The world slowed down for seconds as both Pokemon almost meet face to face. Tiamat's divebombing Zen headbutt vs Kang's Mega Punch counter. The decisive moment was now. 

And it happened.

Tiamat was the one to connect the attack hitting Kang straigh to the chest. The sheer power of the attack combined with gravity and inertia was enogough to throw Kang off balance and make her fall in her back.

Tiamat got up some moments later but the face she was maing said it wans't possible for her to continue battling. Kango left her mother's pouch to check on her. Finding out she was knocked out cold.

Nobody said anything for some seconds. Before Don Georges voice snapped them back into reality.

"Kang is no longer able to continue. This rounds Victory goes for Ash Ketchum and Tiamat"

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