Wanderig Legend

Chapter 4: Danger at the Horizon.

"Kang is unnable to battle. The victoriy of this round goes for Ash Ketchum"

Ash stared for a short time, his eyes scanning between the exhausted but triunphant Tiamat and the fainted Juggernaut of Kang. Making sure the Pokemon is truly defeated.

Once confirmed he won the round is when the palet native allowedhimself a smile "We did it, we won!"

Tiamat stood proud in growling in victory. Alas it was short lived as the dragon type finally fell on her back tired and with breathing heavily. Ash rushed inmediatly to check on his starter, while he doubted it was something grievous better be safe than sorry is always must with trainers for a reason.

To his relief she seemed to be mostly exhausted the battle pushed her to the limit, by this point she has no energy to fight at all. 

"You have done well friend. Rest for the time being" Tiamat noded slowy. Too tired to protest, Ash put her back into the ball.


Calem, meanwhile, finished checking on the still fainted Kang and also Kango just to be safe. "Is nothing wrong honestly" He said at Kango with reassurance "Just the usual rest a check with the medic and a vist to the pokemon center and all will be good"

Kango noded, still the baby Kangaskhan looked both sad and sour for her defeat.

"I know you don't like whem your mom is defeated or losing in general. But defeat is a part of battling and becoming better. And I doubt Kang would feel the same" Calem said to her.

His words seemed to do the effect with Kango. She seems less bothered but the baby Pokemon will have time to cool off.

After checking he returned them to the ball and decided to hand them to the nurse so Kang would healed before going back to the center just in case. Never hurts double checking a Pokemon's condition.

Ash did the same. Handing Tiamat to the medic. They really put dragon type to it's limit. Calem was honestly surprised the Bagon lasted for that long. He's never one to underestimate any opponent, but given the bare combat experience the Pokemon had, let's not mention Ash's own despite his talent for battle, he expected his rivals starter to at the very best, long half the battle even with Ash pulling all the stops before being defeated.

Boy he was proven wrong. Not just managed to last twice than he predicted, they defeated Kang! His starter and Ace Pokemon by merit.

A small emotional of him tells Kang lost because they had been getting rusty. It's true he hadn't been battling that much since becoming the Porfessor's assistant, but the logical part of his mind tells it wans't that much time since changing career choices. Plus, he's been keeping himself and the entire team on shape. Even Marisso, who is the newest member of the group, was properly cared.

No the reason he lost is because he underestimated the Pokemon and the trainer commanding her.

Calem did his best to hide it, but he was shaking inside from the excitement. Ash's proved to be a good opponent and why the famed professor Oak acknowledged him as one of his greatets students.

Maybe he could speak with him about that after finishing this battle.


"Did you saw that? I was amazing!" Shauna spoke out loud in amazement.

"Maybe I should ask them for some tips when developing my training regime" Tierno thought for himself after watching the exchange.

"Using moves like hydropump to eject oneself...." On Trevor's case he was taking notes. The redhead like his friend though about making his own training regimen's for his team and was writting down everything he remembered from his previous and the current battle for reference in the future. He may be develop a habit of writting down evrything you expereince in battle like some people.


Meanwhile in Coumarine City, a certain green haired hoeenian sneezed before resuming to writting down his latest battle.


"Oui! He did it!" Serena said rising her fist high, smiling with joy at her crush victory. Her mood got spread to her team, making happy sounds. "Never give up Ash."

Deliajust let out a chuckle at Serena's antics 'I'd guess it won't be much before she makes the first move' She thought for herself before turning her eyes back to the battle.


Both battlers returned to their respective positions. But instead of looking at each other with determination now there was an air of uncertainty. Actually, Ash and Calem were going between looking at the remaining members of their teams and each other.

"So you are sending up Astrea" Calem mentioned half asking by the sound of his tone.

"Of course" Ash answered with certainty "And Astrea has procured a good rest during our battle and the pause if that what you ask"

"I'd never doub that" Countered the Kalosian "If anything I'm more worried about Marisso because he's still very green, pun intended" He shaked his head "Anyway, let's finish this battle"

"I agree, let's finsih off this battle. I need to check on my team after" He ssaid before sending Astrea "Once more Astrea, Psych Up and win"

Astrea appeared in the camp looking rested and healthy to battle. An air of pride and determination also surrounded the small psychic type, it appears her first win raised her confidence a lot.

"Marisso is your turn" He threw the Pokeball. It opened and released with light that condensed in the form of Marisso the Chespin. Who had a very carefree expression written in his face.

"This will be your first battle Marisso so be ready for my instructions" He said before turning his gaze face to Astrea "Mud Shot and then Defense Curl!"

Ash did a double take at the commands he heard Calem say at Marisso. According to Calem, he only had Marisso for only three weeks and maybe he didn't had enough time to train the grass type in following customized commands. But he did pay no mind and focused in battle.

"Dodge and Calm Mind" He spoke with total calm in his voice and sending waves of similar emotion towards Astrea.

The Shiny Pokemon adoped a Serene expression before moving to the left to avoid the Mud Shot and then she used Calm Mind.

Calem's eyes narrowed before speaking agin "I that's the case dodge this Pin Missle!"

The Grass type spikes stiffen before glowing green and fire needle-like orbs aimed at astrea.

Ash realized what he was planning. Use Pin Missile wide range to make both dodge and deflect difficult. Good strategy, but Ash had the solution.

"Use Disarming Voice" Ash ordered quickly. Astrea closed her mounth for a moment before releasing a beam of pink sound waves surrounded by hearts and musical notes. The beam hit's all orbs making them explode. Said beam continued unperturbed in direction towards Marisso.

"Counter with Rollout!"

The grass type glowed green again, this time it was his entire body, jumping then curling itself into a ball and rolling at great speed in direction to Astrea, pushing against the Disarming Voice. Astrea fought back by focusing her disarming voice on Marisso preventing it from going further but not pushing back. Now both Pokemon are fighting to overpower their rival's attacks.

Rollout uh? It was a good idea to fight back. Given Disarming Voice is an moves that always strike's an attack that moves fast and hit's hard offers some measure of protection like that is useful, more if Defense Curl was used before because the latter has the characteristic of empowering the former. He remembered the Professor's showed him an example like that back at home using the moves sheer speed againt's Hydropump with both his Golem and Gyarados back at home.

He also did show the move's weakness.

"Jump to the right and use confusion"

Astrea canceled her disarming voice allowing Marisso's move foward's once again. She did a jump narowwingly dodging the attack and while Marisso continued rolling. The grass type tried to stop the move but had difficulty to do. Astrea used that delay to use confusion on the starter to hold it mid uncurling. Leaving the poor Marisso suspended in a half circle position. The grass starter could only yell in desperation while being he's taking damage bit by bit phisically and mentally.

"Using rollout as a way to counter Disarming Voice was a good idea" Ash explained to midly bemused Calem as he watches his pokemon being suspended in a ridiculous position. "However Rollout is a very linear move and is hard to change trayectory once a certain threesold of speed is been reached..."

"...wich leaves the user exposed against an opponent nimble enough to dodge and has proper means to attack the vulnerable user" The Calosian finished after him realizing his mistake, he actually facepalmed at such oversight from his part. "I made a mistake"

Ash ignored that last part and focused on finishing this battle. "Slam it against the ground and finish with disarming voice" He ordered emotionelessly.

"Try to attack with Vine Whip" Calem ordered sounding a bit desperate. He accepted he got the battle lost due to his previous mistake, that doesn't mean he's going to accept it quietly. He and Marisso shall keep fighting until they can't anymore no matter how futile the attempt turns to be.

Marisso did as was told and tried to use Vine Wip to lash out in several directions hoping for at least taking a hit at Astrea.

The psychic type had none of that and proceeded to slam the grass starter into the ground repeatedly. The Chespin on his part refused to submit to the beating he was bing subjected and continued to use Vine Whip like a cornered Pokemon. 

Three times Astrea slammed Marisso into the ground before the Shiny Ralts used Disarming Voice sending the grass starter, who still tried up to that point take a hit, rolling before finally falling near defeated.

"Marisso is unable to fight. Battler Calem has no more Pokemon. Ash Ketchum is the winner!" Don George announced.

Ash lowered his shoulders and let out a deep sight. The Kantonian could feel his stomach growiling and feeling tired. 'First day and my second battle was this intense' Still the raven haired let some pride run through him. 'Still is my first day and won two battles already!'

Ash looked Calem who was already checking on Marisso "You did your best friend, get a rest" He said before the red light consumed the Pokemon returning him to the Pokeball.

Ash walked up straight at him and offered a hand "That was fun. You are a good trainer Calem" He congratulated him. 

Calem smiled and offered his hand in return doing a handshake signifying the good sportsmanship between the two. "I have to congratulate you too. Honestly that was pretty good fight you almost made me forget you are a rookie" The Kalosian congratualted with sincerity.

Ash response was scratch his head and smile shepishly "I was simply taught by the best teacher" he replied.

"Don't sell yourself short. Very few rookies barely pull a half of what you are capable" His fellow trainer replied with honesty.

The two finally let go their hands and wen't to see the medic for a check up. Ash could sense that Calem was just as exhausted and needed rest, and his team too. Who woulnd't after such an intense battle, food too and a nap. They all have earned it.


"Yeah he won, Oui!" Serena cheered on, happy for Ash victory. But that's wasn't the only cause of joy. The entire battle has been a entire cascade of inspiration of ideas for both contest and showcases, in for the aspirant. In fact she had retrieved her own notebook and wrote down furiously everything coming to her mind. "Guy's let's be ready for tomorrow. We have work to do" Her team cheered in agreetment.

Delia clapped her hands congratulating Ash while her team shout roar's and growls of approval making him realize she was there.

"A bit anti climatic don't you think?" Trevor asked both his friends.

"Maybe" Tierno replied his eyes never leaving either battler "Still that was good fight if a bit short" He made a mental note to avoid using rollout against psychic types or anything too fast either.

"But that wans't a bit brutal?" Shauna said concerned for the beating the grass starter recieved at the end. 

"Well Shauna, now you are aware of one of the several reasons about why Psychic types were banned before Dark and Ghost types became official types" Trevor replied. He also made a mental note of catching a Psychic type in near future.


Don George stood up there sliently with arms crossed, eyes locked on both Ash's and Calem like a Braviary observing a potential oponent. 'Impressive' He though for himself. 'I made the right call when he choose to stay and observe the battle' That boy Calem is well versed in his craft. Given his specialization as a Mega Hunter, is logical to develop his strategies around Mega Evolutions. And he had been clearly on the bussiness for sometime given most of them don't have problem following complex customized commands. No doubt he's been keeping both himself and his team sharp for the chance of going back to it, he guessed.

As expected from an assistant of the professor who was Mega-Battler before circunstances forced him to change careers.

His eyes shifted in to Ash's 'The boy is very raw but very talented at the same time. Not mentioning being creative' That Wyldfire Dance was indeed a very imaginative use of both dragon dance dragon breath in order to defend and boost his Pokemon, using hydropump to eject oneself . Despite the Rock Type quick defeat, the he tried to exploit the sandstorm, no doubt in order to take advanteg of sand veil and gradualy word down the his opponent. And the shiny Ralts was just a case of using well her species sensing capabilities and abilites as a psychic type. Adding that is how the boy was always carefull to avoid revealing all his moves. Keeping his cards close and never revealing them until is the right moment. His opponent did the same but it was understanable given he was a trainer before the age limit rose.

Just es expected from the boy Champion Lance choose as his future apprentice. As the family head explained to them. And told to keep an eye on him, same with the grandson of Professor Oak, who was chosen by Steven to be his aprentice.

Just as the two teens were joining with their companions Don George walked up to the arena's computer. It was located at the left side of it's seats. The burly manager accesed the device and wen't through the data until he found it. The entire battle recorded by the arena's own camera's, nothing really shady trully. Is well know the Battle Club keeps recordings and other information of battles of trainer's that used the instalations.

"Old G. will surely pass these to the professor's themselves and the league's granbulls" He wrote a note the instalations offcial mail at clans patriarch with the recording inside. It read 'Show it to them and ask if Gary oak's had used some of our instalations in Hoeen' He ended by writting his signature and sending it.


Elder Don George, or Old G. to put in short, fell on his chair exhausted. After a long day of negotiations, signing up contracts, renegotiating current agreements with the league, those new security measures they can't to apply and dealing with the mess in Hoeen. Danm those bastards of Team Aqua and Magma, and Team Rocket too. Millions of Pokedollars lost and personal not mentioning civilian life thanks to them! How three groups can be so stupid to mess with Legendaries!?

The family's patriarch fell on his chair rubbing the bridge of his nose. Right now all he want's is a tequila bottle and watch something that isn't news about crimminal organizations spreading chaos and destruction through the world.

A familiar beep sound came out from the computer in his desk. Breaking the elder from his thoughs. "An email from one our facilites... What would be this time?" He hoped it don't bring bad news, by arceus Sake.

The elder opened the email and read it's signature first. Each Don George is in charge of their own battleclub facility and, blame it on genetics, are identical to each other, the family has their own means to differentiate like signatures for example. Old G. reconogized that signature belongs to one of the family's memberso recentlly installed on Kalos. The newest one installed in a rural town who had a path connected to a city that holds one of Kalos eight major Gyms. Given the lack of a urgent tag it ins't something bad, to the patriarch relief.

He read the text in the note and his eyes widened a bit in suprise. Gary Oak? The grandson of Saumel Oak, The Professor Pokemon? The one sponsored by the Hoeen Champion?

The one Steven Stone choose as his apprentice!?

He read the text again, slowy and carefully. It appears the video attached to the email will explain everything. He downloaded the video and watched. It was a battle, but what has of important? Aside from having one of his sons acting as the referee nothing seems unusual.

"This a 3-on-3 battle between Calem Nouvenne of Luminose City and Ash Ktechum from Pallet Town"

Old. G brain froze. He paused the video, put the video in slow motion and clikcked in the second were the contestants names were announced just be sure he wans't wrong. Nope he did hear well, his hearing is still god and that's a relief. Leaving only one remaining question: Why this video was sent to him directly? Sure Lance would love have someone keep an eye on his future apprentice. But the champion wouldn't have covvered it himself? Why go so far as to send a recordind of one of his battle's

Wait... That's it!

Old G. found a way to benefit from this, and not just himself, the kid will benefit from this too. Yes that will work. Without delay the patriarch wrote three email's one has the video adjunted and sent to Lance speaking about a certain propossal he had in mind. Other is the same but directed towards Steven and the last for every battleclub installed in hoeen. He knew it would take some convincing from all the individuals involved, but if it all goes as he hopes, well, everyone would have the time of their lives.

He revised those three email's just be sure nothing is wrong and sent them all. After the last one was confirmed to be sent he opened one of his desk drawers and retrieved a bottle of tequilla and retired to the inner chambers of his mannor.

Tomorrow would be a busy day


"Wait, so the Golem continued rolling until he crashed!" Calem said trying to not laugh.

"Well he crashed... On daisy's Haxorus" Ash spoke recounting the event's of that day when the professor's explained them they way some moves work "And before that, he rolled over the his Nidoking's tail and when he crashe, Hacky fell on another's trainer aggron..."

"And that did not end well" Trevor interjected before taking another bite off his sandwitch.

"Yeah, the professor had to call both his Charizard and Dragonite with the help of Earthbreaker and Durandal to prevent the fight from escalating too much" He took a sip from his juice while rembering that day with awe and fondness "A good chunk of the ranch and the landscape that surrounded it got reshaped that day. On the flip side the Professor's expanded the ranch at more cheaper price's and we had Gojira a few month's later" 

The three Kalosian males turned for a second at the aforementioned Pokemon of their Kantonian Companion. Who was eating his foot alongside the others without much though.

While the boy's were talking on one side of the table, the girls were speaking about showcases and constest respectively and delia just enjoyed her dinner.

"Look at this performer called Cyllene, her skate routine is amazing!" Shaune eyed with wonder as she watched through her Holo Caster as the Performer Ice Skated through the stage doing acrobatics with her Pokemon. 

"Awesome" Serena said also amazed by the performance "But look at this one. Her names Sharia, and her dance routine is also incredible" That performance in question showed her pokemon using round while one of them, a Oranguru who played a paldean guitar with a skill that would put a professional gutarrist green with envy, while the performer did a flamenco dance, dressed like one and everything! The honey haired girl looked mesmerized by such a beatufull performance with shauna with stars for eyes.

The cafeteria was bustling with activity tonight. At least seven groups of people including Ash's with alongside some of their Pokemon were bustling with activity. The reason is due to the registrations for the Luminose conference open tomorrow, but that's isn't the only reason, registrations for the Master Class and the first Kalos Great Festival were opening the same day. That means not only trainer's were filling the center waiting for tomorrow and get registered for their respective circuits.

The cafeteria's TV's, wich at moment were transmitting at the moment new's about the registration's suddenly were interrupted. Color bars appeared on the screens and the sound of the static reverbrated through the cafeteria. Both had been very brief but acomplished it's goal of catching the attention of all the people present in the place turning it onwards the tv.

The screen showed a tall, atractive woman with pink hair, reddish sunglasses and sleeveles black blouse. But the words on the headlines were what took the attention of all the present

"Breaking News: Team Rocket and Team Flare skirmish turned in all out war"

"Bonjour people's of Kalos" The woman said in with a grim expression "I am Malva, member of Kalos Elite Four and News Reporter of Nouvelles brûlantes. Today I came to report to you citizen's of our region and foreigner's a brutal conflict between the crimminal organizations Team Rocket and Team Flare occurred this sunset at 6:17 pm to be exact on the border's of Luminose City" Soon enough image's about the spkoen conflict started been shown some were censored

All presents had been shocked by the news. But the most shocked of all were from the group of Ash's and company who particularly shaken for the information.

"This come across as shocking for us and the authorities. But we assure you this is not a lie. The most infamous crimminal organizations from Indigo and our own region clashed today near our dear capital. Right now one of our reporter's is on the scene"

The screen shifted to a male reporter who was dressed in black bussiness suit with the most notorious feature is his mustache.

"Merci Malva. Here Gilles de La Francois reporting on the scene of the altercation between both groups" The camera shows a scene of, to put it simply, devastation and carnage. Road's destroyed, vehicles and other types of machinery crushed, smashed and reduced to junk, several times it could be seen parts of a forest and grass burning with firefighters and Ranger's working on extinguishin it. But that wans't the worst part, no.

The were bodies littered everywere, human and pokemon. most of them being Rocket or Flare, some of them could be identified as member's of Kalos Police force, the Military, even one had the reconogizable symbol of the the International Police.

"By Xerneas..." Serena muttered horrified.

"Our team reached one hour later after the conflict ended and authorities got involved. As can be observed by the amount of corpses this could be guessed as both groups were having big operations at the same time, no doubt in direction towards luminose, and wich both ended up clashing each other and resulted in a war breaking out between both organization's. We aren't sure for what goal but it couldn't be anything good"

The group head a thud and they turned to see Calem with a worried expression going through his bag. "The professor... I must speak with him!" Soon enough he found his Holo Caster ringing. He turned it on and the device displayed the holgrafic image of a man in between his late twenties to his early thirties dressed in a lab coat.


"Calem" Spoke Professor Augustine Sycamore his grimm expression changing one to a relieved in a instan the moment he saw his assistant. "Thank Xerneas you are okay"

"The same for me professor" He also sighted in relief. Knowing everything seemed to be fine. "How's the situation there..."

"I take you saw the news" Calem nodded, the professor pressed the bridge of his nose and begun to speak "Thing's aren't looking good here" The pokemon expert's voice sounded strained "The city is in a state of emergency, all the routes to luminose had been closed off and martial law being declared, nobody get's in or out with Teleport dampener's being active and every authority in Kalos including me are being called to the defence council to address the issue" 

Calem expression flashid with a bit confusion "Ins't that excessive?"

"There's a suspicion off infiltration and corruption. That two infamous crimminal organizations managed to launch operations on that scale on two different fronts without anybody noticing raised alarms on the matter of security" Sycamore explained briefly. His words making not only Calem think, the entire group who heard through the holo caster and some other's who happened to overheard the conversation felt worried about that. Corruption has been an problem that has been affecting Kalos and regions like Kanto, Jotho, Unova, to a notorious extent alongside the current threats off crimminal groups. How deep it runs to allow such disaster to happen in the first place?

"Oh, and by the way. How are doing those four I suppose they are with you now"

At that the other four joined in to the conversation with Ash's and Delia behind them "Professor is good to see you again" Trevor was the first to spoke

Sycamore smiled "Ha, trevor is great see you too again. I guess you must have been doing good for your first day as a trainer"

"Trevor isn't the only one professor" Interjected Tierno "I'm more eager than ever to find the perfect combination between My two favorite pastimes after our first battle" Tierno did some breakdance steps quickly to drive case point.

"Aaah, the rush after the first battle. This brings memories"

"Do not forget about us profesor" Serena said with Shauna following her "We are as determinanted to reach the top"

Sycamore laughed a little "Glad to see optimism in youth's despite the grim situation" the tensión in the air around the group lightened up.

Finally Ash took his turn to look at the proyection "Hello, Professor Sycamore I suppose You know me"

The Kalosian professor eyes him for a moment before fully reconogizing him "You must be Ash Ketchum. Friend of Serena, Oak's favored student and the boy Lance is sponsoring..."

Trevor, with Shauna and Tierno had confused looks. The first was about to ask but was stopped by both Ash and Calem both saying 'We'll explain later'. The entire group now has their attention in the professor's hologram. Who took a moment to clear his voice before speaking again with a serious expression "Ahem, going back to the main issue. How far are you from Luminose"

"We are at Aquacorde Town right now. Just three days from Santalune from then a week's to Luminose. That was our route..." The assistant explained to his charge. He then exchanged looks wtih the rest of their group, everyone was looking as unsure as his before turning to the professor "...but now the plan has changed"

"Understanable, changing course to another location until things calm down would be the most sensible descision in this circusntance's" Everyone nodded but then came the question "But were we go?" Serena asked as she retrieved her map. "The main road to any of our major point's is through Luminose, other's are either hard to access, take much more time to reach by walking or too dangerous to be recommended" 

They exchanged looks, that was a good question what path they need to take now?

"If I'm allowed to give advice" The professor spoke gaining the entire groups attention "I think I have a solution for their current problem" Sycamore told them to give him a second in wich the proyection turned blank for a moment before changing again now dispalying a map of the groups current location and trayectory. "There's an altenative route that can be taken, is at the west of Santalune" He explains as circle mark appears on the maps location. "That path's leads to a forest wich is connects to Camphrier town" 

"Wait... but ins't that the... Forêt des âmes perdues?" The one who said that name was Shauna, who sounded suprissingly meek "Ins't supposed to be inhabited by g-g-ghost!"

"The forest of inhabited by númerous species of Ghost type Pokémon" Sycamore explained "Is a Paradise for specialist of the type. Meanwhile You may run into the usual risk of Ghost type Pokémon, as long nobody does something stupid like enraging one of the alphas or, Zygarde saves us, one the Noblesse then you'll be safe" He stated matter of fact.

"We're as long we are carefull, taking on the forest doesn't seen like a bad idea at all..." Ash spoke his thoughs.

"Ash you are not thinking is good go through a place full of one of the most dangerous types in the world?" Tierno asked with caution. No that he it could be blamed on him, Ghost types were indeed dangerous, on par with Dragon and Dark type in the scale of danger, however they can be even more scarier than the latter two. There's a reason why there's so few Ghost type specialist in comparision to Dragon and Dark.

"You don't know about him Tierno" Serena a bit exhasperated "When it comes to Pokemon, not even a Ghost type can make him back down in fear" Her face turned into an amused smile "In fact he would try to catch them if he finds one. Behind Dragon Type pokemon with Fire and Flying following, Ghost types are one of the types he's got the most interest with"

Ash scratched the back of his head in embarassement, his true motive in the open "I'm just curious about the typing, plus training one seens like a challenge worth taking" The boy acknowledged. "You alwas go for anything remotely challengin dear" Delia giggled.

"Regardless about anyone's views on the type" Calem rose his voice gathering the attention of the group once again "The forest is our best option at the moment. Is not just relatively more shorter than the other options, just a week or two at most at foot. Our other option would be Kalos Victory Road and that's out of the questions"

"That's if we take on account the supplies and any possible encounter's with the wild Pokemon, let alone if it's the only danger we find there" Trevor voiced his opinion on the matter.

"We'll discuss the detail's Later" Calem yawned, rubbing his eyes en exhaustion "I'll go to bed first. This has been a long day, tomorrorw we have a lot to do"

Ash stared at his watch realizing it is almost 10:00 pm almost time to sleep "I'll go bed too. Tomorrow we discuss what to do after Santalune..." With that the rest wen't to their rooms, their pokemon coming with them or being returned to their Pokeballs to reasume the journey tomorrow. The professor bid his goodbyes and disconnected himself from the calll.

At the moment Ash and Serena walked into their own individual rooms the exhaustion finally taking over both teens, their Pokemon following. Although most in Ash's part. After the battle with Calem and getting their Pokemon healed the Kantonian spent the rest of his day by buying items and supplies, working with his team in some new strategies once healed, chatting with his companion's, then the news about the Rocket's and Flare's onslaught happened, then Sycamore's call. A hectic day, his first day as trainer. He'll need to work on getting used to it.


The boy's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his female childhood friend. He turned to Serena who was looking at the windows tapping her finger's nervously "Yes, Serena"

"Thank you for accepting my proposal" She said facing him "You know accepting to come with with me... with us to Kalos" A slight pink blush appeared in her cheeks, wich the raven haired barely noticed due to the exhaustion. Still the boy had enough enrgy to smile at her "Is not problem Serena, you know I'm always willing to help you no matter what"

The Kalosian girl also smiled in response "I'm glad you are feeling that way" She then turned to look at the window "By the way about helping me with my..."

"Tomorrow" Serena turned to him again "I'll help you with your routines tomorrow. Is the very least I can do... Sorry I got too caught in my battle with Calem"

"Don't worry, I know how excited you get when is about battling" She waved her hand dissipating his concer's "Still I'm expecting you to help me. Me and my team are going to be really busy" 

Ash gave a simple grin and replied "Then I'll have to work hard to keep up with you" Both teens laughed. While they were speakeing their Pokemon were just giving then amused looks.

"Bonne Nuit Ash" Serena said in classic Kalosian before going to her room

"Bonne Nuit Serena" Ash replied.

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