Chapter 5: Fire and Evil at Nigh.
Morning came and everyone woke up very early. The first things they did is getting themselves registered for their tournaments. The boy's minus Calem got registered for the Kalos league, Shauna and Serena for the Master class and the latter also registered for the Grand Festival. After that it was just eating breakfast, checking the supplies and doing their own individual things before parting in direction towards Santalune. The agreed of parting was 12:00 PM and given how early the group's woke up everyone still had time for themselves.
Calem took the chance to contact Sycamore and speak in more detail about their new path to be taken, Delia joined him taking the chance to introduce herself to the professor and discuss about their new route. Trevor went to the nearest library for some books, aiming for information about the Forêt des âmes perdues, guides for alternative routes in Kalos and about Pokemon in general for the sake of knowledge. Tierno decided to take the chance to make his first capture and headed to the river were he could fish a water type. Shauna and Serena went buy accessories and dresses for their Pokemon in preparation for the incoming event's, Serena also bought some TM's to teach her Pokemon a few move's.
And Ash was being Ash, meaning he was focusing in traineing his Pokemon first and then Battle some trainer's in the battlefields outside the Pokemon center, where he won the majority of the fight's with exception of some trainer's who were a lot more experienced, even more than Calem. Like his current opponent.
Tiamat spit several balls of dragonfire while moving left and right towards her opponent. It was Pokemon native of Galar called Toxtricity, a dual Electric/Poison type, wich belongs to a man named Mike.
Said trainer, who's by the was in his mid twenties and a respectable veteran, just said one word "Disharge"
Toxitricity sparked before releasing multiple bolts of electricty at Tiamat. Said bolt's dispersed the fireballs in the instant went straight at the Dragon Type. Tiamat tried to dodge but they were to many and got hit several times before falling defeated.
"Tiamat!" Ash rushed to check on his friend. Once he got close he noticed sparks of static around her body indicating paralysis. He brought from his pack a Super Potion and a Paralysis Heal and applied both of them. Tiamat squeaked at the sting of both sprays, both bruises and static vanishing with Tiamat rising once again with only her pride hurt.
"Not bad kid" Ash heard Mike speak to him as he walked up to him with Toxitricity at his side "You have good skills and talent for battle tactics and stretegies, and your Pokemon are well trained and follow your commands well" The adult Galarian complimented with sincerity.
"Thanks Mike, I worked a lot with team to reach this capacity" Ash's humbly accepted the praise. While he knew he's still a long way to rival someone like Mike, a veteran's praise feels good.
"But at the same time..." The veteran crossed his arms as his eyes changed to a more observant and calculating ones "You and your team lack experience and needs to grow more" He pointed a finger at Ash's belt "Both your Larvitar and Ralts are still the most obvious case. Given how little battling both Pokemon had seen until recently"
"You can know that by just battling?" The junior asked the senior his eyebrows rising.
"Something you learn eventually as the experience with battling acumulates" His gaze turned to Tiamat who was looking defiantly at Toxitricity. Who was just looking amused at the small dragon "Your Bagon is the same but in a lesser scale. She's well trained, moves worthy of a dragon type and the skill and control required to put use to them like that Hydropump. Overall she was breed and trained by someone really good at raising Dragon Type's"
'If only you knew' Ash thought with amusement at the veteran's reaction if he learn Lance was the one who raised Tiamat. Said dragon type, despite still being annoyed at being beaten, puffed with pride at the praise of the veteran
"But she's still very young" And the dragon now turned her annoyance at the Galarian.
Mike finally turned to face Ash's whom he gave that same look, whom for his part didn't even look uncomfortable, he grew used to those kind of stares with the lectures of the professor "And that applies to you" He said flatly.
"Then we'll have to gain experience to solve the problem by battling" He replied in the same tone at the veteran.
"So fast, most novice's ask how you gain more experience" Mike smiled in amusement. It seems Ash managed to win the respect of this veteran.
"The first key towads victory is knowing your limit's, the second is learning how to surpass them" Ash quoted.
"Profesor Samuel Oak" The veteran smiled. It seems this boy will be an interesting opponent.
"He's the best teacher of all" Ash smiled.
"Allumer, Flame Burst several times follow up with Psychic!" Serena ordered to the fennekin.
Allumer concentrated the fire inside of her and shoot several fireballs. After the third shot, the fire type used Psychic in order to hold them. A blue light surrounded the fireballs preventing them from falling on the ground. Allumer seemed to have trouble to keep them on the air, marked by the struggling expression in the fire type.
The fireballs we're keep still for some second before Allumer control slipped letring the the Flame Burst's fall.
"Teshi, Astrea"
At Ash command, both Gardevoir and Ralt's used their psychic abilities to disperse the Flame Burst's. Teshi extingushed the first two in a instante in a display of perfect control. Astrea struggled but managed to finally disperse the fire without touching the grass with time and effort.
"Eight and Fourteen" Spoke Ash as checked both chronometer's "Those were the seconds it took each of them" He showed both marks to verify.
"This is more harder than I though..." Spoke Serena with a small frown forming. "A week's since we parted from Santalune and used those TM's and so very little progress" She sighted while Allumer growled in frustration at her so little progress.
"Learning how to control Psychic moves is a slow process. Specially if is for more than just releasing power, even more so for Pokemon who have barely begun to use their psychic abilities" Spoke Teshi's to both trainer's "It will be slow but as time goes on and the more experience she get's it will become more easier for her to use her psychic abilities until she hits a wall and only remains evolution on which Allumer shall become more proficient in and it will continue until her final evolution where she'll be able to use her abilities on a level equal to me and other adult psychic Pokemon" The Embrace Pokemon explained in detail.
"So practice a lot and then evolve her when hitting the limit" The girl had though it for a moment before agreeing "Guess I suppose is for the best..."
"If this advice serves you: Stop for the day and battle with Ash's and your teammates at least once everyday" The psychic type suggested, which suprised Serena but not Ash's in the slightest.
"Teshi's is right. Remember that Pokemon improve through battling. Is instinct on them to grow stronger, there's a reason why many coordinators are also go through the Gym circuit. Even mom did the same" Ash's explained, the psychic type nodding.
Serena took her time to think for a moment about it. She considered for a bit before turning to her partner "What do you think Allumer, should we try battling while we work in our routines?" She saw the benefits of it, but needed to see if at least her starter was onboard with it. The fennekin yelped in what sounded an affirmative response wich was followed by a nod. It was clear Allumer was willing. "Then it's decided" She turned to Ash "After we finish working the routine, you can battle with me?"
"You don't need to ask" Replied the Pallet boy without a hint of hesitation "You can count on me if you need help Serena, I'm always for" He rose his fist in determination.
For this only moment Serena felt truly happy, even if he was oblivious at the fact she was in love in him, she was reminded the reason why.
By the evening, Ash and Serena returned to where their group was camping. It was near a forest glad at the side of the road. Delia's Pokemon were around the camp, at first they seemed to be relaxing but someone with more insight could tell they were keping their eyes open and in positions were they could act quickly in case of emergency. Cleopatra was in fact digging a burrow big enough for everyone just in case. It was truly impressive the amount of powerfull and diverse Pokemon gathered around. The rest of their companion's were surprised by Delia's team from her trainer day's. Trevor even started taking photos of them for the occasion. Serena was the only one who didn't look surprised given she often visited and that included interacting with Delia and her team on occasion.
Speaking of them, Shauna recently finished working on her routines with her team. Both Tierno and Trevor were away trying to catch some Pokemon and returned at the same time than Ash and Serena with unsatisfying results by the looks of their faces Ash's mom was with Mimey cooking and Calem seemed to be observing Earthbreaker who was training Gojira into unlocking some of the egg moves passed onto him, within respectfull distance while his team relaxed too.
And about training, while Ash and Serena went to train with Amellur and Astrea with Teshi's help, the other too were also being taught, at Serena's request, by the retired trainer's Pokemon. Inari was helping Plaisisr, her eevee, with Shadow ball and teaching her too calm mind. While Crasheur was being taught by Piercer, at the best capability of the final stage of the Rhyhorn line. And Tiamat was being taught by Dahaka several new moves and working on improve those she knew.
Tiamat created a small orb of green energy before firing at a medium sized rock, destroying small chunks of it "He taught her Dragon Pulse!?" Ash's shouted in suprise.
"They had been going for a while" Spoke Delia while she And mimey where preparing diner "And before that Dahaka managed to teach her flamethrower and fire spin" She turned to look at her son "By the way Gojira finally unlocked Dragón Dance and Ancient Power" The sound of ground bieng ripped apart brought their attention to thebsource of it, who was none other than Gojira himself using the aforementioned move to rip chunks of the ground and throw it at another rock
"That is amazing" Ash stated excited at the prospect of his friends learning new and more powerfull movies "Astrea improved her psychic abilities, now she can hold objects for longer with her might alone without using calm mind first now, and she learned hypnosis and double Team and improved in those she already know" Ash demostrated it by ordering her to use both, in wich she crated three identical copies of her they generated waves of psychic Power that put all the onlookers in a stated of slight trance before stopping. Next thing she did was to rip several chunks of dirt and trow them a few meteres away and finally she shoot several thunderbolts in succession.
"That's enough Astrea" His friend finally stopped, and decided to sit somewhere and relax. Ash felt satisfied by the progress they did, wich was reflected by the Feeling Pokemon as smile formed in her small lips.
"Then it's our turn, Allumer, mon amour, show your style!" Her friend took the stage and started by using Flame Burst, shooting two fireballs up in the air. When the fireballs staretd to fall down, the fennekin eyes glowed blue and those Flame Burts now were suspended mid air. This was followed by Allumer slow and carefully moving both fireballs. Up, down, left right and one circle these were the motions Amellur made them commit, the struggling expression never leaving her face. She continued doing her routine for five minutes until she used another Flame Burst against the fire balls, making them explode akin to fireworks.
Claps resounded across the camp. "That was impressive Serena" Shauna complimented to her fellow performer. "It's a work in progress" Serena said modestly "I'm still trying to find a way to implement this for performances"
"It's no trouble Serena. With how dedicated you are and peace you go, it will not take too long for you to find out" Delia spoke encouraging words at the girl "Oh by the way, dinner is ready. Mimey and I prepared curry"
The group took their places in the table as both Delia and Mimey served the food. The Pokemon all their bowls served with a variety of foods depending on their species diet and nutritional requirements. "Miss Delia, how do you manage to buy all these food for everyone. It must be expensive to even keep feed even a single of the big ones" Tierno addressed the copperajah in the room. "Well,Tierno it was a combination of good money management, a sucessfull career as a trainer and coordinator, working for the professor and good investiments which helps" Delia replied.
A familar ring suddenly appeared. Calem retrieved his Holo Caster from his pocket and answered the call. The Holo Caster displayed the unmistakable face of professor Sycamore "Professor, you are late to the call"
"Calem" Said the professor behind the Hologram. His tone indicated he was tired and if one payed attention at the proyection bags could be sen under his eyes "Forgive me for not calling sooner. The past two days weren't exactly a walk in the park"
"Not problem professor. I know how busy it get's when event's like that happen" Spoke Calem referencing at altercation between the Rocket's and Flares's near Lumiose. It is still trasnmitted news through all Kalosian news channel's and according to Ash's it reached to other regions. The event became knows as Lumiose's Near Crash worldwide and the fallout has sent repplies through Kalos and nearby regions.
"And speaking about that. I have news... and not good ones. I hate to be the one to deliver it but this has you and your involved" Everyone froze, none said or done anything as they processed what the professor spoke. "Involved?" Spoke Calem first breaking out first from his shock "Professor you are not saying we got somehow tangled in this mess right!?" Calem responded, not believeing what the professor was implying.
The professor let out a deep sight at started to speak "Is not only your group Calem" Sycamore said, his face a mix of worry and anger "This information is highly classified, I'm risking getting in trouble telling this to people other than Calem, you must not tell anyone of this" The listener's looked at each other before agreeing with the professor to not speak further "There's been a breach in the League's databases. Someone hacked throguh the systems defenses and stole a lot of data from the archives. Important and private information" He paused waitting for the groups reaction.
Everyone tensed. Ash, Calem and Delia frowned harshly in particular. Working with their regional professor's allowed then to know the kind of sensitive information the League holds. Not only trainer's sensitive information, they all mean things like, reserves for endangered Pokemon species wich locations are kepr classified, document's about investigations, experiments and research too important, or too dangerous, to be keep alone in a sciencist laboratoriy. Protected individuals. Info better kept sealed shut or really bad things could happen.
And now it has been stolen. To be used either for poaching's, kidnapings or worse. The rest had to be explained how bad it could be. Much to their discomfort.
"I see you understand the further implications of this problem" The Kalosian expert said grimmly "Among the data stolen is about certain trainers with particular connections and status" He pasued again before continuing "And I not only speaking about Gyms Leaders or Ace Trainers, there's also relative's and trainers sponsored by important people. Not only league participant's, it also includes coordinators and performers..." He let the meaning of his words sink in.
The first to react at the information was Ash, with bead of cold sweat falling from his face as it tensed "Professor, you are saying we are at the possible risk of being targeted" His words hit like a splash of cold water as they reached the ears of Serena, Trevor, Tierno, Shauna and Delia.
"It isn't only your group who may be at risk, Ash" The professor took a deep breath before further explaining "There are other's who are also compromised. Treainer's with relation to important political figure's, Gym Leader's, relatives or even important researchers. There was a lot of data that was stolen" Before any of them could speak he told them to wait and explained "I am not telling you that you will be the target of some dangerous individual or group. Nor telling you abandon your journey if that's what you think of" A tenous silence spread through the table as they swallowed Sycamore's words.
"Just... be carefull. We don't even know if the responsible for this breach is the same one that caused The Crash" He explained before sighting again. Nobody did asked about it as they were still shaken by the last news "Oh yeah that's not the only thing I called for"
"More bad news?" Tierno said looking incredulous. The professor's shook his head "Not quite, but this is something concerning the Circuits and some event's involved" The proyection changed to several holografic windows "The event's of this last days are still affecting the region and in it's populace in general. The Kalosian goverment is doing it's best to prevent wide spread panic and trying to keep order through the region. The league, like many other entities, is doing their best to keep the spirits of the population up while working to deal with the issue" As soon as the finished speaking the screesn displayed in full revealing the information.
"Hyper-Challenge: The option to raise the Gym battles difficulty?" Ash eyed curiously.
"Increased Monetary Rewards and Special prizes for Hyper-Challenge victors" Trevor stared at the screen.
"Coumarine city's contest, winner gets interviewed by Grand Festival Organizer and Hoeen's contest champion Wallace!?" Serena say out loud. Making everyone take a look at the specific window Serena read. The paragraph that detailed about the interview came with a photo of Wallace posing with his Ace Pokemon Milotic and everything. "They are even doing the same with The Kalos Queen Aria!" Shauna said as read another window.
"This has been planned for a long time" Spoke the professor while proyection atill on display "Not just for Kalos, other regions had been involved in some way to create new challenges and promotions to attract more people into becoming trainer's and coordinators..."
"But the current situation has forced them to rush into implementing these new changes" Calem said in understanding. "Exactly, they fear, and rightfully so, with how messy things had become, people will pull out of their circuits fearing for their safety even with the already implemented security measures. These is to keep the public's attention into something else while the league is working to finally remove the current threat's…" Sycamore spoke relaying everything that has been sorted through the last two days the Lumiose council
"The first part not acceptable for any people in charge of organizing the big major event's. Specially with those of the Great Festival. Wallace in particular is working in both fronts to hunt down the Rocket's and Flares keeping with the Grand Festival proceedings" The professor said, his voice being calm and emotionless as he explained the reasoning.
Ash thought about Wallace and his role. The former League champion and actual Contest Champion was the Kalos Great Festival most vocal supporter before announcing he would be involved in it's organization alongside the further establishment of contest in Kalos. He made exhibitions, publicity campaigns, everything possible to hype it. Is not hard to imagine his reaction at the possibility of months of work and publicity being reduced to nothing because criminals actions are scaring people into giving up.
The Kantonian glanced at Serena. Since discovering contest, his childhood friend had been determinated to become a coordinator and achieve the title of contest champion. She worked a lot to learn about contest, had countless conversations with her about the moves used, the performance of several coordinators, even if strategies applied in battles could be used for contest and vice versa. He took a look at the honey-haired girl and her eyes glowed with the same emotions he imagined Wallace to feel if the Great Festival is canceled. Distorsion World, that thought must have crossed her mind if her expression say's something.
Pure, barely restrained fury and refusal to accept such a thing happening.
"They must do something about them..." Said girl spoke with a coldness enough to be comparable to the Blizzard move. It was stunning for her companions to see the usually kind, friendly and polite Serena speak in such tone "...they can't simply get away with this"
"They are in fact doing something now..." The proyection changed once more to the professor's face "It has been unanimously agreed the situation can't be dealt just by the authorities of Kalos alone. This last act of terrorism was the nail in the coffin for the Minister and the Parliament. There been calls with Indigo and Unova in order to find a solution with the collective criminal Teams, in fact our Champion, Diantha had spoken with Lance had talking recently about initiating action to remove both threats from Kalos and Indigo once for all"
That seemed to calm them down. If Kalos politcal bodies with the help of the league and two champions, one of them considered the strongest champion of all, things would eventually get better.
The professor let out a big yawn, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion "Feeling exhausted professor" Calem joked trying lighten up the air after such serious talk.
"I didn't sleep for two days straight..." Sycamore admitted to his assistant "I'm sorry for delivering more bad news after two days. Is not my intention discourage you from journeying, specially when you have barely begun, if it that anyone's feeling" He apologized profusely.
"It's not problem professor" It was Trevor who reassured "You are just looking out for us, like any responsible adult would do when delivering this information" The other's nodded.
Ash rose from his seat "We are just going to be more careful. And trying to not get in trouble as much as we can" He looked around and the others agreed with his words."We aren't backing down. Not when we are so early" Serena said with determined eyes. "Exactly, we have just begun, and leaving is for the quitters" Shauna expressed her intentions with renewed energy."And what if we find some either Flare's or Rockets, we aren't alone and if worst happens, well not fight head on" Tierno said recounting some reasonable advice his parent's given him before.
Delia only smiled. Knowing Ash and his friends will go forward more prepared than ever.
"I'm glad you are still determined to go on your journey's" The professor smiled despite his exhaustion. "Please be care full and if the worst happens... well Tierno took the words from my mouth" The professor yawned again before saying goodbye. Ending the call.
"Why don't we go to sleep?" Spoke Delia breaking her silence "The burrow Cleo made is big enough for everyone and is hidden in plain sight for extra safety" She pointed at the burrow. the entrance was behind a rock big enough to cover sight of the hole from the main roads view. Nobody will notice it unless someone investigates more deeply "And we have Teshi and Mimey to detect any possible hostiles near. Safe as it can be possible"
"We should take turns to sleep" Suggested Trevor "Remember, the news spoke about the possibility of some scattered remnants of either Flare or Rocket assault's forces roaming around the border's of Lumiose and cities near,"
"That's true" Said Ash's "I'll take the first turn, me and my friends and Mimey will stay awake for a bit longer..."
"Thank's Ash. Just don't forget waking one of us up before going back to sleep" Shauna thanked before taking her things and walking up to the burrow with her team and soon everyone followed in leaving Ash with his Pokemon and Mimey. He turned to the Psychic/Fairy type "Mimey can you set up some of your Area of Effect moves just for extra security"
"Sure, Ash" Mimey nodded before his eyes glowed blue and a massive surge of psychic energy mixed with some of the more ethereal fairy one emanated form him. Blue and Pink energies spread around the area forming a barrier and becoming invisible seconds later. Like it didn't happen but even a non-Pyschic pokemon or human cans feel the them if they focus.
"This my best combined move, the The Dome. Using all the area, camp moves I know in combination with, Miracle Eye, Reflect and Light Screen I create a perfect area that protects us against any hostiles, and increases mine and any ally sensing range several times" Mimey hold his head high with pride "Not even dark types can hide when we are in the zone and it will Require an Elite level ghost type to even make a crack"
Ash looked in awe, Astrea too, even more in introspect give she can sense the energy, maybe Tiamat and Gojiar too if their faces are saying something. No matter how many times he saw this combination move, it never stopped being impressive. Would his friends also be able to do the same one day.
"You will with time and experience, Ash" He heard Mimey's speaking through his mind. No doubt after he reading his thoughts "Currently you can at best combine two moves like flame thrower and dragon breath or confusion and thunderbolt" The raven haired listened intently, the explanation drove him back at the advice Mike gave him days ago. They lacks experience, he lacks experience.
"Well better make a note to start making combination attacks soon or I'll fall behind" Ash sat in the grass stretching his arms. He felt the nightly cold winds wash over his face while keeping an eye in his surroundings "What a long day..."
Tiamat put herself his right keeping an eye at her surroundings alert for any menace though sometimes she stared at the sky possibly dreaming for the day she becomes a Salamence.
Astrea walked up to him and sit in his lap and turned her head up in the sky, doing one of her favorite activities, stargazing. Given her natural ability to sense emotions and the boost from the zone, it won't be trouble if she focuses in something else for the time being.
Gojira just sit on his left, switching between stargazing or keeping guard. The Rock type had also grabbed several small chunks of soil and ate continuously as like he had no diner previously. Ash chukled a bit at his friend massive appetite.
Mimey simply wandered around the zone, doing the typical pantomime all Mr.Mime are know for, but his face, specially the glowing eyes, tells he's working seriously his assigned duty
Augustine Sycamore sat on his chair, he took a sip wine, burgundy always helped with the stress, the feeling of alcohol pass through his throat always felt relaxing for regional professor. Sycamore sighted before taking a second sip, while on that the professor reflected about his actions. "I am worrying too much?"
"I don't think so Augustine?" Spoke a male regal voice behind the regional professor. "Right you are. I was going to warn my cousin too" followed a smooth feminine one.
Augustine turned to the source of both voices. The male was orange haired man with black eyes, his expression stoic. He wore a black suit with red stripes. At his side was big feline Pokemon whose most distinctive feature is the large red mane which brings resemblance to an old Ranseian Kanji. The mans presence had a majestic yet intimidating aura reinforced by similar regal but imposing Pokemon.
The female was a fair skinned woman, with blue eyes and violet eye shadow. She worn a white dress whose most distinctive feature are the detail on the back which resemble to wings. Additionally is the swan shaped white necklace with a multicolored stone with a DNA inside it. A Gardevoir walked at her side, not many notable features from the pokemon aside being more taller than the norm and a pendant with a stone set this time with a color scheme similar to the Pokemon.
"Lysandre, Diantha" Augustine addressed the Lysandre Labs President and Kalos Champion respectively. His exhaustion finally carrying into his tone "I guess you sensed I was in urgency"
"You kidding? Beatrice told me the amount of stress and anxiety she felt from you skyrocketed to the point of risking angering Rayquaza" Said Diantha as Beatrice, The Gardevoir, the Champions Starter and Ace Pokemon, noded in silence.
Augustine sighted rubbing the bridge of his nose "Yeah you two are correct. I suppose yo overheard me, right?" He said in a matter of fact way, not sounding accusatory in any way possible to his friends.
"I don't need to guess you warned Calem and the other kids about the database breach right?" Lysandre spoke seriously.
Augustine simply nodded and took another sip before speaking further "I filled them in with everything as soon as I got near the Holo Caster…" The professor stared at the window thoughfully, while Diantha and Lysandre took their seats each one at his side with ther Pokemon doing the same "I'll get in trouble for this, but I don't care"
"I get why are you feeling like this friend" Lysnder told sympeathetically "After all, there's been multiple reports of important people or relatives of them being targetted by elements of the organized crime, organizations like Plasmas and of course rockets included" Lysandre said calmly but there's an edge on the tone of his voice "Specially in this actual moment where they have become increasingly bolder with their crimminal operations. If the Crash was enoguh proof of that" He finished with a somber voice.
"How in Zygarde's name we got into this mess" Diantha spoke taking a sip of wine, much to her starter's disapproval "First a brutal skirmish between the Rockets and Flare's happens near the capital and nobody notices it until is too late" The Champion complained before taking another sip, apologizing to beatrice for the possible dizziness and migraine she would suffer later. "Then we learn both organization's were preparing to attack Lumiose, again without us knowing and then someone steals a lot of classified data from the database, right from our noses!" Diantha slammed her vase in the table and groaned in frustration. Her starter's face reflecting her trainer's due to their psychic link.
"I comprehend your frustration Dinatha" Said Lysandre who took a smaller sip on his own "You had too long day's working to keep order while Augustine and me spend it keeping working with the league searching for what was stolen from the database, finding trails, assisting in security measures and putting in lockdown everything else non-stop" The regal man spoke not allowing the exhaustion he shared with his fellows show.
"Speaking of which…" Augustine turned to face Lysandre "Has anyone found a clue of possible suspects?" The regional professor's asked his friend. Sycamore spend most of the time between locating what data was stolen or checking his labs computers. After The Crash happened internal and external security became top priority and that includes keeping his own devices in lockdown for safety reasons.
"Not a lot" The orange haired man turned to his friends "We found the cameras stopped working for a time. Specifically around the hallways leading to the central computer's room and of course the room itself" Lysandre explained calmly to his friends "Is suspected by an outside signal, my best scientist and the police are working in cooperation to track it down, but aside from that there's nothing. Whoever was, this entity knows to cover their tracks really well" The corporate explained in detail.
"Do you think it was the same one who caused The Crash?" Augustine spoke up "It would be the most logical explanation after all. With everyone focusing in the chaous outside it would be the best opportunity to hack the database and steal the info". His question lingered through the air for some time before Diantha answered
"We don't know if there was one individual or even a group. Distorsion, we could guess this was the result of agents from both teams sabotaging each other or, as you suspect, a third party at play…" The champion grabbed her head in exasperation. Beatrice conformed her trainer, in spite of the stress and exhaustion Diantha is feeling also affecting her due to her nature.
"Returning about Calem and those kids…" Bringin the attantion of his friends out of the grim subject, Lysandre brought his Holo Caster "…Remember about the negotiated contracts with The Don Georges I spoke about a week before?" He said as he pressed the device buttons, Both human's and Pokemon looked at him questioningly "This was send to my direct email from the clan's own Patriarch"
The Holo Caster projected the recording of a battle. Augustine and Dinatha shared glances before getting up close to the Hologram and watched it.
"Ah!" The professor said in realization as he watched the record and recognized the two figures "So Calem already challenged Ash's into a battle" He remembered how his assistant spoke about his desire of fighting one of Oak's Prodigies, as some members in the scientific community and high ranking individual's call both Ash and the professor's grandson Gary Oak.
Diantha tilted her head as she stared at the projection "Isn't that the boy whom Lance chose to sponsor?" The champion remembered the name Ketchum of course. Any high ranking member of the league, be a Gym leader, Regional Professor, Ace Trainer or even a Champion would know when a renowned member of their number's sponsor's a trainer, specially a rookie. They gossip of things like that like housewives circle.
Even more so with someone know as one of the strongest champions and the further implications of said choice.
"Yes, indeed" Augustine spoke while watching the video "Actually, his starter is a Bagon bred from his Salamence" He mentioned as he continued to watch the battle, analizing everything about, more especifically Ash's own Pokemon.
Lysandre's own eyes slighly curved upwards, Diantha meanwhile eyed curiously at the holografic image of the trainer "He gave a pokemon bred from his own team to a new trainer for a starter Pokemon?" She said, not taking her gaze off the recorded battle
"Steven Stone did the same with the Professor's grandson, Gary Oak" Sycamore added before his expression chaged to one thoughfull as he continued watching "It got me thinking, why would they do that"
"Potential" Lysandre said with certainty. His friends turned to face him waiting for his explanation "It's not that complicated as it may seen. Lance and Steven, two of the strongest champions of the Association, saw in these youth's what they can achieve if trained properly…" He took a sip before speaking further "…Just as Leon said once: Only a true champion knows to discern the potential of an aspirant with a single glance"
"Did you picked that line while you were in Galar" Augustine joked while Lysandre lips turned upwards "That and a Galarian fans tend to be very noisy" Both adults shared a laugh while Daintha smiled while focusing her blue eyes and the video with her starter following. Lysandre's words resonating in her mind as she watched the rest of the proyected video.
Her gaze turned analytic as she observed the Kantonian's native way of battling and compared to her friend's assistant. The boy has talent for sure and must have practiced previously for pulling some of his strategies with relatively ease, no doubt under The Professor's Pokemon tutelage. Of course he's still very raw and needs a lot to learn. There's mistakes only a novice would do, mostly with the his Larvitar wich is clearly not well trained, but there's also moments where his true potential shines. She bets with a few months of experience and a good teacher he'll become a great trainer. Curiously his team also reflects this aspect of him. Bagon, Ralts and Larvitar. They are weak in their current forms, but in the future once reached their final forms, each would be a terror in combat. She knows by experience.
Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt the familiar vibration of her Holo Caster in her pocket. She read the contacts name on the screen and sighted as she got up "I have to go"
Lysandre and Sycamore turned their to their friend, whose face said she would not be resting for a few days more "News from the government or the league?" Augustine asked feeling preocupied.
"The league" Diantha spoke, sounding a bit tired "Lance's is calling me"
Both males looked with seriousness and nodded. They wished Diantha's luck before taking off with Beatrice following her, leaving the two alone with themselves.
A silence regined in the room after the Champion left, none spoke anything, occupied with their own thoughs while drinking their wins before Augustine got up first
"It's getting late. I'm going to sleep…" The professor yawned heavily "…Tomorrow's we'll give our reports"
"Goodnight friend, make sure to remind Sophie and Cosette to lock the doors before you leave" With that Augustine left the room, now leaving Lysandre alone with his Pyroar, Aslan. The orange-haired man patted his starter, who growled pleasantly, while his attention focused in something else. Specifically the video.
Lysandre replayed the battle from the beginning, observing everything that went through with cold calculating eyes. Every command shout, every used tactic, every strategy applied, on both sides.
He took a moment to observe both combatants and them their teams. His lips curve upwards at the same time his black eyes gleamed with a light that would unnerve even hardened war veterans.
"They seem to have great potential isn't right, Aslan?" The Pyroar's only response was a undecipherable grunt, save for his master who had him since he was a young Littleo.
Lysandre only kept watching the frozen video, he stayed for some minutes before finally taking his leave with his Holo Caster in hand and Aslan by his side.
Before leaving the installations he send a Holo Message to one of his contacts. 'I found another one' that was everything it said. He send it to his contact and left.
Only he saw the Flare-like Symbol of his contact.
Ash yawned deeply before rubbing his eye, the urge to sleep finally kicking in after at least two hours keeping guard for the time. His friends were also started feeling sleepy. Astrea was already asleep in his lap, Gojira struggled to keep himself awake, all that ground he ate making a hole, and Tiamat was starting to look sleepy.
On the opposite side, Mimey didn't look tired at all, seemed to still have a lot of energy for most of the remainder of the night. The Mr.Mime didn't even seemed tired at all.
"I'll go to bed" Spoke Ash's tiredly "I'll wake up Calem, keep an eye open Mimey and don't forget to wake up Teshi and mom when you feel sleepy" Mimey nodded. Ash told his frinds to come while he carried the sleeping Astrea in his arms. He must go to sleep right now for he had planned an new entire regime for them by tomorrorw. The moves they learned today were good but needed more practice. Gojira in particular needed attention Ancient Power needs better accuracy and less time when ripping shards from the ground and his Dragon Dance takes several seconds to charge which is a problem. Tiamat will be of great help in this regard given how skilled is with the move.
Once finished with Gojira, he'll be spending time with Tiamat practicing her news moves and start working in combination moves with her. Something significantly harder than simply working on moves as combination moves are an entirely tricky matter given the nature of the move's energies and technique must channeled with accuracy, at the very least. Let's not forget the execution. The path to find the right executio-
His thoughts came suddenly at halt when Astrea woke up suddenly. The Shiny looked around frantically, yelping in anxiously. That wans't the only thing, to Ash's own dismay and preoccupation.
Waves, emotional waves, the natural ability of the Ralt's line is to share their emotions with the people they bonded psychically and vice versa. Waves of fear, danger and anxiety splashed over him as his friend looked frantically. Ash's only wondered what caused her to act like this.
"She's feeling hostile presence's nearby" Resounded Mimey's voice, this time with an unusual edge. "Astrea must have sensed their I'll intent thanks to the Dome"
He turned to see Mimey looking at the forest. His face grimm and his posture ready for combat. "She can't pit point their location accurately but I can is there…"
"I'll wake up mom-" Ash was interrupted by the sudden apparition of Teshi and of course his mother. Both with the same grim expression. "You called us Mimey?" Delia spoke, her voice lacking the usual warn and friendliness she was characterized.
Mimey nodded and debriefed his mom about the hostiles nearby. His mom told Teshi something in low voice before turning to Ash "Step back son, I don't want you to get caught in the middle of this" She told in a tone that expresses both authority and concern at the same time.
Ash silently agreed and took several steps back with his friends and took cover in spot full of tall grass.
He took a glance at her one more and noticed she had two Pokeballs in hand. Guess she saw fit bring two more members of her team if things go really bad.
A sound caught his attention, he couldn't discern what kind of but it was loud enough to even be heard from the forest. His friends were startled by the noise shouting in panic while his mother and her Pokemon were on the edge.
The first sound was soon followed by several more loud noises. It took no time for the cause to reveal itself. In a stream of flames bursting out of the forest followed by human and Pokemon screams.
Ash heart was pounding with intensity, he felt a small bead of sweat go through his face as he observed from his spot the situation unfolding. He wasn't the only one, Astrea waves of terror and fear intensified and curled in his arms terrified, he felt bad for his friend. Feeling such hostile intent and malice would be overwhelming for any inexperienced psychic type.
His left side felt the rocky skin of Gojira as he got closer to him. He turned to look at his friend who was looking both afraid and confused. The rock type switched between looking at him and then to the forest.
On the other side Tiamat wans't looking scared or confused as her own teammates. Quite the contrary, she took a step a ahead and positioned herself in front of him, baring her fangs while growling protectively, eyes flashing both with protectiveness and draconic fury. Is clear she's willing to face danger in order to protect them.
Ash could not avoid feel happy for having Pokemon like her, even in these dire circumstances.
Finally the sources of this commotion revealed itself. A loud hiss was heard before an orange lizard with a flaming tail came out of the bushes running, a Charmander!. It stopped after he came out, the fire on the tip glowing weakly but with enough intensity to show the Fire types's physical state by a few seconds. Scrapes, bruises, bites, you name it covered it's body, that wasn't the worst. A slash wound was carved in it's chest, reaching almost the entirely of it's orange belly and it was bleeding.
Ash eyes widened in horror as he saw the Charmander's state. Multiple questions flooded his mind as he observed. How it got there? Could they give this one medical attention in time? How long is been in this state? And more important, who or what did this to Charmander!? Those were the question that flooded his mind.
Seconds later he got an answer for the last.
Four figures came out of the bush. Two were definitively Pokemon and by what could be distinguished in the dark by their shapes these were Weezing and Zangoose. Pokemon common in Kanto, Hoeen and many other places.
But the other two were what got their attention. They were humans, both were using lanterns that iluminated the road and as consequence revealing their appearance to them.
The first was just a man dressed in gray and black from cap to the pants, mouth mask and black glasses. He was also holding a bag give the way his left hand was hanging near his shoulder. Ash was never to judge by the appearances but this guy looked like, and possibly was, a thief. But he was nothing compared to the other person.
The second person was a female with green hair and a black cap. The rest of her clothes were also black, with alongside an infamously familiar R letter in the shirt.
"Team Rocket…" Ash's spat those words as he watched the member of the most infamous, and hated, criminal organization in Kanto and jotho, and potentially the world.
Pokemon poaching, murder, terrorism, you'll name it. Nothing for them is too low for them if it mean's get what they want. The Crash was just the most recent proof for that. Only one could image all the ways their failed attempt could go and none would be good. Anything with the Rockets is bound to end in that way, Kanto and Jotho knows very well.
Both figures shouted orders at their Pokemon to attack the Charmander. The Zangoose let a bloodthirsty screech before it's claws glowed red and rushed at the fire type. Weezing only stared at his target with malice and released globs of sludge that from it's two heads.
"Stop them…" He heard his mother say emotionless before
Mimey appeared in front of the Charmander, his eyes glowing with psychic power as five glass-like walls appeared in front around both in just the split of a second, forming a box around then. Zangoose slashed the wall with his claws against the barrier, the blobs also collided agsinst the barriers. Neither of them making even a single crack in the barrier's.
He heard the burglar and rocket grunt shout in disbelief wich were replaced by ones of anger. They begun screaming orders to break the barriers.
Mimey though otherwise. His mother's starter rose his hands a bit and released to rays of condensed psychic energy at the criminal's Pokemon from each palm. It was so quick Ash barely kept traction of them. The beams hit Zangoose and Weezign before they could even do anything, both Pokemon screamed in pain before falling to the ground inert.
Both assailants shouted in disbelief before instantly screaming in panic. The reasons was they were hovering above the ground, surrounded by a light purple aura with Teshi behind them her eyes glowing with the same color. It didn't take a genius to realized she took the assailants momentary distraction to teleport behind and restrain them with her psychic powers.
The outlaw's struggled trying to break free. That was cut short as the Psychic type put them under her power with Hypnosis. They instantly fell into a trance unable to resist the power Astrea's own progenitor just for their eyes close and enter in a deep sleep.
Ash released a breath he didn't knew he was holding. It was the end but somehow that didn't put him at ease. His Pokemon were the same.
A million questions rushed through his mind as he pondered the multiple scenearios, each one worse then the last, were this Charmander got involved with the Rockets of all people. The line isn't exclusive of Kanto, but as every species that's listed as a official starter they are rare enough that is hard to obtain one without the help of a professor or specific breeders granted special access to reserves dedicated to these species.
Rare enough and with their infamous battle capabilities to worth a lot in the black market. Worth enough to try poach one, he thouhg with distate. Either the first or belonged to a trainer unlucky enough to cross paths with the Rockets. None of those are particularly comforting.
Speaking of wich, the Charmander actually fell unconcius. A spike of worry run through him fearing the worst. That was dissipated once Mimey checked him making clear he's still alive but unconcious.
He could hear voices and sounds coming from the burrow It appears the conmotion woke up everyone.
Ash's doesn't know why but has the feeling they had just got in a greater mess. And they are not getting out easily.
This is going to be a long night.