We Bleed Silver(GOT/ASOIAF Fanfic)

Chapter 112: Chapter 112: Spoils

With Samantha Tarly leading the last remaining girls of House Hightower away, the resistance in Oldtown officially ended. House Hightower, who were rulers for nearly ten thousand years, saw their main branch nearly wiped out. Only distant cadet branches, reduced to commoners or petty nobility, escaped unscathed due to their lack of rights to participate in the conflict.

"Your Grace, please review this — the compiled list of traitors," said Thaddeus Rowan, the Lord of Goldengrove, as he entered the camp outside the city, holding a document listing the Green faction nobles.

Nearby, three great dragons rested on the open ground, while Draezell, Prince Jacaerys, and Valar sat within Vermithor's curled tail. Among them were two Alans — Alan Tarly and Alan Beesbury — alongside Lord Vansen Kaon, Lady Jenny Fossoway, Lord Roland Connington, and Garmund Hightower, who sat cautiously at a distance. Garmund, thanks to his timely surrender and the killing of key Hightower members, had been granted Greyshield, one of the Shield Islands, to preserve the remnants of House Hightower.

Vermithor opened one eye, glanced at Lord Thaddeus, and lifted its tail to allow him to pass. Lord Thaddeus, swallowing hard at the sight of the massive beast, cautiously stepped into the circle.

"The Hightowers, as the leaders of the rebellion, have their punishments largely decided. It now falls to Her Majesty to choose whether Ser Hobert Hightower takes the black or is executed," remarked Lord Vansen Kaon. "Your Grace, as for the Hightower lands, their vassals — the Houses Mullendore, Cuy, and Bulwer — also participated in the rebellion, along with the Crakehall of Crakehall. Additionally, there's House Peake, who hold three castles: Starpike, Whitegrove, and Dunstonbury. While Unwin Peake was a central figure in the rebellion, he also played a pivotal role in surrendering Oldtown."

"They will accept the kingdom's judgment," Draezell said calmly. "Should they defy it, I will ride Vermithor to teach them the cost of betrayal. All four houses will face the loss of their lands and titles. As for the Peake, their three castles and attached territories will also be confiscated. Unwin Peake's role in the surrender spares his head." Draezell turned to Prince Jacaerys. "The adult males of the four rebellious Houses and Unwin Peake will take the black and serve the Night's Watch. Cregan Stark will welcome them. As for Unwin's children — does he have any?"

"He has a son, Titus Peake, and a daughter," Garmund Hightower replied timidly. "I saw Titus in the camp."

"Oh, now I recall," said Alan Tarly, slapping his thigh. "He's my prisoner — a brave young man." Alan, now bearing his father's famed sword Heartsbane, seemed to have forgotten that he, too, was only a boy of nineteen.

"I will grant him a parcel of land," Draezell sighed, "but he cannot inherit his father's title or lordship. Henceforth, House Peake will exist solely as a landed knightly house."

"A fair punishment," Lady Jenny Fossoway nodded. "Prince Draezell, as per your instructions, half of House Hightower's lands will be granted to you as war reparations. The other half will be distributed to houses loyal to the Queen."

Draezell drew a line on the map. "Lord Alan Beesbury will swear fealty to me. The Sunhouse of House Cuy, the Uplands of House Mullendore, and their adjacent lands will be annexed to my house. Lord Roland Connington and his newly granted lands will swear fealty to your son, Lady Jenny. Crakehall Castle will be assigned to Lord Thaddeus Rowan, and part of the Crakehall' lands will go to Lord Florent. Oldtown itself will also be suitably divided."

"Oldtown will become crown land," Prince Jacaerys interjected, accepting Draezell's proposal. "The royal family has decided to relocate the Faith to King's Landing. The High Septon will temporarily reside in the Great Sept of the Mother's Grace, but my mother plans to construct a grand sept in King's Landing, named after her. It will surpass the Starry Sept in magnificence."

Jacaerys then pointed to the Citadel on the map. "The Citadel will also be reorganized. The Conclave will be entirely relocated to King's Landing. I intend to allocate land from the Alchemists' Guild for their use, where they will craft and distribute the maesters' chains under royal supervision. Oldtown will retain only a few disciplines.

Studies of metallurgy, medicine and mysticism will be transferred to Silvercrown, where Draezell has generously offered a substantial parcel of land for new classrooms and a grand library."

"Won't this provoke dissatisfaction among the Citadel's members?" Lady Jenny Fossoway asked hesitantly.

"If they're dissatisfied, they can take it up with the dragons," Draezell replied with a wry smile. "The Citadel has always underestimated its opponents. Knowledge is power, but under dragonfire, all are equal."

The punishments for the rebellious lords of the Westerlands were also tentatively decided before the final assault. Draezell proposed the following terms:

House Lannister would pay a fine of one million golden dragons to atone for their early treachery in the war.

Seven-tenths of the gold mined over the next ten years from Westerlands' holdings — Casterly Rock, Golden Tooth, Nunn's Deep, Tarbeck Hall, and Castamere — would be ceded to the crown.

Lannisport's taxes would be increased.

All rebellious lords would transfer their titles to their heirs, then take the black and serve the Night's Watch.

The Westerlands lords gratefully accepted these conditions. Draezell had not demanded hostages or reductions in their lands, which they viewed as an extraordinary mercy.


Meanwhile, in King's Landing, the city's oppressed smallfolk, already burdened by high taxes, faced another devastating blow.

"Septon, save my child, please save her," a woman cried, clutching the cold, lifeless body of her little girl as she fell before a shepherd. The shepherd, his hands wrapped in cloth, touched the girl's pale face and her blue lips.

"Another lamb of the Seven taken by the demon," he murmured sadly. "Child, it's the Shivers. The demon of old has returned."

"Shivers?" The woman panicked and dropped her daughter's body to the ground. The surrounding onlookers, weak and sickly themselves, recoiled in terror, scattering instantly.

The people of King's Landing had not forgotten the last outbreak of the Shivers, which had wiped out nearly half the city's population. Standing amidst the frightened crowd, the shepherd raised his broken staff with his one uninjured arm.

"Brothers and sisters! Do not forget—it was the demon who once sat upon the Iron Throne, indulging in incest and burning the faithful of the Seven with dragonfire, that brought down the gods' wrath and unleashed the plague. Now, the calamity has returned! The demon is not in hell; the demon sits upon the Iron Throne! Brothers and sisters, the woman who reigns there, that wanton creature, is a product of incest herself — a being despised by the gods. That is why disaster has come again! I have seen so many of our brothers and sisters perish in the cold, starve in hunger. Bread is on the market, but we cannot afford it! And now, the plague has returned — this is the punishment of the gods for usurping their place with demons!"

The Shepherd tore open his tattered clothing, revealing a seven-pointed star tattooed on his chest. "Brothers and sisters, do you want bread and ale? Do you want to survive this great plague? Come now, the Seven guide us, the Seven gaze upon us with mercy. If we repent and return to their grace, the Seven will protect us."

He knelt piously amidst the crowd, shouting, "The Seven Above!"

The people of Flea Bottom raised their hands, their voices swelling with his fervor. "The Seven Above! The Seven Above!"


The Red Keep, Tower of the Hand

"Cold... so cold..."

Grand Maester Gerardys stopped Queen Rhaenyra in her tracks. She looked worriedly into the room, where Elinda Massey, one of her attendants, trembled and coughed uncontrollably. She was the seventh person in the Red Keep to show similar symptoms.

"Have you determined the illness?" Queen Rhaenyra asked nervously. Gerardys sighed as he closed the door.

"It is Shivers, Your Grace. The disease progresses rapidly. In the early stages, patients suffer from an unbearable inner cold, leading to uncontrollable shivering. This worsens into teeth chattering and limb spasms. As death approaches, severe cases cough blood, and their lips turn a chilling shade of blue."

The maester stopped Rhaenyra from approaching. "During the last outbreak, Princess Daenerys, King Jaehaerys's daughter, fell victim to it. Her death proved that royal blood does not protect against the. Your Grace, this disease is nearly always fatal to the elderly and children."

"What should we do?" Rhaenyra panicked at the mention of her children.

"I know of a safe place," a woman's voice said from the stairway. Mysaria, known as the "White Worm", emerged from the shadows. Once a key informant for Prince Daemon, she now served Rhaenyra as the Mistress of Whisperers, rewarded for her role in the peaceful surrender of King's Landing.

"There is an estate outside the city, on the coastal highlands. It once belonged to Prince Draezell's retainer, Tigarro Dargaleon, when he resided in King's Landing. It is secluded and well-suited for isolating from the city's populace."

"Yes, yes," Rhaenyra stammered, her fear for her children plainly visible. "I will take them there immediately."

"Your Grace, what about the plague measures?" Gerardys asked. With Grand Maester Orwyle imprisoned on Rhaenyra's orders, the responsibility for handling the epidemic fell entirely on him. "Aside from the Shivers, three servants in the Red Keep have contracted Dragonpox. However, its high fatality rate limits its ability to spread widely."

At the mention of containment, Rhaenyra froze momentarily. "Maester Gerardys, this task is yours."


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