Chapter 113: Chapter 113: The End of the Kingmaker
"Mother, do you want to abandon your people?" Joffrey stood at the railing outside his room, shouting down to Rhaenyra below. "Baela and I are your children, but you are the Queen now, and the people of King's Landing are your children too!"
Hearing the noise, Baela also stepped out of her room. "If you abandon the people of King's Landing for our sake, how are you any different from the usurper?" she said.
"You don't understand!" Rhaenyra said, growing angry. "That's the Shivers! My aunt died from it! I've already lost one son, I can't lose another child!"
"Your Grace, there's also Dragonpox," Grand Maester Gerardys said in a low voice. "Dragonpox progresses even more rapidly and it's more contagious. Just coming into contact with an infected person or someone who's yet to show symptoms can spread it. Neither of these diseases have a guaranteed cure. However, there's no record of Valyrians ever suffering from Dragonpox."
Rhaenyra had been furious, but as reason returned, she realized what her children were doing. If she left King's Landing because of the plague, she would be no different from Aegon the Conqueror. With the heavy taxes she's imposed, she could easily provoke the people of King's Landing into open rebellion.
"No, we can't leave King's Landing," Rhaenyra realized this truth and knew she could not leave so easily. "Joffrey, have Tyraxes and Moondancer stay at the Red Keep. The dragons don't fear disease. Gerardys, what measures can we take to prevent the people in the Red Keep from falling ill?"
"The Citadel suspects that the Shivers may be related to rats, and both the Shivers and Dragonpox are highly contagious diseases. They can be initially prevented through isolation," Gerardys pondered, his medical knowledge extensive. "Your Grace, I recommend that we strictly control access to the Red Keep and immediately isolate any confirmed cases."
"Understood. Joffrey, arrange for rat catchers to search the Red Keep for all rats. Implement Gerardys's instructions and regulate the keep," Rhaenyra said, gritting her teeth. "As for the city... starting tomorrow, all of Lord Celtigar's tax policies will be temporarily suspended, and some funds will be allocated from the royal treasury," Rhaenyra paused, realizing the dire state of the treasury. The gold dragons collected from her heavy taxes had all been used to maintain the King's dignity, pay salaries, and reopen the trade routes. "No matter what, starting tomorrow, provide free bread to the people of King's Landing in my name and open the upper levels of the Dragonpit. If any citizens are sick, they can come to the Dragonpit."
"Praise your mercy, Your Grace," Mysaria praised sincerely. "Your Grace, you must be careful. There are many voices in King's Landing that are turning against you. Some fanatics, claiming to be chosen by the Seven, are brazenly denouncing your family as the product of demonic incest. They say your dragons are demons from hell. They have gained significant influence among the common folk, especially since the plague started two weeks ago. People's attitude towards you has become increasingly dangerous."
Rhaenyra furrowed her brow immediately. "I understand. Thank you for the warning. Tomorrow, I will order Captain Luthor and my Kingsguard to remove these pests from the kingdom."
As Rhaenyra issued command after command, Joffrey let out a sigh of relief. But looking out the window at the increasingly darkening sky, he suddenly had a troubling feeling.
The next day, in Flea Bottom, a man dressed in rags slinked into a dilapidated house, still dripping with filthy water. The Shepherd was kneeling beside a corpse, its lips already blue, silently praying.
"Master, the Seven bless your devotion," the man said, revealing a seven-pointed star tattooed on his chest. "This morning, the demon queen issued a decree, suspending the tax collection from Minister Crab, and the market has started distributing limited black bread. It's said that she has opened the upper levels of the Dragonpit, allowing the sick citizens to go there for treatment."
"She's deceiving the lambs of the Seven!" The Shepherd suddenly stood up, agitated. "She wants the children of the Seven to send themselves into the dragon's mouth. Otherwise, why would she open the dragon's lair, which houses demons, instead of the temple bathed in the Seven's light? No, I must expose her evil to the world."
"Master," the man grabbed the Shepherd's single arm, "The demon queen has already sent her minions to persecute the clergy of the Seven. You cannot risk going alone under their swords."
"Alik, you truly are the son of a warrior!" The Shepherd gazed at the man with gratitude. "Don't worry, the demon's minions cannot harm the true believers. I will reveal the true face of the demon to the lambs."
"Master!" Alik once again stopped the Shepherd, who was about to leave. "My brothers are ready. Tonight, people will gather to discuss whether or not to send the sick to the dragon's lair. That's when you can reveal the demon queen's atrocities to them, and there will be no danger."
"Is that so?"
"The Seven above, the Holy Father as witness." Alik made the sign of the seven-pointed star on his chest. The Shepherd nodded approvingly and returned to kneel by the corpse to continue praying.
While Prince Draezell dealt with the spoils of the Reach and Rhaenyra's headache worsened with the plague in King's Landing.
In the Riverlands, Benjicot and Lord Roderick Dustin discovered a great catch. They found Tyland Lannister near Harroway Town. Tyland, the Master of Coin who had secretly passed information to the Black Party after Aegon abandoned King's Landing, had ambushed the remnants of Ser Criston Cole's forces while Cole was unprepared and successfully escaped capture.
"Ser Criston is nearby," Tyland directed Benjicot and Lord Roderick's cavalry to Criston's camp. The "Kingmaker", captain of the Kingsguard, now had fewer than twenty men left by his side.
When Ser Criston saw cavalry from the Riverlands and the North appearing in the distance, he knew his end had come.
"Tyland, traitor! It was you all along!" Criston immediately recognized Tyland, whose armor was already tattered. "I only regret not killing you and Lyman when I had the chance."
"Sorry, Cole," Tyland said, lowering his head. "But there's something I need to remind you of. I wasn't the only traitor. In fact, before me, Larys already provided Prince Draezell with a lot of information, but what I don't understand is, how could he remain so loyal to Aegon?"
"Hmph," Ser Criston unsheathed his sword. "If you have the guts, let's settle this with an honorable knight's duel." He pointed his sword at the commanders of the Black Party, but when he saw Benjicot's face, he froze.
It was just a child.
"Sorry, Ser Criston," Benjicot said with a playful shrug. "I don't think you're a real knight, so... Uncle Robb..."
Without hesitation, Robb shot an arrow from his bow, the arrow piercing Criston's chest. It tore through the pale knight's already-gray chestplate and lodged deep into his chest. "You—" Soon after, Alysanne's arrow pierced his neck armor. The archers of house Blackwood quickly nocked their arrows and, in the blink of an eye, turned Criston and his remaining soldiers into pincushions.
"Who do you think you are?" Lord Roderick Dustin spurred his long-haired horse forward and slowly approached the lifeless body of Criston, who was riddled with arrows. He swung an axe and severed Criston's head.
"I may not be a knight, but I know the codes of your southern knights, and the honor of a Kingsguard. Boy, you have soiled your white cloak."
Thus, the life of the Kingmaker came to a humiliating end.
During the outbreak of plague in King's Landing.
Outside Summerfield.
Adams Lawkeeper, the black-haired, gold-eyed younger brother of Hohfar Lawkeeper, who loved socializing, joking, and reading, anxiously stood outside a stone house. "Amos, hurry up! My brother is in a hurry, and neither of us is getting away if we don't move!"
Inside the stone house, Amos sat quietly by the hearth, staring into the flames. Slowly, blisters began to form on his skin, swelling with air and bursting with red blood and yellow fluid, splattering on the stone walls and flames. The young man endured the intense pain and suffocating feeling, but there was one thing he was thankful for.
The decaying corpse had not been in contact with anyone other than himself.
"Adams!" Amos yelled, struggling with the pain.
Adams immediately recognized the anguish in Amos's voice. "Amos, what's wrong? Don't scare me!" Adams was about to open the door when Amos's muffled shout stopped him.
"Don't come near this room. Go back and tell the lady, have all the customs officials check the cargo coming into port. Tell the lord... no, the prince, I can't repay him. I left Steelflame on... on my weapon rack. Please, return it to the prince..." Amos's head was growing foggier, and the pain in his body began to subside, replaced by a strange sensation.
He staggered, pulling open the hearth's protective screen, and tossed the firewood into the flames. The fire immediately licked his body.
The light of the fire illuminated Adams's stunned face.
Dragon Nest.
Diana Tarly sat on Prince Draezell's Dragon Nest Throne, furrowing her brow as she looked at Maester Visari and Zesar. Rey was still on a dragon patrol, and for now, the only ones in charge of the castle were Diana and Layla.
The day before, Amos Fezer, Draezell's sworn brother and the holder of the Valyrian steel sword Steelflame, had suddenly failed to return to the Dragon Crystal Tower. Instead, he had locked himself in a stone house outside the city, and soon after, the house caught fire. Amos died in the flames.
"Lady, it's the Shivers," Zesal said coldly. "Fortunately, the customs inspections were thorough, and the body wasn't brought ashore. I had the ship handled in time, but unfortunately, the body of a Dragonpox victim found its way to the docks. We owe thanks to Amos, as he was the one who discovered the body in time, but tragically, he was also infected with Dragonpox."
"Is there a cure?"
Maester. Visari shook his head. "The fatality rate of Dragonpox is nearly one hundred percent. That's why it rarely causes large-scale plagues, despite being highly contagious. When Amos realized he was infected, he immediately isolated himself." Maester. Visari fell silent, unsure of what else to say.
Diana understood what Amos Fezer had done. The young man had made the decision to prevent the plague from spreading in the city by setting fire to himself, leaving behind a will and returning Steelflame to the Vaelarys family.
"Amos was my husband's blood sworn brother," Diana said quietly. "He was a true warrior."
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