Chapter 10: Island: Final Three, Winner, and Shockers
"Last time on Total Drama Island, there was seven campers and four of them can't make it to the end." Chris grinned, "Everyone was shocked to see the fan-favorite camper, Naruto, voted out by the losers!" He paused to chuckling, "Now we are down to the final three campers, Gwen, Owen, and Heather! It brings up some questions! What kind of challenges are they going to face? Who will be taking the boat of loser? Who will be the winner? Find out tonight on Total Drama Island!" The host rubbed his hands with maniacal grin, "You really don't want to miss this one because it's going to be good!"
(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)
Naruto walked up to the teenagers as they watch the television and he takes a glance at the new episode, it was on live. "Did I miss anything, dattebayo?" The redhead asked and some of them shake their heads.
"Nah, you just missed the opening but it was kind of boring." Justin said as he checking himself out with his mirror, "Just some trash talks in confession…Well, just the girls. Owen kept talking about pancakes."
"Oh, Big O." Naruto chuckled, taking his seat on the floor.
(Total Drama Island: Stage)
"Campers, welcome to the semifinals!" Chris grinned at the campers, "The producers ran out of insane ways of torturing you, so…" The campers glanced at each other with nervous expression, "They asked the ousted campers for ideas. Turns out they had a lot! They provided with the sickest, most twisted, and insane dares imaginable in 'TDI's' version of…" Chef, in his pink dress, brings in a spinning board with huge grin, "Spin the bottle! Starting with Izzy, Trent, Cody, Justin, Naruto, Noah, Leshawna, Lindsay, Beth, Tyler, Harold, DJ, Geoff, Bridgette, Duncan, Courtney, Eva, Sadie and Katie, and the homeschooled, misogynistic country boy, Ezekiel."
"Do you have to list each names?" Gwen asked with a raised eyebrow but the host ignored her as he turns to the camera.
"Put them all together, and we've got a high-stakes game of 'I Triple Dog Dare You'!" Chris spins the bottle and winked at the campers.
"What is that, grade five?" Heather scoffed, "Why don't we just do seven minutes of heaven in a skanky basement closet?"
"Yeah, good call!" Owen cheered, "You should bring Trent, Lind, and Naru here!" The group stared at him as Heather smack the back of his head.
"Each player will take turns spinning the bottle." The host explained with a chuckle, "The camper that you land on determines the dare you'll perform." Chris pulls out a soda bottle, "You can take the dare yourself and win a get-out-of-dare freebie or inflict the dare on a fellow camper in hopes of booting them out."
"And if we refuse to do the dare?" Heather asked.
"Oh, not a good option." The host replied as he placed the bottle on Chef's tray, "Anyone who chickens out of their dare will be sent directly to the dock of shame, board the boat of losers, do not go to bonfire, do not collect marshmallow, and do not get to win 100,000 bucks!" Chris gestured to the canoe, filled with money.
"Wow, a sudden-death elimination…" Gwen smirked with crossed arms, "Good one."
"Okay, who's ready to humiliate themselves first?" Chris grinned at the unwillingly campers.
"Oh, what the heck." Gwen shrugged, "Let's get this over with." She walks up to the spinning wheel and spin the bottle.
"Okay, so here's the deal." Chris smirked, "Chef and I have a little side bets going. The first bet, whoever pukes first has pony up 100 bucks. The second bet, we chose a camper and whoever scream from Naruto's dare has to pay 100 bucks." The host chuckled, "They better pray that they don't land on Naruto."
"Okay, let's get this party started!" The host said as the bottle lands on Duncan, "Duncan's dare! Lick Owen's armpit!" Gwen and Heather widened their eyes in disgust. "Gwen, you can perform the dare yourself or dare one of your competitors to do it. Either way, someone's licking some armpit in the next minute."
"I triple dog dare Heather." The goth girl smirked, glanced at the paled queen bee. Heather whimpers as Owen slowly lifts his arm to expose his armpit.
"You could imagine that you're licking an ice-cream cone." The oaf encouraged.
"Shut up!" Heather snarled.
"…Minus the BO…" Owen whispered softly and the queen bee glared at him, causing him to clamed up. Heather stared at his armpit before she gives it a quick lick and gagged out as she dropped down on the ground, squirming around.
"Oh ho ho, man!" Chris chuckled with Chef, "That was so sick! I nearly puked…" The cooker raised his eyebrow at his boss, "Nearly!" Chef gave him a few nods, it was fair enough for him.
After her recovery, Heather gives the bottle a spin as the campers watch on nervously and the bottle slowly land on…"Naruto's dare is…" The host pulled out a tape as Chef pushes the television in, "Listen to his infamous corncob prank story until the end of it! Plus, it has bonus footage of this prank in act." The queen bee paled at the dare.
"Originally, I was going to dare this weird goth girl if it was different dare but this dare is too much evil for my taste…Even if it has his prank in it…" Heather holds herself with a shiver.
"Owen, I dare Owen." The queen bee said quickly with sweating face.
"Okay, I bet it's gonna be awesome!" Owen grinned as he sits down in front of the television, "Naru always has best stories!"
"Gwen, Heather, put these on and turn around for a while." Chris handed the girls a pair of headphones and turns to the camera with a smirk as the girls placed their headphones on. "Due to the graphical story, we will cut the feed for a certain amount of time. Chef, if you please." He paused to tapping his chin, "I got to admit it, I'm very curious about it for a while."
"Bring it on!" The oaf grinned and Chef played the tape as he put his own headphone on, one corncob prank story is enough for him. Naruto appeared on the television and waved at the camera. "Hi, Naru!" Owen giggled as the redhead start to talking about his prank, even pull out a corncob.
"YOU MONSTER!" Owen wailed at the static of the television as he curled up in ball, "How could you do this to an innocent corncob! WHY!"
"Is it over yet?" Gwen asked with a raised eyebrow, taking a glance behind her shoulder and blinked at the sight.
"…Now I can see the resemblance…" Chris whispered to Chef with widened eyes as he hands the cooker a hundred buck.
"Did you say something?" The cooker lifts his headphone with confusing expression and the host shrugged as he turned to the sobbing oaf.
"Okay, Owen, it's your turn to spin the bottle." Chris said as Owen slowly stand up with a sniffle and span the bottle, landed on Beth. "Beth's dare…" The host glanced at his cue card, "Rechewing a wad of Harold's gum." The girls gagged at the sight of wad of chewed gum as Chef carry it in jar.
"I will take the dare!" The oaf grinned.
"EW!" Gwen and Heather cried out in unison.
"Dude, it's chewed gum!" Chris dropped his jaws, "Harold's chewed gum!"
"I know, but it must be pretty special if he's been saving it." Owen shrugged with a grin as he knocked the jar. Chef pulled his gloves on and picks the wad of gum up with tongs before lift it to the oaf's face. Owen opened his mouth as he take the gum and starts to chew it, never noticed the group staring at him in disgust. "Mmm…Full body. A delicate, fruity aroma with a hint of citrus." The oaf described the taste with laughter, "Robust, yet balanced. Oh, summery! Oooh! And a crunchy center!" Everyone blinked as they glanced at Harold's picture and they can see that the nerd was picking his nose before they realized what the crunchy center was made from.
"EW!" Heather and Gwen shouted out as Chef and Chris gagged, forcing the bile down their throat.
(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)
"EW!" Everyone cried out as they jumped away from Harold while he was picking his nose.
"What?" The nerd blinked at them.
(Total Drama Island: Stage)
"Woo-hoo!" Owen cheered to himself after blowing a gum out.
"Owen wins the first freebie." Chris gagged as he hands the oaf a bottle, "…And tetanus shot if you want."
"Nah, I'm good." Owen smiled, "Thanks!"
"This could be harder than I thought." Gwen muttered.
"Gwen, you're up next." Chris grinned as the goth girl span the bottle again and this time, it landed on Cody. "Drop a tray of ice into your undies and let them melt." The host chuckled.
"That's it?" Gwen snickered, "I can handle that." She changed her mind as soon as Chef walks up to her with bucket of ice but she scooped some of them out and turns around to shove them down her skirt.
"Now that's one cool chick with a frosty 'tude chillin' by the…" Chris joked until the goth girl shouted at him with chattering mouth.
"Just give me the f-f-f-freakin' f-freebie!" Gwen snatched the bottle from the cooker's hands.
"My turn!" Heather snarled as she stood up, "And I'm taking the dare. I don't care what it is!" The queen bee stomped to the spinning wheel and turned the bottle with all of her might before it stops on Tyler.
"There is no way I was letting those nerdlings get ahead of me." Heather huffed with a shrug, "I mean, how bad could the dare be? I'd already licked Owen's armpit!"
'I was wrong, I was wrong!' Heather cried inside her head, staring at half-naked Owen, lying on the floor, as Chef pouring jelly in his bellybutton.
"Damn, that's one deep bellybutton." The cooker mumbled to himself.
"Sorry." Owen chuckled nervously.
"Shut up!" The queen bee snarled but it falls upon deaf ears.
"Twice in a row's gotta suck." The oaf muttered softly.
"I mean it!"
"Well, especially since I never wash in there." Owen's revelation make Heather want to throw up right there, "Not 'cause I don't want to. I just forget!" The queen bee takes a deep breath and slurping the jelly out of the oaf's belly. After finish her dare, Heather stumbled around and fighting back the bile in her mouth. "Hey, you didn't puke this time!" Owen grinned at her but Heather gagged again.
"…You still cool?" Chris asked his co-worker and his answer was just a silent nod.
Heather lied on the bed with oxygen mask as Chef checked her pulse and the host turned to the camera with a grin. "Okay, we'll give Heather a few more minutes on life support before we start the next round." Chris chuckled as he raised a tray of sandwiches, "Okay, Chef made snacks. PB&J anyone?" Heather vomited into her oxygen mask as the host takes a few steps back with Owen and they took the sandwich from the tray, ignoring the vomiting queen bee.
(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)
"Poor Heat-chan." Naruto said worriedly as some teenagers smirked at the television.
"…Dude, I'm curious…" Duncan whispered to Tyler, "Where did you get this idea from?"
"Actually, I asked Naruto for some suggestions." The jock admitted.
(Total Drama Island: Stage)
"Nice!" Owen cheered as the bottle landed on Izzy, "Come on, Izzy! Bring it!"
"Give a purple nurple to a sleeping bear." Chris chuckled and the oaf laughed.
"Yes! Oh, sounds wicked, man!" Owen paused, "What's a purple nurple?"
"It means you have to twist the bear's nipples." Chris grinned at the sweating oaf, "Now off to the cave you go!"
About twenty minutes later, Owen limped back to the stage, with bruises and bumps, and takes the bottle from the smirking host as Gwen span the bottle. It landed on Naruto and the host checked his cue card with a grin. "Naruto's dare…Face Chef in a dueling stick battle on the platform in piranha-infested pool…"
"That's it?" The goth girl snorted, "I'll do it!"
"Where's my dueling stick?" Gwen shouted at the host as she ducked under the swinging of the massive dueling stick and Chef laughed manically at her.
"I was going to say barehanded but you cut me off." Chris gave her a sadistic smirk before he ducks under the screaming goth girl as she flew overhead, courtesy of Chef's swing. "Here's the freebie." The host tossed her the bottle as the goth girl groaned out and turns around to see Heather span her bottle, landing on Geoff. "Drink powdered fruit punch from the communal toilet." Heather pointed at Gwen with an evil smirk as Chris rubbed his chin with a chuckle, "Quite the predicament, Gwen. Do you use one of your two freebies or do I save them for an even sicker dare down the road? What to do? What to do?"
The goth girl inhaled deeply, "I'm going in."
"So freakin' sick!" Chris groaned before he smirked, "Chef's going down!"
Chris pours the powdered fruit punch in the dirty toilet and mixed it up with the plumber as Gwen and Chef watch on in disgust. "No way!" The host groaned, "That's so gross! Oh ho ho!" The goth girl take the bendy straw from the host and take a sip from the toilet bowl before she gags as she ran to other toilet to vomit, causing the host and cooker to almost vomit on the spot but they swallow the bile back in.
Heather smirks at the vomited-covered goth girl as Owen takes his turn and the queen bee leans closer to her. "At this rate, Trent's gonna need a fumigation squad just…" Gwen burped in Heather's face, stunned her for a while.
"Eat dog food!" Chris said as Owen landed on Cody.
"Yeah, baby!" The oaf cheered before glanced at the girls with guilty look, "Man, sorry, guys. I keep getting all the good ones."
"Okay, down, boy! Heel!" Chris chuckled, "Dude, you have two freebies you can use…Better yet, you could dare an opponent…Like, say, one with only one freebie to used up?" His comment earned a glare from the queen bee.
"You still have a bit of jelly on your lower lip." Gwen pointed at her with a smirk.
"Oh, go stick your slutty face back in the toilet!" Heather shot back.
"It's cool, bro." Owen grinned, ignored the fighting girls, and takes the tray from the host. "My dog digs this food. Time to find out what I've been missing…" He ate the dog food with two bites, "Meaty-tasting!" The oaf turned to the host with dirty grin and Chris vomited on the spot as Chef throws up on the host after taking the money from his boss, caused the girls to throw up all over the stage.
"Okay, that was so gross!" Chris said before he turns around and vomited into the toilet. "Is there nothing these freaks won't do?!" The host cried out, vomited again.
After many rounds, Chris chuckled at the exhausted campers and glanced at Owen's table, he has a lot of freebie bottles. "I can't believe no one's dropped out and Owen got twenty freebies!" The host gestured at the oaf as the said camper cheered and whistled on his bottles, playing 'twinkle, twinkle little star' tune. "Gwen and Heather have squat, but not to worry." Chris grinned, "There's still plenty to be motivated about…"
Gwen leaned to Owen and whispered, "If you help me take down Heather, I'll share my winnings with you."
"What if you don't win?" The oaf asked with a raised eyebrow and the goth girl pounced on it for a while.
"I'll swing for a box of doughnuts." Gwen said.
"The lady drives a hard bargain. Deal!" Owen grinned as he gives her a high-five and turns to the host. "Chris, I'd like to give away half my freebies."
"Um…Well…Okay." Chris scratched his head, "Are you sure?" The oaf just push the ten bottles to Gwen's side and the host shrugged, he did not really know what to do since it was actually something that he won't even think of.
"Hello? Ix-nay on the onspiracy-cay!" Heather stomped her foot with crossed arms, "That is totally unfair! Get out your rule book and do your rule-checking thing! They're obviously gonna gang up and whoop me with dares! There has to be a rule about this kind of thing!"
"Sorry, them's the rules!" Chris smirked, "Not a rule to be had. Nada!" The queen bee grunted out and Gwen span the bottle with evil smirk.
After series of dares, Heather was so glad that she used both of her freebies to get out of Naruto's dares…She don't want to watch one hour loop video of two girls, one cup and she really don't want to see Alpha-S51 prank again! She give out a sigh of relief when she saw Gwen's spin landed on Lindsay. "Finally, I catch a break!" Heather huffed, "There is no way Lindsay could think of anything bad."
"Ooh, you're not gonna like this one." Chris snickered, "Have your head shaved by Chef!"
"What?!" The queen bee gasped with widened eyes.
"Lindsay rules!" Gwen laughed with fist pump.
"What's it going to be, Heather?" The host smirked at the nervously queen bee as she sat down on the barber chair, "Are you going to do the dare?" Chef pulls out a clipper shaver, "Or the walk of shame?" The queen bee shifts her eyes around as the shaver come closer and in panic, she kick the shaver up in air with a cry. To everyone, it was in slow motion as the shaver flew down toward Heather and knocked her down to the ground.
"Noooooo!" The queen bee cried out as the shaver jumped around her head and she sat up in shock. "Huh? Wha…" She feels her head around and to her horror, there was so few clumps of hairs left.
"Wow!" Chris whistled, "Well, that was an unfortunate accident. Looks like Heather's out."
"What are you talking about?!" Heather shouted, "He shaved my head!"
"True, but you didn't actually accept the dare." The host informed her, "If you had, you'd still be bald, but at least you'd be in the game."
"That was harsh." Owen gulped as the goth girl smiled widely, "Tough break."
"AGGGGHHHH!" The queen bee roared to the sky, her cry echoed all way to the Playa De Losers.
"Damn, this maggot has quite a lung on her." Chef muttered to himself and Heather grabbed Chris' collar with deadly glare.
"Sorry, them's the rules." The host whimpered.
"I thought you said there weren't any rules!" The queen bee snarled.
"…Yeah, I know." Chris gulped, "It's complicated. But here's the rub…you lose, they win."
"No way!" Gwen and Owen cheered together, "We won! Yes!"
"Fine!" Heather growled, "But you'll be hearing from my lawyers…" She turns around to face the host and whisper angrily. "And don't you think idiot will stop me from making your life hell for this!"
"Um…Does she know…" Chris glanced at Chef and the cooker nodded as the host paled. "It's gonna be a long ride." He turns around and escorts the angry queen bee to the boat of loser.
"A long ride to hell!" Heather snarled as Chef steps into the boat and shipped away from the host and the final two campers.
"And then there were two!" Chris turns to Gwen and Owen with a grin. "Tune in to see who will be the winner on Total Drama Island!"
(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)
Everyone laughed at the queen bee's humiliation but only Naruto didn't laugh because it was his friend and he stood up. "Naruto, where are you going?" Bridgette asked, glances at him as he walk to the door.
"To see Heat-chan and make sure she's okay, dattebayo." The redhead smiled at her before he heard something that makes him frown.
"You know what would be sweet?" Harold smirked, "We would all go to the dock and laugh in her…"
"Finish this sentence and you will be in a lot of pain." Naruto growled as the nerd cowered under his glare before the redhead walk out of the room and everyone frowned at the nerd.
"Is it something I said?" Harold asked.
"Yes." Duncan grunted out as he stand up and walk back to his room, the queen bee already got her karma and he is not this cruel enough. That and no one want to piss Naruto off or the redhead will make you face the corncob prank…'Why did I ask Cody about this prank…'
Heather fights back her tears as the boat reached the dock and she glanced up to the sky to see it was almost dark before she feels something placed on her head. The queen bee's head snapped around to see Naruto smiled a gentle smile at her and she felt her head, recognizing that it was his orange beanie hat. "You did your best, Heat-chan." The redhead said as he sends a nod to Chef and takes some baggage from the cooker.
"Idiot…" Heather sniffled softly, covered her eyes with the hat and Naruto take a glance at her as he waved bye at Chef. "…Can I stay in your room for a while, please…"
"…Sure, Heat-chan." The redhead scratched his head, he know that his childhood friend is very upset about her hair and everything.
(Naruto's Room)
"So you got together with Klutzy?" Heather mumbled as Naruto shaved the rest of her hair off in the bathroom.
"Yeah, just recently, dattebayo." The redhead turned the shaver off and cleans up the mess. He never noticed the narrowed eyes of the queen bee, it looks like she have a lot of work to do but how? "Since it's over now, I hope you and Bri-chan will get along very well soon." He chuckled as he handed her the orange beanie hat and jumped a little when Heather snatched it out of his hand, placed it on her head.
"…And why don't you tell me about Chris?" The queen bee crossed her arms as she walk to sit down on his bed and the redhead blinked at her. "Why don't you tell me that he's your father?" Heather snarled, "I thought that we don't have any secret between us and you don't tell me about him?!"
"True…But would you believe me if I told you this?" Naruto sighed and she blinked, he was right. If he told her early, she would just laugh it off and don't believe it for a second.
Heather huffed, "Fine…But I still can't believe that you are relating to this bastard."
"I know." The redhead chuckled before they both hear the knocking at his door and he opened it to see Bridgette.
"Hey, Naruto." The surfer girl smiled, "I hope you remember that we were going to watch the movie in your room."
"Nah, I don't forget." Naruto chuckled as he let her in and Bridgette stopped in the middle of room, staring at the scowling queen bee.
"Um…" The surfer girl glanced at her boyfriend for an answer and he caught on.
"Heat-chan is feeling down so she's going to stay here for a while, dattebayo." Naruto said and Bridgette sighed as the redhead takes the remote to rent some movies on television. He never noticed the glare between Heather and Bridgette as the surfer girl sat down on the floor, leaning against the bed. "Oh, do you guys want to watch 'Confession of Murder'?" Naruto grinned before he blinked at the screen, "…How come they have all of these foreign movies?"
"Is it scary?" Bridgette gulped.
"Nah, it's thriller." Heather snorted at the surfer girl, "Just play it, I don't care…" The redhead shrugged and rented the movie before he walk to the door.
"I'm going to get some drinks and popcorn, do you want anything?" Naruto asked.
"Grape soda." Bridgette takes a glance at the queen bee, do she has to be in a same room with this girl?
"Just get me orange soda." Heather muttered and the redhead nodded as he leaved his room.
(Convenience Store)
"Hey, Naruto." The redhead glanced to see Trent as soon as he steps inside the store, "What brings you here?"
"Just to gets some drinks and popcorn for movie night, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled, grabbing a few of soda.
"With Bridgette?" The musician smirked at the redhead.
"Yep, and Heat-chan too." Trent paled at his comment and swallows his Adam's apple.
"Um…Where are they?" The musician asked.
"Oh, they are in my room, dattebayo." Naruto grinned and turns around to buy the popcorn, never noticed the fact that Trent just facepalmed. It's not good idea to leave them alone in same room, even Owen would know that! The musician starts to wonder about the situation in the redhead's room…He bet they are trying to kill each other…
(Naruto's Room)
Bridgette chews her lips, her eyes kept shifting her glance from the door to the silent queen bee and she wonder when Naruto will be back because the tension in this room is too thick for her. "Hey!" Bridgette jumped at Heather's voice before she turns to the scowling queen bee, "I'm going to give you a warning…I will steal him away from you." Heather declared, "Even I will steal him from anyone if they got him away from you."
"You can't!" The surfer girl narrowed her eyes at the queen bee, "We love each other a lot and there is no way that he will never break up with me! We just got in our…"
"First relationship." Heather cut her off, "It's common knowledge that first relationship always never work out at all…I wouldn't be surprised if he meet someone much better than you and decided to 'upgrade' from homely girl to beauty."
"He's not like that!" Bridgette shouted, "Naruto will never do that at all!"
"Say all you want but it's the truth." The queen bee scoffed, "Either way, I will still steal him away from anyone and make him mine…" Heather narrowed her eyes at the surfer girl, "I also don't trust anyone that dates my idiot because you people will hurt him in the end and I can't have that happen at all!" Bridgette was about to say something but they both hear the door opening and turns to see the smiling redhead.
"Here are the drinks." Naruto grinned as he handed them their sodas, "So what did you talk about?"
"Asian drama." Heather said quickly to prevent the surfer girl from revealing her agenda, "I was telling her about some of our favorite shows that can be find on the internet."
"I bet you kept talking a lot about Korean drama more than Japanese drama, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled as he plays the movie, "Well, let's start the movie." He never noticed the girls growling at each other silently, neither did he see his girlfriend glance at him worriedly.
(Total Drama Island: Campfire)
A few days went by, Chris sat on the tree stump and grinned at the camera. "Welcome to the most dramatic, thrilling episode yet!" The host said, "It has been a long eight weeks at Camp Wawanakwa and Total Drama Island is about to come to an end. Today, two campers remain. By sundown, only one will be left standing! That camper will go home with a check for 100,000!" Chris paused to let the info sink in, "Who will it be…Brooding, untanned alternative artist Gwen or the large and loveable goofball Owen? We asked our finalists to record their thoughts in our confessional booth before going into the final round."
"I had a wicked time!" Owen cheered, "It was awesome!"
"What was it like being here for eight weeks?" Gwen deadpanned, "It sucked, that's what."
"You think it's easy cooking for 22 ungrateful teenagers and one grateful brat?" Chef glared at the camera, "Man, I've had better jobs in prison."
"The food was awesome!" Owen laughed.
"…Make that two." Chef grunted, he forgets about the oaf with bottomless pit.
"The food was disgusting!" Gwen crossed her arms, "I swear some of them were alive!"
"Does this look like a five-star restaurant to you?" Chef muttered with his hands on hip.
"And the people were just awesome!" Owen grinned, remembering the events during the eight weeks.
"Most of people here sucked!" Gwen huffed, "They were nothing but a bunch of backstabbing, manipulative, two-timing, fame-hungry, dim-witted, certifiably insane, really weird, psychotic, redneck, overbearing, goody-goody, know-it-all, party-obsessed jerks!" The goth girl blow her hair up, "I was lucky enough to meet six people who were actually sane...Yeah, even Naruto…"
"The one thing I'll be remembered for?" Owen hummed, "I hope my great personality." He released a fart.
"What will I be remembered for?" Gwen raised her eyebrows, "My great personality…Okay, I'm done here!"
Chris chuckled at the longest confession footage and turns to the camera with Owen and Gwen. "Now it's time to welcome the twenty-one campers who did not make it to the finals." The host gesturing at the incoming eliminated campers as they take their seat on the benchers.
"Hey, guys!" Owen waved at them with a joyful laughter, "Good to see ya!" Gwen looks away from Trent with a lightly blush as he walks past her. Her feelings kept changed every time she saw the musician.
"Would everyone who's walked the dock of shame and left camp on the boat of losers kindly take a seat in the peanut gallery of failure?" Chris grinned at them, "The side you choose should represent who you would like to cheer on to victory in today's final competition…" He paused to see that Naruto did not choose the side and the redhead noticed the host's staring.
"I can't really decide which side to take since they're my friends, dattebayo." Naruto shrugged and Chris decided to let it slide this time since it's up to the campers to make their own decision.
"Nice hat." Gwen mocked Heather as soon as she saw the orange beanie hat on the queen bee's head.
"Oh, bite me!" Heather scowled before she gives out a yelp as Izzy touched her hat and swatted her hands away. "Stop touching my hat, crazy girl!"
"Gwen is going down!" Heather smirked, "How do I know? It's amazing how easy it is to tamper with baked goods and make a fake love letter from Lennon wannabe…" She showed the laxative bar to camera, "Sucker!"
The queen bee smiled at the finalists, causing the goth girl to be wary of her. "Why is Heather smiling like that?" Gwen asked with narrowed eyes and the oaf tapped his chin before snapped his fingers.
"Maybe she loves her new hat!" Owen said, "Or she could just be really happy for us!"
"Wow, do you ever have negative thought about anyone?" The goth girl blinked at the good-natured oaf and her answer was just a shrug.
"Gwen, Owen, this is your chance to tell the peanut gallery of failure what would you do with the money if you won and why you deserve it." Chris smirked.
"Well, I guess I'm pretty proud of getting this far." Gwen tilted her head, "I mean, maybe if I can survive here, the rest of high school won't be so bad…"
Izzy's laughter cut her off before the crazy girl just realized that she was laughing out loud. "Oh, sorry!" Izzy giggled nervously.
"Well, I'm always good for my word and I did promise to split my hundred grand with Owen, but that would still leave me a ton of cash." The goth girl smiled, "I guess I'd go travelling and then to university to study art history."
"Woo!" Leshawna hollered, "Yeah, that's it! Girlfriend's got some goals!"
"Very cool." Trent nodded.
"Wow, that's so sweet!" Chris said with hands on his chest before he deadpanned, "Boring but sweet…Owen?"
"…I'd throw the biggest, hugest, sickest party ever and invite everyone here!" Owen cheered, "Booyah!" The oaf's comment brings the half of the campers from Gwen's bencher to his side.
"Still on neutral side, Naruto?" Chris chuckled at the unmoving redhead.
"Yeah…" Naruto scratched his head, "Both of them have a good idea of using their winning but it's hard to pick a side, dattebayo."
"At least you're not a total sellout like these guys." Gwen muttered angrily.
"Oh, oh, and I forget!" Owen giggled, "It'll be on a yacht!" cue one more camper to his side.
"Nice…" The goth girl rolled her eyes.
"Well, Naruto? Last chance." Chris grinned as the redhead shakes his head, "Okay, your loss…Oh, mind tell me something…" The host placed his arm around Naruto as he give the camera a sly grin, "How was your make-out with your lovely surfer girlfriend after your date?"
"Um…No comment…" Naruto blushed harder as he glanced at his red-faced girlfriend.
"You got together with Bridge? Wooo-hooo!" Owen cheered, "I win the bet pool!"
"…WAIT, NANI?!" The redhead cried out, never noticed the boys whistled as they glanced away from the shocked redhead.
"All right!" Chris chuckled as he walks to the finalists' side, "It's time for the final challenge, the rejected Olympic relay race…" He gestured at the jogging cooker with flaming plumber in his hand, "Each of the three parts was pitched to the committee but sadly rejected as an Olympic sport." Chef jabbed the flaming plumber in the toilet bowl as the host pulls out two animal hats, "First, each of you has to put on one of these."
"I think it's clear why this event wasn't accepted." Gwen deadpanned as she glanced at her chicken hat, at least she don't get this big cow hat…
"Dressed as a cow and a chicken, run to the first location and shimmy up the pole to retrieve your flag." Chris ignored the goth girl as he starts to explaining the final challenge, "If you don't have the flag, don't bother coming off that pole."
"Oh, that's be gonna to tough for the big guy." Geoff gasped with the teenagers.
"Next, you'll cross a 300-meter balance beam suspended across a massive gorge while carrying an eagle's egg." The host grinned at the campers.
"Oh." Owen chuckled, "Is that all?"
"No." Chris smirked at the sweating oaf, "Below, your friends, the rare but real man-eating freshwater sharks."
"You had to ask…" Gwen deadpanned, sending a glance at the paled oaf.
"The final leg of the race is a long-distance ran, returning to the finish line here." The host chuckled, "First camper to arrive wins!"
"Good luck, Owen." The goth girl said with a smile, "If I had to lose to anyone here, it'd be you."
"Aw, that's so nice, I hope you lose to me, too!" Owen grinned innocently.
"Yeah, go, Owen!" Geoff cheered from the bencher, "We want to party!"
"You're gonna get one!" The oaf gives him a thumb-up as his supporters cheered, "Whoo-hoo!"
"Go, Gwen!" Leshawna shouted, "Kick his butt, girl!"
"You can do it, Gwen!" Trent called out and the sassy girl nudged Eva.
"I don't cheer." The bodybuilder grunted as the musician kept rooting for the goth girl.
"On your marks…Get set…GO!" Chris announced and watch the finalists ran off, Gwen in the lead. The goth girl just decided to jog since there's a huge gap between her and the oaf until someone ran up to her side, causing her to look to see Trent. Behind them, Geoff and Izzy were at Owen's side.
"Um…Are you going to allow it, dattebayo?" Naruto asked the host with a raised eyebrow as he watches the losers running with the finalists.
"Yep!" Chris grinned, "I have a feeling that it will get more interesting."
Gwen grunted out as she attempts to climb the pole but it was too slippery for her and the goth girl glared at the musician next to her. "You know, just because you're rooting for me doesn't mean I have to like you."
"I thought you were over the whole me-false-kissing-Heather thing." Trent said, "Wasn't my fault. She ambushed me."
"I said I was over it." Gwen growled, "I didn't say I wanted to go out with you anymore…Ugh! Why is my flagpole so slippery?!" No one noticed the smirking queen bee holding a butter bar and she send the camera a wink. "Well, if you're gonna stand there annoying me, make yourself useful!" The goth girl muttered angrily before she stared at the musician as he take his shirt off and wiped the pole.
"Yo! Let's go, girl!" Leshawna shouted as Gwen turns her head to the sassy girl with a blink, "You don't have time for daydreaming!" The goth girl widened her eyes and jumped on the flagpole as Owen finally reach the flagpole. He struggled to get up the pole but it was difficult for him, even with Geoff, Izzy, and Heather's help.
"Aw, man!" The oaf whimpered as he slowly climbs to the top and ripped the flag off the pole. "Yes!" Owen cheered, "I got it! I got the flag!" He look down with nervous expression, "How do I get down?"
"Slide down likes a fireman, dude!" Geoff shouted and wishes that he don't say it as the oaf slide down the pole with a noisy squeak.
"…I hope that no one maxed out the volume on their television, dattebayo." Naruto winced at the sound before Owen finally reaches the ground.
"Me too, brat, me too." Chef agreed with a nod.
"I have conquered mount pole!" The oaf grinned with his flag in air before the queen bee leans to him with a glare.
"That's great, but weird goth girl is getting ahead." Heather stomped her foot, "Get your lazy ass in gear now, fatty, now!" Owen screams out as he ran away from the angry queen bee and chasing Gwen and Trent.
"Okay, these chicks are all starting to scare me." Owen whimpered as he taps his index fingers together, "Glad Lind is not like them…Maybe I won't invite them to the party…Psych!"
"Okay, new intern, I know it's weird that you're starting on our last show, but all of the other interns died already." Chris chuckled at the nervous intern as the new guy look down the gorge, "All you have to do is test out this final challenge and make sure it's moderately safe." The intern looks down to see one of the sharks beckoning him and he shrugged before taking a few cautious steps on the beam. "Don't look down, dude!" The host grinned before winced as the intern fall down into the lake with a few chomps. "…Look safe to me anyway." Chris shrugged, the intern will make it to the ER.
"I'm surprised that no one sued you over this stuff…" Naruto deadpanned.
"They wish but it's all in contract!" The host laughed as the camera stops recording them, "Anyway, remember…"
"Hai, I know…" The redhead cut him off as he rubbed his head, "But are you sure that you want to do…"
"Yeah, it's better to get it out right away." Chris nods, "We'll talk more about that after this challenge." Naruto sighed and give him a nod.
Gwen growled, why can't he take a hint? The goth girl narrowed her eyes at the musician, "You don't have to follow the whole time, you know?"
"I don't have anything better to do." Trent said.
"Why don't you go cheer for Owen?" Gwen asked as she glanced away from him, "I know you want to go to his party."
"Yeah, and I'm thinking of bringing you." The musician grinned widely before he pointed at something in front of them, "Hey, check it out!" The goth girl look at the spot that he was pointing and see the egg nest, next to the gorge. They inched their way to the edge of the cliff and look down. "…I'll meet you on the other side, okay?" Trent winked at the goth girl.
"Right…" Gwen rolled her eyes, "Like you care."
"I do." The musician smiled, "It doesn't look that bad." Trent gives her double thumb-ups and the goth girl look down again as he walk away.
"I'm going to die now…" Gwen gulped, "I'm gonna frickin' die!" She looks up to see Chris, Chef, Naruto, and…Trent? How the hell did he get on the other side this faster?!
"Okay, Gwen has her eagle's egg and is starting the second challenge." The host grinned as the said girl balancing herself on the beam with the egg in her hands.
"What are the eggs for?" Trent asked nervously. Whatever the host has in plan, it does always have a twist.
"Oh, you'll see." Chef chuckled with a sadistic smirk and the musician gulps softly as he glanced at the goth girl, joined by the oaf.
"Listen closely, Owen." Heather whispered to the said camper, "I really want you to have this party more than anything in the world. Now, I'm helping you as much as I can, but you've gotta lock it up, get it!" The queen bee shoves the egg into the oaf's hand.
"Okay, sure, Heather." Owen nods before take a glance at the gorge, "Alexander the frickin' great, that's a deep gorge!" He whimpered as the sharks leap out of the water and look up to see Gwen stumbling around on her beam, causing him to gulp, never noticed the queen bee smirking at the goth girl.
"Whoa, whoa!" Gwen nearly slipped but managed to stay on the beam as everyone gasped worriedly, "Whaa!"
"That's it, get your balance back and stay calm!" Trent encouraged with a grin.
"Yeah, imagine that there is a safety net under you, dattebayo." Naruto called out to the finalists but it fall upon deaf ears.
"Oh, no!" Owen tossed the egg up in air with a scream, "Hang on, Gwen! You can do it!" The egg fall into his arm, "Just don't fall into the shark-infested water!"
"You're really not helping, Owen…" Gwen muttered, attempts to regain her balance back.
"Sorry!" The oaf said as soon as the goth girl finally get her balance back, much to their joy and no one noticed the scowling queen bee crossing her arms.
"And when is that stupid cupcake gonna kick in?" Heather muttered to herself. Owen slowly inching himself across the balance beam and finally take the lead by an inch since Gwen was taking her steps with caution until they hear a bird screech.
"Ahh!" The oaf yelped, barely hold on his egg.
"What was that?!" Gwen cried out before they look up to see the angry eagles as they flew toward the competitors.
"Angry eagle parents." Chris grinned, taking a glance at Duncan and Courtney since they decided to watch it up close.
"Oh snap, that is messed up." The punk chortled as he gives the host a low-five.
"What, you mean you like watching this?!" The CIT glared, "They could die!"
"Mellow your yellow, babe." Duncan snorted, "This is awesome tv."
"Duncan is so immature." Courtney growled, "What is it about almost dying and bodily functions that guys love?"
"Why would I want to watch Gwen and Owen risk their lives?" Courtney asked with narrowed eyes.
"This is life at its most raw." Duncan smirked as he gestured at the nervous musician, "Check out Elvis here with his guitar. One misstep, and his crush is shark bait…" The punk crossed his arms, "Now, that would make for an interesting song."
"Then again, danger is kind of hot." Courtney sighed dreamily.
"Teenagers, I never understand them…" Chef rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.
The CIT grabbed Duncan's collar and kiss him on the spot before push the punk back. "You're still not my type." Courtney panted with glare.
"You make me sick." Duncan growled and they stared at each other before they start to make out as the host rolled his eyes. The eagles screeched again, zooming on the creature's targets.
"Shnikies!" Owen yelled, "It's coming this way." One of the eagles swooned by them, "What do we do?"
"Step on it!" Gwen shouted out with widened eyes before they quickly walk across the beams, ignoring the snarling sharks and the screeching eagles.
"Incensed eagle parents." Heather said as she dragging Justin, "Nice twist."
"You can do it, Gwen!" Trent cheered her on, "You're the most awesome girl I've ever met! In fact, I was thinking, I think I lo…"
"Okay, I so can't deal with distractions right now, Trent!" The goth girl shouted angrily, can't he see that she is trying to survive this challenge?!
"Then you're gonna hate this!" Heather snickered as she ripped the shirt off the model and the competitors halted in their track, staring at the bare-chested model. They wasn't the only one that watch the model, the animals stopped trying to attack the campers and just staring at the dreamy model.
"Gwen, ignore the incredibly hot man candy and keep walking!" Trent shout out as he block their view, never noticed the raised eyebrows from Naruto and Duncan. The musician's block was successful, the competitors blinked and focus on their task since there was no more distractions this time. Gwen was first to reach the other side and toss the egg lightly in the nest as Heather watch on in shocked.
"Hmph, is that all you've got?" The goth girl smirked, earning a sneer from the queen bee as the goth girl ran off again.
"There you go, little eagle eggy." Owen grinned at his egg as he rest it on the nest, "Don't worry, I'm sure that…"
"Run!" Heather snarled as she flailing her arms around, "She's getting the lead again!"
"Okay! Sheesh!" The oaf sighed, starts to jogging, don't she know that slow and steady always win the race?
Gwen grits her teeth, taking a glance over her shoulder to see Trent and give out a small sigh that he can't even hear it. "Glad you didn't die back there." The musician sighed as he ran beside her.
"Gee, thanks…" The goth girl muttered, "Oh, I almost forget. Thank for the cupcake."
"What cupcake?" Trent blinked at her.
"The one you left for me?" Gwen raised her eyebrow at him.
"I didn't leave you a cupcake." He said, "Was it good?"
"I don't know." The goth girl glanced away, "I didn't eat it."
Owen's stomach rumbles and he stop in his track before ran off to the outhouse, holding his ass. "OWEN, NO!" Chris screamed in terror, "NOT IN CONFESSION CAM!" Everyone gasped at the shaking outhouse and they can hear the oaf screaming out.
"…I'm not going to clean it, ya hear me…" Chef groaned and Naruto chuckled at the sight, it was kind of funny.
"Try to avoid the confessional booth for a while." Gwen gloated, running past the group.
"That's it!" Leshawna cheered, "Go girl! You got it!"
"So just to clarify, you're not mad at me anymore?" Trent asked his goth crush.
"But you don't trust me either."
"Right again." Gwen muttered.
"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
"Um…" She starts to thinking about something, "Nope, nothing comes to mind." The goth girl hear him stop and grunt out, causing her to look back to see him carrying the heavy rock. "Um…What are you doing?"
"Proving my feelings for you!" Trent grunted.
"By carrying a boulder?" Gwen asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Ugh, it's not easy, you know." The musician grinned at her, "A guy would have to really be in love to do this, don't you think?"
"Or just really stupid." The goth girl muttered.
"I get straight A."
"Well, I think you're nuts." Gwen mumbled as she ran faster, 'And little creepy…'
Chef and Naruto hold up the red paper rope with Chris, standing next to them on his phone, as Izzy look out of her binoculars with Lindsay next to her before the bombshell snatched it out of the crazy girl's hand and look through it. "Oh, no!" Lindsay gasped, "Gem is winning! Our yacht party is in jeopardy!"
"Dudes!" Geoff shouted, "We have to do something!"
"Wait, I have a plan!" Izzy inputted, "Has anyone seen a really big electric fan here?"
"Sure, got one in my trailer." Chris grinned at them.
"You do?" The party boy scratched his temple with confusing expression.
"Do you think I get this wind-blown look naturally?" The host sighed as he ran his hand across his hair.
"Get it and meet me back here!" The crazy girl yelled out as they ran away from the court, "Now!"
"Um…" Naruto glanced around, "Again, are you really going to allow it?"
"Oh yeah!" The host chuckled, ignored the headshakes from the cooker and redhead.
Gwen take a glance at the struggling musician, "You're gonna kill yourself, you know."
"I'm not going to give up on you!" Trent panted and behind them was the jogging oaf.
"I can still win this." Owen encouraged himself before he give out a wheeze, "Great Zeus, it hurts!"
The spectators sat on the benchers and wait for the finalists to arrive from their race before Gwen show up first, causing her supporters to jump on their feet, and Owen was right behind her. "There they are, two real competitors." Chris announced with a grin, "And if I may say, truly personifying the spirit of the reject Olympics."
"How's it going?" The musician panted next to the equally tired oaf.
"Oh, good…" Owen wheezed with a smile, "Hey, don't give up. I think you're getting through to her, dude…Gordy, how I am tired…" He groaned out as he falls on the ground and crawling slowly, even with Trent right behind him. Gwen's supporters cheered on as Owen's supporters start to lose their hope for the oaf's victory until they smell something.
"Hot brownies coming through." Izzy grinned with a plate of fresh baked brownies, "Lindsay, the fan, now!" The bombshell turned the electric fan on, unawake of the fact that she was holding it backward and it blow Heather's hat off.
"Agh!" The queen bee covered her bald head as she chased her idiot's beanie hat, "My hat! Can't you freaks do anything right?!"
"Ooh! That's it!" The sassy girl snarled as she stomped to the queen bee, "I've had about enough of that girl!" She picks the queen bee up as soon as Heather grabbed her hat and tossed the said girl in the stinky outhouse, drawing out a horrific scream. Lindsay turns the fan around and turns it on again, sending out the scent of the brownie in air.
"I think it's over for me, dude…" Owen panted.
"It's too bad, bro…" Trent wheezed, "I would have liked going to that party."
"Wait…" Owen sniffed in the air, "Is that…Brownies?!" The oaf shot up on his feet and charged toward the finishing line. "MOVE!" He shouted out at the goth girl, startled her as he knock her down in his charge and tackled into Izzy, crossed the finishing line in process. The oaf's supporters cheered with the host and the cooker. "Woo-Hoo!" Owen cheered as he grabs Harold and Ezekiel in headlock, "I won, I won!"
"You okay?" Trent asked the goth girl.
"Yeah." Gwen sighed, "Just remind me never to get in between Owen and a brownie again." She glanced at the group to see Owen give the bombshell a kiss. "So that's that. Owen won." The goth girl stand up, "I guess that's good thing since it's him."
"Yeah, look like it's gonna be one heck of a party." Trent chuckled as he stand up, "So…Are you going out with me?"
"Um…Let me think about it." The goth girl said quickly before she ran to the oaf to congratulating him on his victory.Campfire)
"Here we are at the last bonfire ever!" Chris grinned at the campers, "After eight brutal weeks, it is my pleasure to announce the winner of 'Total Drama Island', Owen!" Everyone cheered for the oaf as Chef brings him the large check.
"Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" Lindsay cheered for her boyfriend.
"Yeah, baby!" Owen grinned as he turns his head to the host, "Hey, what can I say, Chris? I'm so psyched! This is just…"
"Awesome!" Everyone shouted out in unison.
"YEAH!" The oaf cheered, "Party next week, everyone!"
Chris raised the last marshmallow of the Total Drama Island, "Owen, at this time, I give you the ultimate symbol of survival…" He paused, "The final marshmallow!"
"I'll treasure it for the rest of my life…Oh, screw it!" Owen gobbled up the final marshmallow, "I can buy all the marshmallows I want now."
"Yo, Owen, you know what it's time for?" Geoff hollered as the campers smirked and the oaf give him a nod. The host feels nervous for some reason before he got his answer as the group pick him up and carry him to the dock.
"N-No, no, guys!" Chris cried with flailing limbs, "My hair! Dude!"
"One…Two…Three!" The boys tossed their host into the water and everyone laughed at him.
"I've been waiting to do that all summer. How do you like that, pretty boy?" Chef chuckled before taking a few glances at the smirking teenagers…Uh-oh…
"Don't think about going anywhere, dattebayo." Naruto shoves him into the water as the host screamed under the weight of his co-workers. Gwen glanced at the frowning queen bee and nudged her.
"Oh, come on, you've got to be a little bit happy to see him dunked." The goth girl said, earning a small smile for the queen bee.
"No…Yeah, a bit." Heather give her a faintly smile.
(Playa De Losers: Hot Tub)
The next morning, Naruto give out a sigh of relief, relaxing in the hot tub and give a wave at Bridgette as she swam in the swimming pool. He glanced at the buffet table and chuckled at the celebrating oaf, he can't believe that he kept throwing a mini-party with the group. "Mind if I sat here?" Naruto blinked and look up to see the goth girl in her swimsuit.
"Sure, how you do today?" The redhead asked.
"Good, so far it's a good day…" Gwen takes a glance around before her eyes widened and ducked under the water as soon as Trent walks up to the hot tub.
"Hey, dude, have you seen Gwen?" The musician asked with a few glances around.
"Um…" Naruto scratched his head, "I think I saw her heading for the beach, dattebayo."
"Thanks, bro." Trent smiled at the redhead as he walks toward the beach and a few moments later, the goth girl raised her head out of the water.
"Thank, Naruto." Gwen sighed, leaning against the edge of the hot tub.
"No problem. I can tell you're avoiding him for some reason, dattebayo." Naruto rubbed his nose and the goth girl nodded.
"He was kinda starting to creeping me out." Gwen rubbed her arm, "I think I may have to reject him if he tried to confessing to me again."
"Well, if I was you, I'll tell him right away so it won't cause any trouble in the future…Let's hope that he doesn't end up like Harold, dattebayo." They glanced at the said nerd as he attempts to wooing the sassy girl again but failed again.
"If that happens to me, I'm going to give him a swift kick in balls." Gwen deadpanned before give the redhead a smile, "Again, thank for covering me."
"Again, no problem." Naruto grinned as he gives her one-arm hug, "That's what friends are for." Gwen smiled at him and waved at Leshawna as she joins them. She was about to say something until a loudest burp cut them off and they can see Lindsay floating on the huge wave in the swimming pool, they know that it was the crazy girl since she can burp like that.
"Boy, this girl really has a big lung on her." Leshawna muttered as she glanced at the redhead, "When did you have a 'Whisker time' with her last time?"
"Um…Last night after the campfire…" Naruto chuckled nervously, "I was making out with Bri-chan until Izzy jump on me and after that, she declared herself to be my mistress then ran off before we say anything, dattebayo."
"Yep, sound like her alright…" Gwen deadpanned before give them a smile, "I think the best thing about playing this stupid game was meeting the two of you."
"No doubt." Leshawna smirked.
"Really? What about the other guys?" Naruto asked.
"Yeah, but you guys are the only one that help me out a lot." Gwen admitted, "I can't wait for you to meet my buds back home!" She pulls out a few pictures and shows them the goth teenagers. "This is Marilyn, Pixie Corpse, and Reaper." The goth girl smiled at the picture.
"Um…" The sassy girl really doesn't know what to say.
"Wow, they look like a bunch of cool people!" The redhead grinned, "I can't wait to meet them too, dattebayo."
"In high school, there is always a guy that always hangs out with any cliques and never judges anyone at all." Leshawna said, "And Naruto is this guy."
"I bet they will like you!" Gwen hugged him, never noticed the jealousy glance from the surfer girl.
'Stop it, girl.' Bridgette sighed to herself, 'Don't think about what Heather said, she just want to break you up with Naruto.' She knows that the goth girl and the redhead was just friend but sometime she can't help but thinking about the queen bee's words.
"Hey bro, toss me the Frisbee!" Geoff waved at Cody as the geek throws the object at the party boy before fall into the hot tub.
"Ouch, you alright?" Naruto asked as he helps Cody out, "Where's your girlfriend, dattebayo."
"Yeah, I'm fine. She's with Sadie." The geek chuckled, "Kat is trying to play a matchmaker with her and some guy but Sadie is very stubborn when it comes to her type."
"I'M HAPPY!" Everyone jumped at the roar of Courtney and everyone glanced at the CIT with the punk. Did something happen?
"I swear she is like Heat-chan, she is so tsundere …" Naruto said, earning a head smack from the said girl.
"Idiot, stop calling me that!" Heather growled as she sat down next to the redhead and sends a glare at her enemies, who just returned it back. The sound of dramatic music snapped everyone out of their happy mood and they look up to see their former host walks up to them with a grin and suitcase in his hand. They also noticed the cooker taking the check out of the oaf's hand and walk away.
"Hello, campers!" Chris drops the briefcase with a grunt and gives a huge grin to everyone.
"Ha-ha." Duncan rolled his eyes with hands on his hip, "That's ex-campers to you."
"Yeah, your twisted game is over, remember?" The queen bee growled.
"We'll see about that." The host whispered to Chef with a snicker, "Congratulations to our winner. Owen, you played hard. Fought hard, ate hard, and farted harder." He cupped his chin with a quizzical expression, "I'm not sure why, but you beat every other person on this island and your pockets will soon be stuffed with cheddar." The teenagers cheered for the oaf.
"Mmm, cheddar." Owen drooled.
"What I'm going to offer you may change all that." The host smirked as he gesturing at the suitcase in Chef's hand, "Inside this suitcase is one…million…dollars-ah!" Everyone stared at the case with dropped jaws, "We have our PA's make a cardboard check of this awesome new prize…" The teenagers blinked at the huge shadow casting over them and look up to see a really huge cardboard check. "We went through a lot of cardboard to make this!" Chris chuckled at the teenagers' shocked expression as he placed his hand on Owen's shoulder, "Owen, my man, this million dollars could be yours. All you have to do is figure out where we're about to hide it and bring it to the dock of shame before anyone else does."
"You're telling us that we all have a chance to win a million?!" Gwen gasped with widened eyes.
"…Think of all ramen you can get for a million, dattebayo…" Naruto mumbled with a little drool at the corner of his mouth.
"Yep." Chris chuckled at them, "What do you say, Owen? Will you settle for hundred G's?" He jerked his head at the small check, "Or…One…Million…Dollars!"
"Um…" The oaf sweats as he think it over before he gives the host a beaming grin, "Game on, baby!" Chris give Chef a wink, signaled the cooker to rip the small check in half.
"That's the spirit, Owen." The host grinned as the intern pick up the suitcase and walk away to hide it somewhere on the island. Chris announced with a grin, "Throughout the day, I'll give you all hints from the loudspeakers just to make sure you're not completely lost."
"Okay, this just got interesting again." Courtney smirked, crossing her arms. She can't wait to win one million bucks.
"All right, campers, the ultimate million-dollar challenge starts now!" Owen and Chef yelped out as Chris pulls out the gun and fired it in air before the seagull fall down. "…" The host handed the gun to the intern, "He did it."
"Here I come, million dollars!" Owen cheered as he ran off and Chris and Chef glanced at the uninteresting teenagers. The cooker looks into his boss's eyes with confusing expression, why are they not fighting for the million bucks?
"Let me get this straight…" Heather growled, "After messing with our heads for an entire summer, you expect us to start running around the island like idiots all over again?"
"That's right." Chris grinned.
"But how do we know you don't stuff that suitcase with bricks or something?" Leshawna scowled.
"You don't." The host chuckled.
"I'd love to play another round of humiliate the teens, but I've got a buffet to eat." Noah muttered with monotone as he grabs some food from the table.
"Oh, sit on it." Duncan scoffed, walk past the host and the cooker.
"Fine…" Chris shrugged, "Suit yourselves. I'm sure Owen will be happy to have no competition while he makes the easiest million dollars in TV history."
"Fine!" Everyone said in unison and it wasn't long enough until everyone changed their mind after hearing the oaf's joyous shout.
"Out of my way!" Heather shouted out as the campers ran past the host and cooker, followed by a chuckling redhead. No one know who was the first to trip but they all end up in a huge pile and starts to fight each other until the farmer girl speak up.
"Hey! I've got an idea." Beth gives them a smile, "Let's work together as a team. We can split the prize 23 ways and share it."
"Um…That would be 43,478 bucks and about 26 cents each person, dattebayo." Naruto scratched his head, earning some strange looks from the teenagers.
"…Let's go get that million dollars!" Courtney screamed out as she grabs the punk and ran away from the group.
"Look like someone got their mojo back." Duncan chuckled at his girlfriend as they vanished into the woods.
"Can I come too?" Harold asked them.
"NO!" The couple growled, "You'll slow us down!"
"What a dufus." Duncan snorted, "Can't he take a hint that we are still pissed off at him? I mean, he think we're going to sweep the rigs under the rug? Wrong!"
"Idiot, let's go!" Heather snarled, grabbing the redhead and drag him away, followed by Bridgette.
"Wait up!" The surfer girl yelled, she don't trust this queen bee at all.
"I bet it's going to be fun, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled and glanced behind him to see Gwen and Leshawna ran in another direction with Trent in tow.
"Can I come with you guys?" Harold asked.
"Well…" The redhead was about to say something but Heather cut him off.
"NO! GO AWAY, NERD!" The said boy sighed before he turns to Geoff and the party boy allow him to team up with him since he was feeling sorry for the nerd.
"I'm still pissed off at him for getting my idiot kicked out by rigging the votes." Heather crossed her arms with deadly glare, "I hate these guys who play by cheating the election…At least I'm playing the game fairly!"
"It's true." Chris grinned at the camera.
It has been a couple of hours since they searched for the suitcase, Naruto's group can hear Chris' voice speaking out of the loudspeaker. "Okay, this is pathetic, campers." The host huffed, "It's been two hours now, and no one has even come close to finding the suitcase. So here's your first clue. It's just hanging around."
"Hanging around?" Bridgette tapped her chin, does that mean the suitcase is hanging up somewhere?
"Like tree or tied up somewhere in a high place, dattebayo?" The redhead rubs his nose with a blink.
"…Then it will be like looking for a needle in haystack." Heather groaned, how many trees are there?!
Cody and Katie rolled their eyes at Sadie as she drooling over Justin's ass and the model was just doing some muscle flex for the camera. "I really still don't understand why she don't want to date him and yet still drooling over him?" Cody sighed, ruffling his hair up.
"She said something about just want to be his fan in the future when he becomes a supermodel." Katie giggled, "Plus Justin is not really her type at all."
"So did you guys see any suitcase?" Justin asked, still flexing his muscles and they shake their heads.
"Oh, I just saw this pretty dress online. Look!" Lindsay smiled at the farmer girl, showing her the picture on the bombshell's smartphone.
"Can I get one too?" Beth asked, they both never noticed the hanging suitcase over their heads but Ezekiel did.
"Oh, gosh, no." Lindsay shakes her head, "I think you look prefect with that…" She flicked through the pictures and shows the dress to Beth.
"Oh, it looks so perfect…"
"But, isn't that…" The homeschooled boy pointed at the suitcase but the girls shushed him.
"Give us a little girl-time here." Beth rolled her eyes as they walk away from the suitcase and Ezekiel shrugs with his shoulders, following the girls. Geoff ran to join the group after ditching the nerd, this guy don't really shut up at all!
"…" Chris stared at them from the helicopter in the air and turn to Chef. "Okay, this is ridiculous…" The host facepalmed and the cooker gave him a nod.
Justin sighed, he was very thankful for Cody to redirecting the BFF's attention while he ditch them and goes on his merry way. Only few of his friends know that he really can't stand a long-winded chat and the girls were really bad when you put them in same room. He noticed Gwen and Leshawna running by and called out to them. "Hey, girls!"
"Oh, hey…" The girls sighed dreamily as Trent skidded on his feet behind them and give the model a glare.
"So what areas have you guys searched through?" Justin asked.
"We covered the whole western edge of the island." The goth girl answered.
"Oh yeah, and we combed the beach area too." The sister added, "So don't tire those beautiful legs of yours walking over there."
"What?!" The musician cried out as the model walk away from them with a smile, "Did you just give away all our secret information to Justin?"
"Uh-huh." The girls sighed.
"…Just checking." Trent deadpanned.
"What is it with this guy?" Trent frowned, crossed his arms.
"Ugh, Leshawna and I kept tried to ditch Trent but he kept following us and don't even give us a space." Gwen sighed, "Can't he even take a hint that he's really freaking me out more?"
Owen was chatting with Tyler and DJ until the giant looked up to see the suitcase and called out to them. "There it is." DJ pointed at the suitcase, "I see it."
"Let's get it!" Tyler smiled.
"Finally!" Chris sighed as the helicopter flew around, "I was getting really tired of watch these campers walk past it all day!"
"You the man!" Owen cheered with DJ as the jock starts to climb up the tree.
"Go for it!" The giant hollered until they both winced as Tyler fall down from the tree.
"Almost had it." The jock groaned out, running to the tree again. After a few tries, the suitcase was in their hands.
"We did it!" The group cheered, never noticed the queen bee's team hiding behind the bush.
"Did you hear what I just heard?" Heather asked her teammates.
"Yeah, look like we are going to steal it from them." Bridgette nodded her head and the redhead rubbed his head.
"Idiot, are you ready for a little burglary act?" The queen bee smirked at her idiot.
"Hai, Heat-chan, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled as they sneaking over to the singing oaf's team.
"Dock of shame, here we come!" Owen was about to walk off with the suitcase until DJ blocked him, "What?"
"Why should you carry it?" The giant narrowed his eyes at the oaf.
"What difference does it make?" Tyler asked.
"Chris did say that the first person on the dock with the case win, man." DJ answered as the jock smacked his head, he just forgets about that. "No offense, but who says you won't take off with the money?" The giant shrugged, he doesn't trust anyone with a million bucks.
"Okay, then you carry it." Owen said, handing the suitcase to DJ.
"Dude, what if he will run off with it?" Tyler blinked as the oaf quickly pull it back, "This is crazy, how are we all gonna keep an eye on each other?"
"Oh, I know. I'll hold on it when you guys figure it out, dattebayo." Naruto grinned at them and the boys nodded as Owen give the suitcase to the redhead.
"Thank, man!" The oaf grinned, turns back to the discussion between the boys and Naruto ran off with the girls.
"…WAIT A SECOND!" The boys cried out and chasing the redhead's team.
"Okay, I think we should double back and head that way." Gwen said as her team ran toward the river.
"Nah-uh, we've covered that entire area." Leshawna huffed, "I say we keep going." They weren't paying attention and crashed into a certain team.
"The suitcase!" Heather screamed, watching the suitcase flew in the air and land in the water.
"Naruto, get it!" Bridgette gasped and the redhead was about to get it until Harold tackled him.
"Dude, the suitcase!" Naruto glanced at the suitcase as it float away and stand up with a sigh.
"Give me the suitcase or you will face my mad ninja skills!" The nerd throws his fake martial art moves around and chanting in fake broken Japanese.
"…I'm not sure if I should be offended by that, dattebayo." The redhead blinked at the nerd.
"Do you have a tunnel vision or something?" Gwen growled, "You just let the suitcase floating away in the river!"
"Lies!" Harold shouted out but both of the teams ignored him and ran off to find the floating suitcase.
The campers kept searching the woods until they hear their host's voice from the loudspeaker again, "Attention, campers, the case is wet. Repeat, the case is wet."
"The case is wet?" Lindsay tilted her head before grinned at her team, "Quick! Everyone in the water! We're totally going to find it first!"
"Oh, man!" Geoff groaned as they ran into the beach, "I don't even bring my swimsuit!"
"Wicked strategizing, Lindsay, eh." Ezekiel glanced around for the suitcase in the water.
"So if we win, what would you guys do with your 25000 dollars?" Beth asked her team.
"Is that enough to buy a country?" The bombshell asked.
"Yeah, but just a small one, eh?" The farmer boy scratched his head.
"I don't know you guys but I'm going to use it to throw a biggest party." The party boy grinned.
"Hey, hey!" Ezekiel picks up the floating suitcase, "Isn't that the case?"
"That's it!" The farmer girl gasped, "We found it!"
"Oh my gosh, I'm so going to be the queen of France!" Lindsay beamed before a hook snatched it out of the farmer boy's hand, "Oh! It's a flying case."
"Um…I don't think it's flying…But Duncan and Courtney is getting away with it!" Geoff cried out, watching them catching the case before the alligator swallowed the suitcase and dived into the water. "…Never mind…" The party boy blinked at the sight, "I think we need Naruto's help with that…"
"Oh, yeah…" Some of them nodded, he is the only guy that can get anything from the animal without any harm. Duncan decided to dive in the water and fight this alligator for the case.
Cody smacked his face as Katie and Sadie huffed away from each other, why does they always fight and make up each ten minutes? He never really understands girls at all.
"I really don't know how long I can take it." Gwen whispered to Naruto, their teams decided to team up to make it more easily to find the suitcase and cover everything quickly as possible.
"The game or…?" The redhead blinked at her.
"Or." The goth girl jerked her head at the musician, "Since this challenge started, he won't even leave me alone. He even glared at Justin, just for asking me about the areas."
"Ah, I see." Naruto rubbed his neck, "I hope you will tell him after this challenge, dattebayo. I think he doesn't even notice that he is scaring you at all."
"Yeah but I'm kinda scared about the result…"
"…If it make you feel better, I'll be near when you tell him. Is that okay with you?" The redhead glanced at her as the goth girl give him a nod.
"Yes, it does…Thank." Gwen gives him a small smile and Naruto grinned at her.
Courtney was chasing the crazy girl's team, early they stole the suitcase from her and vanished in her sight. 'Where is these damn…' She ran into an invisible wall, causing her to fall down to the ground and rubbed her sore head. "What the fuck…" The CIT stood up to knock on the wall, "This forest isn't even real?! CHRIS, COME OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!" She starts to ranting, unawake that the host and the cooker just muted her from their monitor trailer. Courtney stomped away and come back with a vine before throw it around the camera on top of the wall as she climb up the wall.
(Monitor Trailer)
Chris spit his drink out after noticing that the CIT was about to climb the wall and turns to the cooker with widened eyes. "Chef, you better get out there!" The host shouted, she can't find out what was on the other side!
"On it, sir!" Chef ran to his ATV and ride off.
Courtney grunted out, finally made it on the top of the wall and peek at the other side before gasped at the sight of fast food place. "No way…" The CIT mumbled, "We've been this close to civilization all along?"
"May I take your order?" The voice rang out of the fast food's speaker as the car pulls up and the man was about to say something but…
"Yes, yes, you can take my order!" Courtney roared as she jabbed her thumb back, "We're starving over here!" She grunted out as the mic hit her head from the air and she look up to see a hot balloon with the intern inside. "Oh come on! Get down here, you!" She climbed up the rope.
"Chris, we have a situation here!" Intern whimpered into his walkie-talkie, this girl is really scaring him.
"BAIL! BAIL!" His boss screamed out but it was too late for the intern as he got tossed out of the hot balloon by the angry CIT.
"What did you just said?!" Heather stomped her feet as she glared at the sweating nerd and her teammates take a few steps away from the queen bee.
"Um…I said that you're mean because your parents must be divorced or you were fat…" Harold screamed out as the queen bee kicked him in his groin and stomping away.
"…Both of your guesses are wrong, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled nervously, following Heather with the rest of his team and the nerd curled up in ball, whimpering in pain. Why can't he keep his mouth shut?!
Owen, Tyler, and DJ screamed out as they hang on the hot balloon's rope with the snarling bear on the bottom. They managed to steal the case from Justin, who stole it from the crazy girl's team, and was about to get away with it until Owen somehow got his leg tied up with the rope from the CIT, grabbed the jock and giant in process…They all don't know how the hell did the bear end up on the rope!
"Hey, look, a baby moose, eh!" Ezekiel pointed out at the baby creature as it hopped up, attempting to eat the hanging leaf.
"Oh, it's so cute!" Beth gushed and Geoff decided to help the poor creature by lowering the branch but Lindsay accidently trip on the rock and push him into the baby creature. They frozen up at the sound of growling and look up to see the angry moose. They never noticed the farmer boy ran away from them at the first sight of the moose.
"Oh, this totally isn't what it looks like." The party boy gulps and the moose just blow stream at them from his nose. They stared at each other for a while before ran off, screaming for their life as the moose chased them.
"The case is almost at the campgrounds." Chris dropped another hint, "Get your butts in gear, people!"
"Hmm, I got it!" Naruto snapped his fingers, "Let's go to the dock and take it from someone as soon as they show up, dattebayo."
"That's good idea!" Leshawna smirked and they ran off to the dock since the campground was close by. They never noticed Chef rode by on his ATV and glanced around for the runaway hot balloon.
"Tell me why we're getting dressed up again?" Noah mumbled, placing safety glasses on.
"I feel stupid…" Eva glanced at the red ball on her nose and glared at the smirking bookworm.
"Because that way he won't see us coming." Izzy answered, "Now remember, the minute you have that pretty boy Justin in your sights, fire at will!" She tossed them the bucket, "And then take the case back! Have you got that?"
"Yes, sergeant Izzy…"
"Uh-huh! It's E-scope!" The crazy girl giggled and her teammates glanced at each other.
"Um…" Naruto scratched his head as he watch the strange sight with his group, "Yep, I have no comment for that, dattebayo." The reason why he said that was because of few things. First, Duncan was chasing the moose with fake moose head while Lindsay's group stand on top of the diving board, and the second thing was that one of his bear friend were climbing up the rope to get in the hot balloon, containing of Owen's group with Country.
"Somehow, I have a bad feeling about that…" Bridgette said and she was right. Owen's group jumped out of the hot balloon and landed on the diving board, caused it to shake around for a while. Tyler just landed into the jelly tub.
"I'll call you from my hot-tub phone." The CIT gloated before she screamed at the bear inside her hot balloon and jumped on the diving board, shaking it again. Naruto's group heard the sound of airplane and look up to see Justin jumped out of the airplane.
"…How the fuck did he get keys to the airplane?" Leshawna asked with widened eyes, it turns out that the model just charmed Chef into giving him the key. Justin landed in front of Naruto's group and glanced around for the case, he never noticed the fact that the plane just hit the diving board. It caused the diving tower to tilt around and Izzy noticed Naruto, causing her to grin and ran to the redhead for a whisker time.
"Have you seen the case around?" Justin asked his redhead friend and Naruto just pointed at the shaking diving board. He turns around in time to see the diving board fall down and the fighting group screamed out as the board flew across the campground into the redhead's group, followed by Duncan on the moose. Courtney jumped off the board as soon as it gets closer to the dock and before everyone knows it, they were in water with the floating suitcase.
"Get the…" The punk trailed off as the shark chomp the suitcase from underwater and vanished into the water.
"…Was that Fang?" Naruto blinked, Fang must be very hungry since no one was around to feed him after the redhead's elimination.
"Great, now what?" Leshawna snarled, sending a glare toward the host as he walk up to them with a grin on the dock.
"So you lose the case." Chris sighed with hands on his hip, "Way to go…I didn't want to have to do this, but since none of the fifteen of you officially won, you all officially tie…" The host grinned at them, "Which means that you will all have another shot at winning the million dollars!" The fifteen cheered until the host cut their cheer short, "In season two with five new contestants!"
"Did he just say season two?" Leshawna asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No way, I'm not coming back here!" Heather shakes her head with crossed arms, "I also don't want to face any new contestants, who know what crazy things they will bring?!"
"Season two?" Lindsay squealed, "I can't wait to spend more time with O!"
"Oh forget it!" Duncan grunted, "I didn't agree to season two!"
"Actually, we kinda did, dattebayo." Naruto muttered as everyone look at him with strange looks, "…What? It was in the contact!"
"He's right. I'm glad that someone read the fine print." Chris smirked.
"I hate fine print…" Gwen growled.
"As for the rest of you, your treasure hunt end here." The host announced to the rest of the other campers as they show up at the dock, "Along with all your hopes of ever winning any money off of being on this show. The good news, though, you'll be watching all the action on season two from the sidelines."
"Wait a minute, I want to be on season two!" Courtney stomped but the host ignored her, "I'm so going to sue you!"
"Yes, this is so awesome!" Izzy throws her arms around Naruto, "E-scope is coming back for more whisker times!"
"Oh, boy…" The redhead sighed, how many whisker times will he have in the next season?
"This is so exciting!" Beth gushed with Lindsay, "If you win and buy France, will you have me over?"
"For sure!" The bombshell smiled, she really likes the farmer girl because she was so kind to the blonde the whole time.
"It will start in two weeks!" Chris announced, "After your little break, you will all report to a brand-new location for whole new challenges and our new contestants. The last one standing will receive one…million…dollars!" The host pointed at the camera, "So don't forget to tune in for…"
The host clapped the slate board.
(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)
It was the weekend before their break starts tomorrow and everyone was forced to go to the entertainment room, under Chef's order. The cooker even forced some of them to come by carrying them around like a potatoes sack. "Hey, what about Whiskers?" Duncan asked the cooker and everyone was thinking the same thing since no one has seen Naruto all day, it was like if he just vanished.
"You'll get your answers soon." Chef grunted, turning on the television and searching for a certain channel since it was almost time…
(Unknown Location)
Naruto fidgeted in his chair and take a glance at his father as he checked his mic on the shirt. "Are you nervous?" Chris asked as the redhead nodded, "I know it's too sudden for you but my ma always say…'Just rip the band-aid off right away and it won't cause any more trouble in the future'."
"Really, she did say that?" Naruto blinked, "Wait…Does she know that…"
"…Uh-oh, I know I forget something…" Chris groaned, "Oh well, she'll find out anyway…"
"Okay, we're going to start soon." The intern called out.
"Well…No turning back, dattebayo." The redhead sighed and his father nodded at his comment.
(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)
"Why are we watching a press…" Noah trialed off, noticing Chris walks to the press table with Naruto next to him.
"Why is he with Chris?" Duncan glanced at Chef, only to get a shrug from the cooker.
"Hello, everyone." Chris waved at the reporters, "Thank you for coming to our press. The producers and I thank you for supporting our first season! we just earn a lot of high rating and millions of viewers! I hope everyone is looking forward to our second season!" He cleared his throat as he ignored the questions from the reporters about why the redhead was with him, "But that's not the reason why I call for the press. I called for it to clear up a few things and to avoid something that would causes a lot of scandals in the future…"
"What do you mean by that, sir?" One of the reporters asked.
"Long time ago, I met a wonderful girl when I was in freshman year of my high school, just before I become famous. We had been together for long time and after the high school years, we just had a huge fight that caused us to break up and never contact each other for many years…" Chris sighed, "She had something that I don't know about at this time and I don't know until the halfway in the first season."
(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)
Noah rubbed his chin in deep thought before his eyes widened, "…No way…That explain everything."
"What is it?" Cody blinked at the shocking bookworm.
"Shh!" Everyone shushed them.
The reporters kept asking him about it but he was silent for a while until Chris placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder. "It was something that I don't even believe for a while until I took the parental test, seventy-one times until I confirmed it…The truth is…Naruto M. Uzumaki is my son and his full name is Naruto McLean-Uzumaki."
"It's true. Chris Mclean is my father, dattebayo." Naruto scratched his head nervously, that caused all of the reporters to stand up quickly and assaulting them with flashing of cameras and questions. The father and son start to answer their questions as best as they can.
(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)
Everyone in the room, beside Noah, Chef, and Heather, have different reactions.
"…Wha…" Duncan blinked, did he hear it right?
"Whoo-hoo! He finally found his father!" Owen grinned, Chef shakes his head at the oaf. This guy always looks at the positive side of things.
"…" Bridgette was in shock and her face turns red as she recalling the fact that Naruto's father just walk on them when they were making out. Gwen, Leshawna, and Courtney was speechless at the revelation as Beth attempts to explain everything to Lindsay since she don't understand what was going on.
"Now I know where he gets his sadistic nature with prank from…" Cody muttered to himself.
"Yep…" Trent, Geoff, Tyler, and Harold slowly nod their heads with widened eyes.
"Whatever." Eva crossed her arms, she don't care about anything until it's about workout or gym.
"Did you hear that?" Katie gasped with Sadie.
"Oh, yeah, I just totally did!" The chubby girl starts to gossip with the tanned girl.
"Um…He…Chris…What…Um…Naruto…Um…" DJ stuttered, his brain was blown away at the shocking revelation.
"I don't get it, eh…" Ezekiel tilted his head and scratching his head.
"How the fuck can that be?! A nice guy like Naruto is relating to this guy like Chris, this really doesn't make any sense?!" Justin flipped the table out of confusion.
"…I'm not going to clean it up." Chef glanced at the mess, caused by the model.
"Well, I don't know you guys but that really don't change anything for me with Red." Izzy grinned and in their heads, everyone agreed with the crazy girl but it was still shocking for them to find out about Naruto and Chris and it will take them a while to get over this revelation…
"Now I wonder what will that bring us on next season?" Heather muttered with crossed arms, she wasn't the only one that was thinking about it. Who know what will happens in Total Drama Action?
Winner of Island: Owen
Contestants in Action: Beth, Bridgette, DJ, Duncan, Geoff, Gwen, Harold, Heather, Izzy, Justin, Leshawna, Lindsay, Naruto, Owen, Trent, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?