what if Naruto was born in total drama island world

Chapter 9: Pt 2 of dramatic and special moments

(Convenience Store)

Naruto whistled to himself as he waited for his popcorn and browsed through the bookshelves for anything to read in his room. He can't believe that the resort has several inside stores but he don't mind it since it will be easier to get things without going all way to a store nearby the resort. "Hey, Naruto." The redhead looked up at the voice to see Noah as he grabbed the soda bottle.

"Hey, Noah." Naruto waved, "I thought you were watching the show, dattebayo?"

"Yeah, but I really got into my book and forget to ask you to get me a soda." The bookworm shrugged, sometime he would get lost in his book if he got to the good part. The redhead nods his head with a chuckle and turned around to get the popcorn bag out of the microwave.

"Well, I'm off, dattebayo." Naruto was about to walk out until Noah called out to him, "Hmm, What's up?"

"…Nah, I just forget what I was going to say." The bookworm shrugged his shoulders, "Sorry."

"It's alright, man." The redhead chuckled as he walks out of the store and Noah shook his head with a smirk, finally pick out a new book to read for the next several days.

(Entertainment Room)

"Hey, Bri-chan, here's your soda, dattebayo. What did I miss…Um…" Naruto raised his eyebrow at the TV, "…Why is Owen in loincloth…And how did he grow a beard this fast, dattebayo?"

"A lot of thing…" Leshawna stared with widened eyes, "To summary up, Gwen and Duncan form an alliance together, Heather got scared and say she's sorry to Lindsay and Beth in confession…And worst thing is that our big boy is really losing his mind."

"I hope he'll be okay when it's over…" The redhead muttered as he sat down next to Bridgette and the surfer girl leans against him.

"Thank for the soda, Naruto." Bridgette said with her eyes glued on the TV.

(Deserted Island)

Gwen paddled her raft across the sea and Duncan crossed his arms with a frown. "You paddle like a girl." The punk grunted out.

"Oh, if you don't like the accommodations, there's the door." The goth girl pointed at the sea with narrowed eyes.

"…Just give me the oar." Duncan reached out for the oar but Gwen pull it back.

"No, that's my raft!" The goth girl cried out, "I row!"

"Oh, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you just rode us in a big circle 'cause there's the shore again!" The punk informed her with glare as they look at the shore with broken coconuts littering across the shoreline.

"Um…" Gwen gulped as they reach to the shoreline, "Looks like our deserted island isn't so deserted."

"Which cost you one omelet?" Duncan smirked, grabbing his egg that he stole from a nest and ran off until the goth girl jumped on him. They fought for a while until they hear a screech and look up to see the Stymphalian Canadian Geese flew toward them with angrily eyes.

"Um…You can have your egg back…" Gwen shoves the egg back in the punk's hand and ran off, screaming her head off.

"Um…Here's your egg, mama…" Duncan quickly placed the egg on the ground and ran after the goth girl, screaming his head off too.


Heather sighed before she blinked at Owen as he sneaked out behind the rock and snarling gibberish. "…Are you high, fatso?" The queen bee tossed him the bag of marshmallows and chocolate bar, figured that he must be hungry…That and she don't want him to get closer to the treehouse, looking like that.

"Oooh, mallomars…" The oaf whined as he ate the wrapped bar, caused Heather to stare at him in disgust.

"What's the big deal with that big beard?" The queen bee asked as she gets on the ground and attempted to yank it off. "…Is that a real beard? How the fuck can you grow this fast?"

"Heather? Is it really you?" Owen gasped, "You're not a mirage?" They both heard screaming and turn around to see Gwen and Duncan ran out of the forest before skid in front of them.

"Owen?" Gwen gasped with a raised eyebrow.

"…Is that a beard?" Duncan asked.

"Oh, my brethren!" The oaf grabbed them in bear hug, "At last, we're together! I shall never let go…" The snake falls on them and hissed at them. "…Let me rephrase that…RUN!" They quickly climb up the treehouse as the snake slither around the tree.

"Just take this fake beard off…" The goth girl tugged Owen's beard, causing him to cry out in pain. "…The fuck?"

(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)

"Ooh, O look so manly with his beard." Lindsay sighed dreamily with hands on her cheeks and some teenagers raised their eyebrows at her, why is she not bothered by the fact that her boyfriend can grow beard in just few minutes?

"I kinda feel bad for him, dattebayo." Naruto rubbed his chin, "Must suck to shave it every hours…" Every male teenager nodded, it was too much work to shaving your facial hairs.

"Hmm, I think it must be weird if you have a beard." Bridgette said as she glanced at her boyfriend's jaw, "A crimson beard…"

"Oh that's true." Courtney nodded as she watches the campers argued with each other in the treehouse, it was a shame that they edited out their confession of their sins. She was very curious why Duncan went to Juvie for.

(Deserted Island: Treehouse)

Owen sighed on the bunk bed, "There, don't you feel better now." The campers glanced at each other before the oaf screamed out at the spider on his face, "Ew, ew! Spiders in the bed!" He ran out of the treehouse and blinked at the smoke from the distance. "Hey, we got neighbors!" Owen pointed at the smoke as they peeked out.

"The rescue team?!" Duncan asked with widened eyes.

"Or a trick, courtesy of Chris." Heather said with a sneer.

"I know how we can find out." The oaf grinned at them, earning a weird and confusing looks from them.


Chef and Chris were laughing at the cooker's joke before the campers jumped out with war paints on their face and the host raised his eyebrow at them. "See, I told you they lost it." Chef crossed his arms with eyeroll and his boss nodded at him.

"It's about time you showed up, guys." Chris smirked at the confusing campers.

"Mr. Coconut, it's a mirage!" Owen cried at his coconut, "They're just figments of my imagination."

"…This one lost his mind more than I thought…" Chef facepalmed.

"Yeah, reminded me of Cast Away film…Owen, it's not a mirage." Chris chuckled, "It's our production crew's secret location…" The host narrowed his eyes at the gasping campers, "Or was a secret until now."

"Wait, what about the T-Rex's skull?" Heather asked.

"And the prehistoric goose?" Duncan inputted in.

"Oh, those are just left over from a dinosaur movie that was…" The host said before the queen bee cut him off.

"You mean while we were shipwrecked, you were here, basking in the lap of luxury a mere hundred feet away?!" Heather snarled as the rain dropped on them.

"Yes, Heather, that would be accurate." Chris chuckled as he walks inside the trailer with Chef, "Sorry, I'd invite you in, but there's only room for six. See you at campfire tonight!" The host slammed the door and Heather roared out with rage.

(Total Drama Island: Campfire)

"Well, it's been a grueling day, campers." Chris chuckled at the soaking and tired campers, "Frankly, Chef and I are worn out. I hope you've learned two valuable lessons. First, always make sure your cabins are securely fastened to the ground, and second, the every camper for themselves idea sucks. Four heads are always better than one…"

"I think you mean five!" Owen cleared his throat with a grin as he lifted Mr. Coconut.

"…Which brings us to yet another dramatic marshmallow ceremony." Chris smirked as he holds up a plate with four marshmallows.

"Hey, wait a minute, you have four marshmallows." Duncan raised his eyebrow with crossed arms, "That's one for each of us."

"Excellent, observation, dude." The host mocked as he tossed them to the campers, "Heather, Duncan, Gwen, Owen."

"Oh, no!" Owen gasped as he looks at his coconut, "You don't mean…"

"Hell yeah!" Chris shouted out as he grabbed the coconut from the oaf and dropkicks it out of the island. "It was starting to creep me out!"

"MR. COCONUT!" Owen cried at his loss.

"Good night, campers!" The host waved at them as he walks away from them, "And Owen, pull yourself together, man!"

(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)

The group stared at the TV for a while before Naruto laughed out loudly, holding his side as they shakes their head. "I can't believe they just kick a coconut out, dattebayo." The redhead chuckled as he wiped the tears away.

"I think it was wise." Noah muttered, "What if they let him keep this coconut? He will really lose his sanity." Everyone nodded at his sentence and they sit around in silence until Trent decided to say something.

"So anyone up for foosball game?" The musician asked.

"I'm game. See you later, Bri-chan." Naruto chuckled as he kissed Bridgette's cheek and stand up to follow Trent to the game room.

(Game Room)

After a few rounds of foosball, Trent glanced at the redhead and rubbed his head. "Hey, Naruto…Just want to let you know this we're cool about the kiss."

"Oh, did you saw this part?" Naruto rubbed his head nervously with blush.

"Yeah, everyone did." The musician smiled, "I don't blame her for that."

"That's good because I would hate to be the reason why you two break up for good." The redhead let out a sigh of relief, "So are you going to reconnect with her after this show?"

"Yeah, if she want to." Trent said with a smirk as he scored a goal, "That's six to five."

"Hey, that's foul! I wasn't paying attention! Rematch!" The musician laughed at his redhead friend.


The next morning, the losers chatted with each other while they have their breakfast and the most common topic of the day was the next episode that will be aired tonight and they make guesses about who will be joining them at the Playa De Losers Resort. They made some plans to watch it tonight but only Naruto have another plan and whispered to Bridgette. "Bri-chan, want to go to this restaurant near here, dattebayo?"

"Like a date?" The surfer girl blushed, if it was then it would be their first date together.

"Yeah…" The redhead scratched his head with a wide grin, "How about five pm?"

"That's perfect." Bridgette smiled as she stands up, "Then I better get things ready by then." They waved at each other as she walk away from him and he turned around to see some of his friends smirking at him, causing his face to turn red. He was really shy since he was new to whole thing.

(Naruto's Room)

"Thank for the tips, guys." Naruto smiled at Justin, DJ, and Cody as they hang out in his room. He just asked them for the date tips and they helped him out a lot, it was surprising that DJ had a several dates and he doesn't even know that Justin have a lot of exes, it was really a lot!

"No problem, man." DJ chuckled, "Did you pick out what you are going to wearing for the date?" The redhead nods his head and pull out the clothes that he was going to wear.

"…" The three boys glanced at each other with blank expression before Cody coughed into his hand, "I don't think it is good idea to wear this…um…outfit?"

"What do you mean? It's really awesome and I just got it from the resort's store." Naruto blinked, glancing at his orange jumpsuit.

"…I'm going to lend you some of my clothes…" Justin mumbled and turned to the boys. "Please burn this thing when I distract him." The model whispered and they nodded as they glanced at the confusing redhead.

(Total Drama Island: Woods)

The four campers were sleeping in their bunk beds, even the wildlife won't even wake them up. The squirrel hopped on Heather's bed to grab the nut and ran across her bed, waking the queen bee up. "What? Who's that?" Heather muttered sleepily before her eyes widened at her surrounding, "Where are we?!" The cry of queen bee waked up the campers and they blinked at the forest.

"How did we get here?" Duncan glanced around bewilderedly.

"Chris?" Gwen shouted out.

"Mommy!" Owen sobbed.

"Everyone just shut up! How you got here is not your concern!" The campers looked up to see Chef, hanging on the ladder from the helicopter and drop the cooker off before flew away.

"What happened to Chris?" The goth girl asked with raised eyebrow.

"He's hosting an award show and I'm in charge of here for the day!" Chef snarled at them.


His eyes glanced around the white office, drumming his fingers on the desk and sighed as he shifted his eyes to the door. He just ordered Chef to tell the campers and viewers his cover story about hosting an award show. Chris snapped out of his thought at the sound of the door opened and closed, turning his head to see a short old doctor walk inside with a huge frown behind his bushy mustache.

"I hope that is last time you asked me!" The doctor muttered angrily as he handed Chris the folder and sit down on his chair, only show the top half of his head.

"Sorry about that." The host sighed as he opened the folder and read it over and over. "I just want to see it with my own eyes." Chris blinked at the sound of someone coming inside the room and turned around to see a familiar face before he turned to the doctor with questionable look. "…Why is he here?"

"I called him here and don't worry, he won't tell anyone." The doctor muttered, "Take it away, sir."

The person nodded at him and cleared his throat before his eyes locked into the confusing host's eyes. "Chris Mclean…You are…THE FATHER!"

"Thank you, Maury. You may leave." The doctor waved him away and Chris turned to the doctor with blank face as Maury leaved the room.

"You know, you don't have to bring him in for this…" The host deadpanned.

"I know…I'm just tired of testing the same things over and over." The doctor shrugged with his shoulders and Chris glanced back to his folder. There was silence in the room until the host sighed as he stand up and walk to the door.

"Hey, doctor…"

"Yes, Chris?"

"Don't worry, I won't ask you again and thank…" Chris sighed as he exited the room, never noticed the doctor jumped on his desk and danced in joy, shouting something about no more test.

(Playa De Losers: Hallway)

Naruto knocked Bridgette's door, it was almost time for their date and he admitted that he was really nervous but the boys told him that it was normal to feel like that on the first date. The door opened and the redhead dropped his jaw at his date.

"I see you like it." Bridgette giggled shyly. She was wearing a white button up blouse, black Capri pant with wedge shoes, and her hair was wavy without her ponytail. "You look handsome by the way."

"Thank, the guys helped me out with them." Naruto scratched his head, chucking. He was wearing a gray button down shirt, and a blue jean with his orange sneakers that he always like to wear. "Are you ready, Bri-chan?" Naruto asked with his arm out and Bridgette nodded, taking his arm as she locked her door.

"So what restaurant are we going?" She asked as they walk to the elevator.

"Well, I found one of restaurants that have a lot of vegetables and I bet you like this place, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled and Bridgette smiled at him, she was glad that he remember the fact that she's a vegan and she really don't mind if he eat meat as long as she don't have to eat it. "But since it's a little early, I thought it would be good idea to watch a movie before dinner."

"Oh, what movie are we going to watch?" The surfer girl asked.

"Hmm, I dunno, let's go and see what the theater are playing then we'll pick one out. Is that cool with you?" The redhead rubbed his head and she nodded.

"As long as it's not a scary movie."

(Total Drama Island: Trailer)

Chef whistled a tune as he walk inside Chris' trailer to get a book to read when his cinnamon rolls are ready and he hope the campers won't be back by then because they kept taking his goodies! He blinked, noticing a thick red scrapbook, next to the empty envelope, on top of his boss's desk and pick it up to see the title on it. "Mommy's Memories?" The cooker read it out loud and glanced at the bottom to see a name. "By Uzumaki Kushina…" Chef's eyes widened before he peeks at the first page to see a picture of a sleeping baby and he can tell that it was Naruto since the baby have red hair. "Ooh, I want to see it all." The cooker chuckled as he walks out of the trailer.

(Playa De Losers: Restaurant)

After their movie, they were having their dinner and make a small talk. "So how's the salad, Bri-chan?" Naruto smiled at her as he cut the piece of salmon.

"It's good." Bridgette smiled, placing her elbow on the table and hold her head up with hand. "Naruto, tell me, have you make any plans or goals in the future?" She was curious if he have any plans or goals in the future.

"Hmm…" The redhead tilted his head as he swallowed his meat, "Yeah, I have a lot of goals…" He started to count on his hands, "Like try to write a book, be a stuntman, travel around the world, visit my kaa-san's hometown in Japan, and many things, dattebayo. What about you, Bri-chan?"

"My goals are just to catch some big waves and travel around the world." The surfer girl giggled, "Maybe we both will just go on a world travel, just two of us."

"Oh, that will be so awesome, dattebayo." Naruto laughed with Bridgette.

(Total Drama Island: Outside)

"Aww, brat's first playdate with spoiled maggot!" Chef sighed as he tossed the piece of cinnamon roll into his mouth and look at the picture. It show the two childhood friends as toddlers, Naruto was grinning widely as he hugging Heather, who was glaring at the camera with puffy cheeks and she was wearing a pink bow on her head. "They were so cute back then…What happened? Why can't they stay cute?" The cooker sniffed before he glared at his tear as it quickly crawls up into his eyes.

"We made it!" Chef snapped his head up to see Owen ran to his cinnamon rolls and scraped them down, forget to tag the totem to win the invincibility for his team as the girls touch the totem.

"No, dude!" Duncan screamed out in shock, "We were so close. Why?!"

"Well, they're fresh from the oven." The oaf blinked before the cooker smacked the tray away and get in his face with deadly glare.

"Those are mine!" Chef snarled, "I was eating them when I read this book from Chris' trailer! All right, game over! Girls win, Boys lose!" He holds up the red scrapbook and Heather blinked at the book.

'Wait…' The queen bee's eyes widened at the title, did this psycho cooker said it was from Chris' trailer and she recalled that Naruto said that he was going to give it to his…Her mouth dropped to the ground and grabbed her head. "Oh…My…God…Chris is Naru…Mmmph!" Heather flailing her arms around as Chef covered her mouth with nervous expression.

"Shh, girl, keep it low." The cooker whispered, he accidently forgets about the queen bee and he don't want her to blabbing it out loud on nationwide show. He glanced behind to see the confusing campers and bellowing out loud. "Go and vote for any maggot boys to kick off the island! Go! Go!" He was thankful that the campers ran away from him as Chef turned to Heather with a deadly glare, "Don't go blabbing it around or else…" The queen bee nodded dumbly as she stumbled off to vote and the cooker sighed, he is so going to have an earful scold from his boss.


The four campers stared at Chef as he paced around with anger expression on his face. "This was supposed to be my day!" The cooker throws his hands up in air, "I had it all planned! I was going to finish my sticky buns after finishing the scrapbook and relaxing with one of Heather's facials while I read Gwen's diary and cleaning my toenails…" He tossed the dirty knife to Duncan, "Which remind me that you need to sharpen this."

"Stabby!" The punk cried out to his ruined knife.

"Then I was gonna loot the rest of Owen's snack stash…But you all ruined it!" Chef snarled as he throws the marshmallows at the girls, "Here's your invinci-damn-bility!" He turned to the boys and throws the last marshmallow at the oaf. "Choke on this, glutton! Duncan, you're finished! Now get the hell out of here!"

"Good!" Duncan scoffed as he stomped toward the dock of the shame, "Get me the fuck out of here and back to juvie! At least with convicts, you know what to expect!"


"Okay, everyone!" Chef crossed his arms with glare, "So far there was so many stuffs going on and I want to make it short and sweet, unlike this mouthy boss of mine! We are now down to final three and it left us with a few questions. Who will be the next maggot to walk the dock of shame and who will win the hundred grand smacks? Find out next time on…"




"You better paid me for this episode, Chris!" Chef roared with popped veins.

(Playa De Losers: Beach)

Bridgette and Naruto were walking down the beach, barefoot as they hold hands while Naruto hold their shoes in other hand. "I think we may miss the episode." Bridgette smiled, "But I don't mind it since it's really a great date."

"Yeah, it is." The redhead chuckled, starting to swing their arms around as they reach the dock and blinked at the grumpy punk walk out of the boat. "Duncan? So you were eliminated today?"

"Whiskers?" The punk blinked before he noticed their holding hands and smirked at them. "So you two are on a date now?" They both blushed, "About fucking time you get together…" Duncan chuckled as he walk away from them with a wave, "Then I'll be off, enjoy your date."

"Um…Well…" Naruto coughed into his hand, "Let me walk you back to your room." The surfer girl nodded with red face.


"Well, I guess that's a good-night." Bridgette twirled her hair as they stand in front of her door and Naruto nod, rubbed his head.

"Yeah…" He leans in to take a kiss from the surfer girl and she pulled his head in to deepen their kiss as she lean against her door. They started to making out before a voice cleared and they jumped from each other to see…

"Chris? What are you doing here?" Bridgette blinked at the host as he glanced away from them.

"Um…I was taking some suggestions for the next challenge with the final three." Chris coughed, it was really awkward for him with them since he just walked on them. "The next challenge is dare challenge and I was going to ask you guys what kind of dare you want them to do but you were…um…" He glanced at the blushing couple, "Maybe I'll be back later…"

"Um…Nah, we were saying our good-night…Um…See you tomorrow, Naruto!" Bridgette said faster as she ran into her room and slammed the door on them.



"…Um…Want to come in my room, dattebayo?" Naruto rubbed his head and Chris nodded his head with unsure expression on his face.

(Naruto's Room)

"Wow, some of your dares are very sadistic!" Chris chuckled as he wrote Naruto's suggestions down.

"Yeah, you should see my corncob prank." The redhead chuckled, "Everyone said it was worst than sadistic pranks I pulled on people…" They stand around in awkward silence and look around the room before the host sighed.

"Look, Naruto…Um…I'm still kinda shocked that I have a kid and…Um…" Chris rubbed his head, "I really don't know how to deal with it…Um…"

"It's okay, dattebayo." Naruto said, "I…um…I think I'm not going to call you tou-san yet until we spend some time together and…Um…You know, start a father-son relationship when both of us are ready for it..." The redhead rubbed his head, "Um…I just want to hang around with you, getting know you and well…"

"I'm fine with it." Chris speak up, "Just…um…give me some time until I get used to the fact that you're my kid and um…I think that's it for now…Good talk." The host suddenly stands up and scratched his head as Naruto nodded at him, it was getting more awkward between them and they want to end their conversation for now. "Well…See you at the end of the show…"

"Yeah, see you, dattebayo." The redhead watched on as Chris quickly walk out of the room and he fall back on his bed with groan. "I have a feeling that my life is going to be one crazy life…"

Contestants: Gwen, Heather, Owen

Eliminated: Beth, Bridgette, Cody, Courtney, DJ, Duncan, Eva, Ezekiel, Geoff, Harold, Izzy, Justin, Katie, Leshawna, Lindsay, Naruto, Noah, Sadie, Trent, Tyler

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