Chapter 8: pt 1 of Dramatic and special moments
"Last time on Total Drama Island, there was really a lot of hormones messing around with our campers." Chris chuckled, "During these, we just witnessed heartbroken moment, caused by our queen bee…" The footage of Heather tricked Gwen with Trent, "Followed by the unexpectedly kiss of redhead and goth campers…" Footage of Gwen kissed Naruto, "Somehow the kiss set off the chain reactions and Naruto was either lucky or unlucky to be in the middle of it, I'll say he's lucky since he get a lot of smooches!" The host winked at the camera, "We finally witnessed the confession of the surfer gal…"
"I love you, Naruto." Bridgette said as she look into Naruto's shocked eyes in the footage.
"During these events, we just kicked our unwanted campers off the island and now we are down to seven campers! Who will make it to the final? Who will walk down the dock of shame? What will happen to our favorite and fan-favorite redhead camper? Find out tonight on Total Drama Island!"
"Are these flowers for Lindsay?" Naruto grinned at Owen as they walk to the main lodge with the remaining campers for their breakfast.
"Yep!" Owen nodded with wide grin, "Pretty flowers for a pretty and sweet gal! Think she will like them?"
"I'm sure she will like them, dattebayo." The redhead chuckled, "Hope they will last until you see her again, right?" Naruto blinked after hearing nothing from his large friend and glance behind to see nothing in his sight.
"Wasn't there just a 300-pound bag of joy talking to you?" Gwen asked with a raised eyebrow as the campers walk over to the redhead camper and he opened his mouth to say something but a voice from above them cut him off.
"I am only 296!" The campers glanced up to see the hanging oaf, "Someone set a trap…" Owen muttered and before they know it, a large cage entrapped the campers. "Or two!"
"Good morning, campers!" Chris chuckled as he walks to them with a beaver on his head, "Or should I say trappers? Ready for today's challenge?" The host pulled out a knife, drawing a few horrific gasps out of campers, "Excellent! Then let's chat about it over chow, shall we?"
"…He's coming back to untrap us, right?" Owen whined as they watch their host walk away from them. A knife flew in air, cut the rope and dropped the oaf into the cage, freed the campers in process. "Good aim…" The oaf groaned out.
"I'll say, dattebayo." Naruto nodded, helping his large friend up.
(Main Lodge)
"Pasta?" Gwen shivered, attempting to pull her spoon out of the bowl but it won't even budge.
"Campers, there are only seven of you left on Total Drama Island." Chris announced with a grin, "After tonight's dramatic bonfire campfire, only six of you will remain. We're nearing the end, people, so look alive."
"What are my chances of winning?" Duncan shrugged, "I'd say they're pretty darn great because anyone who doesn't vote for me is a dead man." The punk's face gets closer to the camera with a snarl, "Are you listening out there, all of you who have been kicked off? If you don't vote for me, I'll find you!"
"Well, I would never think that I will make this far, dattebayo." Naruto rubbed his head, "I also never think that there would be a lot of things that just happened…" His face turned red as he remembered the kisses.
"Today's challenge involves making like our province's great rangers and game wardens." Chris chuckled, "You'll each have eight hours to trap an animal."
Duncan raised Owen's arm in air with a smirk.
"Got one." The punk chortled and the host rolled his eyes.
"An wild animal, which you must bring back to the campfire, unharmed."
"Oh, come on! Naruto can win this challenge easy!" Leshawna throw her arms up in air and the said camper chuckled as he scratched his head.
"I know." Chris nodded, "That's why we are going to give Naruto a extra challenge, instead of trap one animal. He will have to trap five animals!"
"Fair enough." Duncan deadpanned.
The host cleared his throat, "Rangers and game wardens often have to relocate animals for their own good and the good of campers."
"For my good?" Gwen growled, "I might have to barbecue my animal! I'm starving to death!"
"Funny that you should mention that, Gwen." Chris winked with a grin, "Reward for winning today's challenge is meal of all of your favorite foods!"
"I am so winning!" Heather smirked, shoving the disgusting food away from her and glanced at Naruto as he placed the empty bowl on the towering bowls and grabbed another bowl of ramen. "Idiot, that's enough of ramen!" The queen bee shouted and he look up in her eyes before she looked away with a blush, recalling the event from another night.
"Okay, campers, follow me!" The host waved them over as he walk out of the main lodge with campers in tow.
The campers blinked at a new boathouse on the dock, they swear that the place were not there early. "Everyone, choose an animal assignment." Chris grinned as he jiggled the helmet in his hand.
"Chipmunk." Owen blinked at his paper.
"Frog?" Leshawna muttered.
"Raccoon." Duncan smirked, it look like it's going to be easy ride for him.
"Duck?!" Gwen deadpanned.
"Deer! Yes!" Izzy cheered, "Bagging a doe!"
"Um…Beaver, crocodile, snake, fox, and…A tiger? Where the hell did you get these animals from, dattebayo?" Naruto raised his eyebrow at the host.
"Bear?!" Heather gasped, "Are you kidding me?!"
Chris shrugged his shoulders with a smirk, "Tough luck, Heather, it's only animal left…And it's better than tiger." The host chuckled and some campers nodded their heads.
"These degenerates get cute little froggy and wee baby ducky and I'm supposed to trap a bear with my bare hands?" The queen bee snarled with a glare.
"You do get sixty seconds in the boathouse to gather any equipment that might help." Chris said, attempting to calm the angry bee down.
"Unless there's animal trainer…" Heather muttered.
"Well, I am…" Naruto slowly raised his hand up before bring it back down as soon as his childhood friend give him a deadly glare.
"…I don't think it'll be adequate." She growled as she throw her hands up, "This is ridiculous!" She was about to walk away until the host lifted his index finger.
"I don't think I've mentioned the penalty yet."
"I. Don't. Care!" Heather huffed, "I'll taking it!"
"Loser cleans the communal washrooms." Chris informed. That stopped the queen bee in her trail, quickly turns on her heels and walk back to the group. Everyone knows that Owen just made a huge stinking mess and it just clogged up the toilet.
"Sorry!" Owen giggled nervously, "I think I ate too much of that delicious paste." The oaf sighed blissful as he lets out a fart.
"All right, campers." The host chuckled, "You have just one minute in the boathouse to grab your critter-catching gear." The campers quickly enter the boathouse and starting to search for things to catch the animals. Gwen smirked as she pulls a net out of the barrel and Heather attempted to snatch it from the goth girl, only to end up having a tug-of-war. It wasn't long enough until they paused to stares at Duncan with a sledgehammer.
"Um…You're gonna trap a raccoon with a sledgehammer?" Gwen raised her eyebrows.
"You may want to rethink that." Heather agreed with the goth girl for once.
"…" The punk tossed the sledgehammer aside and pick up the chainsaw. "Ah, thanks for the tip." Duncan chuckled with manically smirk as the girls resumed their tug-of-war before they end up entrapped with each other and Naruto chuckled at them.
"I got a paper towel!" Owen cheered, "Yeah, woo!"
"Um…I think a burlap sack will help you more than a paper towel, dattebayo." The redhead snickered, handing the said object to the oaf.
"Oh, right! Thank, Naru!" Owen grinned before he blinked, "Um…You're not going to get anything to catch the animals?"
"Hmm, nah." Naruto shook his head, "I think I'm good."
"Ten seconds left!" Chris announced from outside and Izzy quickly pick up four crates before ran out with a laughter.
"Is that legal? Can she just…" Duncan muttered, somewhat bewildered, only to be cut off as Gwen and Heather crashed into him. The goth girl was about to get up until she noticed the can on floor and it was…
"Duck bait? Yeah, that'll work." She smirked at her luck, releasing the net as Heather stumbled back and fall into the bucket.
"Ugh, I think there's still fish in here." The queen bee groaned as she struggled to get out of the bucket.
"The net's all yours." Gwen giggled as she walks past her enemy, "And P.S, it'll never hold a bear."
"I don't know." Gwen shrugged, "I guess I have a chance if I made it before Naruto does. Let's put it this way. If I don't think I could win, do you really think I would be in this dump?" The goth girl starts to count with her fingers, "Putting up with the revolting food, giant bugs, and cameras in your face all day is one thing." Gwen growled as she crossed her arms, "But Heather? Only 100,000 could make me live with her."
"I assume I'm the favorite to win, beside idiot." Heather said, filing her nails. "I mean, look who's left? Weird goth bitch, a criminal, a fart machine, a psycho hose beast, Leshawna, and hottie…Wait, I-I-I mean idiot!" She stuttered before calming herself down and coughed into her hand. "We're not here to make friends. We are here to win and that is exactly what I plan on doing."
The campers walk out of the boathouse with their chosen equipments before Heather ducked under the hook and glared at Izzy as she pulls out a tranquilizer gun. "Score! Tranquilizer gun!" The crazy girl giggled as she turned the gun to the campers, "Look!"
"Could you please aim the other way!" The queen bee shouted, she don't want to be shot at by a loony girl on nationwide show!
"Everybody ready?" Chris chuckled.
"Yes!" The campers nodded.
"No!" Heather growled but the host ignored her and announced the start of the challenge. Naruto was about to walk off but he glance at the queen bee.
"Need help, dattebayo?" The redhead asked.
"No! I don't need your help for this one." Heather mumbled with faintly blush, usually she will accept it but she can't look at her idiot after their kiss and she don't want it to be in the way of her victory.
"Okay, good luck with it." Naruto waved at her with a smile as he walks into the forest.
Gwen smiled to herself as she watch the duck taking the bait and the goth girl poured some bites out in front of her. "Come here, ducky, ducky. Let's get it over with." Gwen said, that is so easy challenge and she can't wait to taste her favorite foods again. She was about to catch the duck, only to have the duck beeped at her and ran off so fast that it reminded her of the roadrunner from the cartoon show. "…The fuck?" The goth girl muttered with widened eyes.
"Come here, you damn froggy!" Leshawna shouted, attempting to catch the evading frog before she fall into another deep puddle. "Oooh, froggy gonna pay."
Naruto smiled at his crocodile friend as the creature carry the snake on his back. "Thank for help, Croc…Shall we go to the beaver dam next, dattebayo?" Naruto asked and the crocodile nodded with the snake.
Heather groaned out as she dragging the heavy trashcan to the cave and turns to the cave with a sneer. "Ahem, look. I'm no bear whisperer, but I've got some garbage here." The queen bee said as she jabbed her thumb at the trashcan, "So just come and get it!" Heather jumped at the sound of roar and she ran off, screaming for her life.
"Hey, buddy. Hey, little pal." Duncan whispered to the raccoon as he slowly inching closer to the creature, "Come on. Let's go for a walk." The punk blinked at the sound of chitters and turn his head to see a group of angry raccoons. More raccoons appeared behind them and Duncan chuckled at them. "So that's how it's gonna be? I didn't want it to come to this but…" The punk pulls out his chainsaw and the raccoons kept chittering to each other before they combine together in one giant robot-like creature. "…That's more than what meets the eye."
Chef whistled a tune, carrying the trashcan before he heard someone shout out a banzai and felt something hit his ass. "…Tell them it was the crazy maggot…" He mumbled before fainted on the ground with three tranquiller darts in his back.
"Whoops!" Izzy give the camera a sheepish grin.
"I hate this fucking show!" Gwen shouted out as she chased the fastest duck, where did these people get this duck from?!
Duncan screamed out as he dodged the raccoon missiles from the giant creature and one of the raccoons hit the punk, knocking him off the cliff. Duncan groaned, standing up from the crater and blinked at the raccoon on his head.
"The naturalist is at one with the wild." Owen narrated as he crawls on the branch toward the chipmunk, "he is part of it. Making eye contact with his fellow creatures creates peace, create brotherhood." The oaf stares into the chipmunk's eyes with a grin, "We are one, little fellow, yes. We are one and you're the only thing standing between me and victory. Still, I love you." The creature jump and bite into his nose, causing him to cry out and fall down to the ground with the chipmunk.
"Whoops!" Izzy gulped as the horse dropped to the ground, courtesy of her tranquiller gun.
"Say, guys, was there a tiger here before?" Naruto asked the animals with beaver on his head and his answer was just headshakes from the three creatures. The redhead shrugged his shoulders before blinked at the sound of yipping from the bush near to him. He turns around to see a little orange fox running to him and rubbing itself against his leg. "Look like you like me a lot, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled at the fox as it hopped on top of the crocodile with another yip, "Well, four down, one to go."
"A bear. A bear?" Heather snarled as she throws her arms up, "I mean, how on Earth am I supposed to catch a bear?" She wished that she would just accept Naruto's help early.
"Open the cage! Open the cage!" Gwen shouted out as she lured the duck with the bait and the queen bee opened the cage. Heather's eyes widened, just realized that she was helping her enemy but it was too late as the duck ran into the cage. "Yes!" The goth girl cheered, "I win the dinner! Bring me duck soup, peking duck, duck a l'orange, chocolate mousse…No! Chocolate duck! I win!"
"Open the cage!" Duncan shouted out, causing the queen bee to open the cage again and the punk throw the angry raccoon in. Heather groaned, why did she just opened the cage?! "Ha, what do you think of that?" Duncan bragged to the girls, believing that he just won until the queen bee told him that it was Gwen who won.
"Hey, host man, bring on the chow!" the goth camper laughed at the punk's shocked expression.
Chris' voice squeaked out of the loudspeaker, "Don't forget. Last camper to catch their critter cleans the washroom."
"Well, I've got nothing better to do." Duncan sighed, "I could help you bag a bear, deer."
"Don't call me dear!" Heather snarled, mishearing what the punk just said. "Only my idiot can…W-W-Wait, I mean no one call me dear!"
"…I said DEER." Duncan smirked at the blushing queen bee and winced as the embarrassed girl kick him in shin. "Jeez, I felt bad for Whiskers…" He whispered to himself.
"…Guys, when I heard that I have to get the tiger, I thought it was going to be just adult tiger but not a cub, dattebayo." Naruto glanced at the sleeping tiger cub in his arm as the creatures nodded their heads at him, the cub stumbled upon them early and kept crying out until the redhead pick the baby creature up. He glanced at the sky to see the airplane falling down from a tranquiller dart and raised one of his eyebrows at the strange scene. "…Let's go to the campfire…" Naruto muttered to the creatures as they slowly walk away with widened eyes.
"Come on, froggy, it's gouda!" Leshawna smirked at the frog, attempting to bait it with the cheese. The frog look away with bored expression and the sassy girl growled at it, she's not going to fall for another trick! "You want this cheese, you are coming over here!" Leshawna shouted and the creature croaked, causing her to take a few steps before she fall in the deep puddle again. "…Froggy, be playing with the wrong sister!" She glared at the smug frog.
Owen panted heavily, he was getting tired of chasing the hopping chipmunk. "The naturalist would like the chipmunk to listen to reason. The naturalist would like to point out that we're all one in the eyes of Mother Nature. One love, Chippy!" The oaf groaned as he ran into the low branch and starts to crawl after the chipmunk. "Work with me. You're killing me here!" Owen sobbed, he want it to be over and done with!
"Oh, Gwen, did you won the first place, dattebayo?" Naruto blinked at the goth girl as she licked her lips at her favorite foods and he noticed that Chris was standing next to the cage with arms behind his back.
"Wow, that all looks good!" Chris chuckled at the happy girl.
"Yeah…Wait, is that a tiger cub?" Gwen raised her eyebrow at the sleeping cub in the redhead's arm.
"Yeah, she won't stop crying until I rocked her to sleep." Naruto chuckled as he led the four creatures inside the cage, he don't want to wake the cub up and may cry again.
"We tried to get an adult tiger but the producers think it's too dangerous to have it on loose." Chris rolled his eyes, why can't he have good stuffs?
"Open the damn cage!" Leshawna growled, walking up to the cage with frog in the bucket and they noticed that she was very dirty. The host opened to let her tossed the frog in and closed it again. "I'm going to take a shower…" The sister huffed as she turns on her heels and walk to the bathroom.
"Congratulation, Leshawna." Chris chuckled, ignoring her deadly glare.
"Mind if I sat down here?" Naruto asked the goth girl.
"Sure…If you let me petting this cub." Gwen glanced at the cub, "It's too cute."
"Deal, dattebayo." The redhead chuckled as Chef rolled in the cart and placed more foods in front of the goth girl.
"I got it." Izzy muttered as she crawls under the bush, "It may have been a slow start, but I finally got it. Izzy's a sharpshooter…" The crazy girl smirked, seeing the antlers of the deer behind one of the bush before she stood up with the gun and aimed it. "Banzai!" She cried out, fired it and laughed as she heard the sound of thump. "Yes!" She was about to run until the bear ran past her, followed by Duncan before he stopped in front of the crazy girl.
"Have you seen Heather?" The punk asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Who?" Izzy blinked at him.
"…About yay tall, long dark hair, hot for redhead, and wearing deer antlers." Duncan rolled his eyes and the said girl stumbled out before dropped on the ground with tranquiller dart in her ass.
"…Whoops!" The crazy girl giggled nervously and the punk sighed, why do he have to do the grunt work?
Gwen cooed at the cub as she handed the tiger cub back to Naruto and pick up her fork and knife. "So…" Chris smirked at the goth girl, "What are you having first?"
"I don't even know where to start." Gwen answered as she looks over her meals and was about to stick her fork into the roasted duck before they blinked at Owen's shouting.
"Chris, open the cage!" They turned around to see the oaf chasing the chipmunk around the campfire as the host ran to the cage, "A naturalist will not be defeated." Owen said as he slammed through the table and the goth girl stared at her ruined foods. The oaf finally cornered the chipmunk in the cage and ran toward it. "Close the cage! Close the cage!"
"You sure?" Chris smirked.
"Yes! Close the cage!" Owen said as the door slammed in front of him and he smiled before blinked at the angry creatures around him. "…Why, hello, ducky. Oh, and what a nice, little raccoon you are, next to a sweet beaver and fox…Aww, a cute snake on top of awesome crocodile…" The creatures slowly walk toward the oaf and before he knows it, the creatures attacked him.
"Great…My foods are all gone." Gwen deadpanned.
"Nah, I managed to save this steak." The redhead chuckled as she turns to see the plate of steak in his hand.
"Oh, thank!" She was about to get it but the goth girl noticed that the cub was giving her a puppy eyes and smiled at it. "Tell you what, we'll cut it in half and give one to this cub."
"Really? You heard that, Tora-chan?" Naruto chuckled at the cub and it mewled at him happily.
"Tora-chan?" Gwen raised her eyebrow at the redhead.
"Yep. It's a cute name for a cute girl, dattebayo." The redhead chuckled as he lifts the cub in air, "Who's the cute girl, you are, you are! I love you, Tora-chan!"
"Looks like the girls are going to have hard time to get his heart." Gwen joked with a smirk.
"What happened to Heat-chan?" Naruto glanced at the paralyzed queen bee.
"She got hit with tranquiller dart." Duncan snickered, "She refused to go to the infirmary to get her butt dart removed…Is that a baby tiger?"
"Yeah, she won't leave me alone, dattebayo." The redhead petted the sleeping cub on his lap.
"You've all cast your votes and made your decision." Chris speaks up to get the campers' attention, "When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers and leave. That means you're out of the contest, and you can't come back, ever!"
"One thing I'll be happy to never see again?" Gwen said, "Chef's food."
"Definitely the food." Leshawna nodded her head.
"The food." Duncan crossed his arms with glare.
"Most disgusting slop I have ever had to eat!" Heather shivered at the taste of the foods.
"Maggots have no respect these days." Chef grunted out as he crossed his arms, "I cooked the foods with love…TOUGH LOVE!"
"Hmm, I'll say the camera in bathroom, dattebayo." Naruto rubbed his head, "It makes me feel weird that someone is watching you when you have to go."
"The first marshmallow goes to…" Chris flicked the marshmallows at the campers, "Naruto…Owen…Leshawna…Duncan…Heather! One marshmallow, two players. Izzy, Gwen, one of you has spent your last night on Total Drama Island."
"…" The girls glanced at each other worriedly.
"Just give it to Gwen already!" Heather grunted out, she doesn't want any of this dramatic effect and she's so tired right now.
"Eh." Chris shrugged his shoulders as he tossed the final marshmallow at the goth girl.
"Oh, we've all got to go sometime, right?" Izzy giggled, "But first…Whisker time!"
"Noooo-O-O-O-Ooooooooo!" Naruto cried out before he purred into the crazy girl's hands.
"Now…Good night, everybody!" Izzy pull out a pellet ball, "Thanks for coming out!" The crazy girl throws it down before the pink smoke shrouded her and disappeared in their sight.
"Where did she go?" Owen asked as they looked around for the crazy girl.
Chris leaned to the paralyzed queen bee with a grin, "Being the loser, you realize you still have some unfinished business." He pulled out the mop and bucket from his back.
"Duncan, I require your services." Heather grunted out, she refuse to choose her idiot to do the dirty work for her.
"Tough luck, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled at the paled punk.
"Oh, and Naruto, you have to give the tiger cub back to the rangers before you go back to your cabin." The host sighed, he was getting tired of the rangers bugging him about the cub.
"Awww, I'll miss you, Tora-chan, dattebayo." The redhead pouted as some campers rolled their eyes.
(Boy's cabin)
The next morning, Owen was muttering something about cheese in his sleep before the boys jolted up in their beds as they heard a shout. "Keep it down out there!" Leshawna roared.
"Ugh…Now what!" Duncan grunted out as they peeked out to see the helicopter in the sky.
"What's going on out there?" Gwen muttered half-sleepily.
"Is that the doughnut copter?" Owen asked with a grin and the campers gave him a weird look.
"Welcome back to Total Drama Island!" Chris grinned at the camera.
"We never left the island at all, dattebayo." Naruto shouted at the helicopter, he was really tired.
"I wasn't talking to you guys!" The host rolled his eyes before cleared his throat as he turn back to the camera, "Over the past six weeks, we've watched seventeen campers push themselves to the limit and then get their butts kicked off the island by their fellow campers. Sucks to be you!" Chris chuckled as he landed the helicopter and walk toward the campers. "Only six campers remain, and after six weeks of bugs, crappy food, and even grosser bathrooms, our six finalists are about this close to losing it." The host smirked, "We strove to come up with the best way to help the campers de-stress, then decided it would be way more fun to handcuff them together and see if we couldn't push 'em over the edge." Chris pulls out a handcuff and whirling it around his finger.
"Did Duncan's parole officer send a care package?" Heather asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Nah…" The host was about to say something but Naruto interrupted him.
"Oh, then it's from one of your fetish collection, dattebayo?" The redhead smirked as some campers snickered at their host.
"…No…" Chris muttered with a glare before he coughed into his hand, "It's all in the name of today's challenge, the tri-armed triathlon!"
"Tri-armed?" Owen tilted his head with quizzical expression, "Like three arms?"
"Yes!" The host grinned, "Three challenges, three teams of two, three arms per team."
"Have you met these people?" Heather asked sarcastically as she glared at the campers, "I am not being chained to any of them!"
"Winning team members both get invincibility from tonight's vote." Chris smirked.
"Then I want to pair up with idiot." Heather crossed her arms as she turns her nose up in air.
"Sorry, it's already decided." The host chuckled at the fuming queen bee.
"Six long weeks." Gwen sighed, "I don't know how much more of this I can take. At least I'm paired with Naruto instead of Heather. He's one of few people that I can stand around on this island."
"Well, it's kinda cool that I made it to the final six but I don't want to jinx it, dattebayo." Naruto scratched his head.
"This place is torture, man." Duncan muttered, "At least in juvie, we had a half-hour of television a day and they kept the lunatics locked up separately. I mean, this outhouse is the only place I can go for peace and quiet." He pointed at the camera with a glare, "Oh, and you do not want to come in here after Owen…" The punk inhaled deeply, "Oh man…And I don't know what Courtney said to Leshawna, but all of sudden, she think I'm a 'nice guy' or something, and she want to be my friend. I don't need any friends! Got that?"
"Yo, this is a shout-out to all my sisters back home." Leshawna waved at the camera, "What's up, y'all? Girl, you would not believe the crazies they got up in here…But I came to win and I'm hanging on, baby! Only five more campers to go."
"Why the hell did they pair me with the fatso!" Heather snarled angrily as she stomped all over the floor, "And to make it worse, they pair my idiot with goth bitch!"
"Yeah, baby!" Owen cheered, "Final six! Place at the table! Woo-hoo!"
"Keep it down!" Duncan's voice shouted from outside and the oaf flinched.
"It's pretty awesome to be here." Owen whispered with grin, "I'm so psyched, dude. Woo-hoo."
(Main Lodge)
Leshawna tugged the handcuff before Duncan tugged it back with a scowl as Heather growled at the cowering oaf and Gwen glanced at chuckling Naruto. "First of our three challenges, competitive chow down!" Chris announced.
"Oh, come on." Owen chuckled, "This is like a dream I had once."
"The doughnut-copter dream?" The queen bee scoffed, recalling that he was talking about it early this morning.
"You've had it, too?" The oaf squealed, receiving an eyeroll from her.
"Each team will choose a feeder and an eater." The host started to explain their first challenge, "Eaters must put their hands behind them, making it even more difficult for the feeders. One last thing…" He pulls out a key and holds it above him as the campers glanced at it. "This is the wimp key, a skeleton key that will open any handcuffs. You'll be offered the wimp key at each challenge to unshackle yourselves from your teammate." Heather was tempted to take it but Chris' next sentence changed her mind, "But if you choose to accept it, you'll both be eliminated."
"Hello!" Gwen groaned as she rolled her eyes, "How do we win this thing?"
"Chef's getting platters for each team." Chris chuckled at the glaring goth girl, "Title goes to the team who finishes their platter of delicacies fastest."
"I'll do the chowing down." Duncan said and the sassy girl glared at him.
"I don't think so, scrawny chicken-leg boy!"
"…Arm wrestle for it then." The punk turns his head to her and Leshawna nodded at him.
Naruto chuckled at the fighting team and he turns his head to Gwen. "Which one do you want to do, dattebayo?" The redhead asked with widened grin.
"Hmm, I'll be the feeder." Gwen shrugged, knowing that he will eat anything that Chef made and she don't want to taste the cooker's food one more time at all. She was very glad when the goth girl noticed the platters as Chef placed them in front of the teams.
"Ooooh! Delicious!" Owen licked his lips at the foods before Heather pointed something out.
"I don't think chicken is green in nature."
"Hmm, maybe it's lemon-lime chicken!" The oaf grinned and the queen bee glanced at him with widened eyes, why would he think it's a lemon-lime chicken instead of spoiled chicken?
"Gotcha!" Duncan shouted out, won the arm wrestling by cheating and Leshawna shot him a glare as he placed his arms behind his back, forcing the sassy girl to get closer. The eaters followed the punk's action and Gwen smirked at the screaming queen bee as Owen accidentally send her flew to the ground behind his back.
"And…Chow!" Chris clapped his hands and chuckled at them as the girls fed the boys at their own pace.
"C-could we go a little slower?" Duncan groaned out with filled mouth and Leshawna just shove the spoon into his mouth.
"One, two, three, open!" Gwen said, lifting the spoon to Naruto's mouth and fed him.
"Go faster!" Owen said as he chews his foods with mouth open.
"They won't count it if we drop it." Heather reminded the oaf.
"Slow down!" The punk felt like he was about to throw up but the sister ignored him and kept shoving more foods in his mouth.
"Hmm, can you go a little faster, dattebayo?" Naruto swallowed his food and Gwen gave him a nod.
Heather growled at the redhead and the goth girl. "I am done with this spoon-feeding!" The queen bee turns to Owen with a glare as she picks up the platter, "Open wide!" The oaf opened his mouth before Heather shoves all of the foods into his opening mouth. "Chew! Chew it all!"
Chris chuckled at the groaning boys, "The winners are…Heather and Owen!"
"Good job, Owen. Good teamwork." Heather muttered, usually she will attempt to buttering the fatso up but she was not in mood right now.
"Um…Thank." The oaf blinked at her before his stomach rumbled, "Oh, speak of teamwork, how are you with toilet paper?"
"What! No! No! Noooooo!" The queen bee cried out as Owen ran out of the main lodge with her in tow.
"This fatso is next to go!" Heather shivered in fetus position, "And mom, dad…Get me a restraining order on his fat ass…No offense." She said the last part to Owen, revealing that he was inside with her since they were still handcuffed together.
"None taken…" Owen chuckled nervously, he kind of deserve it.
Chris waved the key around with a sadistic grin, "Last chance for the tempting wimp key before part two."
"Dare you!" Duncan threatened, glaring at his partner.
"Back at you!" Leshawna shot back.
Owen sighed at his partner, "Look, since you and I aren't really seeing eye to eye on this challenge, maybe we should…"
"Shut up and focus." Heather muttered disinteresting, "You're not getting out of this easy." The oaf give out a whimper, this girl really scare him.
"So what's the next challenge, dattebayo?" Naruto asked and the host jabbed his thumb at the beach.
"On this beach, you will find three canoes, one for each team." Chris explained, "Your challenge is to paddle your canoe while wearing handcuffs…" He snickered, jiggled the key in his hand. "All the way to Boney Island. Once there, you will open a package that is waited for you. GO!" The host shrieked as the campers ran over him to the canoes.
Duncan and Leshawna was first to reach the canoes. "Nuh-uh! I'm riding in front, sweetheart, no arguments!" Duncan ordered as he skidded on his feet.
"Don't you pull that tough-guy stuff with me, sweetheart!" Leshawna growled, "Why don't you just let little Leshawna sit in the front so I can steer?"
"Pbht! Little?" The punk snorted, "Are you kidding me?! You're…"
"Oh, no, no, no, no!" The sassy girl cut him off, "You do not wanna finish that sentence!" They both never noticed that they were falling behind as Naruto chuckled at the infighting team.
"If he was not with Courtney, they sure acting like a married couple." Gwen smirked, drawing laughter out of the redhead as he pushes their canoe.
"Push it, big boy, like it's a big old truck full of doughnuts." Heather smirked as Owen pushes the canoe into the water.
They rowed for a while until Gwen raised her eyebrow at the quiet redhead, he was too quiet than usual. "Hey, Naruto…" The said camper blinked as he turned to his goth partner, "Something on your mind?"
"Um…Yeah, I guess so." The redhead resisted the urge to reach for his head, "Just thinking about Bri-chan's confession and my answer to her, dattebayo."
"Oh, did you make your decision?" Gwen asked, she was very curious about his answer.
"Yeah but I'm not going to tell you." Naruto chuckled at the goth girl as she sighed, "I want Bri-chan to be the first person to know it, dattebayo."
"Well, I guess I'll have to wait until we're done with this stupid show." Gwen mumbled as they kept rowing toward the Boney Island.
"Come on, paddle!" Duncan growled, "I'm doing all the work here, and I know my half of the canoe isn't the heavier half."
"Oh, you're about to get my paddle up somewhere you don't want it to be…" Leshawna tightened her grip on the oar.
"Well, I'm about to get up in your face, and if I do, you are not gonna like it."
"Oh, yeah?" The sister raised her eyebrow, "I don't think you will. I think you talk a big game, but underneath, you're nothing but a big cream puff."
"Say who?" The punk growled.
"I've got eyes." Leshawna smirked, "You've got it bad for Courtney." Duncan opened his mouth but the sassy girl cut him off, "And don't you even try to deny it."
"That's all you got?" Duncan chortled, "Big deal, she's hot…"
"She told me about Bunny." The punk paled at her sentence.
"OH MAN!" The punk groaned before he give the smirking sassy girl a deadly glare, "Not a word to anyone…That goes for you too, cameraman!" The cameraman sweated under the punk's glare.
(Boney Island)
Heather rolled her eyes at Owen as he kept blabbing something about feelings and that no one listen to him. "Owen, no offense, but I really don't care." The queen bee growled at the oaf before standing up on their canoe and pointed at backpacks, lying on the shoreline. "There! On the shore! Hurry up!" As soon as they reach the island, the handcuffed partners ran to their package and opened it, only to gasp at the piece of cursed tiki idol.
"Welcome to the second part of the second challenge." Chris said with his megaphone from the helicopter, "Back in the episode eight, Beth stole the Boney Island tiki doll."
"She said she returned that!" Gwen pointed out as her team finally reaches the shore in second place.
"She lied!" Chris replied, "She broke it up and flush it down the septic tank." The queen bee and the oaf recoiled in disgust, realized they just touched it.
"Um, won't that kinda bring down a huge curse on Beth since she broke the tiki idol, dattebayo?" Naruto gulped nervously.
"Maybe! It's all fine as long as it doesn't affect me!" Chris chuckled, "The pieces in those packs need to be returned to the cave of treacherous terror…And you want to do it double quick, 'cause the longer you have the doll, the worse your luck." Leshawna and Duncan finally showed up on the shoreline as Chris adds more information. "Oh, yeah! One of you has to piggyback the other. Enjoy!" The campers watch on as the helicopter flew away.
"Hop on, cowgirl!" Owen grinned at Heather as she smiled, glad that she don't have to lift a finger.
"Well, a guy's got his limit." Duncan raised his hands in surrender, causing Leshawna to sneering at him. "I'm not going to carr…" The sassy girl lunged at him and starts to beat him up.
"Wow, they're like oil and water, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled, bending his legs down to let the goth girl climb on his back.
"Yeah, you got that right." Gwen smirked as she adjusted their tied arms to make it comfortable for them and the redhead ran off with her, never noticed the jealous glare from the queen bee.
The goth girl don't know how long it has been since they got here on the Boney island and checked her map on Naruto's back. "Wait, hang on." Gwen said as the redhead stopped on the spot and glance at her over his shoulder. "I think we're lost." She mumbled, turning the map around.
"Can I see it?" Naruto asked, earning a nod from his partner.
"I think we are here…" Gwen muttered as she pointed at the spot on the map and Naruto tilted his head. "I think we should go east, what do you think?"
"The east? Sure, let's go, dattebayo." The redhead smiled at the goth girl as he started to running again.
"Yeah…It's good thing that I'm with you instead of any guys that I can't stand…I wonder what will happen if Geoff was in your place?" Gwen sighed, she really can't stand party people since she don't have any common with them.
"I'm sure you may yell at him a lot, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled.
"Yeah, you're right." The goth girl smirked.
"Giddy up, fella." Heather said as they reach the cave, only to stop in front of the cave as Owen screamed at something and the queen bee looked up to see a hanging spider. "Easy there, boy." Heather attempted to calm the oaf down, but it end in vain after the spider jumped on his face, causing him to scream out and ran away from the cave with the queen bee in tow.
Duncan smirked at the retreating team as Leshawna ran toward the cave, "We're in. Just few more steps…" He paused to see the woolly beavers in the cave, "…You can take them, Leshawna."
"You crazy back there? Ain't nobody that tough!" The sassy girl cried out as she ran away from the cave, chased by the woolly beavers.
"This is a disaster!" Gwen groaned, noticing the retreating campers as soon as they finally show up. "I think they already beaten us."
"Well…Let's just tossed the piece in there and get it done with, dattebayo." Naruto sighed and the goth girl nodded as she tossed the piece into the cave. They was about to walk back until they heard Chris announced from the helicopter above them.
"And that's a point for the Gwen and Naruto dream team!"
"Wait, what?!" Gwen blinked confusing before cheered as she hugged Naruto's head, "We did it!" The redhead blushed lightly at the soft feelings on the back of his head and chuckled at her reaction, he don't except that the goth girl can be happy to get an victory.
"Now campers, go back to Total Drama Island for your third challenge! McLean away!"
(Total Drama Island: Outside)
"So an awesome day, huh?" Chris smirked at the incoming teams and they noticed there were three tables, covered with pink blankets. "Moldy food fight, carnivorous beavers." The host winked as the teams choose their tables, "But it's time for someone to win this thing. Point each for everyone but Leshawna and Duncan, who could still pull a stopper. Today's final challenge…" Chris yanked the blanket off to reveal the wooden heads of eliminated campers.
"Aah!" Owen screamed, believed them to be real dismembered heads.
"Relax!" Heather huffed, "It's just wooden heads."
"The totem pole of shame and humiliation." Chris grinned, "Your task, assemble the heads in the order in which your comrades were voted out…Unless you want the wimp key." The host wiggled his eyebrows as he jiggled the key, "No? Time for heads to roll!"
"Want to do it backward so we can have more time to figure out the rest, dattebayo?" Naruto asked.
"That's not bad idea." Gwen smirked at him as they looked through the heads.
"Nice guy Justin." Owen grinned at the model's head as Heather pick it up, "Look, even this wood carving of him is smoking hot!" The queen bee suddenly turned her head to the oaf with widened eyes, "Um, I mean, it's a good carving…His features are so chiseled…I mean someone chiseled them really well!"
'I'm starting to think he must be bisexual…' Heather rolled her eyes before smirked at two certain campers' heads. "Well, look who I found…"
"Lind!" The oaf grinned as he grabbed the head of his girlfriend, "I miss you, my sweet gal…" The queen bee stared at the oaf with weird look as he starts to make out with the fake head.
"Gwen, you alright?" Naruto asked as he put Bridgette's head under Lindsay, noticing that the goth girl was staring at Trent's head.
"Oh, yeah…It's just that I have to make up with him after the show…" Gwen sighed and the redhead nodded at her, they were technically still together since neither of them called it off yet.
"Let's see what our most augmentative team is up to." Chris said as he walks past them, toward Duncan and Leshawna's table. He blinked at the punk and become curious about what the punk was carving on Courtney's head. "What's that?" The host grabbed the head and shows it to the camera, ignoring Duncan's protesting. "Oh that's rich. Our tough guy is really softie inside!" Chris laughed at him.
"That's not funny!" Duncan growled at him before the wooden head hit the host in face and the punk turned to his smirking partner.
"Who said we got to be tough all the time?" Leshawna said and the punk gave her a grateful nod.
Owen growled at his partner as she kept insulting his friends, he never like it when someone made fun of his friends. "Can we stop talking about this!" The oaf asked with a glare but Heather ignored him. "That's it!" Owen roared as he dragged the queen bee to the host, "Where's the wimp key?!"
"Stop!" Heather cried out, only to cut off by Chris as he announced the winner of the final challenge.
"We…Have…A…Winner!" The host mumbled dazedly, "Ledonca and Shewanean take it…That means anybody can get voted off tonight…" The campers winced as he fall down to the ground with a thump.
"Oh, man…And we were so close." Gwen sighed, they got confused with who was out in fourth and fifth place.
"At least we were doing well today, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled and the goth girl nodded, they were the only team that does not have any conflict all day.
"Mama always said if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all, in which case…Mama, papa, please put it on mute for a while…" Owen said and paused for a while before he takes a deep breath, "Heather is meanest, nastiest, the biggest bitch in all of kalamazoo! She's a total bitch! In Lind's word, Heather is a two-faced, backstabbing, lying, little motherfucker!" He panted before glanced at the other side, "No offense."
"Oh, none taken." Heather shrugged, it turns out that she was standing next to him. "I've been called worse than that." She patted his arm, "I sort of respect you for it."
"Yes…But if you do it again in front of me, I will make sure that no one will ever find you like this Jimmy Hoffa guy." The oaf whimpered under the queen bee's glare.
"You've all cast your votes and made your decisions." Chris smirked at the campers, "The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must go immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back, ever. The first marshmallow goes to…" He tossed the marshmallows out to the campers, "Gwen…Owen…Naruto…Heather…Now it's down to you, Duncan and Leshawna." The host chuckled as he juggled the final marshmallow in his hand.
"…" Duncan scowled at the sassy girl as she sends him a glare.
"…" The campers stared at them.
"Oh man!" Leshawna groaned in her hands.
"Sorry, girl." Chris smirked at her since he was mad at her for the head injury, "The dock of shame is hollering for you!"
"I'll miss you, girl." Gwen sighed, hugging the sassy girl.
"Good luck, girlfriend…Kick Heather's ass for me."
"I will." The goth girl smirked at her as Leshawna walk toward the dock of shame.
"Bye, Les!" Owen waved with the campers, watching the boat of loser shipped off.
"Now campers, you are going to just relaxing this week." Chris announced as the remaining campers blinked at him and someone was about to ask him but the host walked away from them.
"I'm not sure if I should be worried or not." Owen gulped.
(Main Lodge)
A several days went by and the campers were having their breakfast in peace. "Did you just saw Chris at the dock?" Duncan asked with raised eyebrow, "Do you think we're going to have a challenge today?"
"Nah, I asked Chef and he said that they are doing a special episode with the eliminated contestants, dattebayo." Naruto replied, finished his fifty bowl of ramen.
"In today's special episode of Total Drama Island." Chris grinned at the camera, "You've been watching Gwen, Heather, Duncan, Naruto, and Owen make their way to the final five. It's been a long month so we decided to give our weary finalists some time off to contemplate how far they've gotten and enjoy all the campgrounds have to offer." The host chuckled, "But what happens to the campers after they walk the dock of shame, board the boat of losers and leave the camp? Where are these rejects living? How are they spending their time? And who do they think deserves to win hundred grand? The losers are about to let it all hang out." Chris paused to take a breath, "And you don't wanna miss a word! Coming up on Total Drama Island's special episode!"
"…Cut!" The cameraman called out.
"Memo to myself, find a better writer…" Chris mumbled to himself as he starts up his Jet Ski and ride off to a certain location.
(Playa De Losers Resort)
"Welcome to Playa De Losers!" Chris announced as he pull up to the dock on his jet ski, "The all-inclusive luxury resort where our campers are sent after being brutally voted out of the game to lick their wounds and accept their fate as reality-show has-beens." The host walks into the pool area, gesturing at the teenagers as they relax and do their own activities. "When we are down to the two final competitors…" He paused to watch Justin dived into the pool from the diving board, "Their fate will be in their hands of these eighteen losers!"
(Bar Pool)
"Ah, he is so cute!" Sadie squealed to Noah as she watches Justin flipped his wet hair back. She lean back before give out a cry as she falls into the small pool, splashed the bookworm's shirt.
"Ugh, get my shirt wet, why didn't you?" Noah groaned softly, thankful that his book doesn't get wet.
"Sorry, Noah." Sadie giggled, "Whoo! You should come in. It's so nice."
"No, thanks." The bookworm rolled his eyes, "Go ask Katie to join you."
"Nah, she's still making out with Cody over there." They glanced at the couple as they making out on the lounge chair.
"…They still make out for days…" Noah facepalmed and the chubby girl giggled at him.
"Yea…Ow!" Sadie yelped out, "Something bit me! Is it the shark?!" She quickly climbs out of the pool into the chair and stares at the water with widened eyes.
Noah rolled his eyes, "Sharks don't swim in chlorinated water, Brainiac."
"But I just saw the sharks getting seaweed mud warps." The bookworm raised his eyebrow at the chubby girl, he was not sure if she was just making it up.
The sharks sighed blissfully with the farmer girl as they relaxed on the chairs.
Noah shakes his head at Sadie as she shivers at the water until Izzy appeared out of the water with a huge grin. "Sorry about that." The crazy girl giggled, "I just had the urge to bite something, have you ever felt that? Like you just have to sink your teeth into something? Maybe that's how the sharks feel, huh?" They stared at each others, "Okay, bye!" Izzy take a deep breath and ducked under the water.
(Hot Tub)
Chris walks over to the teenagers inside the hot tub and smirked at them. "As you can see, our campers have made themselves comfortable here at our resort."
"Dude, this resort is off the charts!" Geoff waved at the host from the hot tub with Ezekiel, Leshawna, and Bridgette.
"Thank, bro!" Chris chuckled.
"Can you believe this place is right around the corner from this crappy campground?" Trent smirked and DJ nodded his head as he putted his hands behind his head.
"Now this is what I'm talkin' about. I could hang here for a while." DJ smiled at his pet bunny as it hopped on his laps and before he knows it, the eagle snatched the rabbit up. "Bunny!" The giant cried out as he watches the eagle dropped the bunny into the grill and ran up to it to get his burned bunny. "Yo, get me medic for my bunny!"
(Swimming Pool)
Lindsay rubbed the sunscreen on her leg and smiled at the camera. "I love being a loser. This is so much more my style." The bombshell glanced at the resort, "If I'd known how fab this place was, I would've gotten my butt kicked off in the first episode."
"Yeah, did you saw this sweet gym inside?" Tyler jerked his head at the resort as he swam across the pool.
(Hot Tub)
"Yo, yo, dawg, check it out, eh!" Ezekiel throws the gangster signs around, attempting to show off his new 'Z' necklace. "Being famous has totally changed my life. I'm just kickin' it, yo, get me some fly bling too, you like, eh?"
"The boy is asking for a good whooping." Leshawna glared at the prairie boy.
(Bar Pool)
"Look, someone's bikini bottom." Izzy hold up the green bikini bottom.
"…I think that's your." Sadie looked into Noah's eyes as the crazy girl checked herself.
"Oh crap, it is." Izzy quickly dived underwater, unawake that she just exposed herself to the camera.
"…I just saw something that I can't unsee…" The bookworm mumbled with widened eyes.
Courtney flipped through her magazine before she tossed it away and glared at the camera with crossed arms. "I don't care how nice this place is, I'm not supposed to be here!" Courtney growled, "After I was kicked off, I found out exactly what went on the night I was eliminated…It was all Harold's fault!" The CIT slammed her hand on the chair as the nerd peeked out of the bush, "I should be in the final five right now! When I find that little twerp, I'm going to grab hold of him and wring his skinny, awkward, little neck!" She quickly stands up as the cowering nerd ducked back in his bush, "You hear me, Harold! I know you're hiding around here somewhere! I will make you suffer like what Naruto did to you!"
"Okay, I guess what I did to Courtney and Naruto was pretty heinous." Harold whispered to the camera as he crawls under the bushes, "It's just that Duncan wouldn't stop bug me and if he found it out from Naruto, he will really kill me!" He peeked out to see the CIT ripped the lamppost out of the ground and gulped with widened eyes. "This bite!" Harold groaned as he sneaks over to the musician, "Hey, Trent, slide me some baloney." The nerd whispered and Trent just shrugged his shoulders as he tossed the food to the nerd.
"Ooh, why are you helping him, eh?" Ezekiel raised his eyebrow at Trent, "He's a traitor, eh."
"True." The musician nodded, "But he doesn't deserve to starve to death…And I think he really learned his lesson from Naruto's revenge."
(Bar Pool)
"Well, I was pretty shocked to be the third camper to be eliminated." Noah muttered as he read his book, "Apparently I wasn't bossy, manipulative, or dangerous enough to make it through. You can't say that I wasn't a team player, though."
"Yeah, you were." Leshawna said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.
"Oh, my gosh!" Sadie gushed with Katie, "We have so much to tell you since we've been here!"
"Can I say hi to my peeps back home?" The tanned girl grinned, "What's up, Toronto?"
"We're having so much fun here!" The chubby girl squealed, "This resort rocks!"
"Yeah, Total Drama Island was really hard. We even survived our first major fight, that was so sad but we totally recovered." Katie sighed.
"Totally!" Sadie nodded, "And even through that was all, like, so majorly hard, nothing was as hard as when as we were separated…" She smirked at the tanned girl, "But it's good thing because my BFF get a cute boyfriend and I'm so, like, jealous of her!" Katie blushed harder as Cody chuckled next to her.
Courtney hit some bushes and checks the surrounding for the nerd before glance at the camera. "I'm in middle of filing a lawsuit for wrongful termination of competition." The CIT informed as she pointed at the relaxing teenagers, "These people are witnesses! I was unfairly kicked off!"
"I didn't see a thing, man." Trent inputted as he help DJ patching up his pet rabbit.
"Must have missed that episode." Noah shrugged with bored expression.
"What's she talking about?" Sadie asked with raised eyebrow.
"I'll tell you later." Katie whispered to her BFF.
"Didn't see it, don't care." Eva grunted out as she walks past them with her dumbbells.
"Oh, you all know what happened!" Courtney stomped her feet, "I know you all watched the episode of Nametag Hunter! You should know that Harold rigged the votes twice!"
"Hey, give him a break…" Ezekiel said before the CIT jabbed her lamppost in his face, knocked him out.
"Aww, I was about to take a crack at him." Leshawna smirked at the downed farmer boy.
(Buffet Table)
"How would I characterize my experience?" Eva stabbed her fork into the streaks and placed them on her plate. "Easy…It sucks." The bodybuilder grunted, "My anger-management issues improved a bit…"
"Heeey, fine lady, eh!" Ezekiel slide up to her and Eva just knocked him out again, this time with a punch.
(Bar Pool)
"Did I get anything out of this experience?" Noah raised one of his eyebrows, "No. It was completely and totally uneventful."
"He kissed a guy!" Izzy cried out with a grin.
"No, I didn't!"
"Yes, you did!"
"Did not!"
"Did, did, did, did!" The crazy girl sing-songed.
Trent cleared his throat to catch their attention, "Uh, I can break this tie…He totally did." Noah glanced at Cody before shifted his eyes to the camera.
"…I have no comment."
"Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!" Lindsay ran up to the bar pool with paper in her hands, "I got a letter from my sister that said there is a picture of me with O in star stalker magazine! Yeah!"
"Yeah!" Katie and Sadie squealed with the bombshell.
"Congratulation…" Noah droned with eyeroll, "You just peaked. It's all downhill from there, honey."
"Maybe if I get an eating disorder or my boobs done, I'll get on cover!" Lindsay smiled.
"…I don't think Owen would like that if you have an eating disorder." The bookworm muttered and the bombshell gasped with hands on her mouth.
"You're totally right! I'll just get my boobs done then!" Noah just facepalmed at her.
"So, Trent, if you could say something to one of five remaining campers, what would it be?" Chris asked with a smirk as he walks up to them.
"Um…" Trent rubbed his head, "I guess I'll tell Gwen that I was rooting for her and that it was a huge misunderstood when Heather tricked everyone…I also forgive her for kissing Naruto, I totally understand the situation."
"Really, no anger toward them? No jealousy? Oh come on!" The host throws his arms up in air, "Why does some people kept forgive people too easy?!"
"Oh!" Izzy jumped into the pool, "If you excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom."
"…" The teenagers and host glanced at each other before they realized something and the teenagers lift their legs up in air from the chair. "Ew!"
"What? It's not like you did it before." The crazy girl shrugged at them, why everyone keeping acting like they never went in the pool before.
(Buffet Table)
"Okay, you've seen how the losers are spending their time." Chris chuckled, walking toward the griller. "Now it's time to find out what they think of the final five."
"Heather can kiss my ass!" Eva snarled into the camera, "It's all her fault I'm stuck in this place! She is a scum-sucking backstabbing bitch, and I'm gonna enjoy watching her go down!"
"Wow!" Chris blinked at her, "Tell us how you really feel."
"…I just did." The bodybuilder deadpanned and the host silently pointed at Izzy as she cooked the coconuts. "…Oh…" Eva blushed out of embarrassment and stomped away.
"Did you know that cooked coconuts are so tasty, huh?" The crazy girl giggled, "Well, I think Heather is a total psycho…I'm totally supporting Red because he have something that tell us that he will make it all way to the end."
Courtney glanced around and growled angrily at the fact that she can't find this stupid nerd. "Heather is a formidable competitor." The CIT said, "But I can't say I approve of her tactics. I mean, tricked everyone into thinking that Trent was cheating on Gwen the whole time…So uncalled for." She walked off, never noticed the rustling bushes as Harold peeks out.
"Heather was definitely the scariest female on the island, but I can totally handle her." He smirked before the nerd blinked, "Did you hear something?"
"There you are, you little traitor!" The nerd paled at familiar voice and look up to see the lamppost coming at his face.
"Not the face! Not the face!" The lamppost slowly aims at the lower spot, "Back to the face! Yes, the face!"
"Oh, poor sucker." Trent snickered at the agony of the nerd.
"Wow!" Lindsay stared at the scene, "Glad she wasn't my CIT."
"So, Trent, Lindsay, give us your take on Heather." Chris said, standing next to them.
"I hope I never meet anyone like her ever again." The musician nodded his head.
"She is really mean, like, really mean." Lindsay said.
(Hot Tub)
"She was pretty bossy, eh?" Ezekiel asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, she was so totally bossy!" Katie groaned as she leans against her boyfriend's chest.
"Yeah, she really scared me sometime." Cody gulped.
"Telling her off was the best moment of my life." Beth placed her hands on hip with glare.
"If none of us even like her, how did Heather make it to final?" Sadie asked unsurely.
"Because she is a conniving backstabbing, little bitch!" Everyone glanced to see Eva swallowing her steak in one bite.
"Girl, I hear you there!" Leshawna grunted with narrowed eyes, "I hope she is next to being voted out."
(Bar Pool)
"Who would I like to win?" Courtney tucked her hair behind ear with lightly blush, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I'd have to pick Duncan." She giggled, "Don't tell the others though, okay?"
"Oh, we already know you were all over her." Everyone said in unison.
"My golden lab drools less over a rib-eye streak." Noah smirked, taking a sip from his drink.
"And we eavesdropped again!" Lindsay giggled as the CIT groaned into her hands.
"Duncan?" DJ smiled with Bunny, "Man, this is one tough dude. I saw him wrestle with a grizzly bear to the ground. I'm so glad that Naruto was there to make sure nothing get out of hand."
Harold whimpered, attempting to get out of the tied lamppost and glanced at the ground. "Duncan, I hate that guy." The nerd said, "He made me pee my pants. He drew on my face with marker…"
"Nah, it was Geoff." Noah said as he walks past the nerd.
"No, it was this thug!" Harold shouted back and turned back to the camera. "He sprung my underwear up a flagpole…"
"Quit making things up, dude." Geoff hollered from the buffet table, "There was no underwear on any flagpole!"
"…Put hot sauce in them then fed them to me for lunch in an underwear sandwich." Harold continued, only to cut off again.
"The first part is true but the second part was Cody, if I recall it correctly." Chris said from below.
"Whatever! I can't stand this punk, he's so annoying!" The nerd shouted out before he fall down to the ground and some campers smirked at the karma.
(Hot Tub)
"Duncan is not really meaner and tough than I believed him to be." Bridgette smiled in the hot tub, "Courtney told me he has a sweet side and Naruto said he was really cool guy when you know him well…" She paused to glare at Ezekiel as he slowly sneaks to get closer to her and as soon as he noticed her glare, the farmer boy quickly retreated to the other side.
"Well, I think he is really cruel." Lindsay sipped her smoothie, "Anyone who treats deer and trees badly is not a friend to deer or trees." She smiled widely, "But I want O to win because he is so totally nice and cute. I'm so lucky to have him as my boyfriend!"
(Bar Pool)
"Owen?" Katie smiled, "He was so much fun!"
"Yeah, but he's really tough and strong! Remember the dodgeball game?" Sadie winced at the memories of the dodgeball challenge as the tanned girl nodded with her.
"Oh, I remember this one. I was so glad that he was on my team at this time." Cody chuckled and the girls rolled their eyes at him.
"Maybe he is not so bad." Trent smiled.
"Oh, we all know who you want to win." The chubby girl giggled with her friends.
"Yeah, Gwen's definitely my choice." The musician admitted with another smile.
"Oh, come on!" Trent turns to Courtney with frown on his face as the CIT kept talking on, "She is smart, but she is not exactly a team player." She sneered, "I was a team player. It should be me!"
"I won't say that if I were you." Leshawna said, "Girl is really tough than she looks like."
"Yeah, you're here." Noah nodded as he read his book, "You lost. Get over it…" The glasses hit his head, courtesy of the CIT.
"She let herself get buried alive for her team." Trent pointed out, "If that's not a team player then I don't know what it is."
"She was kind of harsh sometime." Lindsay said as she reapplying her sunscreen, "But she is really nice and very helpful."
"Yeah, I think she's really cool, even if we hit some snags in our friendship." Bridgette stretched out on her lounge chair, "But I would vote for Naruto…" She glanced at everyone as they smirked at her and the surfer girl's face turn red.
"Oh, yeah." Justin chuckled, "Everyone was so happy when you finally confessed to him and Noah actually shows a new emotion this day."
"I vote for Naruto, totally." Tyler smiled, "He's really nice guy and helped us out all the time."
"Naruto is definitely the scariest guy on the island when he got really pissed off…" Harold shivered at the memories of the hunter, "Because of him, I just developed a fear of lullabies and loss control of bladder each time I hear a lullaby…" His eyes widened at the sound of lullaby and wetted his swimsuit.
"No way, it's true!" Chris laughed, waving his MP3 around.
(Hot Tub)
"Oh, I can't say anything bad about him and I excel at saying bad things about people." Courtney nodded with small smile, "I'll look past the fact that he's a close friend with Heather."
"Yeah, you can't help it but want to be his friend." Leshawna smirked, "There's something about him that draw everyone in." Some campers nodded at her sentence.
"I still don't understand why he is friend with meanest girl." Beth crossed her arms.
(Bar Pool)
"I think he is so cool and awesome." Sadie gushed with Katie, "I really like it when he did his skit as Joka at the talent show."
"That was really awesome, I still can't figure out how he did make more knives." Cody rubbed his head with tilted head.
"I think it was very amusing when he ended up in a love square." Noah gave them a small smirk, "Not to mention the kisses he got."
"Yeah, he is one lucky bro." Geoff chuckled, "He totally gets my vote." The party boy smirked at the bookworm, "What's the pot on this betting pool."
"A lot but not much as hundred grand bucks." Noah whispered.
(Hot Tub)
Everyone can see it was almost time for night after seeing the sunset, the host rounded everyone and bring them to the hot tub since it was big enough for everyone to fit in the camera. "Leshawna, accept my love!" Harold throws himself at the sassy girl before she shoved him into the water.
"I told you, you're not my type." Leshawna rolled her eyes at the nerd, "I like a guy who is big, strong, and sweet. Not a skinny, egoistic, and liar."
"I'm all of these!" Harold whined with puppy eyes and some teenagers shake their heads, he won't just give up. Their host clapped his hands to get their attention.
"Okay, losers." Chris smirked, "It is time for the most unexpected twist of all time." The teenagers glanced at each other, "Tonight, you will be voting the next camper off Total Drama Island."
"No way!" Lindsay gasped.
"Oh yes!" The host chuckled, "Here's how it's gonna work. There are no marshmallows. I'm gonna to ask you one by one who you would like to see join you here tonight at Playa De Losers." Chris leans in with a grin, "Katie and Sadie, since you share a brain, I'll ask you both. Who would you like to vote for?"
"Oh, I miss Naruto the most!" Sadie squealed, "He's really nice to me and Katie!"
"Yeah, it would be so much fun to have him here." Katie nodded, "Definitely Naruto!" The teenagers gasped at them as the bell dings twice.
"Why are you voting him off?" Courtney snarled, "If you like Naruto…" The bell dinged again, "Leave him in."
"That's three votes, Naruto." Chris said, '…For some reasons, I felt like I'm going to be in huge trouble…Nah!'
"What?! NO!" The CIT cried out.
"That don't count, she was not voting for Naruto." Justin speaks up and his eyes widened as he heard the bell dings again.
"Okay, onto the next voter, Lindsay!" The host chuckled and the bombshell noticed their concerns.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna vote for Naruto." Lindsay waved her hand, never hear the bell dinged.
"Lindsay!" DJ cried out.
"No, you can't vote for me." The bombshell looks at him with quizzical expression, "You have to vote for someone who is in final five, like Naruto." The bell dinged again as some teenagers facepalmed.
"Ok, come on, guys." Izzy called out, "No one say Red's name!"
"Who's Red?" Ezekiel asked with blinking eyes.
"That's what I called Naruto…Whoops!" The crazy girl covered her mouth as the bell dinged.
"That's six votes, Naruto." Chris chuckled, wiping the tears out of his eyes.
The parrot squeaked out, "Naruto!"
"No!" Everyone cried out as the bell gave out another ding.
"Seven votes!" The host placed his hands on hip with a wide grin.
"Chris, that was a parrot!" Trent raised his hand, "It doesn't even know who Naruto is." He gulped at his mistake after hearing the bell dinged out again.
"Polly know who's Naruto, you twerp!" Everyone slowly turned to the parrot with shocked expression as the bell dinged. "Polly like Naruto!"
"…And that's ten!" Chris said, glancing at the parrot with weird look.
(Total Drama Island: Dock)
Naruto blinked as he sipping his ramen bowl from Chef's shoulder and tilted his head with confusing look. "I'll miss you, brat." The cooker said before he tossed the redhead in the boat and wave at him from the dock, watching him disappeared into the fog. "Now I have to deal with a pissed-off girl and three confusing maggots." Chef pinched the bridge of his nose, why don't he listen to his mama and become an accountant.
(Playa De Losers Resort: Dock)
Naruto was still sipping his ramen bowl with confusing expression as Chris walked up to him with a smirk on his face, "And with that, we're down to four." The host patted the redhead's shoulder, "Tune in next week to see the dramatic almost-conclusion of Total Drama Island!" The parrot flew to Naruto's head and nested itself in his hair with a squeak.
"…And cut!" Cameraman shout out and the camera crew quickly pack their stuff in before ran to the ship as Chris turned to the redhead.
"You have been eliminated! Enjoy your stay at five stars resort! Bye, Naruto!" The host said rapidly as he jump on the boat and take off quickly before Naruto can make any reactions.
"…I'm so confusing now, dattebayo."
"Naruto!" The parrot squeaked out.
"So Chris kinda tricked Katie and Sadie into voting me and it set off a chain reactions, am I right, dattebayo?" Naruto sighed on his duffle bags as everyone nodded at him.
"We're so sorry!" Sadie wailed out.
"Nah, it's okay, it's okay." Naruto chuckled, "I forgive you already, it's not your fault at all." The chubby girl sighed before everyone catch up with the redhead as they help him move in his own room.
(Naruto's bedroom)
"Wow, this place is really sweet, dattebayo." Naruto said, glance around the bedroom after his tour around the resort with some of his friends, several of whisker times from the crazy girl, and grinned at the group. "Thank for the help, guys."
"Don't mention it, dude." Justin chuckled as he walks back to the pools, followed by everyone.
"Um…Bri-chan." Naruto grabs Bridgette's arm to stop her from walk out of his room after seeing that the group just left.
"Oh…What's up?" The surfer girl blushed as she rubbed her arm.
"Um…I want to give you my answer about the confession, dattebayo." The redhead scratched his head with red face, "I give it a lot of thoughts and think so hard about it. Honestly, I never have been in a relationship before, not even one date in my whole life…" He paused for a while as Bridgette shuffled her feet with nervous expression, "You're right about us spending a lot of time together and we really clicked well so I want to…um…give it a try with you…"
"Y…You mean?" The surfer girl can feel her heartbeat going faster.
"Yeah, I want to go out with you, I really like you a lot." Naruto smiled before groaned out as Bridgette suddenly glomp him and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. "Bri-chan?" The redhead glanced at the top of her head, feeling the wet spot on his shirt. "Um…Why are you crying, dattebayo?"
"…I'm so happy…" The surfer girl muttered out with a sniffle, "If it's a dream, I don't want to wake up from it…"
"…It's not a dream." Naruto smiled as he give her a light pitch to let her know that it's reality and lifts her chin up, wiping her tears of joy away with his thumbs. "I love you too, dattebayo…" He slowly gives her a kiss and pulls back from her. They stares in each other eyes before Bridgette give him kiss, then another kiss, and before they know it, they was making out, only to be interrupted by the door slammed open.
"Hey, bro, we're throwing a welcome party for…you…Um…" Geoff slowly trailed off, noticing the situation as the new couple blushed at him, still holding each other.
"…Um…Party at the pools…Um…Sorry, my bad!" The party boy shouted out as he slammed the door closed and they can hear the footsteps ran down the hallway.
"Um…" They quickly separated and Naruto coughed into his hand. "Do you want to go to the party, dattebayo?"
"…Yeah!" Bridgette giggled nervously with heavy blush on her face and jumped as her new boyfriend take hold of her hand.
"Let's go then…" Naruto scratched his head with a chuckle.
"I'm so happy for you two!" Naruto and Bridgette winced as Leshawna pulls them in bone-crushing hug and everyone chuckled at her excitement as they congratulated the new couple.
"Izzy, you okay?" DJ gulped at the happy crazy girl, he knows that she has a crush on the redhead.
"What do you mean?" Izzy tilted her head with a blink.
"Um…You're not upset that Naruto is not single anymore?" The giant said slowly, he don't want to set her off.
"Sorta, I'm sad that I'm not his girlfriend but…" Izzy grinned slyly as the giant take sip out of his soda, "Maybe I'll try to be his mistress!" DJ choked on his drink, he was not only one that choked on their drink.
"…I really have no comment…" Noah blinked dumbfoundedly as the crazy girl giggled.
(Drama Total Island: Main Lodge)
Chef can feel Heather's glare from the table as he handed them their dinners and give out a sigh when the queen bee snatched it away from him. "…Spoiled Maggot, you know that I'm not responsible for his elimination…Just be mad at Chris." The cooker rolled his eyes, why does everyone always blame the wrong person?
"I know…" Heather growled, "But you did put him on the boat so I'm mad at you for that!"
"…Point taken." Chef muttered as he turns back to his cooking.
"Hmm, what would happen if Naru and Bridge get together since they both are off the island?" Owen asked with his mouth filled and Duncan grunted out as he wiped the food spit off his face, why did he decide to sit in front of the oaf?
"Well, there's a good chance that it will happen…" Gwen shrugged before jumped with the campers as the queen bee slammed her fist on the table.
"Like hell he will go out with Klutzy!" Heather snarled.
"But what if he does?" The punk chortled, know that it will hurt the queen bee and he hope it will send her running away with brawling her eyes out.
"…" The queen bee stood up and walks away from them but not before she grunted out something that made the campers glance at each other with worried expression. "Then I'll break them up, even if I have to steal him away!" It wasn't long enough until Chris peeked out of the window and glanced around.
"I swear my dramatic-sense just went off a few moments ago…Nah!" The host chuckled and walks away from them.
(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)
The weekend went by and the group gathered around the cough, beside several teenagers that decided to go to pool or gym instead of watching the latest episode of Total Drama Island. "Wow, that's really huge TV I ever seen in my life, dattebayo." Naruto blinked at the big screen TV as Bridgette giggled at his shocked expression, they were getting used to have a relationship for first time and so far, they just hold hands and kiss a few times.
"Not really." Justin shrugged, "It's kind of small to me…"
"Shh!" Courtney shushed, "It's starting now." They started to laughed as they watch Chris get hit by lighting on the TV.
(Total Drama Island: Outside)
The campers were relaxing under the roof of the cabin and Duncan glanced at the rain with a weird look, it was just sunny this morning! "Listen up, campers!" Chris' voice squeaked out of the loudspeaker, "One of the most grueling challenges of any summer camp experience is the dreaded rain day, where all activities with even the remotest possibility of fun are cancelled in favor of the craft tent. The forecast for tomorrow are rain, rain, and more rain, followed by rain. See you all in the craft tent tomorrow at 0700 hours."
"When I see him again, I'm going to shove my foot up his ass." Heather growled as she painting her toenails and Gwen rolled her eyes.
"Throwing tantrums around won't bring Naruto back, you know." The goth girl crossed her arms, "Just get over it."
"Go and find a bear that will eat your slutty body!" The queen bee snarled at her.
"It's so nice to see you two getting along…" Duncan smirked as he sharpened his stick, "Gives me the warm fuzzies."
"In your dreams, perv!" Heather narrowed her eyes with crossed arms.
"I won't dream of you at all." The punk sighed, "The day sucks, and even Owen couldn't put a shiny, happy spin on this weather…" They glanced around, "Speaking of which, where is Owen?"
"I just saw him going to the outhouse, maybe he's doing one of his confession again." Gwen replied and they decided to turn in very early since there was really nothing to do for the day. They never noticed the water rising from the river and they never feel anything as the flood carries them away at night.
(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)
"I can't believe they are sleeping through the flood…" Noah shakes his head as Gwen, Heather, and Duncan screamed out of fear and ran away from the sharks, making beeline to the floating cabin.
"I also can't believe that Owen kept talking for whole day and half…" Leshawna stared at the oaf on TV as he kept talking in the outhouse, "Come on, man!"
(Duncan, Gwen, Heather)
"Okay, is anyone else a little creaked by this deserted island?" Gwen asked worriedly, they finally make it to a mysterious island.
"Please!" Heather scoffed with eyeroll, "Any moron can see that this is one of Chris' cheesy production sets with fake props!" She kicked the rock in front of her and winced as she hopped on her foot.
"Yo, drama queens, we've obviously just drifted downstream." Duncan said, "The producers will send a search party."
"Just to set the record straight, my sets are not cheesy." Chris muttered with hands on his hip, "I lost three interns moving those rocks into place." He chuckled, "And about that search party? Nah, it's obviously a challenge! I mean come on! Can't you see these cameras in front of you?" The host throws his hands up in air and rolled his eyes.
"Well, well, well, stuck on an island with two hot girls." Duncan smirked before his smirk turned into a frown, "Too bad they're both completely annoying."
"So I thought to myself, they left me here to die." Gwen muttered angrily as she crossed her arms.
"Mental note, never sign up for a reality show ever again." Heather scoffed, "Also never force idiot to sign up with you too."
(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)
"She forced you to sign up for the show?" Noah blinked at the redhead, he really don't know this part.
"Yeah, she wants me to help her to get to the final place, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled as he watches the three campers argued with each other before Heather walk away from them with her nose up in air and stumbled upon the treehouse. "Poor Big O, he's losing it." Some teenagers chuckled as Owen ran into the T-Rex skeleton and ran back to the outhouse with bloodcurdling scream.
(Deserted Island)
Heather stood in front of the treehouse's door and glance around from the porch. "Nice view." She nodded to herself and turns her head to the arguing campers with narrowed eyes. "Hey, you two, if you're done with yelling at each other, I found us a place to rest…" The queen bee turn around to open the door, only to see a hanging skeleton and screamed out as she fall down from the treehouse. She crawled backward before her back hit the T-Rex skeleton and she give out another screaming as the two campers stared at the skeleton with shocked expression. Heather glared at the punk, "So still think we're downstream from camp?"
"Okay, I've been wrong before." Duncan whimpered.
Owen cried to himself, "I'm gonna die! Hey, are those coconuts?" He noticed the coconut tree and ran to it with a wide grin.
"Will someone please explain to me why there are palm trees and coconuts up there?" Chef raised his eyebrows, "We're up in Northern Ontario!"
"They were leftover props from the bigassic park movie shoot." Chris replied as the cooker give him a look, "What? We're on a budget!"
"…And yet we have three islands and a five star resort…" Chef stared at his boss.
"…No comment."
"It's been a grueling nine minutes of isolation, where a human mind is ripe for cracking." Owen groaned as he raised the coconut to his face, "You know what I'm talking about, right, Mr. Coconut?" He moved it up and down as if it was nodding at him. "Oh, you do! It's just you and me, buddy!" The oaf hugged Mr. Coconut, "We'll hunt, forage, and survive together! But first, I need to pee!" Owen ran to the outhouse and turned to the coconut, "Can you look the other way, please?"
(Playa De Losers: Entertainment Room)
"…Why am I thinking about Cast Away movie?" Cody facepalmed at his large friend's antic and Naruto chuckled at the show before he stood up and turned to Bridgette.
"I'm going to get popcorn and some drinks, dattebayo. Do you want anything to drink?" The redhead asked.
"Grape soda, if they don't have it then just water." The surfer girl smiled at him as he nodded and walk out of the entertainment room.