Chapter 7: Part 2 of Island: Emotional Ride
"Now freeze it!" Chris laughed, "And rewinds it to the kiss!" The footage rewinds to the moment that Gwen kissed Naruto as he stared at her with widened eyes. "Now notice that when Gwen gives him a big smooch…" A circle mark appeared on their lips, "Did you see that? Our goth girl just slipped him a tongue! Heehee!"
The footage forwarded to Izzy's face before a few circle marks appeared around her mouth and eyes. "Izzy look happy and seems to be fine with it but her eyes said otherwise! Who know what she is really thinking inside and I would be lying if I said that I don't want to know what is going on in her head…And here's our biggest heartbreaking moment!"
Bridgette's upsetting face turned away from the camera, "It's no secret that our girl next door is crushing on Naruto so badly and to make it worse, the girl that kissed him is her friend…How awesome is that?!" Chris laughed manically as the footage finally stopped on Heather's face.
"It look like Heather don't saw this one coming!" Circle mark appeared on her eyes, "Noticing her twitching eyes? See how her mouth is close to snarl and can you sees her hands?" The footage shifted to her hands, "They are in fists! Which means that our queen bee will really blow up…WICKED!"
Gwen pulls away from Naruto, leaving a saliva trail between them and Heather exploded as soon as they stopped kiss. "Y-Y-You fucking bitch! I'll fucking kill you!" The queen bee roared as she jumps off her platform into the lake and swam toward their platform, ignoring the host's announcement that she lost. "I'll fucking gonna gut you, ripping your black heart out and shove it down your throat for what you did! I will make sure that no one will find your slutty body ever!"
"Whoa…" Chris muttered to himself, it looks like the editor may have a lot of work to censor some of cusses.
"So what?" Gwen scoffed, "I'm single, he's single, and you're with Trent so I can just kiss him whatever I feel like."
"I'm not with this motherfucking Lennon wannabe!" Heather roared as she jumped at the goth girl before Chef appeared right behind her and hold the queen bee up at arm length, on Chris' order since it will get out of control and may cost him his show. "Let me go! Let me go!" She kicked her legs at the air and Gwen blinked at her.
"Wait, what?"
"Trent don't cheat on you, she was playing us all!" Leshawna hollered before explaining everything that happened yesterday.
"So he never cheated on me the whole time?" Gwen whispered with widened eyes before she give out a sigh, "Oh…Naruto, I'm so…Naruto?" Most of the campers blinked at the redhead as he curled up in the corner of the platform, tracing a circle on the surface of the water with his left index finger and right hand touching his lip with a red face.
"I am going to kill you!" Heather growled, "I'll murder you in your sleep!"
"Hey, hey, it was your fault in first place and it's just a kiss, nothing big." Leshawna said with her hands on hip.
"Just a kiss?!" The queen bee snarled as she pointed at Gwen with glare, "Do you have any idea what this bitch just did? SHE STOLE HIS FIRST KISS!"
"…Say what?" The campers and Chef said in unison as they glanced at Naruto.
"Um…Whoops?" Gwen giggled nervously with her hands in air, "How the hell would I know that I was going to have his first kiss?"
"Die…Die…" Heather chanted, strangling a voodoo doll that look like a certain goth camper.
"…My first kiss…" Naruto whispered to himself with blush as he touched his lips tenderly, "…Also my first French kiss…Dattebayo…"
"Okay, everyone, but Naruto and Gwen, get off and you two…Go back to fight each other!" Chris grinned as Chef restricted the angrier queen bee from invading the match again. Naruto slowly stand up and turns around to the goth girl before his eyes glanced at her lips, the memory of his first kiss played over and over in his head. It was too much for him before he fainted from overheating and Gwen gulps as she glanced at the girls, winced as soon as she saw Bridgette's downcast expression. "…Wow, that must be a knockout kiss and Naruto can't go on so it is Gwen's victory!"
"What! You can't do that!" Heather yelled.
"My show, my challenges, my rules." Chris beamed at the campers, "Okay, campers, take thirty and we will starts the semifinal match right away." Bridgette quickly walk away from them before Gwen follow her.
"Wait, Bridgette! I have to apologize to you…" Gwen said before the surfer girl cut her off with a shaking of her head.
"Don't…" Bridgette whispered, "I know you were very upset and don't even think at all…But…it hurts." She fights back her tears as she hugging herself.
"Yeah…" Gwen sighed, she kinda know what her friend was going through when she thought that Trent was cheating on her. She slowly walks closer to Bridgette and hugs her from behind. "I know but I want to say it…I'm sorry for kissed him…I'm really sorry that I hurt you so much…"
"…I forgive you…I…I need to go to the bathroom to refresh myself…" The surfer girl muttered and the goth girl nodded as she watch her friend walk away with downcast eyes. Gwen sighed, turning on her heels and walk back to the lake.
Chris glanced at the dazed redhead and shakes his head lightly, 'Like mother, like son…' He sighed lightly, the host still does not believe that Naruto's claim might be true since there's a good chance that the redhead is like these people who lied to have their fifteen minutes of fame, but that was first time someone claimed to be his son…What if it's true and that he really has a son that…'No, he's not my son…' Chris ruffled his hair before checking his watch to see that there was about five minutes left and sighed, why is he worrying about the claim when he have a show to run?
"Gwen, are you okay?" DJ asked with concern tone in his voice as the goth girl showed up, "And is Bridgette okay too?"
"Yeah…We're okay…Sorry for everything." Gwen said and the giant waved it off.
"Okay campers!" The host said as he slides into his host persona, "Time for the semifinal round, who will be the one to face Izzy for the reward? Choose wisely!"
"Good luck, girl, 'cause you need one." Leshawna teased, taking the blue dueling stick and Gwen rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, for you." The goth girl smirked as she took the brown stick.
"Ugh…Why do I always get a lousy luck today?" Leshawna glared at dictionary book as Chef stands in front of her with two huge dueling sticks.
"Gwen is very lucky!" Chris chuckled as he swings his arm diagonal, "She managed to summon Chef-vater! Now Chef-vater will do all the fight for our goth camper! Start the battle!"
"Take this!" The sister chucked her book at the cooker, only to have it swatted away in midair and fall into the water. Chef glared at her with cruel smirk and Leshawna gulped.
"What is mercy?" The cooker swings his dueling sticks and the sassy girl ducked before tackle Chef in stomach. "Nice try, girly, but you're years away from where I am!" The cooker shouted as he grabbed Leshawna's collar and tossed her into the water without any resistance.
"Ugh…So unfair…" Leshawna muttered after spitted out some waters.
"Are you ready to rumble?" Chris grinned at Gwen and Izzy as they both hold normal dueling sticks.
"Oh totally, I am!" The crazy girl giggled.
"Um…I think so…" The goth girl mumbled.
The girls stared in each other's eyes before Izzy grinned widely, "Let me ask you something."
"Is he a good kisser?" Izzy asked with coyly grin and Gwen blushed lightly.
"I…I…I don't know…I'm not…" The goth girl said before the crazy girl lunged with a swing and it took Gwen off guarded. She stumbled back, only to trip by Izzy's leg sweep before rolled to her side, avoiding the dueling stick's smash. Gwen quickly gets on her feet to block another swing from the crazy girl and shoulder tackle Izzy away from her. Gwen's eyes widened as Izzy flipped on the platform before lunged to her in air but the goth girl ducked under the crazy girl.
"Whoa!" Izzy cried out, slipping on the water puddle that was left by Chef early and the loss of her footing cost her as Gwen shove her off the platform.
"And the winner of the tournament is Gwen!" Chris clapped with a grin, "Chef, why don't you tell her what she just won?"
Chef coughed into his hand as he raises his cue card to his face, "Gwen won her own private bathroom that only she can use…Here's the key." The cooker tossed her a small sliver key, "Don't lose it."
"Okay, campers…" The host turns to the campers, "See you at…The second challenge!"
"Say what! We're not going to vote someone out?" Heather snarled, she really wants to kick that weird goth girl off the island.
"I never said that it was going to be one of these elimination challenge…I only said reward several time." Chris chuckled.
"That's true, dattebayo…" Naruto said with lightly blush, he was a little zoned out with the kiss.
"Ugh…" The queen bee grunted.
"I'll call you when it's time for the second challenge…FYI, it's at the dock." The host grinned, turns around and walks away with Chef.
(Boy's cabin)
Duncan smirked at Naruto with crossed arms, "So how was your first kiss, whiskers?"
"…N-N-No comment, dattebayo." His face matched his red hair as Naruto ruffled his hair and the punk chuckled at him.
"It's fun that you just knocked out from just a little kiss." Duncan said, glanced at the chucking DJ and Owen as they played the card game.
"Ugh…Don't remind me…" Naruto groaned as he buried in his pillow, "Wake me up when it's challenge time."
"Sure, Naru." Owen said with a grin as DJ groaned at his loss.
Lindsay hummed as she opened the grape soda bottle and speak to Heather with a smile. "I am so glad they included grapetastic pop in your reward yesterday." She glanced at her soda with a sigh, "It's totally my favorite! It's the only thing I've really been craving on the island."
"I cannot believe that Leshawna shredded my clothes." Heather growled, ignoring the bombshell as she check her ripped clothes that was destroyed by the sassy girl last night. "She is so gonna pay for this."
"Well, you did tricked Gwen and Trent into breaking up." Lindsay pointed out as she take a sip, "That's pretty major."
"Shut up." The queen bee scowled before snatched Lindsay's bottle, ignoring her gasp as she chug it down and spit it out. "How can you drink this sugar water?" Heather coughed as she throws the bottle away and Lindsay whined at her broken bottle.
The campers stood around the dock after receiving a call from Chris. "Today's challenge is a good, old-fashioned game of hide-and-seek." The host said with a grin as he walk up to the group, "You all get ten minutes to hide before Chef Hatchet comes looking for you. With his military background and advanced degree in man hunting, he's uniquely qualified to make this game excruciatingly hard." The campers glanced to smirking cooker with water gun.
"What's with the water gun?" Duncan said with a raised eyebrow before a laser dot appeared on his forehead as he looked at it cross-eyed.
"The lifeguard chair is home base." Chris explained as he walks over to the said chair, "When he finds you, Chef will try to spray you. If you escape his blast, you can try to run to home base but if he catches you on your way, he'll douse you."
"Ooh, so we're gonna get splashed by a bit of water." Duncan mocked with a smirk, "Now I'm terrified."
"Why don't you demonstrate, Chef?" The host grinned and the cooker snickered to himself before fired a huge blast of water at Chris from the water gun and it knocked him a good distance across the island. "Not on me, dude!" The host cried out in the distance as Chef rubbed his head with sheepish grin.
"So how do we 'win' this game?" Heather asked as Chris walk back to the dock, wringing the water out of his clothes.
"You've got three options." The host counted with his fingers, "One, don't get discovered in your hiding place. Two, run to home base before Chef blasts you. Three, once you've been caught, help Chef find other campers. Do any of those and you win invincibility. All clear?" Lindsay was about to ask him to repeat the rules but Chris speak up, "You have ten minutes to hide, go!" The campers ran off in random directions, leaving behind Lindsay as she looks around with widened eyes.
"Yah!" The bombshell cried as she ran off.
Naruto grinned as he hugged against the cliffside. He figured that if Chef doesn't check the cliffside, he will make it since no one would think of it in first place.
Owen slowly walks toward the cave, his eyes glanced everywhere before cried out as Duncan grab him and pull him inside the cave. The punk shushed him and the oaf look around, noticing that DJ was with them. "Hey, guys, great hiding spot." Owen said, "Yeah!"
"Listen up, boys." Duncan said, "We're in trouble, okay? There are six chicks on the island and only four dudes."
"Yeah, so?" Owen shrugged.
"It's bad, dude!" The punk growled, "If I noticed it, chances are that sooner or later they're gonna notice it, too, and when they do, they're gonna pick us off one by one. We've got to do something about it."
"It's not like they're exactly getting along." DJ said nervously, "Remember this morning and yesterday?" They started to recall the kiss moment and the tension between the girls and Heather.
"Yeah, I don't know…" Owen muttered, "Lind and I are getting along very well."
"Let me tell you the truth about women." Duncan rolled his eyes, "They're all sisters, and when push comes to shove, they're gonna stick together." The punk throws his hands up in air, "Haven't you ever seen a chick flick before?"
"Well, yeah, but…" Owen slowly said but Duncan interrupted him.
"Look, man. Now's the time, when they don't see it coming, while we have element of surprise."
"Jeez, I'm not sure…" The oaf gulped and Duncan narrowed his eyes at him.
"Aaaaah!" Naruto blinked and he looks up to see Owen, dangling in the air as Duncan holds him up.
"Are you sure now?" The punk smirked.
"Okay, okay, okay!" Owen cried out, "We'll form our own alliance."
"…Not that I'm gonna to say anything but do you has to hold him over the lake to get him in your alliance, dattebayo?" Naruto called out as the boys turn to him with blinking eyes.
"Naru? What are you doing down there?" Owen asked as the punk pulls him up.
"Um…Hiding, remember?" The redhead raised his eyebrow.
"Oh!" The oaf smacked his forehead and Duncan rolled his eyes as he makes some plans in his head.
"Hey, Whiskers, can you meet us in the woods in a few minutes?" The punk said, receiving a thumb up from the redhead. "Hey, Owen, let's go." Duncan dragged Owen back to the cave and Naruto shakes his head with a smile as he climb down the cliffside, keeping eyes out for Chef.
"Now we're all agreed. Guys united and save our butts from elimination." Duncan grinned, holding hand out.
"Agreed!" Owen and DJ placed their hands on top of the punk's hand before throw them in air.
"Oh, I am so psyched! a dude alliance!" Owen chuckled, "I love it, it's so manly!"
"Wait, what about Naruto?" DJ asked.
"Oh, he'll be in the alliance after this challenge. I sent him to the woods for a plan of mine." The punk said, "DJ, Owen, here's the plan…"
Chef slowly walk on the path, unaware that Izzy was shadowing him and only hide each time the cooker turns around. "…Someone is watching me…And it ain't the camera…" Chef growled, his eyes scanned the woods.
Bridgette was thinking about a hiding spot as she walks into the campfire pit before gasped and snapped her fingers. She was about to take a step but a familiar voice called out to her and the surfer girl turn to see Owen waved at her from the woods. "Don't go this way, I just saw Chef going there!" The oaf said, "Come with me, I find a sweet spot!"
"Really? Thank, Owen!" Bridgette smiled as she follows her large friend.
(Main Lodge)
In the kitchen, Heather was hiding under the table with a scowl and mumbling to herself. "These bitches better not get invincibility…"
"Hey, Hazel!" The queen bee jumped, only to hit the table with her head and glared at Lindsay as she crawls out under the table. "What a coincidence. We are just, like, destined to hide together." The bombshell gushed.
"What?" Heather snarled, "What are you doing here? Can't you find your own hiding place?" The queen bee step closer to get in Lindsay's face, "This challenge is called 'Hide-and-seek', not 'hide in group and seek'!"
"But…" Lindsay whined with puppy eyes.
"Dig yourself a hole! Disguise yourself as a canoe! I don't care!" Heather shouted as she throws her arms up, "Just do it somewhere else!" The light came on and the girls glanced at the door to see Chef with a cruel smirk.
"This is my kitchen…" The cooker laughed evilly, "Also known as forbidden territory."
"Take her!" Heather shoved Lindsay into Chef and ran out of the main lodge, followed by screaming bombshell. Chef kicked the door opened and turns his head to see them running to the dock before fired his water gun. The girls never know what just happened, one minute they were running and the next minute, they were soaked and down on the ground. Chef smirked proudly as he step on them lightly like if they were his kill trophies.
"Now you two, wait here!" The cooker chuckled as he returned to the main lodge to check again to make sure that he doesn't miss any campers. After checking everything, he was about to leave the main lodge until he hear a sneeze from above him and looks up to see Izzy on the ceiling.
"Oops!" The crazy girl giggled, "I guess you heard that, huh?"
"…I just washed the…" Chef said, only to cut off by Izzy's foot to face.
"Yah, yah, yah!" The crazy girl shouted out as she flipped in air before landed on her feet and turn around to the cooker in stare down. Chef glances at his water gun before tossed it away and cracked his knuckles as Izzy cracked her neck in response. "Yah!" Izzy give out a battle cry as she charged at the cooker and trade blows to blows with furious speed. Chef was first to break it by shove her away with his palm, the crazy girl skidded on her feet before stopped halfway and wiped her mouth as the cooker smirked.
'Not bad, crazy maggot…' Chef thought as Izzy beckoned him to come. The cooker charged to her and trade another barrages of blows before the crazy girl dodge his punch by jumped into the air.
"Bye-bye!" Izzy giggled before kneed him in the face, sending him flying across the room as she jumped through the window. "You'll never get me alive!" Chef grabbed his tossed water gun and kicked the door open again to see the crazy girl running toward the dock. He chased her down as he pumping his water gun and aimed it on Izzy before fired it, sending her into the water.
"Yes!" Chef chuckled with fist pump.
Naruto yawned as he followed DJ and glanced at his giant friend, noticing that he was worrying about something. "DJ, what's wrong, dattebayo?" The redhead tilted his head.
"O-O-Oh, it's nothing." DJ stuttered and his redhead friend opened his mouth to say something but they heard Owen talking loudly.
"Just almost there, Bridge!"
"Um…You already said that five times." Bridgette's voice replied.
"Hey, was that Bri-chan…" Naruto asked, only to see DJ's hand scratched his birthmarks.
"Sorry, man!" The giant shouted out as he ran away from the redhead, grabbing Owen on his way.
"Um…What's going on?" Bridgette asked, turns her head back to see frozen Naruto and blinked at him. "Um…Naruto? Is there…Eeek!" She squeaked as her crush pulls her in hug and purred blissful, nuzzling his face in her hair. "N-N-Naruto?" The surfer girl blushed, glancing up to him and realized that he was in his purring mode like the first day they got here. Bridgette glanced around before hugging him with smile, glad that no one was around…
"I swear that teenagers are getting bolder each year." Her eyes widened as she glance to see smirking Chef and her face become redder.
"Um…It's not what it looks like?" Bridgette stuttered before the cooker fired his water gun at them and walks away from them.
"Enjoy your time with him." Chef chuckled, "Wait until everyone heard about that…"
"N-N-No, wait!" The surfer girl blushed heavily as Naruto purred on her.
"You think they're gonna be mad at us?" Owen asked.
"Oh, yeah. Big time." DJ gulped as he look down from the roof, they both decided to hide on roof of the main lodge. "…Is it me or did you hear something creaking?"
"Um, yeah, you're rig…Whoa!" They both cried out as they fall through the roof and stumbled out of the main lodge with dust.
"You guys are so busted." The boys looked up to see Heather smirked at them.
"Hey, I've got an idea." Lindsay said as she walks to the queen bee's side, "Since there are two of them, why don't I bust one of them so we both get invincibility?"
"Hey, I've got an idea." Heather lifted her index finger in air, "Find your own!" She snarled before grabbed the boys and dragged them to Chef as Lindsay blinked at them sadly.
After found Gwen under the grass blanket, the group of caught campers followed Chef before Heather glance around to see that her idiot was not around. "I wonder where idiot is hiding?"
"Oh, I caught him already." Chef chortled as he picks up a piece of green hair, "Brat must be still cuddling with this surfer maggot."
"Say what!" The queen bee snarled with a stomp, never noticed that DJ and Owen glanced at each other nervously, they just accidently fed the fire.
"Awww, I want to hug Red again." Izzy pouted.
"…I wonder where Duncan and Leshawna are hiding?" Gwen cupped her chin.
"How should I know?" Owen gulped nervously, "It's not like the guys are forming a guys-only alliance or anything!" Gwen turns to him with a raised eyebrow, "Okay, they are forming one, but Naru and I are not part of it…" The goth girl kept staring and he grasped his head, "Okay, you broke me! There is alliance, and I joined it! Naru will be in it after this challenge! I'm not supposed to tell you, but I did!" Owen sobbed, "There! Are you happy?"
"Wow, I really had to drag that out of you." Gwen snickered with a smirk.
"All right, you caught me!" Duncan shouted as they both turn around to see Chef carrying the punk out of the cave.
"Is that everyone?" Lindsay asked.
"What about Leshawna?" Owen pointed out.
"Leshawna?!" Chef gasped as he glancing around, "But I searched everywhere…" He paused, "The water!"
"What took you so long, sugar?" Leshawna smirked, sitting on the lifeguard chair in her swimsuit as Chef and his group ran into her sight. Chef smirked and nodded his head, proud of her clever idea as the campers ran to her and congratulating the sassy girl.
"All righty, campers!" Chris walks up to them with a grin, "Game's over. Time to pick the loser and send them home." The host glanced around, "Wait a minute…Where's Naruto and Bridgette?"
"Oh, I'll get the lovebirds." Chef chuckled as he walks toward the woods.
"They got together?" Chris blinked.
"Nope, the brat's in his bliss mode." The cooker answered, "Some fool scratched his whiskers."
(Girl's cabin)
"The guys are teaming up against us, and as much as it makes me wants to throw up, we have to vote as group if we want any chance of winning." Heather said to the girls with a glare.
"Well, I say we take Duncan out. He's mean and I'd tell him that to his face." Bridgette said and Leshawna nodded.
"Yeah, I don't trust this little criminal, even if he helps us out sometime." The sister admitted and it took a while until they finished their discussion.
"Hey, Lindsay." Heather whispered, "Vote for Bridgette, I want her gone today!" She remembers that Bridgette was planning to confess to her idiot and she can't have this happening.
"Huh, why?" Lindsay blinked at her, "I thought that we were gonna vote for Drake?"
"Just do it!" The queen bee snarled, causing the bombshell to nod with a gulp.
"I'm starting to think that maybe Holly isn't nice person after all." Lindsay mumbled, "She is breaking the sisterhood's rule and Brittany is really nice person."
Naruto purred blissful as he hold on Owen's head and the boys was discussing about whom they will vote for. "So it's agreed. We vote Bridgette off." Duncan said with a smirk.
"No, wait." Owen whined, "We have to get her together with Naru so some of us can win the pool bet."
"Oh, really?" Duncan sighed, "Do you want to win measly changes or do you want to win the game and get 100,000 bucks?"
"Why not Gwen or Izzy?" DJ asked, he left Heather and Leshawna out since they have invincibility.
"Yeah, but everyone likes Bridgette, and she's great at sports. We might not get another chance, dude." The punk replied, "All in favor for booting Bridgette?"
"Aye…" The oaf whimpered.
"Yeah." DJ sighed and Naruto just purred on Owen's head.
"That settles it." Duncan smirked, "Here's to the guys' alliance."
"Ugh, my head…What just happened, dattebayo?" Naruto groaned as he takes his marshmallow and joined the lucky campers. Only Owen, Duncan and Bridgette were left.
"Sorry, man. It was wrong of me." DJ whispered and the redhead waves it off with a smile.
"There are only two marshmallows left on this plate." Chris said, "You each racked up a lot of votes. One of you is going home tonight and cannot return…ever. The next marshmallow goes to…" He picked one marshmallow up and tossed it, "Owen."
"Whoo-hoo!" Owen cheered as he stood up and walk to the campers.
"The final marshmallow of the night goes to…" Chris grinned.
"…" Bridgette stares with her mouth open.
"…" Duncan watches on with blank expression.
"…" The host flicked the marshmallow, "Duncan!" The campers gasped at the revelation, "Okay, that was a shocker. Even I'm shocked, and I know the answer." Chris admitted.
"…I'll walk you there." Naruto said sadly, he was upset that one of his good friends was leaving.
"…Yeah, thank…" Bridgette sighed as she stood up and joined Naruto to the dock of shame.
(Dock of Shame)
"That really suck that you're leaving, dattebayo." Naruto sighed as he ruffled his hair and Bridgette shuffled her feet.
"Yeah…Naruto, I need to tell you something before I leave." The surfer girl said with blush, she can feel her heart beating faster.
"Hmm? What is it?"
"…For weeks since we got here on this island…I really have a great time with you every time we hang out together." Bridgette said as Naruto chuckled, "I realized something when I'm with you…You were so kind, so sweet, and fun…I really like you a lot…I really want to go out with you." The surfer girl look up into the redhead's eyes, "Naruto, I love you."
"W…W…W…" Naruto stuttered with red face.
"I know that it's shocking for you so that's why I want to tell you to take your time and I will wait for your answer when we'll see each other…" Bridgette smiled at him softly and she felt very bold so she decided to lean up to him and kiss him tenderly. Naruto's face turn more redder as Bridgette broke away and step on the boat before turn to him with gentle smile and lovely eyes. "I'll wait for your answer…I love you."
"Y…Y…Yeah…" The redhead stuttered before fainted from overload. She giggled as the ship took her away from the island.
"About time!" Leshawna giggled as some campers snickered at the fainted redhead. Only Heather was not happy about it and growled at the retreating ship with deadly glare.
"I'll get him." DJ chuckled, walking over to lift Naruto and carry him back to the cabin.
"Lucky bastard, two kisses in one day?" Duncan laughed out loudly.
"…Oz!" Lindsay called out to Owen as he turned to her with blinked eyes.
"Yeah, Lind?"
"Well, after seeing Brooke confessed to Nikko, it gives me courage…" Lindsay blushed, "Oren, I like you, like, a lot. I know that I'm not smart and don't have a great memories but I really really really like you a lot."
"R-R-Really? Me too!" Owen stuttered with a grin and blush as he picks Lindsay up with a hug. "I like you a lot too!"
"Me too!" The bombshell giggled with a blush before they slowly kiss each other.
"What is that, a lovefest?" Heather growled lowly as she stomped past them.
Naruto stares off into sea, it has been three days after Bridgette's confession. "Hey, boy, still have her on your mind?" The redhead blinked as he looks to his side to see Leshawna sat down on the stair with a smirk.
"Um…Yeah…It's kinda shocking for me…" Naruto sighed, scratched the back of his head as he watches the other campers playing with Frisbee and he can see Heather was sunbath with her friend.
"Yeah, a love confession can do that to some people." The sassy girl nodded.
"Hmm, yeah…To be honest, I've never think of getting in relationship until Bridgette confessed to me, dattebayo." The redhead said.
"Really? You don't? Not even one fantasy about be with your crush?" Leshawna asked with raised eyebrow.
"…Well, yeah, I had a crush for a short time before…I guess that counted as thinking about relationship."
"Yet…Who was your crush?" The sister smirked at the blushing redhead.
"N-N-no comment, dattebayo." Naruto stuttered before standing up and called out to the campers, "Hey, toss me the Frisbee!"
'He so did that on purpose to avoid the topic.' Leshawna rolled her eyes as she joined them.
It wasn't long until the loudspeaker feedback, catching everyone's attention, and Chris' voice speak out with a chuckle. "Morning, campers! Your next challenge awaits you at the arts-and-crafts center."
"About time we have something to do." Heather grunted, she want to kick Gwen off right away for stole her idiot's first kiss.
(Arts-and-Crafts Center)
Chris pulled up his ATV and jumped off with a grin. "Welcome to the arts-and-crafts center."
"More like the arts-and-crap center." Duncan sighed with crossed arms.
"Yeah." The host grinned, "It used to be an outhouse…"
"How the hell is that an outhouse? It's huge, dattebayo." Naruto said.
"…Anyway…" Chris rolled his eyes, "Now it's where Chef parks his road hog." The host kicked the door open to reveal the cooker's motorcycle.
"Beaut!" Duncan grinned.
"Awesome!" Owen said in awe as DJ and Naruto nodded with him. The girls rolled their eyes at the boys' reactions.
"Which brings us to your challenge…" Chris chuckled, "Building your own wheels."
"Hot rods!" Owen cheered, "Awesome, give me five!" He holds out for Duncan, only receiving a glare. "Woo…" The oaf whined.
"You'll find all the parts you need in our bike depot." The host explained as he gesturing at the pile of dismantled bikes.
"Bicycles!" Owen cheered again before blinked at the campers, "Less awesome but still cool, right?"
Chris rolled his eyes, "Once you've collected the basics, trick them out any way you want using props from the arts-and-crafts center." Chris put on his helmet as he drives his ATV past them, "Best design wins…and to prove that I'm a nice guy, I'm even throwing the bike manual." The host tossed the said book at them.
"Ew! It's furry!" Heather said after caught the book and tossed it in air, only to be catch by Izzy.
"Cool! Mold spores!" The crazy girl giggled.
"Freak…We get first dibs." Heather called out to the campers.
"Oh-oh-oh!" Owen ran up to the pile, "I'm gonna make my dream bike!"
"Oh my gosh, me too!" Lindsay giggled next to him, "Every year at Christmas, I asked for a sunset sally bike but never got one…" She pouted.
"Really?" Owen gasped, "Maybe I will get you one for your Christmas…if you want me to."
"Oh, O! That's so sweet of you!" The bombshell hugged the oaf with a smile, earning a blush out of her large boyfriend. They both agreed that she can call him by O to make it easy for her to remember.
"Enough with mushy stuff." Duncan cut in as he dragged Owen away from his girlfriend and whispered to him. "If we want to vote the chicks out, then our bikes have to kick ass. Capiche?"
"Yeah!" Owen cheered.
"Hmm, I guess so." Naruto rubbed his head, focusing on find the bike parts that he need. He just agreed to join the alliance but the truth is that he only votes for whoever he wants and they don't know it.
"Guys' alliance…" DJ gulped nervously, the boys never know that Heather was listening in.
"The guys think they're so stealth, building their little alliances." Heather smirked, "It's kind of cute, really. But why work on your own bike when you can get someone to do it for you."
Heather stopped Lindsay on her way to the girls and whispered to her. "See that motor thingy with all the fancy exhausts?" She handed the bombshell a wrench, "Dismantle it and make it fast, before Chef shows up."
"But what about my bike?" Lindsay asked, "I want to win, too!"
"Of course, you do." Heather said, "But looks at it this way. Who else can I save your butt unless I win? We're BFFs, remember? Would I steer you wrong?"
"Yeah, we're BFF." Lindsay smiled before the queen bee pushes her into the arts-and-crafts center building and blocks the girls. "Oh, unh-unh." Heather waved her index finger, "We're going in first. You'll just have to wait your turn or you can save yourself the effort and not even bother." The girls glared at the queen bee before a seagull shit on her head, sent her running and screaming.
"Got to love Karma." Gwen laughed with the girls.
Naruto was working on his bike and chuckled as soon as he heard Owen farted from working too hard on the tire. "Whisker time!" A familiar voice cried out.
"Oh no-O-O-O-Ooooooooo!" Naruto purred out as Izzy rubbed his whiskers, "I-I-Izzy!"
"Hiya, Red!" The crazy girl giggled, "Come with me, I gotta show you the bike!"
"Um…" The redhead glanced back at the smirking boys before shrugged, "Sure. I'll check it out, dattebayo." He stood up and following the skipping crazy girl.
"Poor sucker. I hate to be in one of love web." DJ shakes his head with a chuckle.
"I hear you." Duncan snickered.
"Whoa, how did you do that?" Naruto said with widened eyes as Izzy modeled on her bike, made out of woods.
"Oh, my brother was a mechanic before he got run over by and developed a fear of motor vehicles." Izzy grinned, "Come on, let's take it for test-drive with me!"
"Really? But there's only one seat…" Naruto said.
"Oh, just sit here." The crazy girl patted the bike's seat and the redhead shrugged before he saddled the bike. Izzy grinned at him and before he knows it, she sat on top of Naruto's lap.
"I-I-Izzy?!" The redhead stuttered, only to scream out as soon as Izzy starts to pedal the bike as fast as she can. "Wait! We're going down the slope!" Naruto shrieked before they went down the hill.
Heather blinked at her nails, did she just heard her idiot give out a shriek? "Nah!" She shook her head before Lindsay hold out a doll to her.
"Look! It's an ugly doll with pretty hair, just like you!" Lindsay grinned and Heather was not sure if it was an insult or compliment. "I'm gonna use her for my bike." The bombshell smiled, only to see her leader glaring at her.
"I think sometimes I say the wrong thing." Lindsay admitted, "Once I told my math teacher that his new hairpiece looked like my dog's butt, but he really took it the wrong way." She shrugged with a smile, "My dog has the cutest, curly, little butt. It was a compliment."
"Who's the motherfucker that destroyed my motorcycle?!" Chef roared, holding his broken parts. "I just paid my last payments!"
DJ was testing out his helmet before Owen speaks up, "Do you guys remember your first bike ride?"
"Oh yeah!" Duncan chuckled, "I wiped out so bad, I popped my collarbone. You could see it sticking right out of my shoulder. It was so wick!"
"Oh, that's nothing!" Owen laughed, "I popped my arm right out of my socket. It took three doctors to hold me down while they slingshot it back into place." They both sighed, "Good times." They never noticed the paled giant dropped his helmet before placing a lot of armors on himself.
"Campers, time to judge your bikes." Chris' voice speaks out of the loudspeaker, "Put your pedal to the metal and meet me at the craft center."
"Aren't we at the center already?" Leshawna raised her eyebrows.
"Well, campers, we gave you the parts." Chris grinned as he walks up to the campers, "Let's see what you came up with." He glanced at Heather's bike, "Excellent aerodynamics, Heather."
"It only weighs two ounces." The queen bee gave him a smug smirk.
"Like her brain." Gwen mocked as the host walk to her bike.
"Spooky yet practical. Well done." Chris nodded as he walk to next bike, "Wicked 'mad max' mobile, Duncan!"
The host turns to Lindsay's bike and the bombshell smiled at him. "Go ahead. Ring her bell." Chris pushed the bell, only to hear nothing and look at the bombshell with weird look. "The real bell has sound effects like this." Lindsay said before neighed at the host.
'…That's horse, not bell…' Chris rolled his eyes as he passed her to the next bike and glance at armor-cladded DJ. "Dude? Seriously? This is lame." The giant looked down as the host walked to Leshawna's bike, "That's a nice bike there, girl!"
"Thank!" Leshawna grinned, her bike was just an normal mountain bike, made out of woods and few metals. "It's best to go with simple instead of fancy."
"Oh, I hear you there!" Chris chuckled before Owen rolled up to him on his small tricycle, "Owen, nice job…" He glanced around, "Hey, where's Naruto and Izzy?"
"Beat me, Izzy dragged him off to somewhere." Duncan shrugged.
Naruto screamed out, tightened his arms on Izzy as she snuggled up against his chest with her back. "Yah!" The crazy girl giggled out as the bike kept went down the longest slope.
(Arts-and-Crafts Center)
"Well, their losses, 'cause this is where it gets good." Chris grinned with raised fist, "We're gonna ride these babies…Hard!"
"Ha! Awesome, because my bike is built for speed." Heather bragged, "Right, Lindsay?"
"Totally!" The said girl nodded.
"Yeah, unfortunately, you won't be riding it, Heather." The host chuckled, "You'll be switching bikes!" The campers stared at him with widened eyes, "Yeah, cruel twist, huh? All righty, then see you at beach." Heather scowled at his back.
Chris rolled on his ATV and stopped in front of the campers with angry Chef. "Okay, here's how it works." The host explained as he pulls out his helmet, "Everyone picks a name out of the helmet to see whose bike you're riding. If your bike makes it across the finish line, then you get to ride it in the final round." The campers picked out and look at their paper, only Heather look unpleased by that.
"Hey, looky!" Lindsay walks up to the scowling queen bee with a smile, "I got your bike."
"Excellent." Heather pulls the bombshell to her side, "If you cross the finish line on my bike, then I get to ride and Gwen will be out here by night! So if it looks like you're losing, just push the red button." Lindsay nodded at her as she glanced at the red button on Heather's bike.
"Now before we start…" Chris spoke, "Has anyone seen Naruto or Izzy?"
"How the hell is that possible!" Naruto shouted out as the bike raced across the water and Izzy giggled at his screaming face.
The campers lined up on their chosen bikes before Chris nodded at them with a grin. "Okay, racers. Get on your marks, get set…" The host turned his head, "Paramedics on standby…And drag!" The campers took off on their bikes but a few campers don't take off.
"Hey, where's the pedals?" Owen shouted at Duncan, attempting to find them on the bike.
"Ugh!" Heather grunted out, trying to move her chosen bike but it won't even move an inch.
Gwen groaned out with teary eyes as the dust flew into her eyes, courtesy of Duncan on Lindsay's bike. "Okay, this is so messed up, but yee-ha!" The punk laughed out, "This is one booming ride!"
"I know, right!" Lindsay said as she pedaled past the punk.
'I'm safe, I'm safe, I'm safe!' DJ thought with smile, he was riding Leshawna's bike without any mishaps.
"Sweet ride, isn't it? Don't worry, nothing will happen to you." Leshawna called out to the giant on Gwen's bike. Somehow, she jinxed it as her bike fall apart under DJ's weight and he cried out. "Whoa!" Leshawna screamed out, crashed into the dismantled bike and fall down.
"Got to wear jock…" DJ whined in pain before cried out as soon as Heather crashed into them with his bike since she wasn't paying attention.
Back at the starting line, Owen scratched his head and look around the bike before staring at the skull on Duncan's bike. He grabbed it and pull to find out there was a string connected to the skull. "Huh?" Owen let go of it and the bike just revved before it took off at high speed. "Yaaaaaaaaaaah!" The oaf screamed out as he crossed the finish line, accidently buried Chef under the sand. The cooker waved his flag as Lindsay, Duncan, and Gwen crossed the finish line.
"Yes!" Chris chuckled, "We have three awesome wipeouts by Heather, Leshawna, and DJ! Four winners…Owen's fun machine, Heather's speed machine, Lindsay's sunset sally, and Duncan's lethal machine."
"Yah! How do I stop this thing!" Owen cried out on Duncan's still-going bike.
"Slam the hood ornament!" The punk called out and Owen did it before it sends him flying in the air and crashed into Chef.
"Awesome finish, Owen!" Chris laughed harder as he drove his ATV away from them, "It's time to head over to the TDI motorcross!"
"Is this the part where you help saving my butt from being voted out?" Lindsay asked.
"Not yet." Heather smiled at her, "We have to make sure we win this part of challenge, too. So get your 'A' game on."
"Ow, ow, ow!" Naruto cried out as they raced through the thorny vines, "Hold on, Alvin!" He yelled at the chipmunk on his head, somehow they accidentally pick the creature up on their way. Alvin squeaked out as his fur peeled out.
"Isn't it fun!" Izzy giggled, enjoying the feeling of Naruto's chest.
The three losers sat on top of the hill and watch the four finalists rolling up to the starting line. "Wow, sweet wheels!" Owen grinned at his girlfriend.
"I know, right?" Lindsay giggled before kiss his cheek, "For good luck, O…P.S. I love yours."
"Hehehe, yeah!" The oaf giggled with blush on his face as he pecks her cheek too.
"Dude…" Duncan pulled Owen's ear, "Enough with flirting and focus..Or I'll gonna kick your ass into next week."
"Focus, right!" Owen gulped with thumb-up, "Negatory on fun. Done!"
"Campers, welcome to the…" Chris said, "Moto…Moto…Cross…Cross…Challenge…Challege!"
"Dude, why are you faking echo?" Duncan deadpanned.
"Using your own bikes, you'll race the course, avoiding the hidden pitfalls." The host ignored the punk, "Cue the deathtraps! There's dodging the land mines…" Some exploded in front of the group, "Maneuvering though the oil slick, and finally, jumping the piranhas…" The piranhas jumped out of the water pit as the racers gulped, "Oh, and one more thing…Last one to cross the finish line will get boot off the island…No bonfire, do not pass go, do not collect a marshmallow."
"What…" Owen and Duncan muttered in unison.
"Okay, so here's our strategy…" Heather whispered to Lindsay, "We have to stick together so that one of us wins the race. You go first and clear a path through the mines."
"Uh-huh…" The bombshell whispered softly.
"Then go through the oil slick so I can see how to get through it."
"If you make it through those two parts, then the third part is easy. Just keep the piranhas busy while I sneak though."
"Wait!" Lindsay gasped, "Then you'll win, not me."
"Exactly." Heather smirked.
"I was thinking it would be really fun if I won a challenge for myself for once." The bombshell really wants to have her first individual victory.
"Yeah, that's a great idea in theory." The queen bee rolled her eyes, "But then who would come up with all the new strategies to get us through to the next week?"
"Ri-Right…" Lindsay sighed, "Okay…"
"Don't worry." Heather said, "If the piranhas don't eat you, then you'll definitely be second, which means Owen or Duncan will be off the island…"
"But I don't want O to lose…" The bombshell whimpered.
"Ugh…He won't lose, I promise…" The queen bee scoffed softly.
"Racers!" Chris raised his arm in air before bring it down, "Take your positions…And go!" He watches on as the racers raced off into his deathtrap course. Owen was first to drop out, thank to the land mine, and he cried out as Chef ducked under him before a tire hit him in the head.
"Can't I have break!" The cooker groaned. It has been a bad day for him since someone destroyed his ride. Lindsay cheered as she launched into the sky from the land mine and landed right behind Duncan. The punk slide on the oil slick and fall down, soaking himself with the oil as Lindsay rolled by him, clearing the path for Heather in process. The bombshell widened her eyes at the upcoming piranha pit and tried to brake her bike but the speed of her bike actually carried her across the water and made it, only to balancing her bike between the land and the pit.
'Good!' Heather smirked, pushed her red button and the engine revved inside the bike's toolbox. It send her bike flying in the air, soared above Lindsay's head and landed on the finish line as Chef waved his flag.
"And we have our winner! Heather!" Chris announced on his ATV and the campers groaned.
"Yeah! You won!" Lindsay cheered, "We did it. We're safe!"
"That's not exactly true." The host stepped in, "Heather is safe because her bike crossed the line first, but since Duncan and Owen wiped out and didn't complete the race, they technically didn't cross the line at all, which makes you the last one to cross the line, which means it's 'Dock of Shame' time, baby!"
"Okay, I'm so confused." The bombshell said, she can't understand what the host was saying in one breath.
"It means I can't save you until I give you the victory." Heather explained, "But I can't do that, too risky. You understand." The queen bee smirked as she walks away.
"But I won." Lindsay grabbed her arm, "I even built your bike."
"I don't know what she's talking about." Heather laughed, "You should just leave with your dignity intact. It will make you seem much more cuter in the instant replays." The campers gasped at them.
"But we were going to the final three together." The bombshell said with widened eyes.
"Guess not."
"Aren't you even sad?" Lindsay asked, "We're BFF…"
"Yeah, for the contest." Heather shrugged with crossed arms, "It's not like we're gonna be best friends for life or anything."
"I can't believe you just said that but we pinkie-swore…" Lindsay gasped, "You mean I've been helping you all this time and you didn't even like me?"
"Truth?" The bombshell nodded, "Not really, no." Heather raised her eyebrow at the glaring campers, "What? We're not here to make friends. We're here to become celebrities, remember?"
"Ooh, that's cold, brah!" Duncan dropped his jaws.
"Oh, like you're such a team player." Heather flipped her hair, "All you do is go around scaring the crap out of everyone."
"At least I'm straight with people." The punk said.
"That's true." Leshawna nodded.
"Whatever!" The queen bee rolled her eyes, "I'm not going anywhere soon."
"This week, you are so mean!" Lindsay muttered, "And all that bad stuff people said about you is true…" She lashed out, "Like how you're a two-faced, backstabbing, lying, little motherfucker!" She flipped Heather the bird as the campers watched on. Chris and Chef glanced at each other with widened eyes. "I always told them they were wrong! I stood up for you because I thought we were BFF, but they're right! You are really a two-faced, backstabbing, lying, little, motherfucker!" She continued to ranting and cussing out.
"Dude, your girl has quite a mouth on her." Duncan whispered to Owen and he nodded at the punk.
"And guess what?" Lindsay growled, "I don't want to be BFF anymore. I'd rather spend the day staring at O's cute ass than shopping with you! And P.S., your shoes are tacky!"
"Yeah, you tell her, girl!" Leshawna laughed with the campers.
"Go jump in the piranha pool." Heather was about to walk away until everyone heard Naruto's voice.
"Stop this thing!" The redhead wailed out as Izzy's bike flew off the hill and into the water.
"Whoo-hoo! That was fun!" The crazy girl giggled as they stumbled out of the water, "What a rush! It makes me want to do something…like…like…" She turns around and jumped on Naruto, wrapped her legs around his waist as he hold her up.
"Izzy? What are you do…Mmph!" The redhead widened his eyes as Izzy kiss him, forcing her tongue down his throat.
"Whoa…" Leshawna blinked at the crazy girl's bold move. She takes a glance at Heather and smirked after seeing her gaping expression.
"Whoo-hoo! That was so great!" Izzy giggled after her make-out with Naruto.
"…" Naruto said nothing as he stared at her with dropped jaw.
"I just swear that she was grinding on Whiskers." Duncan laughed, holding his sides.
"Well, everyone was kissing him and I don't want to miss out." Izzy grinned.
"Bitch!" Heather cried out as she throws her fists around, "I worked so hard to enforce a rule at my school that no bitch would come near my idiot! Now it's all ruined, thank to these bitches!"
(Dock of Shame)
The campers lined up to watch Lindsay leaving the island. "Thank for all your support, Greta. I love you, Lequisha." Lindsay said with a smile.
"Take care, girl!" Leshawna hugged the bombshell, "If it makes you feel better, we would have kept you on."
"Really? Thanks!" Lindsay smiled, "Kick Hanna's ass for me." She stopped in front of the boys, "Bye guys, see you at the finale." She turned to Naruto, "Can you look after O for me?"
"Sure, dattebayo." The redhead grinned at her.
"Thank…" Lindsay walk to the upsetting oaf, "Awww, I gonna miss you the most."
"Lind!" Owen wailed as he hugged Lindsay.
"There, there, O." Lindsay kissed him softly, "I love you."
"I love you too!" The oaf sniffed, releasing her and Naruto patted his back.
"Good luck, Holly." The bombshell said as she walk past Heather and climb on the ship. "I hope you get everything your karma owes you. Okay, I'm ready!" The ship sailed off as the campers watch on.
"Well, campers, anyone up for a movie night?" Chris chuckled, "Everyone, meet up at the campfire at night for the movie. See you later." He turned on his heels and walk away as the campers returned to their cabins but one of them followed him.
Chris whistled before someone calls him out and he groaned, he doesn't want to talk to this certain camper. "What do you want, Naruto?" The host rolled his eyes, thankful that there was no camera around.
"Um…Well…" The redhead rubbed his head bashful, "I was figuring that we would spend some time together to getting know each other…"
"Naruto, I don't know what kind of lies Kushina just told you but I'm not your father." Chris ran hand across his hair.
"She doesn't lie! It's the truth! There is a DNA test and it confirmed that you are my tou-san…Why can't you accept that I'm your son!" Naruto shouted at him.
"That's enough, Naruto! Enough of it! I told you and I'm going to say this time, I'm not your daddy! Kushina lied to you and if you're after money or fifteen minutes of fam…" He was cut off by the punch in stomach from tearful redhead.
"She never told a lie, you know that! I'm not either after these things! Don't you have any idea how long I have to wait for you to show up and take me in when kaa-san died! I thought you will accept me if I told you the truth! I always kept hoping that you will come for me because I need you! You…You…You bastard! I hate you!" Naruto cried out with tears before he ran away from the host as he winced.
"Wait…Ugh…" Chris groaned, the redhead was right about one thing. Kushina would never tell a lie in her life and if she did, everyone can see through it. "Great…" Chris muttered as he walks away from the woods, he was still denying the fact that the redhead was his son.
The clearing was silence until the cooker stepped out behind a tree with crates. "…The fuck?" Chef muttered with widened eyes, he just accidentally walk on their conversation when he was getting things ready for horror challenge. He frowned, starting to see some resemblances between Naruto and Chris. "Oh boy…" The cooker groan, it looks like he's going to have a talk with his boss. If the brat was telling the truth about DNA test, then it looks like Chris really screwed up this time.
Heather noticed that there was something wrong with Naruto since the campers got together to watch the movie and some of the campers noticed it but they decided not to bother him for now. "He's coming out of the woods with a big, hacking chainsaw." Izzy grinned, "That's so cool!"
"Oh no!" Owen gasped, "Psycho killer man's going for the car!"
"Yo, fool couple, stop making out and start the car!" Leshawna throw her popcorns at the screen.
"They're gonna be chainsaw sushi!" Izzy giggled before hugged Naruto's arm out of fear as soon as the woman on the film screamed out.
"Great Canadian Cheese!" Owen jumped on his feet, "Now the car won't start!"
"Oh, man! I hate scary movies!" DJ looked away.
"Run!" Izzy jumped, "The Psycho's gonna get you!"
"Here comes the blood fest!" Gwen smirked before she gives a small frown, noticing that the redhead was not paying attention. "Something wrong, Naruto?" She whispered to him, only to get a headshake. The goth girl sighed lightly before watch the rest of the movie.
"Aw, the chainsaw psycho's going back to the woods." Izzy cheered, "He's getting away! Yah, good ending!" She jumped on Naruto's lap, "Izzy love scary movies!"
"Yeah…" Naruto muttered as the boys glanced at each other.
"Whoo! Am I ever glad that's over." DJ sighed as soon as the movie ended, "I really hate scary movies."
"Oh yeah? What scares you most?" Duncan smirked, "The part where everyone meets a grisly death or the psycho killer with…A HOOK!" The punk pulls out a hook, causing DJ to scream out and everyone, but Naruto, laughed at the cowering giant.
"Not cool, man!" DJ whined.
"Aw, come on, Deej." Gwen giggled as she packed the movie, "For a slasher flick, it was pretty tame."
"Yeah, there was hardly any hacking." Duncan chuckled, "Not like bloodbath two, summer camp reign of terror."
"No way, that's my favorite movie!" The goth girl perked up and starts to acting out some part of her favorite movies. "I love when the killer jams that guy's hand into the lawn mower."
"Or when he pushes the chick off the deck and then she lands on a propeller blade that slices her in half." The punk grinned before they both speak in unison, "Or when he shoves that big dude's head inside the wood chipper."
"…I would shove his head in the wood chipper, dattebayo…" Naruto whispered bitterly and no one heard him but someone did and this person was about to ask him before Heather scoffed at them.
"Aw, looks like Gwen and Duncan have something in common than bad fashion sense." The queen bee crossed her arms, "It's just mindless guts and gore."
"Horror movies aren't mindless!" Gwen defended.
"Yeah, they're loaded with psychological trauma." Duncan supported her, "Look at DJ."
"Whatever!" Heather growled, "Do anyone have any idea what and when our next challenge will be?"
"Yeah…" Owen nodded before they hear the boat revved loudly and walk toward the dock to see Chef tossed the bags on the boat with the host.
"Yo, Chef, where's the fire?" Duncan asked but the cooker stared at them with fear before jump on the ship and they sailed out as fast as they can.
"Dude, you forget that!" Owen called out, picking up a backpack before blinked at the newspaper and opened it to read the headline out loud. "Escaped psycho killer on the loose. Be on the lookout for a man wearing hockey mask with a hooked hand and carrying a chainsaw."
"He's on the loose!" Izzy giggled.
"Oh come on!" Heather muttered, "They don't expect us to fall for this. Scary movie followed by hasty exit, followed by strategically placed lame prop."
"I-I-I don't know." DJ stuttered, "Chef looked pretty spooked."
"Please!" The queen bee rolled her eyes, "It's all their part of their little stunt to freak us out."
"If it's was a stunt, would Chris leave behind his hair gel?" Owen raised the bottle, drawing out gasps from the campers before Naruto grabbed it and throw it at the sea with angry expression.
"Whoa, this is for real!" Gwen cried out, it seems that no one noticed Naruto's angry face.
"Let me get this straight." DJ gulped, "Chris left us for dead, and now we're alone, while that escaped psycho killer with the chainsaw is on loose?"
"No, we're alone while that escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook is on the loose." Duncan pulls out a hook with a chuckle as the giant screamed on top of his lung.
"I told you, dude, not funny!" DJ whimpered.
"Ugh, neither is your chicken-little routine." Leshawna rolled her eyes, "Get a grip, bro."
"I can't help it." The giant replied, "I felt like I'm being watched."
"Duh, it's a reality show!" Heather said with narrowed eyes, "We're always being watched."
(Monitors Tent)
Chris laughed at the monitors, "Heather's right and tonight, we're watching to see who can survive a real-life scary movie with special guest appearance by the escaped psycho killer with chainsaw and a hook!" The host raised a hook with a smirk. The camera stopped recording and it wasn't long until he heard his phone ringing on the other side, Chris turns his head to Chef as the cooker puts on his costume. "Hey, Chef, can you answer it for me?"
"Sure…" Chef mumbled, picking up the phone and answered it. "Hello? Chris is little busy, may I take a message?" The cooker blinked, "Oh, hello, doctor." Chris jumped with paled face before he ran to his co-worker to steal the phone back but Chef holds his head back at arm length.
"Gimme! Gimme!" Chris shouted, flailing his arms around but the cooker ignored him.
"Hmm, ah, yeah, yeah…Oh, it's matched…Yeah…" Chef nodded his head as he listened to the doctor on phone, "Can I ask you a question? How many times did he have it tested?" His eyes widened, "Fool say what?! Seventy-one times?!" Chef glared at sweating host, "Oh, I'm going to beat it into him…Talk, beat, same difference! Thank, bye." The cooker tossed the phone at the host and glared at him. "…Seventy-one times?"
"Um…Maybe he got it wrong again?" Chris said nervously.
"He said that seventy-one out of seventy-one matched…" Chef sighed, "Look, it's not my business but you have to accept the fact that Naruto is your kid…"
"Wait, how did you know that it's Nar…"
"I overhear you two few hours ago." The cooker grunted, "I know that you're having hard time with the knowledge that you have a son but I think you should just give him a chance, maybe he'll grow on you."
"Ugh…But he has friends…Just go and scare some kids…" Chris mumbled, waving him away.
"Fine…" Chef sighed as he walks toward the exit, "One more thing…Brat really went through a lot of things and he doesn't need friends for this, he needs a family...You're all he has left." The cooker stepped out and walk toward the campsite.
The host sighed, "I…I need more time…"
"Okay, look." Gwen sighed, tried to calm the campers down. "It don't matter whether this is real or a challenge. We need a game plan."
"Yeah, yeah, we need a game plan." DJ whimpered before Heather leans in with scowl.
"You little fright wigs might need a game plan, but I need a shower!" The queen bee walks past the campers.
"Are you crazy?" Gwen deadpanned, "First rule of slasher films, never go off alone."
"I might actually listen to you if I were in a movie." Heather replied with an eyeroll, "We're being punked. You're so gullible…Hey, Chris, if you're listening, next time rent one that take place at a summer camp!" She turns to the campers with hands on her hip, "If you losers want to hang out around and play boogeyman, go ahead. But I have got a date with exfoliation."
"And the bossy, mean chick seals her fate." Izzy giggled lowly as the queen bee walks off and make a slicing sound effect.
"Wow!" Owen gasped, "You're really good at sound effects!"
"I say we go back to camp and talk strategy." Gwen ordered her fellow campers, "Who's in?" Duncan shrugged his shoulders before walk off, followed by the campers.
"I'm really scared, man!" DJ shivered, "But I'm more worrying about Naruto, he actually doesn't say a word since the movie started…Maybe he's scared inside?"
"Okay, rule number one, do not go off on your own." Gwen paced around the campfire as she warned them about the rules of slasher film. "Rule number two, if you do not go off on your own, never go in the woods…Rule number three, if you do go in the woods, never, ever, ever make out in the woods, or you will die in the woods." The goth girl scanned the campers before she noticed that they were missing one more camper, "Where's Izzy?"
"Breaking rules one and two." Duncan chuckled, "She said that she want to hunt the psycho killer dude."
"She's doomed!" Owen gulped.
"Yo, psycho killer man!" Izzy called out, her voice echoed through the forest. "Come out, psycho killer! Let's fight!" She giggled.
'Crazy maggot be crazy!' Chef rolled his eyes behind the hockey mask before he appeared behind the crazy girl and the cooker inhaled deeply, startled the girl. Izzy quickly turns around to see the killer with revving chainsaw and she screamed out, running away from him. She may be a crazy but not crazy enough to go against a chainsaw. The cooker chased her down and cornered her at the cliff.
"Noooo!" Izzy screamed out as Chef picks her up with his hook and carry her away to the monitors tent.
Naruto slumped on the tree stump, glance at the chart that Gwen set up, with all campers on it. "Okay, now that I've drawn a chart of all the players." The goth girl said as she turns around and blinked. "We can…Where is Owen and DJ?"
"DJ had to take a leak, so he took fatso with him." Duncan answered with a smirk.
DJ glanced around nervously, "Okay, no matter what, you do not leave, not if you hear a psycho, not if you see a psycho, not if a psycho is slashing you to bits."
"Buddy, don't worry!" Owen chuckled, "I got your back." The giant nodded as he entering the bathroom and the oaf whistled before he hears the familiar song of ice-cream truck. "Ice cream? Whooo-hooo!" Owen cheered, running off to the source of the song.
"Hello?" DJ whispered inside the bathroom before he gasped at the sight of Heather with green facial mask and screamed loudly.
"DJ, it's me." Heather raised her eyebrow, "Heather?" The giant ran through the door, leaving behind the DJ-sized hole. The queen bee sighed as she stepped into the shower and let the water running down her body. She stared at her feet and frowned as she remembers this afternoon when Izzy just make out with her idiot. That is the third time that Naruto got kissed by someone that is not her and she felt that it was unfair.
She believe that she deserve to be with Naruto because she has been there for him through everything. She was there when his mother died, she was there when he got stabbed by his stalker, she was there when he was having hard time, and she was there when he was still alone. She wants to be there for the rest of his life and she felt afraid that she's losing him to these bitches who were not there when he need someone…She realized that she don't like the idiot because…she truly love him more than anyone and it kept growing everyday.
The screaming giant kept ran across the island, even the underwater with muffled scream and before he knows it, Izzy slapped across his face. "Wha…" DJ looked around to see that he was in some kind of tent.
"Dude, you're safe." Chris said with a grin.
"I am?" DJ sighed, sitting down and flinched when he saw Chef in his psycho costume.
"It's just Chef." The host informed, "He was gonna scare the bejabbers out of you, but apparently Heather beat him to it."
"Bro, did you see her face?" The giant shivered, "That was some serious ugly going on."
"…True, but you still bailed before Chef even got a crack at you." Chris smirked, "Speak of which, you're up, psycho man." Chef nodded and walks out with a smirk.
Heather turns off the shower before give out a growl when she hears someone breathing heavily out of her shower stall. "Not funny, pervert! Get lost!" The sound of heavy breathing increased before she slammed the door open, "I'm serious! Get lost, perv…" She stared at the killer with widened eyes.
"…Aaaaah!" Heather screamed loudly before fainted on the spot. Chef shook his head as he pick the queen bee up and carry her to the monitor tent.
"Heat-chan?" Naruto blinked at the sound of his friend's screaming as Gwen returned from her search for the large boys.
"Where's Leshawna?" The goth girl asked with her hands in air.
"She went to get some chow." Duncan jabbed his thumb at the main lodge.
"Oh, come on! Don't anyone even listen to me?!" Gwen huffed out as she sat down next to Naruto and crossed her arms. It wasn't long until they heard the screaming of the sassy girl. "See, I told you to never go off alone!" The goth girl groaned out, burying her head in hands.
"Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream." Owen hummed as his eyes glance around for the truck, he never noticed that he was followed by the killer until the psycho tapped the oaf's shoulder. "Oh, hey, did you see any ice cream truck…" Owen blinked at the killer before give out a bloodcurdling scream.
(Monitors Tent)
Chef dragged the fainted oaf in the tent and dropped him. "He is so going to have a nightmare after that." Chris chuckled.
"Dude shouldn't bail out on me early." DJ pointed out as they stared at downed Owen.
"Everyone better got a piece of brownies before he get up." Leshawna said, taking one piece of brownies and ate it.
"I guess DJ and Owen bit the dust." Gwen muttered as she crossed the said campers out, "You know what really ticks me off? That I was trying to help them."
"Live and learn, sweetheart." Duncan smirked as he set the sticks on fire.
"You are really a pyro, aren't you?" The goth girl placed her hands on hip.
"So? I like burning stuff." The punk shrugged.
"We could set his trailer on fire, dattebayo." Naruto whispered softly that not even the audio can pick it up. Gwen and Duncan glanced at each other with concern about the sulking redhead.
"Um…So is that why you went to juvie for?" Gwen asked the punk, trying to get Naruto away from something on his mind.
"Like I'd tell you why I went to juvie." Duncan scoffed, accidentally set the chart on fire.
"Holy shit!" Gwen ran off, "I'll get water!"
"Now it's down to us…" The punk smirked as he stood up and walk toward the dock. "Don't die, Whiskers."
"Whatever…" Naruto muttered as Gwen ran back and doused the fire.
"Hey, where's Duncan?" The goth girl looked around for the punk.
"He went off to looking for the psycho, dattebayo." The redhead sighed.
"Ugh! You know what!" Gwen throws her bucket down, "I'm getting a sandwich…" She takes a glance at the sulking redhead. "Come with me, Naruto." The said boy sighed as he stand up and follow the goth girl to the main lodge.
(Main Lodge)
Gwen was making a sandwich and Naruto rested his head on the table with a frown. "Naruto, did something happen?" The goth girl walk to him and sat down to eat her sandwich.
"It doesn't sound like nothing. I heard you saying that you want to shove someone's head in the wood chipper when we were talking about the death scene…What's the deal?"
"I told you, it's nothing, dattebayo…" Gwen sighed, placing her hand on his shoulder.
"Naruto, remember what you just told me back at the woods when I thought Trent was cheating on me…I want to repay you by helping you." The redhead glanced at her before he sighed.
"…It…It's just that I'm really pissed at someone…This person won't accept the truth and said that it was just a lie…accused me of something that I'm not…It really make me angry at this person, dattebayo."
"Who?" Gwen asked with raised eyebrow.
"…I can't say who because it's really personal thing…" Naruto sighed before they noticed that there was a person with chainsaw and a hook in the room with them.
"I wasn't born yesterday, dude. Please! We just watched a scary movie with an escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook, and here you are running around." The goth girl rolled her eyes and the redhead frowned at the psycho, noticing that person was white with purple hair. Where did the producers found this guy?
(Monitors Tent)
Duncan peeked in the tent with a smirk and a hockey mask in his hand, "Someone loses this?" He faced against Chef on the dock and won the battle.
"Way to go!" The campers cheered.
"Hey, coolio!" Izzy pointed at the monitor with a grin, "Red and Gwen are taking on the psycho killer."
"Wait a sec!" Duncan glanced at Chef, "If Chef's in here then who's in the lodge with them?"
Chris stared at the monitor with widened eyes, it's a real psycho killer and he was in the lodge with Naruto…His…His…His son! "NARUTO!" The host screamed out and ran out of the tent, followed by the campers and the cooker.
"Gwen!" Owen cried out.
"Naruto! If something happened to him, Kushina's ghost will kill me for good!" Chris cried out to Chef, never noticed some campers glanced at him with raised eyebrows, they never heard of Kushina person before.
(Main Lodge)
"Back off, dude. I'm in foul mood, dattebayo." Naruto growled as the psycho killer stepped closer to him.
"Okay, I know the actors don't have speaking parts but you catch us at bad time." Gwen sighed, "Just come back at other time…FYI, invest in a dental plan and some toothpaste." The psycho killer take another step closer and the redhead growled at him, he just warned him that he was in a bad mood and don't want to deal with a bad actor.
"I…Told…You…To…BACK OFF!" Naruto roared, kneed the psycho killer in groin and headbutted him, breaking the mask in process. As soon as the killer dropped on his knees, holding his groin, the redhead roundkicked him away and knocked him out.
"Gwen, Naruto! He's the real escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook!" The group cried out.
"What!" Gwen gasped, glanced at the downed killer.
"Naruto!" Chris quickly hugged the said boy before hold his shoulders back and look everywhere on him. "You're not hurt, aren't you? Did he hurt you at all?!" Naruto blinked at him with widened eyes and the host widened his eyes, glanced back at the confusing campers. "Um…Because we don't wants you…um…to slap us with…um…lawsuit, yeah! Lawsuit is bad for us, hehehe." The campers rolled their eyes, of course, he don't want anyone to sue him for money.
"Um…Yeah, I'm good, dattebayo…" Naruto glanced at the host, he knows that Chris was just covering up but it give him a small hope that his father was starting to accept him. Behind the campers, Chef smirked at them.
The group watches the police offices carries the unconscious killer to the police boat and sailed away from the island. "Well, it's obvious to everyone that Naruto wins invincibility." Chris said with a grin as he patted DJ's back, "and, sadly, it's equally unanimous that DJ walk the dock of shame since he was only one who screamed and bolted without the escaped psycho killer even being there." The host chuckled, "But no hard feelings, dude. You will be missed."
"Aw…Group hug!" Owen said and everyone nodded before give DJ a group hug.
"Bye, DJ, we'll miss you, dattebayo." Naruto smiled at his giant friend.
"Yeah, me too…Glad that you're okay now." DJ said as he walks toward the boat of losers and waved at his friends before it sailed off.
"Whoa, that was one crazy emotional ride for the campers!" Chris grinned at the camera, "There was so many anger, tears, and mushy stuffs! But our redhead camper is one lucky dude, can you believe that he just got three smooches from three different chicks?" He chuckled, "Plus I'm sure that you, the viewers, said 'About time!' when Bridgette finally confessed to him. Now we wonder what will happen next time…What would Izzy and Heather do to beat Bridgette since she took the lead in Naruto's heart? Will Naruto finally make his decision? Who will be next to walk the dock of shame? Find out on…"
Naruto sighed, he was so tired from emotional drain and he can't believe that a lot of things happened to him in just short time. He smiled a small smile before blinked at the incoming queen bee. "Oh, Heat-chan?"
"…Idiot…" Heather growled at him as she walks closer to him, "Answer me something…"
"Um…Sure?" The redhead blinked again and the queen bee glared at him before pull his collar closer to her.
"Which one did you like the most?"
"Did you like it when weird goth girl do this!" Heather kissed him deeply, causing his eyes to widen.
"Did you like it when Klutzy do this?!" She gives him another kiss, this time a tenderly kiss. "Or did you like it when Loony do this?!" Heather wrapped her legs around his waist and make out with the redhead…Is she grinding on him?! "Well?! Well?!" Heather stood up and glared at the blushing redhead.
"…" Slowly, Heather's face turned red as she just realized what she just did…She just gave him her first kiss and…Did she just grinded on him?! "D-D-Don't think deeply about these kisses! It was just a question, it's not like I love you or anything like that!" She turns on her heels and ran away, "IT'S JUST A KISS!"
"…" Naruto dropped on his knee and screamed to the sky, "AM I IN SOME KIND OF MANGA OR SOMETHING, DATTEBAYO?!"
Contestants: Duncan, Gwen, Heather, Izzy, Leshawna, Naruto, Owen
Eliminated: Beth, Bridgette, Cody, Courtney, DJ, Eva, Ezekiel, Geoff, Harold, Justin, Katie, Lindsay, Noah, Sadie, Trent, Tyler