Chapter 6: Part 1 Island: Emotional Ride
"Last time on Total Drama Island, our campers had a lot of good time." Chris grinned, "There was a cook-off, slow dance, couple of team-buildings, and sport! During these, we just witnessed our first hook-up…" Footage of Katie kissing Cody's cheek, "Bitter nerd's revenge…" Footage of Harold rigged the votes, "And eliminated campers on dock of shame…We just merged the teams and there was a huge twist!" Chris makes a big gesture with his arms, "Two campers made their comeback, one of them become a nightmare and traumatized the poor nerd before send him off the island."
""It's too scary! TOOO SCARY!" Harold wailed in the footage and the host chuckled.
"Now with Naruto and Izzy back here again, things are going to heat up tonight and it's going to give us lot of questions. What challenges will we have? Who will hop aboard the boat of losers? How will our three certain campers get along under one roof? Find out tonight on Total Drama Island!"
(Main Lodge)
"So how was your first night with the girls, dattebayo?" Naruto asked, placing a bowl on top of stacking bowls as Bridgette sat down in front of him.
"Well, it wasn't kinda bad." The surfer said, it was really nice to have some girl company and only one con about it was…
"That's enough ramen for now, idiot!" Bridgette sighed as Heather stomped over to Naruto and pull him away from the bowls. Since the surfer moved in, all the queen bee did was just giving her a glare and mocking her when Bridgette had her clumsy moment.
"Aw, one more bowl..." Naruto pouted, only to receive a glare from his childhood friend. "…Okay, I'll wait until next supper." The redhead sighed dejectedly as some campers snickered at him.
"Hallelujah!" Chef muttered, wiping some sweats off his face. He may like the brat but the cooker can't keep up with Naruto's pace.
"Izzy, I'm curious about something." Katie said as she turns to the crazy girl, "How did you escape the RCMP's manhunt?"
"Oh that's easy." Izzy giggled, "I'm a wildness survivor and swift-footed so it was easy to avoid them." She paused to take a bite out of a raw fish as some campers make grimace faces at the sight. "After escaping them, it was just me and my animal brethren against the harsh elements."
"Harsh?" Leshawna snorted, "It was sunny and warm most of time, aside from the nametag challenge." The memories of the said challenge were still fresh on their mind before Izzy replied back.
"Not where I was but luckily, I was able to take a refuge in the beaver dam and befriended the family of beavers then after that, the interns found me and bring me back here." Izzy giggled and the campers give her weird looks. Gwen opened her mouth to say something but the loudspeaker cut her off with a squeak.
"Campers, report to the amphitheater after breakfast and you will learn all about today's challenge…Mclean out!"
"Well, you hear him." Duncan stood up with a grunt, "Let's go and see what it's going to be…"
"Yeah, good luck to you guys, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled as he walks out of the main lodge with some campers.
"Welcome to your next challenge." Chris grinned at the campers as they take their seats in manmade multilevel panel, which was made out of desks, table, and crates with varies of chairs. "The time honored game of torture…Say 'Uncle'! You are all about to be put through test of endurance so insane that some of 'em sent our interns to the emergency room." The campers gulped with nervous expression, "If you back down from the challenge or do not last the required ten seconds, you will be eliminated. The winner will not only be safe from elimination, but will win this luxurious trailer, yours to take home at the end of summer."
"What kinds of torture?" Leshawna glared at the host with hands on her hips.
"Why don't you ask my lovely assistant?" Chris smirked as Chef shows up with hockey mask and cleaver, earning some frightened faces from the campers. "All right, let's do this! Duncan, you're first up!" The host turns to the poor-made wheel, "Let's spin the wheel of misfortune to select your torture." Chris spun the wheel and the punk stares at it with widened eyes before it stopped on the picture of turtle.
"Turtle?" Duncan raised one of his eyebrows, how can it be bad since it's just a turtle.
"Turtle punk shots." Chris said with a chuckle, "Our intern spent weeks collecting the grumpiest, angriest, cruelest, hungriest old snapping turtles on the island. While you stand in the goalie net completely unprotected, Chef will fire off turtle snap shots." Duncan paled as he glanced at Chef, wielding a hockey stick, standing behind the snapping turtles before the host pushed the punk to the front of the goalie net. "If I were you, dude, I'd protect my coconuts. This would get ugly." Chris laughed before he ran away from the firing range and Duncan gulped.
"Be careful, buddy!" Owen called out from his seat.
"If you can stay in for ten seconds, you'll go on the second round." Chris said as the timer buzzed and Chef launched the turtles at the punk. Duncan ducked under the first turtle but one of the turtles bit his arm, caused him to cry out in pain.
"Ooh! Look like it hurts a lot." Katie winced, watching on as the turtles hit the punk before the last turtle bit his crotch.
"And this one hurt more than you think." DJ groaned as the males covered their family jewelries.
"Duncan moves on the next round!" Chris chuckled, "Isn't this fun?"
"Yeah, it's a riot." The punk groaned sarcastically with a glare. Naruto shakes his head at them, noticing the musician giving the goth girl an apology about leaving her buried alive during the fear challenge. The redhead raised his eyebrows, he thought they made up a while ago.
"Glad that you think so." The host returned to the wheel with a grin before spinning it, "Next up, Lindsay."
"Please, please!" Lindsay whispered to herself with crossed fingers as Owen glanced at her with concern before the needle stopped on a picture of flaming marshmallow.
"Marshmallow waxing!" The host said as Chef brings out the bags of marshmallow and pours them in the pot, melting them down. "We're gonna wax every part of your body. If you can take the pain for full ten seconds, you can go to the next level."
"Oh, I so need this!" Lindsay giggled as she lies on the table, "I've been doing with nasty razor stubble for weeks." She glanced at Chef with a smile, "Turning to offset my tan, kay?" The cooker just tossed the melted marshmallow on her face, drawing out a muffled scream as the campers watch on in shock. As soon as it reached ten seconds, Chef peeled the wax off and the bombshell cried out in pain from having her stubbles torn out.
"Ouch, that had to hurt." Trent winced, "I don't think I would have made it through that one."
"That's because guys are total wimps." Gwen smirked, "When it comes to two things, beauty and pain."
"You got that right."
"Oh my gosh!" Lindsay gasped, feeling the smoothness of her face. "I can't believe how smooth that is. Thank, Chip!"
"It's Chris…" The host groaned as the bombshell returned to her seat, "Well done, Lindsay, since you didn't even complain once, you get to choose who goes next."
"No, thank…" Lindsay said before Heather leans down and whispering in her ear. "Uh, wait, I changed my mind. I choose Bridgette with lake leeches." Bridgette paled and the smirking queen bee gave her a cutthroat gesture. Chef dropped the barrel, filled with leeches, in front of the seated campers and gives it a few pats.
"He is off-limit, klutzy!" Heather growled at the surfer girl.
"Who's off-limit?" Naruto whispered to Owen and the oaf's answer was just a facepalm.
"I know that I'm kind of dense when it comes to certain things." Owen sighed, "But Naru really takes a cake…Speaking of cakes, I am so starving for one now." The oaf holds his growling stomach with a grin.
"All right, Bridgette, time's a wasting." Chris grinned, "Get your butt in the barrel of leeches." Naruto glanced at the shaken surfer girl and feel something in his stomach that makes him uncomfortable for some reason. Bridgette stood up and walks toward the barrel before the redhead suddenly stand up with his hands on the desk.
"No, wait! I'll take her place." Naruto called out and his outburst earned a lot of different reactions.
"Aw, that is so sweet." Lindsay gushed and Owen nodded with her.
"Idiot, what are you doing!" Heather snarled, why does he have to step in for this floozy girl?!
"Oh, and if your victim can last ten seconds without saying uncle, you get eliminated instead. Which means you lose your chance to win this." Chris said with a grin, gesturing at the trailer and Naruto just walk over to the barrel as Bridgette just look at him with a small smile. The redhead stepped inside the barrel and just grinned at the campers.
"You know, it's not bad at all, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled as the leeches just swim around him.
"Oh come on, that counts as cheating." Gwen deadpanned, "I'm more surprised that Chris just forget that Naruto have a way with animals and living things."
"I can't believe I forget about that." Chris smacked his head.
"Now, Katie…" The host chuckled, "Your challenge is…pet the bear!" The tanned girl gasped in horror as the bear walks onstage with a growl. "All you do is just petting him for ten seconds and move on to next stage."
"N-N-Nice bear…" Katie stuttered, inching closer to the bear before the creature roared her, causing the tanned girl to faint on the spot.
"Ooh, that's bad…For her." Chris laughed and some campers glared at him as Chef carry the fainted girl to her chair. "If she wakes up, tell her to stock herself up with the wooden stock."
After several rounds which got DJ eliminated, the host chuckled at bee-covered Bridgette before he give the wheel another spin and the needle landed on picture of footprint. "Our next challenge will be spending ten seconds in a wooden crate with Sasquatchanakwa." Chris chuckled, turning to the campers, "Tough luck. Bridgette, you haven't complained in a while so you can choose the next victim."
"Heather." The surfer girl said without missing a beat.
"You'll regret it." The queen bee growled before glances at Naruto, "Idiot, don't bother stepping in for me!"
"You sure, Heat-chan?"
"Actually, I will not allow him to step in if there's animal or any creatures involved." Chris inputted, it's not fun if there are no tortures at all. He turns his head to see Chef pushing in a huge rattling crate. "Now, Heather, if you please." The host chuckled before Heather walk in as Naruto and Lindsay watch on with concern expressions. There was a high-pitched shriek, followed by a sound of thump and the sneering queen bee walks out after ten seconds.
"Um…What just happened in there?" Owen asked as Chef and Chris look inside to see a whimpering Sasquatch holding his crotch.
"Ooh…Medic!" The host called out before turns to Bridgette as the stock locked on her, "Sorry, girl, but you're out of the game."
"Yes!" Heather whispered to herself with a smirk before give the surfer girl a wave, "Sucks to be you right now."
"Now let's see who showed less courage than Heather and say uncle." Chris laughed, spinning the wheel and the remaining campers glances at each other with sweats.
Trent, Gwen, Owen, Heather, Duncan, and Lindsay joined the eliminated group after another round of wheel of misfortune and it was Izzy's turn as Chef picks up the eels. "Remember, you have to last ten seconds by taking a jolt from the eels…Clear!" Chris reminded the crazy girl before the cooker electrified her with the eels.
"That was great! Hit me again!" Izzy laughed and Chef just shrugged before electrified her again as she laughs.
"Izzy, who's your next victim?" Chris asked with a grin.
"Ooh, me, me!" The crazy girl raised her hand in air with a giggle, "With the poison ivy spa treatment!"
"Is it just me or is that girl some kinda crazy?" Leshawna asked with raised eyebrow as she tapping her temple.
"…If she gets together with Whiskers, it's going to be crazy, if you know what I mean?" Duncan chortled.
Chris pulls out his phone before calling the producers about Izzy's request. "It's Chris. Yeah, yeah, she wants to do it…Okay." The host turns to the crazy girl with raised eyebrow, "The judges will allow it, but they wanna know why."
"I just wanna see how it feels." Izzy answered with a grin and there was silence between her and the host.
"…All righty then…" Chris muttered, somewhat bewildered, as Chef wrapping the poison ivy around the crazy girl's head. The host checked his time before glance at the cooker, "Time's up, remove the poison ivy."
"No, no." Izzy waved them off, "It feels great."
"Um…You stuck it out, but sadly, you eliminated yourself." Chris take a few steps back away from the crazy girl, why does he always attaching the crazy people?
"Look how big my lips are!" Izzy giggled as she pokes her swollen face.
"Okay…Naruto, Leshawna." Chris glanced at the last two campers before shifting his eyes to the camera, "After twenty rounds of torture, we're down to two steely competitors and the sudden death round."
"I did not make it this far to quit now." Leshawna said, "That trailer is bank and it's got my name written all over it. Whatever he got to throw at me, I'm gonna do."
"Hmm, it seems that the challenge today was really short or is it just me, dattebayo?" Naruto asked with tilted head.
"Leshawna, it's up to you." Chris grinned, "Your final challenge is the grizzly bear log roll."
"The grizzly bear say what?" Leshawna gasped.
"Um…Roar, snarl, and growl?" Naruto said and the sassy girl rolled her eyes.
"That was a rhetorical question."
The host and the campers walk over to the end of the dock to see a smirking bear, standing on top of the log. "Meet…" Chris was about to say something but Naruto interrupted him with a wide grin as he waved at the bear.
"Molotov!" The bear's eyes widened and jump on the dock to give the redhead a hug as the campers stared at them with dropped jaws. "I don't see you for a while!" Molotov nodded at Naruto before licking his face, causing him to laugh.
"…You know this bear?" Leshawna muttered.
"Yet, I used to work with Molotov when the Russian circus came to Canada for their tour and it was about three years ago." Naruto chuckled.
"Hey, hey, I'm talking here." Chris grunted with glare before the host clears his throat, "To summary what Naruto just said…Molotov, the bear. Performs with Russian National Circus…He's also has been the European log rolling champion for the past twelve years." Molotov hopped on the log and starts to rolling it, "To win, you must last ten seconds on the log while avoiding certain death in the piranha infested water."
"What the fuck…" Duncan said with widened eyes as the piranhas jumped out of the waters with a snarl. Leshawna glared at the smirking bear in a stare-off before Chris popped over at her side with a grin.
"Leshawna, you could back out now."
"No way, I've seen scarier looking faces at the mall." The sassy girl glared, "I'm going in!"
Chris watches on as Leshawna takes her place on the log before snapped his fingers with a grin. "And go!"
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Leshawna cried out, attempting to keep up with the bear as the log rolls around under her feet. She take a glance at Molotov to see him smirking at her, causing Leshawna to growl before running harder and Naruto can see that the bear was starting to get worrying. "Ha!" The sassy girl stomped her feet, halting the rolling log and it caused Molotov to fall down on his groin. The bear whimpered as he rolls into the water by the log before come out furless, courtesy of the piranhas. "That's how I roll!"
"Leshawna wins! So Naruto is out!" Chris chuckled and the redhead just shrugged his shoulders since it was a sudden death round. "Since Leshawna wins the challenge, she gets invincibility and the grand prize…" The host gestured at the trailer with Chef in model costume.
"Yes, baby! Woo!" The sassy girl cheered.
"Congratulate." Naruto chuckled, watching Leshawna tossed Chef away and hugging her new trailer.
"While Leshawna checks out her trailers full of food, and we check out her blood pressure." Chris turns to the campers, "The rest of you can go to the confessional booth and vote off a camper other than Leshawna."
"Whatever! Just get me out of this!" Heather snarled, struggling to get out of the stock.
Chef howled at the moon on the cliff and the campers raised their eyebrows at the odd scene before Chris starts to speak to them. "Okay. So first up, we ran out of marshmallows."
"NOOOOOOOOO!" Owen screamed, flailing his arms around.
"I've reviewed the confessionals to prevent another rig votes…We don't want Naruto bring his hunter persona back, right guys?" Chris chuckled as the nodding campers glance at chuckling redhead with gulps. "While I normally protect your privacy…"
"Not really since the cameras are everywhere, even in the bathroom." Naruto said and the host glared at him.
"…Anyway…I'm gonna go live with your confessionals!" Chris smirked as the screen appeared next to him from above.
"Bridgette!" Heather grunted with crossed arms, "I don't need to explain my reasons at all."
"I vote for Katie." Duncan shrugged, "Things are going to be bloody and I don't want her to get tied up in this…Princess, if you're watching that. Miss you, babe!"
"Hmm…Umm…I don't know." Naruto scratched his head, "I like everyone here…Um…"
"Katie." Gwen crossed her arms, "Nothing against her."
"Heather." Bridgette rolled her eyes.
"I'll choose Katie." DJ sighed, "She told me that she really missed her best friend and Cody so I guess it would be for the best to vote for her."
Lindsay hummed to herself as she applied the lip gloss before blinked at the camera. "Oh, I forget I was here…Kate."
"Hmm, me." Katie sighed, "It's just that I really miss Sadie and Cody a lot…
"Um…" Naruto furrowed his eyebrows.
"Hurry up in there, idiot!" Heather's voice shouted from outside.
"Oh…Um…Katie? Sorry, it's really hard to pick." Naruto sighed.
Katie smiled, she don't mind if most of them voted for her because she was not the one to hold grudge against anyone. "Well, in the end, it's ten votes for Katie. So adios." Chris said, kinda disappointed that it don't stir up any kind of drama at all.
"Bye, guys!" The tanned girl waved at the campers before walk down to the dock of shame, can't waiting to see Sadie and her boyfriend.
(Dock of shame)
"Katie!" The tanned girl blinked before gasped to see Sadie standing in the boat of loser with Cody.
"Sadie! Cody!" She gushed as she hopped on the boat and hugging them both, "I miss you two!"
"Me too, Kat." Cody grinned at her.
"I'm so jealous of you! You get boyfriend first before me!" Sadie giggled and Katie blushed with a smile. They kept hugging and chatting as the boat of losers carries them away from the island.
"Aw, that's so sweet!" Izzy giggled with her fellow campers as they watch the ship disappeared into the fog, "Anyway…Party at Leshawna's trailer!"
"Wait, what!" The sassy girl cried out, turning to see the campers ran to her trailer, "Yo, get away from my baby!"
(Leshawna's Trailer)
"Does anyone else think that the challenge was short and little rushed today?" Gwen asked and some campers nodded as they raiding the mini-fridge, ignores Leshawna's protesting.
"Yeah, maybe they ran out of idea or something like that." DJ said.
"Who care!" Owen chuckled, "We have party here so don't sweat about the challenge." Some campers grinned at the oaf and Leshawna sighed, she doesn't mind as long as no one break a thing in her brand-new trailer.
(Chris' Trailer)
Chef entered the trailer with frown and raised one of his eyebrows at his boss. "What gives?" The cooker crossed his arms as Chris blinked at him, "It was supposed to be thirty seconds instead of ten seconds and some of the challenges were too easy…So what's going on?"
"Nothing…um…I'm rushing it because…um…I have a hot date coming up, yeah, a hot date!" The host chuckled nervously with sheepish grin and Chef lift his index finger to call bullshit on him but the ranging of phone cut him off as Chris quickly answer it. "Hello, Chris here…It is? Can you check it again? Thank."
"Who was it?" Chef asked as the host put his phone away.
"The producers…Just something that I need for one of the challenges." Chris grinned at him and the cooker stares at him for a while before shrugging his shoulders.
"Whatever…" Chef mumbled as he steps out of the trailer, never noticing the host faceplanted his desk with a furious groan.
A few days went by and it was morning, Leshawna steps out of her trailer with a yawn, and sit down on her lounge chair before resting on her arms with a smile. She glances at the dock and smirking as Gwen blushing at Trent, this girl is so crushing on him with denial. Leshawna blinked, hearing something whistling in air before there was an explosive behind her, causing her eyes to widened and turn to see…nothing but burning remaining of her trailer. "What the fuck!" Leshawna shouted out of rage, she bet that Chris has something to do with it.
"Arr, mateys, meet me at the amphitheater in five minutes." The host chuckled with his megaphone, "And I'll tell you about today's challenge."
"Oooh, this…" Leshawna mumbling under her breath as some campers come up to check on her.
Chris, in a pirate costume, smirked as he glances at the scowling sister stomping to the benches and sat down with crossed arms. "Well, my little, scallywags, have we got an adventure in store ye?" The host said before fixing his plastic parrot.
"…Say what, I don't understand you, dattebayo?" Naruto scratched his head, "And what's under the sheet?"
"Too bad, laddie…" Chris glared at the redhead before glancing at the campers with a grin, "Who here has a hankering for a good old-fashioned treasure hunt?"
"Mmm." Gwen rolled her eyes and the host glared at her.
"Now this treasure hunt's got a twist, mateys." Chris chuckled, "What you're looking for isn't hidden, and isn't treasure."
"If there's no treasure, then what's with the eye patch and the plastic parrot?" Duncan said with raised eyebrow.
"Arr, shiver me timbers." The host said as he tossed the parrot away, "Good question, me boy…"
"Is the twist that we have to find the keys for the treasures, dattebayo?" Naruto raised his hand in air.
"How did you know?" Chris blinked as some campers glanced at the redhead, how did he get it right?
"Um…" The redhead rubbed his head, "Lucky guess?"
"…Well…He's right…" Chris cleared his throat after Chef yanked the sheet away to reveal the chests, "Inside each of these chests is a treasure that will pamper you, landlubbers, and one of these chests will even give you invincibility. Ha-har!" The host laughed as the cooker grabs the bucket. "Now come round and pull a clue out of this bucket or you'll have to walk the prank."
"Someone watch one too many pirates movie or whatever..." Gwen deadpanned.
"These clues will tell ye, where your key be stowed." Chris grinned as the campers pick out their clues from the bucket and glanced at them.
"Um…Bear?" Owen gulped, glancing at the image of bear on his chosen clue before the host appeared at his side with a grin.
"I was hoping you'd get that one, dude." Chris shifted his attention to Heather's clue, "Chef's fridge, nice! I hear he brushes it daily for fingerprints."
"Because someone here has been raiding my fridge for weeks!" Chef grunted, never noticing the fact that Owen was whistling innocently with shifty eyes.
The host peeks over Duncan's shoulder and give him a wide grin after saw the punk's clue. "That there is the septic tank for the washrooms."
"Meh, I can live with that." Duncan muttered with a shrug, nothing can be worse than the juvie's sewer that he used to sneak out of the juvie few times.
"Ooh, look like Naruto is lucky!" Chris chuckled as he takes a glance at Naruto's clue, "All he has to do is just taking the key from flaming hoop!"
"Awesome, dattebayo." The redhead chuckled and Heather growled, she really wishes that she have his devil's luck…How the hell can she get the key when Chef is guarding his own fridge?
"All you scallywags," Chris speak up after checking every camper's clues, "Go find your keys and bring them back by 6 pm…Eastern Standard Time…to open up the chest and get your loot. Fair thee well, young scallywags." He grinned at them with a wave before scowled at the confusing campers, "Get to it!"
"I don't know who came up with these lame-o challenges…" Heather said with narrowed eyes, "And memo to Chris, these pirates tights do not exactly flatter your legs, savvy?"
"Whoo-hoo!" Owen hollered with fist pump, "I am all about the treasure hunt." His attitude just flipped from excitement to nervous as he poked his index fingers together, "The bears are a little concerning…But there's treasure!"
"Let's see…S…S…" Naruto mumbled, flipping through a 'Pirate-to-English Directory' book.
Naruto smirked, stretching his legs as he stares at the flaming hoop with hanging key and ran up to it before flipping in air and grabbed the key at ease. "Too easy, dattebayo." The redhead chuckled, juggling his key.
"Naruto's experiences seem to be helping him with his challenge." Chris' voice announced from the loudspeaker.
"Hey, bro." Trent called out, catching Naruto's attention as he turns to see the musician walk up to him with a smile. "I'm supposes to get the key from the lake but there are sharks around and since you fed them regularly, what do they usually eat?"
"Oh, just some raw meats…Fishes are their favorite, dattebayo." The redhead grinned.
"Thank, I owe you one." Trent chuckled, walking off with a wave as Naruto nodded at him.
(Main Lodge)
Heather nervously walks into the kitchen, her eyes scanning for Chef and slowly opening the fridge before turns her head to see the glaring cooker with the cleaver in his hand inside.
"…" The queen bee slowly closed the door and just walks away with frightened expression on her face.
"Idiot, I need your help." Heather muttered, walking with Lindsay at her side with the rope.
"Sure, I can see that Chef is giving you a hard time, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled and the queen bee scowled at him.
"Yeah…Listen, here's my plan…" Heather said with crossed arms.
(Main Lodge)
Chef polished his chainsaw as he kept taking glances at everything, no punk is going to touch his fridge and get away with it. "Hey, Chef." The cooker look up to see Naruto walk in with a grin and sighed at the redhead.
"What do you want, brat? It's not suppertime yet."
"Well…" Naruto scratched his head, "I'm kind of curious if you can tell me a couple of war stories…"
"Why?" Chef raised one of his eyebrows.
"Because my challenge was too easy and I'm bored now, everyone is busy, dattebayo." The cooker stares at the redhead for a while before shrugged his shoulders.
"Sure…There was a mission that my units took…" Chef started to rambles on, not even noticing Heather slowly lowered down on a rope from a hole in ceiling. The queen bee slowly tiptoed to the fridge, open it without making a noise before taking the key and returning to the rope. "The enemy screamed like that…" Chef acted out with a screams, which covered up Lindsay's screaming as Heather dropped her key and she gasped silently before flipping upside down to catch the key.
"Whoa, that's awesome, dattebayo." Naruto grinned, the queen bee doesn't know if it was either directed to her or the psycho cooker's story as Lindsay slowly pull her out of the kitchen.
Gwen smirked as she pull the key out from the skunk's hole after flushing out the skunk with water, with Trent's help. She stood up and before Trent knows it, Gwen kissed him. They both never saw scowling Heather and confusing Lindsay hide behind the bushes as they stopped kissing and walk away together with smiles.
"That's just too much!" Heather snarled with tightened fists, "Everyone knows that boyfriend-girlfriend is just another way to say alliance." She crossed her arms, "And the only alliance on this island is me and idi…I mean…Um…" The queen bee stuttered.
Somewhere in the forest, DJ hugged the branch with a shiver as he look at the hanging key with chattering teeth. "Why me…" The giant whined.
Duncan stares at the toilet and shrugged to himself before the punk tossed a cherry bomb in the toilet. He took a few steps back before the toilet blow up, knocking up the dust and it took a few seconds until it cleared up to revealing a large gaping hole. Duncan chuckled, jumped inside and crawling toward the septic tank.
"Crap!" Owen gulped as the sleeping bear cuddled with him like if he was just a teddy bear.
Naruto covered his yawning mouth, Chef told him to beat it after share a few stories so he decided to take a stroll in the forest. "Whiskers time!" The redhead paled and before he can react, the familiar hands rubbed on his cheek with furious speed.
"O-O-O-Ooooooooooooo!" Naruto purred and Izzy giggled at his face before the redhead stopped her hands with blush. "S-S-Sto…" Naruto blinked at the crazy girl, "…Is that a snake on you?"
"Yet! He's really cute and feisty." Izzy giggled as the snake bit her head again, earning a sigh from the redhead. "I miss you so much…You and your whiskers!" The crazy girl grinned widely and Naruto scratched his head with blush on his face.
"Y-Yeah, I figure that much when you just rubbed my whiskers too long…W-W-Wait!" Naruto cried out, attempting to dodge Izzy's outreaching hands.
"Okay, we've got to break up Trent and Gwen." Heather growled, watching on as Lindsay pulls herself out of the water with bee stings all over her body. "Here's the plan…I need you to go…" The queen bee blinked, "What happened to you?"
"Izzy tried to help…Bee stinging…Terror…Lost key…" Lindsay sobbed, the crazy girl helped her by taking the key from beehive but somehow the bees went after the bombshell for no reason and chase her off the dock. To make it worse, she lost her key somewhere.
"Uh…Yeah…" Heather mumbled, "Now here's the plan. First I need you to write a letter to Gwen then after this, you have to find Trent and lead him to me, watch for Gwen, and give me the signal."
"You can count on me." Lindsay said with another wince.
"CRAP!" Owen paled as the sleeping bear placed his opening mouth over the oaf's head.
Bridgette smiled at a cute rabbit, the creature was guarding the key and the surfer take a few steps before the rabbit roared with fangs. Bridgette screamed as she climbed the tree to get away from the scary rabbit. 'When did rabbits have fangs?' The surfer girl whined in her head, glancing at the rabbit hopping around the key.
Heather tapping her foot on the dock with crossed arms and checked her watch. "Where is she? I know I couldn't count on her." She snarled before noticing Lindsay bringing Trent and the queen bee turns around to get ready for her act.
"I just don't know what's up with Heather." Lindsay told the musician as she gesturing at crying Heather, "Maybe you should go talk to her." Trent nodded his head and walk toward the queen bee.
"Heather, what's wrong?" The musician asked.
"Nothing…" Heather sniffled and turns around, "Well, I don't wanna sound like a suck or anything but Gwen just been so mean to me and I just don't get why." She throws herself on Trent, "I-I don't think I can go on…" Heather pushes him away and sobbing on the dock post.
"Gwen's just kind of a hard girl to get to know, that's all. Don't take it personally." Trent said as he patting her shoulder, wondering why she don't go to Naruto and guess maybe it's something that she don't want the redhead to know about her problem.
Heather hugged the musician with another sob, "I'm just so surprised to hear you supporting her, you know? After all the horrible things that she says about you and…oops!"
"What!" Trent gasped with widened eyes as he pushes her back, "What do you mean?"
"I..I feel so terrible telling you this. I-I promised I wouldn't say a word…but…You should know that Gwen confided in the girls last week that she can't really stand you and think you're a total cliché, your music sucks, and she's only stringing you along to get further in the game."
"B-B-But…" Trent stuttered, "I thought me and Gwen had a real connection."
"Gwen is just playing you for your vote." Heather said as she buried her face in hands, "She played us all, and you're just so nice that I can't watch you fall for it anymore."
"Wow…" The musician sighed, "And all this time I thought she like me…she really said my music sucks?"
Heather nodded her head and she heard the bird call from Lindsay before take a hold on Trent's face. "Maybe Gwen thinks your music sucks, but I think you're really talented."
The musician was about to say something but the queen bee covered his mouth with her hand before she kiss the back of her hand, causing him to blinks at her. Heather peeked out of the corner of her eyes to see Gwen gasped at them with teary eyes. From the view of the goth girl, it look like Trent was kissing the queen bee with his arms around her and dropped her love letter as she ran off with silent sob. Heather pushed the musician away before walk away from him with a smirk and glanced back to see Trent screaming on the beach. 'Excellent.'
"Infinity crap…" Owen whined as the bear wake up with angry glare.
"Oh, what happened to you guys, dattebayo?" Naruto gasped at the beaten and injured crocodiles. One of them whimpered to him and the redhead blinked at them before pulls out a bandage wraps. "Well, just let me patch you up."
Duncan grunted as he crawled out of the hole with key, he was wrong…it's worse than the juvie sewer. "Duncan!" The punk blinked as he looks up to see Leshawna, "We need you in alliance so we can vote either Trent or Heather out!"
"Huh? Why?" Duncan frowned.
"Trent just cheated on Gwen." The sister growled, "And to make it worse, it was Heather."
"…Are you going to tell the others?" The punk scowled and Leshawna nodded.
"Yet, I'm going to get everyone in the alliance."
"…Wait, just tell Naruto to vote Trent out." Duncan said and the sassy girl blinked before give him a nod, it's better to not tell Naruto about Heather since they're close and everyone know that the redhead would never vote against his friends until otherwise.
"All right, campers, meet me at the campfire in ten and bring your keys." Chris' voice squeaked out of the loudspeaker.
"Well, I'm off then." Naruto grinned at his crocodile friends and turns around to see Leshawna ran up to him. "What's up, Leshawna." The sassy girl leans in and whispered in his ear as the redhead's eyes widened before frowned.
"I can't believe that Trent cheated on Gwen." Naruto growled, "She really don't deserve that!" He crossed his arms with narrowed eyes, "Trent is now on my revenge-prank list."
"I did my bit." Leshawna sneered, "I've told everyone who listened about those two-timers…Well, I only told Naruto about Trent…Either way, one of them is history."
The group stands away from Duncan, covering their noses and the punk rolled his eyes, why does everyone kept overreacting over a little smell? "Hey guys…Whoa, what stinks?" Izzy said as she joined the group and they blinked at the snake on her head.
"Um…Izzy, you've got a snake on your head." DJ gulped, stepping away from her.
"I know, but don't worry, he's friendly." Izzy giggled before the snake bit her and the campers gasped. "See? Kisses." The crazy girl grinned before fainted from the bite.
"Yar, it be time to claim your treasure." Chris chuckled as the campers check on Izzy, "Who's fortunate enough to bear a precious key, come forth with it." Duncan grinned before walk up to one of the chest and unlocked it.
The punk opened the chest and blinked as he picks up new cologne. "Is this the best you can do?" Duncan glared at the smirking host.
"My key won't open any chests." Owen said and the campers blinked at him since he was halfway out of the bear's mouth.
"Oh yeah…" Chris laughed, "I forget to mention that some of keys don't open up any chests."
"Oh come on!" Owen whined before jabbed his thumb at the bear, "Can you at least do something about him?" Two tranquilizer shots hit the bear but one of them hit the oaf before they dropped to the ground.
"I get some candies and chips, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled, "Not bad."
"Oh, and look, an invincibility pass. Lucky me." Heather smirked, waving her prize around and some campers frowned at her.
"That's great, Heat-chan. No wonder why Chef was really fixed on the fridge, dattebayo." Naruto smiled as he ruffled her head before the queen bee swatted his hand away with light blush. Trent smiled as he pulls out soda bottles and shows them to the campers, only to have them glance away from him.
"I hope everyone got their treasure they were looking for…and more." Chris said after seeing that all the campers tried their keys and only DJ and Bridgette didn't get their treasures. "But now it's your time to do your duty and send one of you off the island for good. So cast your votes, and I'll see ye buccaneers back at the campfire after the sundown. Arr, ha-arr!"
"Look like Trent is going down." Leshawna said with a snap of fingers.
"Trent…" Owen said dazed before fall down on the filthy floor.
"You messed up, dude!" Duncan pointed at the camera with scowl.
"I'm going to make you fear the corncob." Naruto juggled the corncob in his hand.
"You leave us no choice." Bridgette shrugged.
"I really feel like I made such awesome friends here and it's hard for me to vote anyone off." Trent smiled.
"I'm really getting into this game." Heather checked her nails with a smirk, "I can play those losers like a violin."
"FEAR THE CORNCOB!" Chef shivered.
"…Chef, why are you inside?" Chris' voice speak from outside.
"Um…I'll leave you here…alone…" What the host didn't know that Naruto just told the cooker about the infamous corncob prank when they were swapping the stories.
"And now the moment we've all waited for, the moment of truth." Chris said with arms behind his back, "Marshmallow time! You know the routine, whoever doesn't get a marshmallow, it's curtains for you!" Most of the campers glared at oblivious Trent as the host tossed the marshmallow, "Gwen…"
"I'm outtie." The said goth girl catch her marshmallow and walk away from the campfire dejectedly, she can't stand being around this cheater. Some campers look at her with concern and Chris shrugged his shoulders before calling out their names.
"Izzy, Duncan, Leshawna, Lindsay, Bridgette, Naruto…" The redhead stood up and walks away as some campers raised their eyebrows at him but Chris just continued his announcement. "DJ, Owen. Marshmallows for the lot of you." Trent blinked, noticing that he was only one that doesn't get a marshmallow and released a gasp. "Sorry, dude, you're out."
"That's right, take your two-timers ways back to where you come from." Leshawna chuckled at the musician.
"What?" Trent gripped his chest, "But I thought I was getting along so well with everybody."
"I guess you were wrong." Heather smirked.
"You just don't care about your man?" The sassy girl snarled.
"Just playing the game." The queen bee waved it away.
"What's going on?" Trent asked with hands on his head.
"Quit acting, man!" DJ crossed his arms with frown.
"Yeah, you cheated on Gwen with Heather!" Leshawna yelled.
"What!" The musician yelled, "Where did you get this from?"
"From Gwen, she saw you kissing her!" The sassy girl pointed at the queen bee.
"But we never did kiss at all! she just covered my mouth with her hand and did this." Trent said as he kissed the back of his hand.
"Pfft, like the hell I'm going to kiss this John Lennon wannabe." Heather scoffed, "I'm not going to throw my first kiss away."
"Wait, that mean…" Leshawna widened her eyes with the campers.
"I got to tell Gwen!" The musician shouted before Chris shoves him into Chef's arms with a grin.
"Enough of these, you have an appointment at the dock of shame and Chef is dying to take you out for a lovely ride!"
"Wait!" Trent cried out as Chef tossed him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried him to the dock of shame.
"I got me a pretty boy." The cooker joked with a chuckle.
"Oh, you do, you do." Chris snickered as the campers turn around and glared at smug queen bee.
Gwen stifled a sob as she curling up in ball, leaning against the tree and she doesn't care if it was too cold out because she felt so numb right now. The goth girl let out a whimper before she feels something appeared next to her and peeked out of her arms to see Naruto as he sat down next to her. "Go away." Gwen muttered but the redhead doesn't listen to her, "Don't you hear me, just go away! I don't want your damn pity!"
"Gomen, but I'm not leaving you here alone and that is not pity at all." Naruto said as he slowly placed his arm around her shoulders and the goth girl flinched. She relaxed, seeing that he never went any further after holding her shoulders.
"Why are you here?" Gwen muttered, fighting her tears back.
"For you." Naruto replied as the goth girl narrowed her eyes, "Like I said it's not pity…I just want to give you my shoulder to cry on, dattebayo." The redhead gave her a soft smile.
"…But why are you doing that for me…" Gwen sniffled, "We barely know each other…"
"That's true that we barely know each other but…" Naruto sighed, "I just can't stand around and do nothing if someone is in pain…" The redhead glanced at her as he rubbed her arm, "I really don't want to see you fall apart…So…Let it all out…Don't hold back…" Gwen looks up into his eyes to see that there was no pity…Just gentle and understanding. "Let it out…"
"…" The goth girl released a sob before wailing as she buried her face in his shirt. "H-H-How can he do that to me! Doesn't he know how hard I have to pour out my heart to him! He is a jerk! Jerk! Jerk!" Gwen sobbed as she hits Naruto's chest with her fists, "I-I-I thought we had a real connection! W-W-Why did he cheat on me after we got together just now…I really believe that he was the one that I can trust…I hate him…" Her punches slowly become lightly before she stopped and grasped on his wet shirt. "It hurts so much…" The goth girl starts to blabbing nonsense into his chest for a while.
"Gwen…" Naruto whispered softly as he stroking her hair.
"I don't want to go back to the cabin…They're going to pity me…" Gwen muttered, she hates to be pitied by anyone and she also doesn't want to be in the cabin with this girl that the jerk just cheated with.
"…I'm not going to lie, dattebayo…They will pity you." Gwen flinched at his sentence, "But they care about you a lot…We want you to know that you're not alone in this…You have us…" Naruto looks into her teary eyes and wiped away her tears with gentle care. "We are here to support you and we will help you pick up the pieces, dattebayo."
Gwen sniffled as she leaned into his chest, "Naruto…"
"Thank you…"
"No problem…" Naruto smiled, only to blinked as he heard a snore and look down to her to see that she just passed out from crying too much. The redhead sighed softly as he stands up with Gwen in bridal carry and walk toward the cabins.
After placing Gwen in her bed in the empty girl's cabin, Naruto stretched his arms out before someone called out to him. "Idiot! I need to tell you something." The redhead blinked as Heather quickly grabs him and dragged him away from the cabins.
"What do you want to tell me about, dattebayo?" Naruto asked with tilted head.
"…I…I kind of got carried away." The queen bee fidgeted as she told him the truth and the redhead frowned at her with crossed arms. "…I'm sorry…Please don't hate me…"
"…I don't hate you." Naruto sighed, "But I'm little disappointed in you because you hurt two people…" Heather bit her lips with teary eyes, "…And you can't tell me that you're sorry…You have to go and apologize to Gwen, dattebayo."
"…I will, I promise…" Heather sniffled, it always hurt her when she know that Naruto was disappointed in her.
"Good…" Naruto pulled her in a hug, "It's good thing that you told me...and remember, I can't hate you at all because I know that sometime you carry it away too much, dattebayo." The queen bee nodded timidly, "...I'm going back to my cabin." Naruto released her and walk away from her. Heather sighed softly, it was right thing to tell him before he find out from anyone else and may end up hate her, which really scared her a lot if it happened.
(Girl's cabin)
The next morning, Gwen's eyes fluttered as she sit up in her bed and wondered how she got in bed before remembering what happened last night with Naruto. 'It was nice of him to help me out…' The goth girl sighed, pulling her legs up to her chest and resting her chin on them with a frown as she take a glance at slumbering Heather. Gwen was about to get out of her bed but there was a huge sound of gong clanged.
"Campers! Wakey Wakey." Everyone stumbled out of their bed with screams as Chris' voice echoed out of loudspeakers. "Are you ready for a morning challenge? If not, too bad! Come see me at the lake, Mclean out!" Gwen groaned, quickly stood up and walks out to bathroom without taking anything but towel and a change of underclothes since she noticed that she was in her clothes.
"Girl, I gotta tell you something about Trent." Leshawna called out and the goth girl snarled at her.
"Not in mood!" She don't want to hear anything about this musician as she stomped away from the sister and Leshawna sighed, looks like she have to wait a while until the goth girl cool off before tell her the truth.
"Welcome, campers!" Chris grinned at the campers as they noticed two large platforms in the middle of the lake with stack of colored dueling sticks next to the host. "Our morning challenge is going to be a tournament!"
"Dude, it's almost five in the morning." Duncan grunted as the campers nodded sleepily.
"Yeah, I know." Chris chuckled, "As you see that we have two platforms out in the lake and guess what? We are going to have two matches going on at same time to speed things up." The host picks up the dueling stick, "The rule is very simple, you have to knock your opponent off the platform to advancing on next round and anything goes…Oh, and there will be some surprises, depending on what dueling stick you choose." Chris chuckled to himself as the campers glanced at each other and Naruto raised his hand.
"Um…I noticed that there are ten of us, does that mean one of the matches will get a bye?"
Chris blinked at the redhead and paused before shaking his head. "Oh right! Yeah, you're right." The host pulls out the box, "Why don't you guys come here and get your numbers to see who is lucky to get a match that will earn you a bye?" The group took their numbers.
"I get Ten." Lindsay smiled.
"Seven." Duncan grunted tiredly.
"Whoo-hooo! Four!" Owen cheered.
"One, that's fitting for me." Heather smirked as some campers frowned at her.
"I got five." Gwen muttered.
"Eight, dattebayo." Naruto grinned widely.
"Got three." Leshawna said.
"Um…I have two." Bridgette glanced at Heather and the queen bee narrowed her eyes.
"Nine!" Izzy giggled, waving her number around.
"Six." DJ gluped, he knows that he is bad at fighting and he may will lose right away.
"Ooh, Izzy and Lindsay will face each other for the bye, how lucky are they?" Chris chuckled, "Okay, guys, time to pick out your dueling sticks. Heather and Bridgette, you're on first platforms…Leshawna and Owen, second platforms and don't start until I tell you to."
"That's perfect!" Heather smirked, "I can't wait to knock this floozy hussy out! That's going to be fun!"
The queen bee sneered at Bridgette as she lifted her white dueling stick and the surfer girl has blue dueling stick. "Ready to lose?" Heather teased her as she twisted her stick.
"I hope Bridge win the game." Owen gulped with his brown stick.
"You and me." Leshawna said as she holds up her purple stick.
"Okay, battlers, are you ready?" Chris called out, "Well then…Chef, switch the sticks!"
"Say what?" The sassy girl blinked before scuba-cladded Chef jumped out of the water and grabbed their sticks before handing them their new weapons.
"Owen chooses brown so he gets the heavy stone stick." The host chuckled as Owen groaned with his heavy stick, "Heather now have two dueling sticks, Leshawna get a smaller twin dueling sticks and Bridgette…" The surfer girl dropped her jaw as she hold a broken stick, "Tough luck for you, girl…Now start the battle!"
"Oh crap…" Owen groaned as he struggled to raise his stick, glancing at smirking Leshawna.
"Sorry, nothing personal!" The sassy girl thrust her left stick into the oaf's stomach before raised her right stick up to hit his chin. Owen grunted, taking a few steps back with dazed look before Leshawna resumed her attack.
"I am so going to enjoy that." The queen bee smirked, swinging her sticks around as Bridgette ducked under the first one and pull her stomach back to avoid the second swinging. "Hold still, Klutzy!"
"Like hell I am letting you knock me off." The surfer girl whispered with narrowed eyes before brings her broken stick up to clashed against Heather's crossed sticks.
"You think you can waltz in and take him away from me." The queen bee hissed silently to Bridgette.
"Last time I checked, he's single and don't belong to anyone."
"Ha, you think you have a chance!" Heather mocked, "You were not there for him through everything in the past, I did!"
"I know but…" Bridgette narrowed her eyes as they bring their angrier faces closer, "I'm going to be there for him now and in the future. He deserves someone who cares about him and never badmouths him every day!"
"I call him what I want to! You never understand our bond!"
"You're just a childhood friend!" They both never noticed that Owen fall off the platform and Leshawna cheered. "He will never see you more than that!"
"You too! You're just a friend to him! I'm going to tell you to back off!"
"I know…but…" Bridgette forced Heather's sticks back with regained strength, "I decide to confess to him…Tonight!"
The queen bee gasped before growled with fury. "I…Told…You…To…BACK OFF!"
"NEVER!" They both tossed their sticks away and charged at each other.
"Catfight!" Chris laughed with glee.
"Boy, the match is really bringing their competitive out, dattebayo." Naruto said with concern, never know that he was the reason for their catfight. The girls trembled around as they attempting to shove each other off the platform before Heather elbowed Bridgette in stomach, stunned her for a moment and that's what Heather need. The queen bee pushed the surfer girl with all of her might and smirked as Bridgette fall off into the lake.
"And Heather advanced on to the next round." The host grinned joyful as he glanced at the campers, "Now…The next two matches are Gwen against DJ and Naruto against Duncan. Choose your sticks wisely and get on the platform!"
"Are you all right, Bri-chan?" Naruto asked as the surfer girl waddled into the shore.
"Yeah, I'm sure that I'm going to have some bruises." Bridgette rubbed her stomach with a wince. "Heather really hit harder."
"Yeah, she does." The redhead chuckled as he picks out the orange stick and glanced to see that Duncan grabbed the black stick before shifting his eyes to see that DJ took the yellow while Gwen just pick green. "I'm glad that you're okay. I really don't know that you were very competitive like Heat-chan, dattebayo." The surfer girl rolled her eyes at him, it was good thing that the queen bee and Bridgette were whispering to each other the whole time and Naruto will possibly feel guilty about it.
"You ready, whiskers?" Duncan called out and the redhead gave him a nod.
"Well, wish me luck, dattebayo." Naruto grinned, giving Bridgette a wave as he walk toward the boat.
"I will." The surfer girl smiled.
"You gotta kidding me…" Duncan growled as he holds up a q-tip.
"Umm…You're sure that it's safe to hit him with that, dattebayo?" Naruto asked the host before glanced at his flaming dueling stick.
"Who care if it's safe or not! Think of the rating that we are getting out of this!" Chris laughed.
"At least, it's not worse than these guys." Duncan said, glanced over his shoulder to see DJ with toothpick facing Gwen with…"Poor DJ, he has to go against the snake…"
"And…Game on!" The host pushed his air horn.
"Bring it on, whiskers." Duncan smirked, tossed his q-tip away and throws a haymaker punch. The redhead ducked under the haymaker, lashing out his leg to sweep the punk off his feet and Duncan stumbled to get up quickly, only to duck under the flaming dueling stick. "Hey, watch the Mohawk!" The punk ran his hand across his green Mohawk, satisfied that there was no single singed hair. He glanced at the smirking redhead before widened his eyes as Naruto lunged at him.
DJ whimpered, taking a step back as the snake slowly slithering toward the giant with a hiss. "Yo, Gwen! Can you get him away from me?" He glanced at the goth girl, only to see her staring at her feet with a sigh. "I know you're upset right now but the truth about Trent…"
Gwen's head snapped up with a glare, causing DJ to cowering. "I don't want to hear anything about this jerk!"
"B-B-But!" DJ stuttered.
"SHUT UP!" The goth girl grabbed the snake and throwing the creature at the screaming giant. DJ flails his arms around, attempting to pry the snake off him before tripped on his feet and slipped into the water. Gwen turns around on her heel with crossed arms and huffed to herself, why do everyone keeping trying to talk about this jerk?!
Naruto and Duncan panted heavily after trading blows and moves. "Not…Bad…" The punk panted, spitting out blood.
"You…Too…" The redhead wiped the blood off his mouth, slowly move in circle with the punk as they stared each other down. Duncan was first to make his move as he lunged with his fist in air. As soon as the punk got closer, Naruto slide under his guard and take a hold on Duncan's outward arm before twisted his body around as Duncan's body tossed in the air like a ragdoll. The punk cried out as he landed into the water and the redhead grinned.
"Gwen and Naruto are on their way to next round!" Chris laughed, "Now we will have Izzy facing Lindsay, who will get the bye and advancing to final match?"
"I know I have two more matches until the final round." Heather mumbled before she gives the camera a smirk, "But I already beat Klutzy and only Kooky girl is left…I told Lindsay to do one thing…"
"Um…Chad." Lindsay raised her hand, "I want to forfeit the match."
"Fine, your loss." Chris shrugged his shoulders before frowned at her, "And it's Chris."
"So you're letting her off because she gave up?" Leshawna raised her eyebrows.
"Nope, she has to wear this for the day." The host chuckled as he tossed a chicken hat to the bombshell, "And she also loses a chance to get a sweet reward."
"Awww…" Lindsay pouted as Owen patting her back.
"Now let's go on with the next rounds!" Chris throws his arms up in air with wide grin, "Oh, and we switched the secret weapons around so you won't know what you would get when you make your choice."
"Hmm, I'll take the red, dattebayo." Naruto said, taking the red dueling stick and walk toward the boat as the upsetting goth girl followed him with a black dueling stick.
"I am so going to whipping this bitch good!" Leshawna scowled, "No one messed with my friend and get away with it!"
"And switch!" Chris called out before scuba-cladded Chef hands the contestants their weapons.
"…How the hell did you get producers to approve these crazy challenges?" Duncan asked with gaping mouth as Chef handed Gwen a chain. Heather smirked at Leshawna as she tapping a huge club on her shoulder and the sister scowled at a pillow in her hand.
"…What the fuck, dattebayo." Naruto whispered to himself, staring at a plant pot in his hands with widened eyes.
"…That would be telling." The host grinned sadistically, "Now fight!"
"I seriously think that you want us to get hurt so much, dattebayo." The redhead mumbled before turn to the goth girl and smiled at her. "Good luck, Gwen." The goth girl glanced at him for a brief and smiled softly.
"Idiot, don't just stand around!" Heather snarled as she attempts to club Leshawna, "Just throw her in the water!" The goth girl flinched as she shifted her glance to the queen bee and sneered at her. Gwen really want to hurt her like what she did to her with this jerk and there was one way that she can hurt Heather emotionally.
"Naruto!" The said boy turned his head to her with a blink. Gwen throws out all of her rational thoughts and take hold of Naruto's head before pull him in a deep kiss. The redhead's eyes widened in shock and his brain just shut down as the group watch on in many different reaction.
"Oh, damn!" Leshawna gasped.
"Oooh." Chris snickered as he leans back to the camera crew and whispered lowly, "Someone filming the girls!"
"…Fuck, we so are going to be in one hell of a storm …" Duncan deadpanned as Owen nodded at him with dropped jaw and Lindsay stared at them confusingly.
"Um…Looks like it…" DJ gulped as he glanced at Izzy, she was just grinning but her face was blank with glazed eyes. He shifted his eyes to shock-shelled surfer girl and wonder what she was thinking inside her head.
'Gwen…' Bridgette know that the goth girl did it to get back at Heather but seeing Gwen kissing the redhead really hurt her and she felt like she was betrayed by her friend. The surfer girl shut her eyes tighter, resisting to let the tears come out as she turned her head away from them.
"Oh, someone get me a close up on Heather's face! That's so rich!" The host chortled. The shocked queen bee stood there with gaping mouth and her eyebrow twitched.