Chapter 5: part 2 of Good times, Tension, and fear
The next morning, the campers were forced to hanging on the tree's branches upside down and most of remaining campers dropped out. It was down to Naruto, Duncan, and Courtney against Gwen and Heather as Chef walked under them. "What you are experiencing is an ancient form of torture. By now, the blood has begun rushing down to your head. The next stage is nausea, followed by dizziness and a flushed appearance." Duncan was starting to show the said signs, "As the blood begins to pool in your eyes, you may experience fainting spells."
The punk gave out and falls down to the ground as Courtney cried out for him. "It's okay, he's alright." Bridgette called out after checked on Duncan before Heather fall down with a groan, she slipped because of her sweat.
"Heat-chan, you okay?" Naruto asked, only to get a shout from the queen bee as she stomped to the bathroom to clean herself from sweat.
"It's good thing that we have you." Courtney said, glancing at the redhead teammate.
"Actually, I've never been hanging upside down this long so I may drop anytime." Naruto admitted, he had been working as acrobat for a while and this challenge is more brutal than the acrobat training.
"What…Ha, ha, ha!" Courtney started to laugh for no reason and Naruto turns his head to her with a concern look.
"Stop laughing this instant." Chef barked.
"Sorry!" Courtney laughed, "I can't stop laughing." The CIT kept laughed before she falls down with a thump.
The sergeant frowned at Courtney with fists on his hip, "I expected more out of you, soldier."
"Ahem." The CIT cleared her throat, "Master Chief, I just have one thing to say to you."
"And what might that be?"
"You really need to take a chill pill." Courtney turns on her heels and walk away as Chef's cheeks puffed out with fires in his eyes. Everyone stared at the CIT with dropped jaws.
"That's what I talked about." Duncan laughed, wrapping his arm around Courtney's waist.
"Naruto, it's all up to you!" Courtney shouted at the redhead.
"Girl, don't you lose!" Leshawna supported her goth friend.
"Oh yeah, I can hang here all day." Gwen smirked at Naruto as he sticks his tongue out at her. A few hours went by and no one know how it will end until the redhead groaned as he turns his head to Bass team.
"Watashi wa memai, moshiwakearimasenga, min'nada yo."
"Say what?" DJ rubbed his head before Naruto repeated it over and over.
"Hmm, my Japanese is rusty but I believe he said that he's feeling dizzy and that he's sorry." Chris said before the campers and the cooker turns to him with raised eyebrows, when did he show up? As soon as the host finished his sentence, Naruto fainted and fall down, landed in Chef's arms.
The Gophers cheered as they pick up Gwen and Chef called out to them with a salute. "Congratulation, soldier. I'd go to war with you anytime."
"I'll keep it in my mind when I choose my career." Gwen said as the Gophers carried her away from the cooker.
"You do that, soldier. You do that…" A tear come out of Chef's eye and he glared at it, "Back in there!" It quickly returned to his tear duct.
"Yo, man." DJ shakes Naruto's shoulder as the Bass team look at him with concern.
"Huh…" The redhead slowly opened his eyes but they can see his eyes spinning around, "Ramen lord, is that you? Have you come to bless me with your tasty ramen broth?"
"Oh boy." Bridgette gulps as Naruto muttered nonsense.
"He'll snap out of it in a bit." Chef said as he walks past them with a chuckle.
The Bass team glanced behind to see Chef standing with his arm crossed before Chris spoke, "I only have six marshmallows on my plate and these marshmallows represent the campers that will continue to be campers…Here." Courtney rolled her eyes, "You've all cast your ballots in the confession can. If I do not call your name, you must immediately go down to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers and go home. You can't come back…ever."
"Whiskers, did you remember our plans?" Duncan whispered to Naruto with a smirk.
"Yeah, I did." The redhead nodded as Chris starts to call out the campers' names.
"Duncan…DJ…Bridgette…Owen…Naruto." The host handed the said campers their marshmallows before turns to Harold and Courtney. "Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the night."
"…" Courtney smirked.
"…" Harold shows no reaction as he slumped.
"…" Chris glared at them. "Harold!"
"What!" Courtney snarled at the shocked campers, "You guys voted for Harold over me?"
"Yes, yes." Chris said, "It's always a shock."
"This is impossible, I demand a recount!" The CIT yelled.
"Seriously, dude." Duncan putted his hand on Chris' shoulder with a glare, "I know for a fact…There were four of us that didn't voted her off." The host ignored the punk as he snapped his fingers before Chef grabbed the CIT with Chris' help.
"I do not concede!" Courtney screamed, dragged away to the dock of shame as Duncan followed them. Naruto frowned, something was not right before take a gaze at Harold to see him smirking at the retreating punk. The redhead narrowed his eyes before he walk away from the campfire.
(Outhouse stall)
Naruto's eyes narrowed in anger, watching the record of Harold rigged the votes and growled.
(Killer Bass cabin)
The next morning, an airplane engine roared above the cabin, waking up the campers in process. "Oh come on!" Duncan growled as he grabbed some of his clothes and walk out of the cabin, still angry about what happened last night at the campfire. Naruto glanced at Harold before shifting his eyes to see Owen and DJ leaving the room.
"Harold, get a minute?" Naruto said with a frown.
"Make it quick." Harold scoffed.
"I'm giving you an ultimatum…"
"For what?"
"I know you rigged the vote last night." The nerd paled at the revelation, "You either tell the guys what you did or I will tell them myself, dattebayo." Naruto turns around and walk away from Harold.
Chris grinned in his airplane, glanced at the ground to make sure that all of campers are outside before he makes his airplane diving toward them. "Incoming!" The host laughed as the screaming campers scrambled before the airplane flew past them. "Yes! I can't wait to get my pilot license!" Chris cheered before widened his eyes as his plane destroyed the outhouse in process, revealing the hiding bear. The bear whined at his close call as he hid his marshmallows behind his back, only to drop a few of marshmallows behind him.
"Teddy, are you alright?" Naruto shouted and the bear nodded his head shakily.
"Just flexing your muscles for today's X-treme sports challenge!" Chris announced with his megaphone after stopping his airplane from crashing anything else.
"Uh…It's too early for this." Gwen sighed, still exhausting from the boot camp.
"This week you'll participate in three challenges." Chris said as he ignored the goth girl, "First up, X-treme sofa bed skydiving! The contestants will plummet…" Chris coughed as the door opened to revealing Chef in his solider uniform, "skydive to awaiting sofa bed target below." The cooker gave them demonstrate, only to hurt himself as he crashed into the sofa bed and some campers winced.
'Pain…Everywhere…' Chef whined in agony.
"Of course, you'll be skydiving from five thousand feet and using these." Chris smirked evilly as he tossed them a couple of old parachute. "Our lucky contestants are DJ and Trent."
"Sure. Why not." Trent nervously chuckled, "You know, what they say on black comb mountain, bro? Best glimpse of Heaven's on the way into Hell. Let's do this."
DJ gulped, nodding his head. "Sure…Bring it…" He was still afraid of the height but he have to do it for his team.
"Not so fast, because, the second challenge of the day is X-treme rodeo moose riding!" Chris shouted out of his megaphone as he hopped out of the airplane and walk over to the moose pen that mysteriously appeared out of nowhere. "Contestant will rodeo ride the giant Canadian Bucking Moose for eight seconds or get hoofed into a giant pile of socks from the lost and found."
"That's stink pile ain't nothing but laundry day back home." Leshawna deadpanned as she waved it away before Chris stand right next to her.
"It's your lucky day, Leshawna. You're riding for Gophers and Owen, you'll ride for Bass."
"Moosey doesn't look too bucky to me." Owen chuckled as he gets closer to the moose with a grin before the moose hoof the oaf in face.
"And the final challenge…" Chris held his laughter back as Owen struggled to get up, "X-treme sea-doo water skiing! Contestant will water ski a race course grabbing as many flags they can before crossing the finish line while a member from the opposing team drives the sea-doo."
"How can we water ski without water?" Heather scoffed at the idiotic challenge.
"It's really hard. Check it out." Chris gestured at Chef as he screamed on the bouncing sea-doo before crashed into the tree. "Awesome!" The host laughed, "Naruto, you'll ski for Killer Bass and Lindsay for Screaming Gophers."
"Cool! I can model my new bikini." Lindsay squealed, flashing some poses.
"Now for the cool swag, whoever scores the most challenges get bragging rights for the night, saves their butts from elimination and wins a tricked-out multi-message mobile shower." The girls gasped, seeing the mobile shower truck as Chef playing with the harp.
"Can it be…" Heather muttered with dreamy smile.
"Oh it is." Chris chuckled as the boys rolled their eyes.
"Ugh, a shower? What about something good for us?" Owen groaned, chewing on the marshmallow.
"Nothing, I'm not made out of money." Chris mumbled with a glare, you give them one good thing and they want more. "Okay, gang, chow for breakie then report back in twenty minutes for the X-treme sport challenge." The host said as he started his airplane before take off in the air, leaving the coughing campers in dust.
(Main Lodge)
"Naruto." The redhead turns his head to Harold as they stand in the line, "Um…I'm going to tell them after the challenge."
"Yeah!" Harold sighed.
"That's good, just don't do it again, dattebayo." Naruto smiled.
"I promise not to do it again!" Harold stuttered and the redhead nodded before walk off, never noticed the nerd smirked as he revealed his crossed fingers.
Owen scraped the leftover foods on one plate before swallow it whole and handed the plate to Chef as Gwen and Bridgette stares at him with widened eyes. The oaf belched out a love letter before it landed on the stacking plates. "Sweet grubs, bro!" Owen said as he walks out of the main lodge.
"For the girl with smoldering eyes?" Chef muttered as he read the love letter before flicking it to the table with a shrug and heading for the kitchen to wash the dirty plates. Bridgette picked the love letter up as Gwen lean in to read it.
"Check it out, it's a corny haiku poem." The goth girl said with a smile.
"Whoa." Bridgette giggled, "Some dude's crushing big time. It's probably for you."
"Really?" Gwen jumped in shock, "I was gonna say it was for you."
"But Trent is totally crushing on you. I've seen the way he always scams an extra muffin for you." Bridgette smirked at the blushing goth girl.
"Yeah…But Naruto must be the one that wrote it." Gwen said, "But then again, he's kind of dense so there's no reason for him to write a haiku poem." The surfer girl sighed as she nodded her head and the goth girl winced. "Um…Or he may start to have feeling for you."
"Yes, maybe it's for me." Bridgette perked up as she takes the letter from Gwen before the goth girl take it back.
"Nah, it's totally for me." They starts to argue over it before both of them accidently ripped it in half. "Tell you what, Betty, I bet you two nights' desert that the poem was for me."
"Oh, I'm up for that. Down with that." Bridgette was not sure how she can phase it. "Whatever. You're on!" They both never noticed that Chef was rolling his eyes with a shaking head.
"Now, remember, ground teams can wheelie the sofa beds whatever they want in order to help their comrade with the landing." Chris reminded the campers as Trent and DJ boarding the airplane.
"Sayonara, Trent." Heather waving her hand with a smirk, "I hope your attempts to impress weird goth girl are worth the chalk outline." Trent and Gwen glanced at the ground to see a chalk outline, drawn by Heather.
"Uh…Did you ever think that maybe Trent's doing this as a form of self-expression, like haiku?" Gwen smiled wide smile at confusing musician as some campers gave her a weird look and Bridgette shake her head with a smirk. "Or not." Gwen sighed, little embarrassing.
Up in the air, DJ and Trent gulps as they look down at the ground, miles away from them, before Chris presenting them the waivers with a grin. "If you could just fill these out?"
"What?" DJ stuttered, "We already signed the insurance forms in the beginning of the show!"
"Yeah, but these are for organ donation!" Chris answered with a chuckle, "I have this cool cannibal challenge I want to pitch to the producers and this will go a long way toward budgeting free props!" The boys stared at the host with disgust expression and dropped jaws. "Here comes the drop, boys!"
"I don't see the drop zone." Trent said with squirted eyes.
"Push, put your back in it!" Duncan grunted, "Why is this thing so heavy?"
"Anyone seen Big O, dattebayo?" Naruto said before the Bass look over the sofa to see Owen, sleeping on the bed.
Duncan sighed, "Look like we'll draw a target mark on him for DJ…Anyone has red paint or anything?"
"Is it me or did anyone else hear a screaming?" Bridgette asked and everyone look up to see screaming Trent plummeting before crashed into the ground, causing a Trent-size hole.
"Oh man! He's going to feeling this in the morning." Leshawna said as the Gophers ran over to check on their injured Gophers. The Bass team winced before pushing their sofa bed, hoping it won't happen to DJ too.
It wasn't long enough until Bridgette glanced at Naruto and speaking to him. "You know what's really romantic?"
"Um…" The redhead blinked, "I'm not sure…A date that a girl can enjoy, I guess?"
"Hmm, yeah but actually I was thinking more of the writing word." Bridgette said and the redhead tilted his head.
"Like love letter or something, dattebayo?" Naruto scratched his head, "Hmm, I'm kind of bad with these things so I have no clue. Gomen." Bridgette was about to say something but a scream cut her off as the Bass look up to see DJ floating around with his parachute.
"Go! Go! Go!" Duncan barked as the team quickly pushes the sofa bed before DJ landed on top of Owen, waking the oaf up in process.
"Huh? Everything's still here?" The giant checked himself as he hop off the sofa bed and give out a sigh, relived that he made it in one piece.
"Gophers lose!" Chris shouted out of his megaphone as the plane flew over the campers, "Bass win! One to zero!"
"Nice going, Trent." Heather sighed as nurse Chef wheels cast-clad Trent on the stretcher.
"I hope he's okay." Katie mumbled.
"Trent, is there anything you want to ask me before they take you to get uh…re-boned? Gwen asked.
"…Yeah…Is my hair messed up?" Trent groaned before Chef pushes him away and Gwen stares at them as her team leaves. Bridgette walks up to the goth girl's side and giving her a pat on back.
"Okay, cowpokes, let's start the rodeo moose challenge." Chris chuckled.
"I wonder if Big O can make it, dattebayo." Naruto mumbled as he walks closer to the moose and starts to petting the creature without receive any negative reaction.
Chris rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. "And that's why I don't want Naruto to take this challenge…I bet this moose will just let him ride for days without bucking at all."
"Do you know that I always think that the wave flow a lot, say…Kinda like the ancient art of Japanese haiku." Bridgette smiled at Naruto as Gwen smirked at the surfer girl.
"Haiku? You have an interesting way of view things, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled, watching Owen climbed on top of the moose as it snorted at the oaf. "Hmm, I suck so much with haiku." The redhead admitted with a grin, causing Bridgette to sigh as Gwen patting her shoulders.
"I'm ready!" Owen gulps before Chef opened the gate and the moose bucked around. The moose suddenly braked on its hooves, sending Owen flying in air.
"And Owen's…" The oaf screamed over Chris' head before landed in the stink pile and the host blinked at his timer. "Out already? Ooh, that stinks big-time for Bass." Chris chuckled, "No, seriously, this is some rank stuff…Leshawna, let's jet!" The said girl cracked her hands as Naruto led the moose back to the pen, much to Chef's relief.
"Just one more time and you're done for the day, dattebayo." The redhead petted the moose as the creature gives him a nod. Leshawna climbed up and saddled the moose as Chef slowly reaches out for the latch.
"I hope you got a moose-burger recipe handy." Leshawna teased the moose and the creature growled at her, "Easy, boy. You don't want to make me mad now." The moose snapped and starts to buck wildly.
"Um…I think you're pushed him over, dattebayo." Naruto said with concern.
"Sweet mother of…Ahhh!" Chef screamed before the moose break out of the pen and bucked all over as Leshawna held on for life. Naruto winced at downed Chef and glanced up to see Gwen and Bridgette hugging each other. 'Did they just have a fight and made up?' The redhead wondered as he helps Chef up.
Leshawna lasted longer on the moose for thirty seconds which earned her team a score. The two teams walk over to the race course before Chris show up on his ATV. "So we have a tie! Whoever wins the X-treme sea-doo water ski challenge wins invincibility."
"I'm ready!" Lindsay called out, wearing a green bikini and Owen's face turn red as Duncan nudged him with a smirk.
"We are so dead…" Heather mumbled, "Unless I get to drive the wave jumper!" Naruto blinked before grinning at her.
"Just win the damn shower so I can get my hair did." Leshawna muttered as she rubbing her sore feet.
"Good luck, I feel bad that I don't do anything to help." Katie sighed, she really want to help her team so badly.
"It's okay, girl." Leshawna patted the tanned girl's head.
"Ladies!" The campers turns to see Harold step out of outhouse with his pants down before the nerd fall down, tripped on his pants.
"…Ero-megane." Naruto sighed with shaking head as he walks to the bathroom to change into his swimsuit and shirt.
"You are so far out of luck, idiot." Heather smirked and Naruto grinned at her.
"Nah, you know I have a devil's luck, dattebayo."
"Here's the road rules." Chris announced with a grin, "Oh wait! There are no rules. Which means this is gonna be awesome!" He pulls out a flag before waving it around, "And go!"
"Whoa!" Naruto jerked on the rope as Heather revved the sea-doo, going faster as much as she can push it. The redhead grabbed the first flag as the sea-doo hit the ramp before landed on the mud.
"First flag for Bass!" Chris spoke into his walkie talkie.
"No!" Heather snarled before weave the sea-doo around to make it difficult for Naruto but he managed to grab four more flags. "That's impossible!" She growled as Chris announced the score.
"Heather has to cross the finish line or be disqualified." The host said with a chuckle as he drove by on his ATV, "But when she does, Harold will take five flags to victory for the Killer Bass!" Heather gasped, noticing that she was getting closer to the finish line before look back at grinning Naruto.
"I can't let this idiot win, no matter how hot he…I mean…" Heather stuttered before glared at the camera, "Chris did say there was no rule so I have to cut him loose."
"No rules, idiot, you know what that mean?" Heather smirked as she turns around on the sea-doo and pull out a pocketknife.
"Aw, come on, Heat-chan!" Naruto groaned, knowing that it was fair play since there were no rules so he can't hold it against his childhood friend if he loses the challenge. He blinked, noticing a low branch coming toward Heather. "Hey, watch out…"
"Eeek!" The queen bee cried out as the branch ripped her top off, exposing her breasts to gaped Naruto. "D-D-D-Don't looooook!" Heather screamed with red face as she crossed her chest but it was too late, Naruto's head blow back with nosebleed and lose his grip on the rope before they crashed into the rock. Heather ran off to her cabin with red face before Chris rolled his ATV up to the crash site with confusing expression on his face.
"I don't know what Heather did to make Naruto loses his concentration but it's a total wipeout for Killer Bass…and there's a lot of blood everywhere, wicked!" The Bass team looks at each other, worried about the redhead since they have no idea what happened.
"Naru, are you okay? You're bleeding all over!" Owen gasped as he pick fainted redhead up and some campers look at him with concern.
Naruto's eyes fluttered opened, "I…I…I…I saw something…" The redhead fainted again as Owen carried him to the team.
"We better bring him to the infirmary." DJ gulped before he turns to Duncan and Bridgette, "We'll get him there, good luck."
"Yeah, thank." Duncan nods as he walks up to the new sea-doo.
(Infirmary tent)
"Oh, my head…" Naruto groaned as he raised himself up in the cot.
"Are you alright, man?" The redhead blinked, looks up to see DJ and Owen before Naruto nodded his head.
"Hey, DJ…How long has I been out for, dattebayo?"
"About half an hour, I think." Owen replied.
"Yeah, we just lose the challenge so…" DJ sighed, he got the information from the loudspeaker when they were waiting for Naruto to wake up.
"Oh, this suck." Naruto sighed.
"…So what happened?" Owen asked, earning a red face from Naruto for an answer.
"N-N-No comment…You don't want to know…" The boys raised their eyebrows as they glanced at each other, wondering what went on between Naruto and Heather.
"Okay, guys, we are going to have campfire ceremony early so we can save some time…That and we have to fix the boat's engine so the loser will have about a couple hours before leaving the island." Chris said with arms behind his back.
"What happened to the engine?" Naruto blinked as he glanced at the sky, it was almost time for sunset.
"Meh, something about overheating or whatever, I'm no mechanic." The host rolled his eyes before cleared his throat, "Anyway…As you know, if you do not receive a marshmallow, you will walk down the dock of shame, and you can never ever return to camp." He pulled out the plate and called out the campers' names as he tossed the reward to them, "Bridgette…DJ…Owen…Duncan. You guys are safe." Chris turns to Naruto and Harold with a smirk as he juggled the last marshmallow.
"…" Harold fidgets around in his seat.
"…" Naruto licks his lip, getting nervous.
"…" Chris takes a deep breath, "Harold!"
"What!" Bridgette gasped with her teammates as Harold takes his marshmallow with a smirk. Naruto's eyes widened as Chris walk up to him.
"Sorry, buddy, go pack your things and report at the dock of shame in two hours." Chris said with a grin. The redhead sighed as he stands up and walk to his cabin.
"Whoa, whoa, something is not right here!" Duncan snarled at Chris.
"Nah, all of you voted for Naruto. It was five to one." The host shrugged his shoulders as he walk away from frowning punk. "If you excuse me, I need to check on Chef to see if he fixed the boat yet." Duncan scowled as his upsetting teammates walk to the main lodge, his eyes glanced at the Bass team and noticing that only Harold was smirking…wait…Chris said there were five votes against Naruto, which mean…The punk's eyes widened before he ran off to check something out.
After packing his bags, Naruto checked his surrounding before knocking on the trailer's door. There was no reply, he sighed before pull out a lockpick set and starts to pick the lock with experience. Naruto smiled as soon as he hears a click and opened the door before take a glance around to make sure that there was no one around. "Well…That's it, I guess." Naruto sighed as he pulls out the large thick envelope and placed it on top of the desk. He quickly takes a sticky note and wrote something down before he leaved the trailer, remembering to lock the door on his way out.
(Dock of Shame)
"I can't believe they voted you off." Heather growled and Naruto smiled at her.
"It's cool, dattebayo." Naruto ruffled her hair and this time Heather did not swat it away, "Well, I'll see you later."
"Brat, you ready?" Chef hollered and the redhead nods as he stepped into the boat. Heather just stands there and watches the boat shipping away from the dock before it vanished from her sight. She growled, turns on her heels and stomping toward the main lodge.
(Main Lodge)
"You're all going to pay for what you did!" Heather roared, startled the campers and they turned to her. She was about to unleashing her fury on them but Duncan show up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. "Get your hand off me!"
The punk ignored her as he glance around the room for someone. "Where's Harold?" Duncan asked with narrowed eyes.
"He's sleeping in the cabin, why did you ask?" DJ asked before he noticed a camera in the punk's hand.
"Good! Listen guys…I found something that you guys need to know…That mean for you Gophers." Duncan growled and the campers blinked as he sat down between Owen and Bridgette. "As you know, Whiskers were voted off the island…"
"Thank to you." Heather muttered snarly, causing the punk shaking his head.
"No…Something was off so I have to check something out…It turns out that he was cheated out." The punk shows them the camera, "And it's all here on this confession camera."
"Say what?" Everyone cried out loudly and Duncan starts to rewinding the tape as everyone gathered together to watch the record.
Harold snickered as he jammed the vote ballot open and pouring out the votes. "With him out of the way, no one will know that I rigged the vote before and they will pay more attention to me now since this loser idiot is gone!" The nerd laughed manically, placing the new votes in the box.
"Oh my gosh! He's crazy!" Katie gasped and the campers scowled at the footage.
"I'll say…With ugly ego." Leshawna growled with narrowed eyes.
"Yeah…Listen, we can't let Harold know that we're on him now." Duncan said, "All we can do is playing along until the next challenge then we'll work together to get this cheater off the island." He really wants to do something to the nerd but that would send him back to the juvie.
"Agreed. Naruto don't deserve it." Trent nodded with the campers.
Naruto sighed with a frown, he figured out that Harold just betrayed him by breaking the promise and rigged the votes again but it was too late and there was nothing that he can do about it. "So…How long will it be until I get home, dattebayo?" Naruto glanced at Chef and the cooker smirked.
"Oh, you're not going home."
"Say what?"
"Chris has a little surprise for you and I think you will like it a lot." Chef chuckled as Naruto raised his eyebrows at the cooker.
It has been one week and it seems that camp wawanakwa has become gloomy since Naruto left the island. Heather sighed, kicking the rock into the path before growling silently at carefree Harold. The nerd never noticed the tension between him and the campers, even Chef glared at him but again he never like everyone beside Naruto. Heather sighed again before Harold walk up to her with a smug smirk. "Hey, Heather, want to hang out?"
"No thank, I'm busy!" The queen bee shoves him away and stomping to her cabin.
"What's her problem, gosh." Harold muttered, brushing himself as he turns to relaxing DJ.
"Oh, I don't know." The giant said coldly and the nerd shrugged before he walks to the main lodge. DJ wish there would be a challenge soon so they can kick this guy off, even if he has to throw the challenge in order to lose.
"Listen up, campers!" Chris' voice rang out of the loudspeaker and some campers perked, hoping that it would be a challenge since it was getting boring and they can't stand the nerd any longer since his ego kept growing as days went by. "As of right now, all teams are officially dissolved. From here on in, it's every camper for themselves."
The campers glanced at each other and make a silent agreement together. 'Harold will be the first to go!'
"Get ready for this." Chris' voice chuckled, "Report to the dock and I have a couple surprises for you guys." The campers sighed before they ran to the dock to see what the big surprises are.
The first thing the campers noticed was a table with jersey jackets with nametags on their back, all in different colors and they noticed that the nametags were in…"Hangul?" Heather said with a raised eyebrow, recognized them since she know Korean from her grandma and mother.
"Okay, guys, here is your first surprise." Chris show up on the side of table and gesturing at the woods as everyone turned to see a person swings on the vine.
"Ya-ha!" The person shouted with joy.
"What! That's impossible!" Heather gasped.
"No way!" Duncan dropped his jaws.
"Returning to camp, it's Izzy!" Chris smirked as the crazy girl flipped off the vine and landed in front of the campers.
"Hey guys, it's good to be back at camp even though I never actually left the island." Izzy giggled, "I've been living in the woods all this time."
"Wait a sec!" Gwen turns around and narrowed her eyes at the host, "You said no one is allowed back."
"I did?"
"And once you leave…" The goth girl rolled her eyes.
"And once you leave on the dock of shame, on the boat of losers, you can never, ever come back." Chris said with a smirk.
"Oh yeah, that." Chris chuckled, "I lied."
"You can't do that! It's not fair!" Gwen huffed and Izzy glanced around.
"Oh, where's Red? I don't see him anywhere." The crazy girl asked and the campers flinched.
"He's gone, we voted him off." Harold snickered, drawing a lot of glares and Izzy pouted.
"Aww, my whisker time…"
"Hey, hey!" Chris clapped his hands to get their attention, "And second surprise is…something I will reveal after telling you guys your next challenge!" The host picks up the brown jacket and presenting it to them, "Your challenge is…Nametag Ripping! Inspired from a tv show…"
Heather cut him off with a squeal, "Running Man?! Are we doing the nametag ripping game?! I really love…" The queen bee froze before glancing at the shocked campers, never seen her reacting like that before, and she coughed into her hand. "I-I-I mean, oh this lame tv show. I can't believe we are doing it…"
'Liar…' The campers rolled their eyes at her.
"Yeah." Chris chuckled, "For these who don't know, you have to wear these jackets and start at the destination spots that we will send each of you there. The rules are easy…If your nametag get ripped off," He pull the nametag off the jacket, "You're out of the game and will send to the jail, we will let you know who's out by broadcasting the name with loudspeaker. The last one stand will win invincibility and can choose any camper to be kicked off the island, instant elimination and no one is safe." Everyone smirked at the last part, this would make everything easy if Harold's not the last one standing.
"I like it so far." Duncan chuckled with a smirk.
"Oh yeah…I forget something." Chris chuckled since he did it on purpose, "This nametag ripping challenge is based off the third hunter episode…"
"Wait! You mean there's a hunter with no nametags and we have to find a piece of this hunter's nametag in order to make a nametag and put it on this hunter to get him out?" Heather gasped and the host glared at her.
"…Yeah, what she said…" Chris muttered, he never expected the queen bee to be a huge fan of Running Man. "There's ten pieces scrambling around this island and you have to find them all to get your hunter out. If the hunter got you all out, the hunter wins a extra reward…"
"Dibs on hunter!" Harold shouted with a grin, there's no way he will get himself kick off and it will be sweeter when he kick this punk out to complete his revenge.
"Sorry, dude. We already have a hunter and guess what?" Chris smirked at them, "The hunter is the second camper that come back and here's a hint about this guy…The hunter is really mad and pissed off…That's your second surprise by the way."
"W-W-Who came back?" Katie gulped, the only angry camper she knows is…"Eva?" The campers paled at the mention of her name and the smirking host said nothing.
The loudspeaker squeaked, drawing everyone's attention and Chris chuckled at their frightened faces. "Looks like the hunter want to say something before the game."
"Hello, campers." The deep gruff voice rang out, "I want you to know that I had set up traps all over the island for a week." The campers gulped in fear, that mean the person has been here the whole time and they never noticed the hunter."Someone on this island betrayed me, it really make me very angry…And you have no idea what kind of terror I will unleash upon you. You will never know when and where I will rip your nametag off…" A dark chuckle echoed out across the sky, "I admit that I can't wait to see you cowering under me when I show you the true meaning of fear…I will enjoy my little hunting…!" The dark laughter boomed out before the loudspeaker cut off.
"Got to give this guy a prop." Chris chuckled, "Okay, when I call for your name with color, come and get your assigned jacket." The host pulls out the clipboard and cleared his throat, "Owen, white…Trent, brown…Lindsay, magenta…Duncan, grey…Harold, green…DJ, pink."
"Seriously, man?" DJ groaned, earning some snickering from the campers.
"If it makes you feel better, real man wears pink." Leshawna grinned as she patting the giant's back.
"Pfft, yeah right." Chris rolled his eyes, "Leshawna, you get purple…Gwen, black…Bridgette, blue…Katie, yellow…Izzy, red…Heather, orange." He paused as the campers put their jackets on before the host tossed the maps to each contestant. "This map will lead you to your starting point and the game will start when I make an announcement." Everyone glanced at their maps before separating up to find their destinations.
"Ugh! And they had to give me orange jacket." Heather groaned with crossed arms, "It make me miss idiot more…Wonder if they will let me keep it too?" The queen bee blushed as she glared at the camera, "I-I-It's for idiot! Just a gift! Nothing else!"
Bridgette shuddered, why did Chris decide to have the challenge at night? The surfer girl groaned, "At least it won't be this bad…" There was a boom sound before the rain fall down harder, "I should have keep my mouth shut."
"Now…Campers, are you ready?" Chris' voice rang across the island, "I bet some of you are complaining about the rain…Too bad! That's perfect weather for the challenge!" The host's voice chuckled, "Well then…It's on! Go! Go! Go!" Bridgette quickly ran in random direction, she doesn't care where as long as she can get out of the woods soon and faster.
'If I hide a piece of nametag, where would I put it in?' Duncan frowned, scratching his chin as he looked around in the campfire and checking everything for anything. A twig snapped, causing punk's eyes to widen before he quickly gets on his guard and turns around to the source. "Who's there?" Duncan shouted.
"Duncan?" The punk blinked as Owen peeked over the bush.
"Oh, Owen…I thought you were the hunter." Duncan sighed, "Hey, do you want to team up with me?" The oaf nods his head with a grin and the punk smirked, knowing that Owen will never backstabbing anyone at all.
(Main Lodge)
Trent opened the freezer and step inside, hoping to find a piece of nametag since it's better to find all of the pieces first. "Hmm?" The musician blinked at a small box, with TD letters on the lid, lying in the corner before he pick it up and opened it to see a piece. "Sweet…" Trent grinned before a hand touch his shoulder and he jumped in air as he gave out an unmanly shriek.
"Oh, I'm sorry!"
"G-G-Gwen? You scared me." Trent sighed, trying to slow his heart down. The goth girl glanced at the box and smirked at him.
"Oh, you found the piece." The musician nodded with a smile as they walk out of the freezer.
"Yeah, did you find anything?" Trent asked.
"Well, I kind of did…" Gwen said and he blinked at her before the goth girl led him outside and pointed at something that Trent didn't notice on his way in the main lodge. What stands in front of them was a pull-up bar with a hanging thin bungee cord with hooks and for some reason, it send him a creepy vibe.
"Um…I don't know you but I'm staying away from this one." Trent said with a shiver and Gwen nodded as they walk away from it.
"Do you think a piece is here somewhere?" Katie asked as she glances at Leshawna and DJ.
"It's possible." Leshawna muttered, the trio met early and agreed to work together to take the hunter and others out.
"I'm going to check these boats." DJ said, pointing at the canoes before walk over to them as the girls decided to check the dock. He lifted the tarp to look inside before spotting a box and opened it to see the piece. "Yo, I found it!" DJ grinned at his luck as he waved at his allies until he hear something rustling right behind him.
"Look out!" The giant heard Katie's cry and he turns around to see a glimpse of something black before his body spin around, feeling something gripped on his back. DJ felt something in his heart and it was fear.
"One prey down…" DJ whined in fear as he looks up to see the hunter. The hunter was wearing a black hooded raincoat that cover whole of the body frame, only revealing the black gloves and the hunter lifted his head to reveal a spooky skull mask with black beanie hat.
"DJ out! DJ out!" The loudspeaker squeaked.
"I'm outtie!" Leshawna screamed as she ran off with Katie. Hunter glanced at shivering DJ before the hunter retreat into the forest and the giant released his bloodcurdling scream that he held back. Two of the interns pick DJ up and carry him to the jail.
Harold walk through the forest, his eyes glanced around to see if there were any campers or nametag pieces. The lighting flashed across the sky, caused him to give out a yelp. "Jeez, that really scared m…Ahhh!" The nerd screamed as someone tackled him from behind and hold him down with hand on his nametag. "Wait! Wait!" Harold screamed at the sound of his nametag slowly ripping before it stopped halfway.
"Hush, little ant…" The hunter whispered into frightened nerd's ear, "I'm going to tell you a little story…Once upon a time in a village, there was a tiger that live in peace until a little ant come in and the tiger let him climb on the back while he was sleeping because the tiger trust the ant…But this ant backstabbed the tiger in the end so the tiger swallow the little ant whole…" Hunter's eyes glanced into cowering nerd's eyes, "So what did you learn about the moral of the story?"
"I-I-I don't understand!" Harold sobbed, "It doesn't make any sense at all!"
"It means that if you betray someone, there will be some consequences." The hunter growled before pasting the nametag back on and Hunter looked around. "I'm going to let you go but you have to stay down and singing a lullaby until I leave …Understood?"
"Y-Yes!" Harold screamed before singing with his eyes shutting tighter and the hunter slowly back away from the nerd.
"I will be back for you later…" Hunter whispered eerily before vanished into the woods. The nerd slowly opened his eyes before he quickly get up on his feet and sprinting away from this place.
"Did you find anything?" Heather asked and Lindsay shakes her head as she checked in the barrel.
"What are we supposed to look for?" The bombshell asked with confusion and the queen bee rolled her eyes.
"For anything like a box with TD on it." Heather groaned, they found a box when they were at the dock of shame before the boathouse.
"Oh, like this large box?" The queen bee blinked before turn around to see Lindsay pull out the said object and they opened it to see…"A large blank nametag?" The blonde tilted her head and Heather smirked.
"Did you know what that mean?" Lindsay blinked and Heather pinched her nose bridge. "This mean if we get all pieces and put them together on this blank nametag, we can pasted it on the hunter's back and send this guy to jail."
"Oooh, I see!" The bombshell nodded with a smile.
Leshawna and Katie were on their guard as they circled around Izzy and the crazy girl glances at them. Early, Izzy tried to ambush them from behind but Katie spotted her and warned Leshawna, who just narrowly avoided the crazy girl's attack. "On three, we'll attack at once." Leshawna whispered to Katie, "One…Two…Three!" They charged at Izzy and the crazy girl jumped over them before lunged toward Katie, grabbed her nametag.
Without wasting any time, Izzy pounced on Leshawna and they both fall down on the ground, rolling around as they tried to get their hold on the nametags. Leshawna finally gripped Izzy's nametag but at same time, the crazy girl has her grip on the sister and they both start to pull it off.
"Yes!" They both cried as they hold up the nametags before blinked at each other. Katie was not sure who was first that ripped the nametag off but the loudspeaker answered her unasked question.
"Katie out! Leshawna, Izzy simultaneously out!"
"Oh man!" Leshawna groaned before the group of interns rounded them up and bring them to the jail.
The girls blinked at the construction trailer that sat on the beach, guarded by Chef in policewoman uniform. "Get in, maggots!" Chef snarled at them as he pushes them inside and the girls can see a television and a lot of empty chairs, one of them were occupied by DJ as he eating the popcorns.
"Hey, guys." DJ waved at them, "Just saw what happened on the tv." The girls glanced at the television to see many cctv cameras and they can see some campers on camera.
"At least it's better than nothing." Leshawna shrugged as she sat next to DJ, "Gimme some popcorn."
"Sure." The giant chuckled as they watch the television.
(East cabin)
"Duncan! Owen! I found it!" The said campers turned to Bridgette as she shows them the box that she found under one of the beds and lifted the lid to see a piece.
"Now we have two with us." Duncan grinned, he found the piece when he was at campfire with Owen.
Trent stopped in the middle of the woods, his eyes spotted something and Gwen turned to him with raised eyebrow. "What's up?" The goth girl asked and the musician smiled as he pointing at the box, innocently lies upon a tree root. He walks up to it and lifted the lid…
"Wha…" Trent stared at a broken wire inside the box before a net sprang up, wrapped up and suspending him in air.
"Trent!" Gwen gasped and takes a step forward.
"What!" The goth girl shouted, looking down to see a wire that she just stepped on.
Gwen's eyes widened as she turns around to see three bolas ropes flew in air before entangling her, knocking her down. "That's not good!" She growled, struggling to get out and Trent kept trying to tear the net trap but they both stopped at the sound of rustling.
"My, my…What do we have here? Two preys…" The hunter steps out into their sight, drawing gulps from the trapped contestants. Hunter chuckled darkly and Gwen yelped as her nametag starts to tear off.
"Gwen out! Gwen out!"
The hunter glanced at the sweating musician and cut a rope that hold the net, bringing Trent down with a crash. Hunter quickly grabs Trent's shoulder and takes a hold of the nametag. "Don't resist or your nametag will be torn off…"The musician nodded his head with cold sweat, "Good…Come with me…"
"Trent!" Gwen cried out as the interns forced her to walk to the jail and all she can do is watching the hunter leading her crush away to someplace.
"Quick! Don't let him escape!" Heather ordered as the queen bee and Lindsay attempted to corner Duncan in on the dock. The punk groaned, why did he decided to split from his allies when they were checking the cliff. The bombshell reached out to Duncan's back but the punk twisted his torso around, avoiding her before Heather lunged and take hold on his nametag with a smirk.
"Duncan out! Duncan out!"
"So that's what it feels like on Running Man." Heather giggled, receiving weird looks from Duncan and Lindsay before the queen bee coughed. "I-I-I mean, tough luck for you." Heather scoffed as she took two pieces from the punk before sending him to the jail. "Okay, Lindsay, we have four pieces now. Let's go!"
"Right!" The bombshell nodded with a smile on her face.
(Outside Main Lodge)
Trent and the hunter walk up to the pull-up bar that the musician saw early. "Now get up on it and do a chin-up…"
"Why?" Trent asked, only to have the hunter peeling his nametag a little. "Ok, ok!" The musician cried out as he reached for the bar and pull up to his chin. The hunter grabbed the hanging bungee cord's hook and pokes a hole in Trent's nametag, hooking it up.
"Here's a deal…This rope will tear your nametag off when you drop and there are two ways to escape this…" Hunter said, "All you have to do is just hold on long enough that someone come and get you free …" Trent gulped, "Or you just give up and drop down..." The hunter chuckled before walk away from the struggling musician.
"The hunter just ambushed me five times already!" Harold wailed in fetus position, "I'm too scared to go out…And why do I have to sing lullaby each time I got caught?!" The left side banged, causing the nerd to jump in air before another bang come from the right side. "W-W-Who's there?" Harold stuttered before paled as the voice answered his question.
"Does the little ant think he will be safe by taking shelter? You can hide all you want but I always know where you are…" Harold shivered before cried out as the bangs increasing around him. "There are five more preys left until it's down to you…If you don't come out of this outhouse when I come back…I will drag you out and slowly peeling your nametag over and over…"
"What do you want from me!" The nerd sobbed and the bangs stopped.
"Sing me a lullaby…"
"Come on! Aren't you tired of it?" The door rattled and Harold quickly singing the lullaby as the rattle stops.
Heather and Lindsay glanced around the clearing before the queen bee spotted a box, sitting on the tree branch. "Lindsay, up there." The bombshell look up to the tree that Heather was pointing at and takes a step…
They blinked before Heather cried out as the snare rope hoisted her up in air and hanging upside down. "Get me down!" The queen bee snarled, attempting to reach for her feet to untying the rope and Lindsay was about to help her but something happened.
"Eeek!" Lindsay screamed as her nametag got torn off by Bridgette and the surfer girl turns to Heather with a smirk.
"Don't you dare even think about it!" The queen bee growled but Bridgette just ignored her and starts to tear her nametag off as Owen soothe Lindsay's nerves.
"Oooh, you are so going to regret it, klutzy!" Heather screamed out of rage as the giggling surfer takes the pieces and blank nametag away from her.
"Lindsay out! Heather out!"
"Nine pieces down and one to go. Woo-hoo!" Owen cheered and the surfer nods her head.
"Let's go!" Bridgette ran off with the oaf after he waved Lindsay a goodbye. The bombshell sighed before walk off to the jail but she forgets one thing…
The queen bee screamed, "Don't leave me hanging here! Get me down! Get me down!"
(Outside Main Lodge)
He doesn't know how long it has been since he hold on the bar with difficult. Trent grunted as his hands start to slip from his sweat and he knows that if someone doesn't come in time, he will be out. "Trent?" The musician glanced to see Harold peeking out of the main lodge, ugh, why him of all people? He don't care if it was Harold, he need help.
"Hurry! Help me!" Trent shouted out and the nerd jumped before ran up to him but it was too late. The musician loses his grip and fall down without any resistance.
Harold gives out a horrified gasp, watching Trent's nametag swing around innocently on the rope.
"Trent out! Trent out!"
"Ugh…" Trent groaned as the interns carried him away since he doesn't have any strength left in him.
"Oh man! Oh man!" Harold whined as he slumped on the ground, it was too much for him.
"Bridge!" Owen cried out, one minute they were just walking and the next minute, the hunter show up out of nowhere and tore Bridgette's nametag off in just a flash before vanished into the woods.
"Bridgette out! Bridgette out!"
"I'm so sorry! It was too fast!" The oaf apologized.
"Don't sweat it. The hunter was too fast…" She sighed before handing the pieces over to Owen. The interns come up and lead the surfer girl to the jail.
"To the remaining contestants…Report at the stage for a little show." Chris' voice speaks out of the loudspeaker and the oaf gulped as he feels something bad in his stomach and it's not from the foods.
Owen and Harold walks to the stage to see a large screen with film projector in the between of two empty chairs. They glanced at each other before sit down in the chairs and there was silence in air. "Um…What are we supposed to do?" Harold asked and Owen just shrugged before they both hear a click on the film projector as it starts to play the reel. "Did you just turn it on?"
"I thought you did…" Owen whined, glancing at the haunted film projector.
"Congratulate for making it so far…" The boys screamed as they turned to see the hunter standing in front of them.
"O-O-Oh, I actually thought it was the real hunter…" Harold panted as they watch the hunter start to speak again from the screen.
"Did you know this challenge was planned by me since the little ant betrayed me and this is all for you…Harold…"
"M-M-Me? I don't betray anyone at all!" Harold said with shifty eyes and Owen was about to say something back to the nerd but the hunter cut him off.
"You can deny it all you want but I know the truth…" The hunter pointed at them as if it was on live, "I am going to teach you a lesson that every actions have consequences…Your betrayal have a consequence and that is me…The hunter…" Hunter growled darkly and the nerd gulp with cold sweat, Owen was in same spot since he was getting scared of this challenge and it's all Harold's fault.
'It's good thing that it's just a film…' Harold shivered in his chair. The hunter's head tilted a little before charged at the camera and the boys blinked, why is the hunter running to the camera? Hunter burst through the screen, it turns out that the hunter was lingering around behind the screen. The hunter's jumpscare earn a bloodcurdling screams from them before Owen just fainted on spot as Harold jumped off the stage.
"Stay!" The hunter barked at the stiffen nerd before Hunter turned Owen's body around to hold on the nametag.
"Owen out! Owen out!"
Hunter stands up and stares at cowering Harold before the hunter whispered lowly that the nerd can barely hear it. "You have thirty seconds head start before I will hunt you down like a little ant you are…One…Two…" The nerd ran off with a frightened scream and the hunter chuckled darkly as the scared interns dragging the fainted oaf away.
Harold panted as he ran through the woods, 'Why is there so many lighting and thunders now? Is it the storm?' the nerd thought before Harold heard someone chasing him from behind, causing him to take a glance to see the hunter. "Aaaaaaaaaaaa…." The nerd screamed before the hunter tackled him from behind and holds him down again.
"It's time…" The hunter whispered in Harold's ear as Hunter slowly peeling his nametag, stopped halfway before pasting it back on and the hunter repeating the actions over and over.
"P-P-Please! Stop! I can't take it anymore! End it!" Harold sobbed, wetting his pant out of fear. "It's too scary! TOOO SCARY!"
"I hope you learn your lesson…" The hunter chuckled darkly and the nerd whined.
"Harold out! Harold out! Challenge over! Challenge over!"
"Give our hunter a hand!" Chris applauded with a chuckle as the hunter show up with Harold in tow and the campers smirked at the shaken nerd. "Oh my, you traumatize him so badly." The host chuckled with a smirk, "Remind me to never piss you off…Naruto!"
"Naruto?!" The campers gaped at the hunter as he take the beanie hat and mask off to reveal his face to everyone.
"Did you guys miss me, dattebayo?" The redhead chuckled before some campers hugged him out of joy.
"Damn!" Duncan said with shock, "He really scared me even if I was already out."
Trent shivered, "I bet after this challenge, no one would ever want to piss him off again…"
"Red's back! Now I can have all these whiskers time!" Izzy giggled.
"I have to admit it. I'm really impressed with him as the hunter." Gwen smirked with crossed arms.
"Chris, thank for loaning me voice changer, dattebayo." Naruto tossed the said device to the smirking host.
"No problem! Since you win the challenge, your reward is…" The host gestured at Chef with ramen pot, "Ramen for every supper, provided by Chef until you're off the island." Naruto grinned widely, "You can choose anyone to be eliminated. Who is the one that will take the dock of shame, hop on boat of losers and go home?" Chris said with a grin.
"Harold." The redhead said and Chris nodded as the nerd sighed.
"Well, Harold, take a hike to the dock of the shame."
(Dock of Shame)
"Hey, Harold!" Naruto called out and the nerd turns to him, "Just to let you know a couple of things, dattebayo. First, we're even…and second…No one mess with Uzumaki M. Naruto!"
'Uzumaki?' Chris' eyes widened, 'Is he her son?'
Harold sighed as he tossed his bags on the boat before turn around. "Leshawna, I meant every word in that poem!"
"Poem?" Leshawna blinked before frowned, "That was you? Sorry, string bean, you ain't my type."
"Wha…" Harold gasped before Chef tossed him on the boat and sailed it away. "Leshawna! I always still love yoooooooou!" The sister rolled her eyes as some campers snickered at the scene.
"Well, campers." Chris chuckled, "The boys will take the east cabin, girls will take the west cabin so pack your stuffs and move in!" The campers walk off as they catch up with Naruto.
"Oh man, that was very intense time!" Chris said with a grin, "There was so many things going on at once and I barely remember some of it! Only one thing I know is how scary Naruto can be as hunter, brrrr!" Chris shuddered playful before chuckled, "I wonder what will happen in our next episode? How will the girls get along when they live together, even with three girls who like our redhead camper? Who will be the next victims to hike on the dock of shame? Will everyone be still scared of Naruto? Find out on…"
"…And cut!" The cameraman shouted out to let the host know that it's over.
"Now if anyone needs me, I'll be in my trailer." Chris muttered, he never has been in his trailer for a week since he was at a important meeting to pinch something at the producers.
(Boy's Cabin)
"Man, it's good to have you back." DJ patted Naruto's back with a smile and the boys nodded, agreeing with the giant.
"Thank! Sorry if I scared anyone so bad, dattebayo." The redhead chuckled.
"No need to sweat it, bro." Trent chuckled, "It was just a challenge…Remind me again to not piss you off." Owen nodded with him since he was still trying to calm down his heart. Naruto grinned before tapped his chin with questionable look on his face and Duncan noticed it.
"What's the matter?" The punk asked.
"Nah, I think I forget something but I'm sure it's nothing, dattebayo." The boys shrugged before help Trent unloading his bags.
"Hmm?" Chris blinked at the big envelope on top of his desk and he picks it up before reading the sticky note out loud. "Dear Chris, my kaa-san's name was… Kushina Uzumaki!" The host gasped, 'So that was her son…' He resumed his reading, "Since I come to this island, there were so many chances for me to tell you something but I was too scared. Now I'm out of the show, I regret that I never told you in person but I leave this envelope here because I'm sure my kaa-san and I want you to know something important that will change your life. Naruto…" Chris sat down in his chair and slowly opened the envelope. Two hours went by before the host pick up a phone with widened eyes.
"Hello?" The voice asked on the phone.
"Hey, doc…Can you do me some favors? I need you to check something out for me…It's urgent…" Chris glanced at a tube, containing a swab stick. He doesn't believe these lies that were revealed to him…He denied the claim that Uzumaki M. Naruto…is his son…
Contestants: Bridgette, DJ, Duncan, Gwen, Heather, Katie, Izzy, Leshawna, Lindsay, Naruto, Owen, Trent
Eliminated: Beth, Cody, Courtney, Eva, Ezekiel, Geoff, Harold, Justin, Noah, Sadie, Tyler