Chapter 4: Part 1 of Good times, Tension, and Fear
"Last time on Total Drama Island, our campers had a wild adventure." Chris winked at the camera, "Everyone enjoyed outdoor camping, paddling in their canoes, and hunting some deer while facing their fears." The host smirked, "We had seen some drama between some campers slowly unfolding in front of us but the question that we always kept asking is when will our dense redhead get a clue?" He rolled his eyes, "Come on! How can he be this dense?"
Chris starts to rambling for a while before the cameraman whispered, "Um…Sir? You are getting off track…"
"Shut up!" The host cleared his throat, "So far, three fishes and a gopher were sent home early and it leaves us with a question…Who will be the next to walk the dock of shame?" Chris chuckled, "Find out tonight on Total Drama Island!" He turned to the cameraman with a glare and muttered, "By the way, you're fired for interrupted me."
(Killer Bass cabin)
"Hello." DJ muttered in his sleep as his roommates snored in their bed before Duncan sat up with a yawn and jumped off to do his morning workout. After a few pushups, he start to smell something horrible before opened his eyes to see blue underwear with brown stain, lying on floor and right in front of his face. The punk jumps back with an unmanly shriek, waking some of campers up and glared at Harold.
"Not cool, Harold." Duncan growled, "Not cool."
"Those aren't mine." Harold denied.
"Oh right," Duncan said sarcastically as he pointed at the nerd, "You're always leaving your gitch lying around."
"No, I'm not, gosh!" Harold crossed his arms and glares at Duncan.
"Um…Hai, you do." Naruto sighed, messing his hair up.
"You have like, absolutely no proof." Harold growled.
"No one really wear these briefs, beside you." Cody pointed out before DJ speaks up.
"And your mom sewed your name onto the label."
"Whatever!" Harold muttered angrily, "I'm going for a shower."
"Hey, don't forget to clean the skid maker!" Duncan shouted with a smirk as his roommates snickered. "I think Harold needs to be taught a lesson, boys."
"You're thinking of a prank? I'm in, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled as his geek friend paled, remembering the corncob prank story.
"Yeah!" The Bass boys agreed as they give each other high-fives.
Courtney groaned, "I can't believe it! Only if Heather doesn't has to show up!"
"I know." Bridgette sighed, "I think I better wait a bit before telling him."
"Yeah, I guess so." The CIT pats her friend's knee before standing up, "Well, we better go to shower before Chris decides to have another challenge." The surfer smiled at her before collecting things that she need for the shower.
Chris had called the campers to meet him at the beach to receive their challenge of the day. "Today's challenge will test your minds, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen." The host said, "You'll be cooking a three-course meal and serving it to me for tasting. The winners get a reward. The losers will send somebody home."
"What else is new?" Leshawna said as she rolls his eyes.
Chris glared at her, "…Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and to oversee the cooking." Some campers look at each other with nervous expression, "To cook, you need ingredients. Every morning, a truck brings us food." As soon as he said it, a truck rolls out of the water backward onto the beach and a dolphin in suit peeked out to give the group a salute.
"…The fuck?" Gwen mumbled with weird look.
"Today's task starts there." Chris grinned at them as if it was just everyday occurrence.
"Get any ideas?" DJ asked, opening the truck's tailgate as the campers look inside.
"How about multicultural theme, dattebayo?" Naruto said with a grin.
Duncan smirked at his redhead friend, "Hello, head chef."
"Me?" Naruto blinked before shrugging his shoulders, "If that's okay with the guys." They quickly collecting their ingredients as the Gophers waited for their turn.
"Head chef, called it." Heather spoke with a smug tone before giving Beth a glare, "Try not to screw up this time, okay?" The farmer gave her a timid nod as the queen bee walk past her.
"Just ignore her, girl." Leshawna said as she glares at Heather's back.
"I had to take the leadership role." Heather grunted, "Hello! We're on a losing streak and really, everyone else on this team is useless." She buried her face with hands with a groan, "Idiot's team outnumbered us by one...Why can't they just put him in my team!"
"Okay, let's go, dattebayo!" Naruto grinned, "Good luck, Heat-chan!"
"Stop calling me that!" Heather snarled at laughing Naruto as his team walk away with boxes before turn to her team and cleared her throat, "Anyway...Leshawna, mangoes…Beth, pineapples…Lindsay, macadamias…Trent, molasses…Gwen, tomatoes…Katie, oranges." She listed off as the Gophers carried their foods with blank faces.
(Killer Bass Kitchen)
"Since it is three courses and eight of us," Naruto said as they put the boxes on the counter, "So we should have three teams to focus on one course."
"That's good idea." Courtney nodded, "I'm thinking of making fajita. Is that alright?"
"I know how to make curry." Cody said, he learned how to cook since his parents were busy most of time.
"Cool with me, guys." Naruto chuckled as he checks the ingredients, "Hmm…I'm going to make ramen, dattebayo." Everyone rolled their eyes after hearing that.
DJ shrugged, "Honestly, I'm not surprised since he really like these ramen."
"Say," Courtney smirked, "That would be good chance for Bridgette if she work with Naruto together without anyone to interrupting them."
"Bridgette, can you go help Naruto out." Courtney said with a smile and some of Bass catch on her plans.
"I'll work with Naruto since…Mmph!" Harold cried out as DJ covered the nerd's mouth and dragging him to snickering Cody.
"Um…If that's okay with you?" Bridgette said timidly and Naruto give her a smile.
"Sure, Bri-chan!" The Bass members smirked at them before starts their cooking.
Duncan smirked, "I'm going to work with princess and big O." The punk ignored Courtney's refusal as Owen get them in a group hug with grin.
"Ugh!" Courtney groaned before crossing her arms, "Duncan's totally unmotivated. And he never washes his hands. He's so obnoxious." The footage went fast forward for a while, "Owning sunglasses doesn't automatically make you cool…" Another fast forward, "People like that are so annoying. I mean, honestly, who does that? And don't even get me started on his hair." The CIT rolled her eyes.
"Yep, this fool girl is in love." Chef shakes his head, "She talks too much and it went off-track for a while…"
"Chef, why are you in the confession stall?" Chris asked outside.
"Just because I feel like it!"
(Killer Bass cabin)
Owen giggled as he sneak into the room, early Duncan gave him a signal to starts the phase one since Harold were distracting with the cooking. All he have to do is just collects all of Harold's underwear and put them inside a bag with a stick. Owen giggled again as he ran out of the cabin to hide the bag and reunite with his fellow pranksters.
(Killer Bass kitchen)
DJ glanced at the door to see Owen giving him a signal before the gentle giant pick up a bucket of water and turn to Harold. "Where do you want the water, Co…" DJ purposely spilt the water on Harold, "Oops!"
"Hey!" The nerd snarled before glare at DJ, "Smooth move, dork-ahontas."
"Oh, that really sucks." Naruto hold his laugh back, "Better go change it or everyone will think you wetted your pants…again." Harold groaned as he walked out of the kitchen, never noticing DJ and Naruto give each other low-five.
"Do I want to know?" Bridgette asked her redhead crush, only to get a headshake from him. 'Boys and their pranks.' The surfer rolls her eyes as they turn back to their cooking.
(Screaming Gophers kitchen)
"Gwen, Lindsay, you're on the citrus macadamia upside-down-cake flambé." Heather ordered as the Gophers entered their kitchen.
"Know how to make an upside-down flamer thingy?" Lindsay whispered to Gwen. The queen bee almost rolls her eyes but Katie bumped into her as she struggling to carry the bag of oranges.
"Ugh…Now what can I do?" Katie whined.
"Go back to the truck." Heather mumbled, "We need more oranges."
"Okay…" The tanned girl sighed as Trent carry in the tray of ribs before Heather turned to him.
"Trent, you and Katie are on ribs."
The musician blinked, "But isn't she…"
"Leshawna and Beth," Heather ignored him as she turns to the said Gophers, "You're on pineapple skewers and mango dip."
"Girl, let me handle the appetizers." Leshawna said, "I know how to make pineapple chutney that would melt the socks off the devil."
"Oh really?" Heather smiled, "Well, that's so great." Her smile turns into a smirk, "But since I'm head chef, we're gonna stick to my plan. And my plan is pineapples with sticks through them." The queen bee roared in their faces, "Got it?"
"If we weren't on camera, I should…" Leshawna muttered to herself as Heather walk away from them to order the Gophers around.
(Killer Bass kitchen)
"Naruto, can you check the dough?" Bridgette asked as she kneading the dough.
"Sure, Bri-chan." Naruto said before take a hold of her hands and lightly rubbing them.
"N-N-Naruto?" Bridgette stuttered with a red face, "What are you doing?"
Naruto blinked, "Just checking to see if your hands are sticky." The surfer raised her eyebrow, "My kaa-san said that if your hands are not sticky and clean after kneading long, it's mean it is ready."
"Ah, I see…"
"Are you okay? You look like you're running a fever." Naruto said with concern.
"N-No, I'm fine." The surfer quickly turns away from him and resume with kneading the dough. The redhead shrugged before checking the broth and behind them, Courtney facepalmed and Duncan chortled at their antics.
(Screaming Gophers kitchen)
Gwen battering her eyelashes at smirking Trent as he brushing ribs with sauce before Katie stumbling into the kitchen, carrying a box of oranges with difficulty. "I-I-I'm back…" Katie whined before tripped on her feet, accidentally launch the box in air and it hit Trent in head. "Um…Whoops." She gulps as everyone stares at unconscious musician.
"Things are going perfectly," Heather said before scoffed, "except for Katie's clumsiness and Trent's concussion, which mean he's out of today's challenge." She gives out a sigh, "But, still, this challenge is totally ours." The queen bee paused before shaking her head with hands on forehead.
(Killer Bass kitchen)
"Careful, your big paws don't mash the tortilla." Courtney said to scowling Duncan as he rolling the dough flat, whose idea was it to make things from scratch?
"Careful, your uptight ass doesn't curdle the custard." Duncan smirked at gasping Courtney.
"Oh, ha ha ha." The CIT laugh with sarcasm, "You're…" The door opened and everyone looks at the person who just entered before the girls screamed in disgust.
"Ok, who took all my shorts?" Harold asked, he was wearing nothing but a speedo.
"…Congratulation, you just traumatized millions of viewers on nationwide show, dattebayo." Naruto said with a grin as the boys laughed at the nerd before Chris peek in the kitchen and stared at speedo-wearing Harold.
"…Congratulation, you…" Chris said before Cody speaks up.
"Too late, Naruto already said it." The host pouted before take another look at Harold again and shivered, causing the nerd to glance at his speedo and wondered why everyone hates it.
"Three more hours and counting, guys." Chris said before disappeared from their sight.
"…By the way, why don't you wear pants?" Owen asked and everyone blinked, just realized that he was right before turned to the nerd.
"Don't tell me…" Bridgette muttered as she duck behind Naruto's back.
"I'm not pervert!" The nerd cried out.
"No, you got to be head chef because you called it!" The Bass team jumped in air before glance at the divider wall as Leshawna kept shouting, "And who do you think you're fooling with that crispy-white-apron power trip you on?"
"Are you gonna be a team player or not?!" Heather's voice shouts back as the Bass members glance at each other with nervous eyes and kept listening to their argument before it died down.
"…Back to work…" Naruto chuckled nervously, he know how Heat-chan get during the challenge and hope that it won't get her in trouble soon. It wasn't long enough until the redhead glanced at Harold cutting the vegetables, "Dude, you should put on some pants. It's not good idea to cooking in your…um…speedo, dattebayo."
"So give me back my pants then!" Harold snarled before Duncan show up on the nerd's side with a chuckle.
"Harold's right, guys." The punk put his hands on Harold's shoulder, "If you go to the cabin, you'll find a clean pair of underwear and shorts waiting." The nerd rolled his eyes, walking away from the group as they snickered at his back.
"…By the way, I don't recalling us taking his pants?" Naruto said as his fellow pranksters nod with him, they never said anything about stealing his pants at all.
"If that don't stir up drama then I don't know what it is." Chris said with an evil smirk as he pulls a pant out of the bag.
(Killer Bass cabin)
Harold ran inside and saw his underwear laying on the bed before pick it up with a grin, not minding the fact that it has a huge brown stain on it. "That's more like it." He said and in the kitchen, the boys were laughing as Duncan juggling a hot sauce in his hand. The nerd put it on and froze before screaming, "My biscuits are burning!" He quickly ran to the dock and jump into the water before give a sigh of relief. Three fins stick out of the water and swimming around the nerd before he screamed out in fear and ran out of the water.
Naruto laughed as he holding his stomach. "I own that one to Fin, Jaws, and Fang." It was really easy to bring his shark friends to the beach from lake. "By the way, I'm worried about Heat-chan…I just hear something blow up on her side, dattebayo." The redhead rubbed his head, unawake that his childhood friend just burned her eyebrows off and blaming everything on her team.
(Killer Bass kitchen)
"Nice jammies." Duncan said, clapping his hands with DJ as Harold walk past them with a scowl.
"That is all I've got left." Harold said with resignation, "So if you sickos want to see me butt naked, hit me with your best shot."
The male Bass members crossed their arms with smirk before Duncan said, "Well, stop leaving your butt bags all over the cabin, and we'll back off."
"I told you it wasn't me!" Harold snarled.
"Wow, you were right." Bridgette said as she turns to Naruto and the redhead nods back to her.
"Well, I tried." Duncan shrugged his shoulders.
"Hey guys, I made some sandwiches." Cody gives them a smirk as he picks up a plate, "So we can eat while working on our foods."
"Oh sweet!" Harold grabs one of the sandwiches, "I'm seriously starving…" He takes a bite, "That taste like sweat and lotion…It's the worst sandwich I ever ate…" The nerd swallows before pull something out of the sandwich and to his horror, it was his underwear…means the pierce he just swallowed was…
"Ew, that's nasty!" Courtney recoiled from seeing the nerd ate his dirty underwear.
"We'll return all of your underwear and shorts when you admit it." Owen giggled as Harold look down in defeat.
"In the fridge!" Leshawna's voice cried out, causing everyone to look at the wall again.
"…For some reason, I feel very concerning about Heat-chan now, dattebayo." Naruto muttered before turns to Bridgette to check on the ramen. "How is it?"
"Hmm, I don't know…" The surfer lifts the ladle to Naruto's face, "Here, taste it." The redhead tasted it and licking his lips a bit before grinned at her.
"It's good! Man, it's almost same like my kaa-san's ramen."
"Really?" Bridgette looks at Naruto as he nods.
"Yeah, when she was around, kaa-san makes an awesome ramen since it's our favorite food and now it's hard to make a ramen that taste like hers." Naruto sighed, starts to remembering the memory of his mother made ramen for them. Bridgette placed her hand on Naruto's arm as he turn to her with a smile, "I'm fine."
"If you're sure." The surfer said as they pouring the ramen into the bowl. After few pouring, Naruto speak up.
"You know, you will make awesome wife since you're good at making ramen." The redhead chuckled.
"R-R-Really, you think so?" Bridgette blushed, "But you help and teach me a lot."
"That's true but with your help, the ramen is really good." Naruto grinned as he pulls her in one-arm hug, not noticing some of Bass smirked at the blushing surfer.
"Ma was right," Courtney smirked, "The only way to get a man's heart is through stomach…"
"Hmm…" Owen tapping his chin, "So if Bridge gets really good at make ramen, Naru will go out with her and I will win the bet, hehehehe!" The oaf giggled as he let out a small fart.
(Main Lodge)
Beth set up her tiki idol on the table before turns to Chris with a smile, "Your meal is coming right up, sir."
"Yep, everything's almost right, dattebayo." Naruto said as he lit the candlesticks before both of the campers returned to their kitchen sides.
"Hmm, dattebayo?" Chris mumbled to himself, noticing that the redhead kept repeating the word over and over. It was kind of familiar but he can't remember it at all before shrugged his shoulders, it was not important at all.
(Screaming Gophers kitchen)
"We might just win this thing yet, y'all." Leshawna chuckled as she and Katie take a smell from their three courses. "All right, let's do this." The Gophers nodded as they walk out of the kitchen, not noticing that the back door was opening before a bear peek inside and take a smell. The creature noticed the foods on table before licking his mouth.
(Main Lodge)
Chris decided that Killer Bass team will go first and right now, he just finished his curry before giving the Bass a thumb-up. "Not bad, your curry passed…Now pass me these fajita, please." DJ handed the plate of fajitas to the host before he takes a few bites, "On scale of one to ten…" Chris grinned, "Fifteen!"
"Wouldn't that be one to fifteen?" Naruto asked as he tilted his head, earning a glare from Chris.
"…Give me the next one or else…" The host mumbled before look down at the ramen and raised his eyebrow. "Hmm…" Chris shrugged before taking a few bite, he paused for a while before eat it all up. "Wow, that's really good!"
"I can't do it without Bri-chan's help, dattebayo." Naruto grinned at blushing Bridgette.
"Now how will the Gophers respond?" Chris grinned at the cameraman.
"You hear the man." Leshawna said as Katie entered the kitchen before screaming out in fear. The Gophers quickly entered the kitchen to see the bear lying on the table with his guts sticking out as the creature cleaning his teeth with bone.
"…" The bear noticed the angry sassy girl and gulps before ran out of the kitchen.
"Get your furry ass back here!" Leshawna roared with shaking fist as the bear disappeared into the wood. Katie nervously brings out the tray with rib bones and placed it on the table in front of Chris.
"…Yeah, this look like it's, um, been eaten." Chris glared at the bones.
"Um…Not all of it." Katie pointed at a small piece of meat sticking on one of the bone.
"Yeah, there…" Chris muttered as he picks it out, "Boy, I'm so starving." He rolled his eyes before bit into his meat. "You know what? I've had worse…Two points. Right now it is still in Bass' lead." The Gophers groaned, "Now it's time for your dessert."
"Here." Gwen grunted as she placed the cake on table.
"I have to say this cake looks like a winner." Chris grinned as he sticks the fork in, only to have it turn into ashes. His grinning face becomes blank and Leshawna muttered to Beth that it doesn't look good. "…What the hell is this?" The host picks up a handful of ash with glare.
"It's Helena's recipe." Lindsay said before she gasps, "Oh my gosh! She's still in the fridge!"
"Wait, nani?!" Naruto shouted as everyone watch the bombshell running into the kitchen.
"What? Girl was making everyone trip." Leshawna said, noticing Chris was looking at her as if she has something to do with it.
"Oh, I hear that." Chris said with a grin before everyone gasped at seeing blue-skinned Heather stomping out with angry glare.
"Oh the horror!" Owen cried out.
"You guys are s-s-s-so dead." Heather said with chattering teeth as she glared at her team, "Is it over?"
"Heat-chan, your eyebrows look different." Naruto said, receiving a glare from his childhood friend.
"It is over." Chris said, holding back his laughter as he jabbed his thumb at the Killer Bass team, "The Bass wins, twenty-one to twelve." The said team cheered, "It's not because you just served me ash, the ribs sucked too."
"Great! That's just great!" Heather snarled at her team, "Why do we keep losing, people?" She turns to the table and pointed at the tiki idol, "And what is this! I don't approve this."
"Hmm, it's kind of giving me a funny feeling." Naruto said before Beth walk up and pick it up.
"I brought it back as a souvenir, you know, from another island."
"You did what?" Heather yelled at the farmer.
"You mean Boney Island?" Chris shot up from his chair and grabbed his hairs with widened eyes, "The deadliest island in Muskoka, the one I specifically said not to take anything from or you'll be cursed?"
"Um…Yeah?" Beth said as the host and her team glared at the farmer. "I don't know. I'll put it back." She quickly returned to her team.
Chris sighed, "Okay, the Killer Bass now lead with eight members to Gophers' soon to be six…" The host turn to the Bass team with a smirk, "And as promised, the winners will be enjoying a reward tonight…a five-star dinner under the stars." The Bass team cheered as Duncan pulls Courtney in a hug and it last long until the CIT yelled at him to put her down.
Heather glared at Beth and Leshawna as Chris walk up to the campers with plate of marshmallows and grinned at them. "I've got seven Gophers sitting in front of me tonight," The host chuckled, "But only six fluffy bits of sweet safety in my hands, so good luck." He put the plate down, "When I call your name, come up and get your marshmallow…Leshawna…Katie…Gwen…Trent…Lindsay." He waited as the said campers pick their marshmallow up before speak again, "Heather, Beth, down to you. Whoever doesn't get this last marshmallow must immediately walk the dock of shame and leave on the boat of losers forever."
"…" Beth crossed her fingers and bit her lips.
"…" Heather glared with her crossed arms.
"…The final marshmallow goes to…" Chris slowly said and paused.
"…" Beth gulps.
"…" Heather's glare gets harder.
"…Heather." Chris finally announced and the queen bee smirked at Beth.
"You heard him. Boat of losers, that way." Heather gloated, "That was stupid of you to take that doll from the island."
"See you, girl." Leshawna waved to Beth as the said girl walk down the dock of shame.
"That's it for tonight," Chris chuckled, "And you might want to burn some sage to get rid of any lingering curse vibes."
"Cool, will Chef give us some sage?" Leshawna asked.
"Nope…" The host raised his eyebrow, "Good luck with that…Go back to your cabin."
(Killer Bass cabin)
The boys snickered as they lifting the bed with sleeping Harold on it and carry him outside at night, placing him on the dock and the next morning, everyone laughed at embarrassing naked nerd.
"Good morning, Harold!" The girls laughed at him as the boys in canoe rowing past them.
"Learn your lesson, dattebayo?" Naruto chuckled.
"Yes, okay!" Harold cried out.
"Oh, we need more than that." Duncan smirked.
"I'll never leave my crusty underwear out again!" Harold whined, earning a lot of disgusting groan from the girls. "I swear!"
"I believe him." Cody snickered as DJ tossed the nerd's clothes back to Harold. Everyone laughed as the nerd ran off to his cabin.
(Main Lodge)
"Campers, meet me at the stage after dinner." Chris said as it rang out of the loudspeaker outside, "We have a special event for everyone to enjoy."
"Are we going to have another challenge already?" Katie gulped, she hope that her team won't lose another challenge like yesterday.
"I guess so." Gwen groaned as she jabbing her fork into the mystery meat and the goth girl swear that she just heard it screaming in pain.
"Heat-chan, are you feeling better now?" Naruto called from his table.
The queen bee sneezed, "I am, idiot." She was wearing a black turtleneck shirt with blue jean since it was bad idea to wear any short clothes when she has a cold.
"You sure?"
"Yes! Stop asking me!" Heather snarled as she slamming her hands on the table with a glare.
"Gomen, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled nervously before turns back to his dinner as the queen bee sneeze again and glared at her team.
"I blame you guys for the cold…Achoo!" Some of the Gophers smirked at her, it was still worth it.
The campers look at the stage with confusion and curiosity. There were a several tables, with foods and punch bowls, spending out around a dance floor and they can see two large sounders on top of the stage with Chef as deejay. Chris was standing right next to Chef with a grin, "Campers, only for tonight we are hosting a party for you guys."
"What's the catch?" Duncan said as he crossed his arms and some campers agreed with him.
"Just thought you need some fun and a little break from challenges." Chris chuckled and the campers kept staring at him before shrugged. "DJ Chef will start it off with music…" The deejay played the music and everyone blinked at the chosen music.
"Wait, this song…" The punk blinked, "It's a slow dance…"
"…Here's your catch, Duncan." Chris chuckled, "All the songs are slow dance and just for tonight, there will be no team until the end of this party…Enjoy!" The host snickered at some nervous campers, 'Dance, my puppets, dance for the ratings.'
"Alright!" Cody pump his fist, "That's good chance for me to make a move on Gwen."
"A dance?" Gwen sighed, "It sucks…But I'll overlook it for once if Trent asks me to dance with him."
Lindsay squealed as she clapping her hands, "I can't wait to ask Otto for a dance!"
"Idiot better give me a dance." Heather scoffed before widened her eyes, "N-N-No, I mean…I don't want to dance with any of these losers here!"
Cody was about to ask Gwen but Trent speak up, "Want to dance?"
"Sure." Gwen smiled at him with a lightly blush as they walk to the dance floor.
"Oh, man…" The geek sighed before Katie tapping his shoulder timidly. "Huh, Katie?"
"Do you, um, want to dance with me?"
"Well…" Cody rubs his neck, glancing at dancing Gwen before his eyes went back to the tanned girl, "Sure." He gives her a gap-teeth grin as blushing Katie dragging him to the dance area. They both never noticed some smirking campers watch them dancing clumsy.
"This girl is crushing on the geek badly." Duncan chuckled before noticing his large friend dancing with Lindsay. "Huh, never saw this one coming."
"Yeah." DJ smiled, "I think it's cute." They stand around in silence before the giant break it, "Five bucks say Naruto will dance with Bridgette first."
"You're on." Duncan smirked before glance at Courtney, "Well, I guess I give princess one dance before I ditch this lame dance."
"Good luck." The giant laughed as he walks to the table to have some decent foods.
"Um, Naruto." The redhead blinks as he turns his head to Bridgette, "D-d-do you want to dance with me?"
Naruto smiled and was about to saying something but Heather grabbed his right arm, "Idiot, come dance with me!" She was about to drag him away, only to be stopped by Bridgette as she grabs Naruto's another arm.
"Excuse me, I asked him first." The surfer said with a glare as the queen bee glared back.
"Um…" Naruto glanced at the glaring girls as they starts to growling at each other, "To be fair, Bri-chan did ask me first but you will have your turn, dattebayo."
"What!" Heather snarled as the surfer smirked at her before the queen bee huffed, "Fine! Don't take too long!" She growled before give Naruto a kick in shin and stomping off to the table as the campers back away from the angry bee.
"Usually, I would fight for the first dance but I'll let it slide this time since I have a cold…Achoo!" Heather sneezed before smirking as she rubbing her nose, "And beside, this floozy girl has no chance with idiot…Achoo!"
"Oh man…" Chris crossed his arms with a pout, "I was hoping for more drama and a catfight…"
"Are you okay?" Bridgette asked and Naruto give her a nod with a chuckle as they start to dance with each other, never noticed scowling Duncan handing smiling DJ the five dollars.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Heat-chan is always a tsundere."
The surfer girl blinked, "Tsundere?"
"Hehe, it means that she is cold to everyone but she's really softie inside after you know her a while, dattebayo." Naruto said as he twirling Bridgette around and pull her closer, it was hard to see her blushing in dark. "I bet you two will be good friends." The surfer rolled her eyes, he doesn't know that they were fighting for his affection but that's one of reasons why she likes him.
"Are you okay?" Katie asked and Cody sighed as he glanced at Gwen and Trent.
"Yeah, I guess so…It's just that I'm starting to think that I have no chance with Gwen." The geek can tell that she like his musician friend a lot and he don't mind if it was Trent since he's a good guy.
"Well, that's true." Katie said, earning a sigh from the geek. "But I think it might be good thing."
"Huh? Why?" Cody blinked at her, how can it be a good thing if Gwen never notice him at all.
"Because what if someone else like you, like, a lot but this person would think she have no chance with you if you kind of ignoring this person since you kept chasing after your crush who may will never return your feelings at all?"
"Hmm…" Cody bit his lips, "Honestly, I think the one who like me would have a chance with me if I know this person for a while."
"Yeah, really. It's true that I have a crush on Gwen because she's cool and hottie but…It's just a crush and I think I kind of blew my chance with her." Cody sighed, "I blame the hormone, it makes you do the crazy things." Katie giggled as she lean into Cody's chest, "Um, I don't mind if it's you…" Their eyes widened and Cody let out a silent groan, 'Curse my big mouth…'
"Um, I'm sor…" Cody attempted to apologize but she places her finger on his lips.
"Don't be sorry." Katie smiled into his chest, "I, um, kind of…like you…"
"…R-R-Really?" The geek stuttered with red face, "W-W-Well…Can we kind of wait a bit and take it slowly?"
"Sure." Katie giggled with blush, she don't mind it since they just know each other for a few weeks. She glanced up at the blushing geek before pecking his cheek, causing his face to get redder.
No one noticed that Chef was watching the couple and slowly a teardrop start to come out of his face before he glared at it, "Get back in there, fool!" The tear quickly returns to his eyes with a sniffle, he's not going softie on any mushy maggots at all!
Bridgette sighed softly as she leans her head on Naruto's chest before glance up to his face. She wishes it would last forever… "I'm cutting in!" The surfer rolled her eyes, only this girl can ruin the moment.
"Well, thank for the dance." Bridgette smiled as she walks away from him before giving a glare at smirking Heather as they passed each other. "At least I get the first dance." The surfer girl smirked at scowling queen bee before join her friends at table.
"Shall we?" Naruto grinned as Heather snapped out from glare before give him a nod.
"Whatever, idiot." She mumbled, taking hold of his hands and starts to dance. "I'm pissed at you because you danced with her first."
"Yeah, I know but you always dance with me first every time we go to any dances, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled, they both always go out to dance as friends at any school events and he always laughed every time anyone asked if they were on date, only to have Heather shouting at them.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing, just recalling you yelled at everyone that we weren't dating each other when we went to dance."
Heather rolled her eyes, "Because we were not dating at all…" In her head, she added the word 'yet' at the end of her sentence. They don't say anything for a while as they kept dancing around.
"You know, it feels like we don't see each other a lot since we got here, dattebayo." Naruto said and Heather blinked before nod her head.
"Yeah, it's because we're both on different team." She sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. "…I don't like my team at all…"
"I know…But what about Lindsay? Isn't she your friend?"
"Yeah…kind of…But she's like an eggplant." Naruto rolled his eyes, he knows that Heather always has a odd way to compare someone to something. "Don't you roll your eyes, idiot! I know what you are thinking!"
"Hai, you got me." Naruto chuckled, "So how's your cold now?"
"It's getting better…Achoo!" Heather sneezed. "Only if they don't lock me in the freezer, I won't have this stupid cold and wear these tacky clothes…"
"Honestly, I think you look good in them."
"…Idiot, shut up and just dance." Heather mumbled as she buried her blushing face into Naruto's chest. The redhead shrugged his shoulders, knowing that he have to listen to her for a while or she will yell a lot.
"That is so boring." Chris grunted as he sat down next to Chef, watching the campers dancing and talk to each other at the table. The host crossed his arms, "Whose idea was it to have a party…There's no drama at all! It have been four hours now!"
"…It was your idea." The cooker pointed out, "But I think it would bring us a bit of ratings."
"A bit? That's not good…" Chris pouted before a maniacal smirk appears on his face. Chef sighed at the host, knowing his boss will do something crazy. "Campers!" Everyone turned to him with blinking eyes as the host pull out snakes out of nowhere, "Party's over!"
"You crazy!" Leshawna screamed as the host throws the snakes in air and everyone scrambled away.
"Go and get some sleep!" Chris laughed as Chef shakes his head.
(Killer Bass cabin)
"So you and Katie, eh?" DJ chuckled with his roommates as they stare at blushing Cody, only Harold was sleeping in his bed since he was still mad at them for their prank.
"Um, yeah. We both agreed that we will take it slow since it's only been a few weeks."
"That's wise thing to do, dattebayo." Naruto grinned, "I was wondering when you two get together but I don't expect this soon." Everyone turns to him with widened eyes and he raised his eyebrow, "What?"
"You know that she have a thing for geek?" Duncan said.
"Uh, yeah? It's pretty oblivious."
"Really? Do you know if anyone like you?" Owen asked as he raising his hand in air.
"Yeah. But there is no one here who has a crush on me, dattebayo." Naruto laughed and everyone just stared at him.
DJ facepalmed.
Cody facepalmed.
Owen facepalmed.
Duncan facepalmed.
(Main Lodge)
The next several days, Chef grinned as he scooped out the foods on the campers' tray. "Today's breakfast is Hawaiian Italian fusion casserole." The cooker said with pride as he hands it to Gwen.
"You mean leftovers from the cooking challenge?" Gwen deadpanned.
"…Yeah, that's right." Chef growled before snarl in her face, "You got a problem with that?"
"Sir, no, sir!" Gwen gulped, giving him the salute as Chef returned it back. The goth girl turns around and walk to Gophers team as she smirking at sneezing queen bee, "Need a little Echinacea?"
"Oh, you're so funny." Heather scoffed, "You think that you can just lock me up in a freezer and get away with it?" She pointed at them with a glare, "I am going to make you sorry, that you ever met me."
"Too late." Gwen whispered to Leshawna with a smirk.
"You are such a…Achoo!" Heather sneezed, "Ahh! I hate this place."
"Why are you wearing these clothes again?" Naruto asked from his table after he watched his giant friend fed his pet rabbit in a bizarre way. "Your cold will get worse…"
"Shut up! I have to look good on tv!" The queen bee yelled as the redhead rolled his eyes. Naruto glance to see Courtney yelling at Duncan for swiped a mug, he know that his punk friend can't help it at all since there was a lot of things that anyone can steal. 'I wonder where did he hide this ax?' Naruto wondered as his punk friend sat down in front of him with a smirk.
"But you might get kicked off." Courtney attempted to remind Duncan.
"Aw," Duncan snickered, "And here I thought you didn't care about me."
"We're two players short and I don't wanna lose because you feel like going all criminal on us." Courtney sneered.
"Whatever." Duncan shrugged before smirk flirty at the CIT, "You dig me."
"Ugh!" Country stomped her foot down, "Why did I even bother?" The CIT turns around on her heel and walk away from smirking punk.
"Hi. Chris here." The host announced as he strolls into the center, "Sometimes teams just don't get along. So the producers and I thought that the best way to work through the group friction would be to exploit it for laughs." Chris grinned as he rubbing his hands together, "It is gonna be awesome."
Chris glanced at the teams with a grin, "So last week's challenge exposed a few Gophers issues and I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the bass pond, too." He chuckled as Duncan and Courtney nudging each other before the CIT shoves the punk down while the Bass snickered at them. "So today's challenge is gonna be centered around building trust because all good thing begin with a little trust."
"I trusted Trent once." Gwen said with crossed arms, "He left me buried alive on the beach."
The host kept speaking, "There will be three major challenges that will have to be completed by two or more members of your team." Duncan rolled his eyes and Courtney give him a glare, "Normally we like to have the campers choose their partners, but not this time." Chris chuckled, "More fun for me."
"Okay, so for the first challenge," Chris said as he gestured to the cliff, "You'll be doing an extreme freehand, rock climbing adventure." The host crossed his arms with a grin as he look over the campers, "DJ and Duncan will play for the Bass. Heather and Gwen for the Gophers."
"Aw." Gwen growled as Heather shot her a glare.
"Here's your belay and harness." Chris snickered as he tossed them the said objects and the chosen campers caught them.
Heather snatched the harness from Gwen. "Hey, what's your damage?" The goth girl snarled at the queen bee as she turns her nose up in air.
"If you think I'm letting you hold me up, you're nuts."
"You won't be holding her up, exactly." Chris explained, "One camper pulls the slack through the belay as the partners climbs. If the climbers falls, the belay will stop them from crashing."
"Why not saying splashing? It's better than crashing." Naruto said and Chris glared at him with a frown.
"Whatever…" The host takes a deep breath before continuing his explanation, "The catch? Both the side and the base of the mountain are rigged with a few minor distractions like…Rusty nails, slippery oil slicks, mild explosives and a few other surprises."
"Wicked!" Harold laughed as some campers raised their eyebrows at the nerd.
"The person on belay must also harness their partner up. It's all about trust, people." Chris snickered as Heather and Gwen glared at each other while Duncan and DJ fistbumped. "And remember, never let go of the rope." The host reminded them, "Your partner's life depends on it."
"Excuse me, can we trade partners?" Gwen asked with raised hand before placing her hands on hip, "I really don't feel like being dropped on my head today."
"Please." Heather scoffed as she waved it off, "As much as I love your company, I'm not going to throw a challenge just to kill you…yet." The Gophers stared at her astounded as the queen bee tugged the rope, "Now spread 'em."
"Never tried this before, have you?" DJ chuckled nervously.
"Oh yeah." Duncan grunted, "They teach you how to climb walls in prison all the time." The rabbit's head pop out of DJ's short with wide doe eyes and Duncan blinked at it with widened eyes.
"Aw, sorry, little buddy, you can't come up with me." DJ cooed as he hugs his pet rabbit before hands his pet to Owen, "You can trust Owen, he's my buddy. Yo, Owen, hold Bunny while I'm on the rock."
"Sure, DJ." The oaf nodded as Bunny hopped into his hands. "What's up, little bunny?"
"There, you're all hooked up." Heather said and Gwen takes a look at her harness to see a extra rope.
"Um, what's the second rope for?" The goth girl glared, whatever it is, she don't trust that queen bee.
"It's the backup line." Heather smiled.
Gwen narrowed her eyes with suspicion, "What are you smiling about?"
"Nothing. I'm just really happy we got on this challenge together." Heather giggled but it doesn't stop Gwen from looking at her with distrustful eyes.
"It's all her fault for messing with me." Heather said angrily as she throws her hair back, "I've got a doctorate in revenge and humiliation."
"I'm glad that Heat-chan is giving her team a chance." Naruto scratched the back of his head with a grin, "Maybe this challenge is what she need."
The campers watch on as Gwen and DJ climbs up the rocky cliff. The goth girl quickly take the lead before something above her exploded and knocked her off the cliff with a scream but fortunately for her, the rope hold her up from crashing into the ground. "It's okay!" Heather shouted at Gwen, "I've got you."
"I promised surprises." Chris stepped in front of the cameraman with a sadistic grin as he pulls out a water gun, "Habanero pepper sauce, anyone?" The host turns around and shot it at Heather, soaking her in sauce.
"Ugh!" The queen bee cried out as she let go of the rope to rubbing her eyes, "What the hell, Chris!" There was a crashing sound and Heather looks up to see Gwen groans out on the ground.
"Muy caliente." Chris grinned and they swear that his teeth just sparked. The host turns his aim at the punk and shot his water gun, only to have Duncan turns around with sunglasses and open his mouth to swallow the sauce.
"Is that the best you can do?" The punk mocked his host and Chris mumbling something under his breath. None of them noticed that Gwen quickly get up and climbs the cliff, overtaking DJ again.
"Come on, Gwen!" Heather encouraged her goth teammate, "You don't want to fall behind…again." As soon as she said 'behind', Heather jerked the second rope and it turns out that it was connected to Gwen's skirt. The said clothes ripped off, revealing her purple panty and the skirt hit DJ in face.
"Well, you don't see that every day." Duncan whistled as gaping Owen covered Bunny's eyes and Cody's eyes were covered by Katie.
"No, you don't, my man." Chris answered with a smirk, "No, you don't." DJ removed the skirt from his face to see Gwen's panty up close and it set off a chain reaction. First the giant yelped before fall down as the rope tied around Duncan, pulling him up in air and finally they both clashed into each other in midair.
"This bites." Duncan deadpanned.
"Uh, big time." DJ groaned.
Gwen looks down at the hanging campers and other campers in embarrassment of having her panty exposed on camera before she groaned, "Ah, screw it." The goth girl climb to the top of the cliff.
"Look like the Gophers have won the first challenge." Chris said to the camera as Gwen cheered for a moment before she realized that her skirt were ripped off and cussing as she covers her bottom with pinkish tint on her cheeks.
(Main Lodge)
The spotlights swinging around in showy manners before it shined upon Naruto and Bridgette against Trent and Katie as the intern jumped over their head and spinning in midair before landed behind the podium. Chris popped up and brushing his shirt with a smug grin, acting like he just did the stunt. "And now round two." Chris said as the campers stared at the intern crawling under the table to the kitchen, "The extreme…cooking…challenge! Each team must choose, who cooks and who eats."
"Do you want to cook?" Naruto asked and Bridgette nods her head with a smile.
"Can I cook?" Katie whispered to Trent.
"Sure, I'm cool with it." The musician said with a small smile.
"Today you'll be preparing fugu sashimi, the traditional Japanese poisonous blowfish." Chris grinned as Chef wheeled in the aquarium tank with two blowfishes inside. The campers gulped as the overhead projector show the image of cutline on blowfish and Chris tapping the wall with pointer. "The fugu blowfish contains enough lethal toxin to kill thirty people."
"Fishies, meet your maker!" Chef chuckled as he scooped the blowfishes out of the water and tossed them at the trays in front of the campers.
"…Chris, let me ask you that…" Naruto narrowed his eyes at the host, "You pick me on purpose because I'm part Japanese, dattebayo?"
"…Maybe." Chris smirked before blinked, "Part Japanese…What's other part?"
"Newfoundlander." Naruto said as everyone blinked at him.
"Huh, I'm also…" Chris muttered before shaking his head and glared at them, "Focus on the challenge." He turns to the projecting image, "They must be sliced very carefully to cut around the poisonous organs. The poison paralyzes the nerves and there is no antidote, so no worries." Chris laughed as Trent grabbed Katie's shoulders and asked her if she had taken biology.
"Um, Naruto, maybe…" Bridgette whispered to Naruto with worried expression before the redhead grinned and leaned closer to whisper something in her ears. The surfer's eyes widened before she sighed and Naruto chuckled at her expression.
"Begin!" Chris announced and the teams start on their blowfishes. Katie poked it lightly with the knife before it flew around the room and slammed out of the window.
"Hey, I just washed this damn window!" Chef grumbled and the Gophers gave him a sheepish grin.
It took two hours for Bridgette and Katie to finish their fugu sashimi because they don't want to accidently poison their fellow teammates. "Ahh. Finished." Bridgette sighed as she wipes the sweats off her forehead and Naruto grinned at her work, it looks really perfect. The redhead glanced at Gophers table and winced a bit when he saw their work, it was just a lump of minced blowfish.
"Itadakimasu." Naruto said before tossing a piece of sashimi in his mouth as everyone stared at him with varied expression, "Hmm, not bad!" The redhead nod as he chews on more of rolls. Chris and Chef turn their heads to the Gophers with maniacal smirks.
"…Well, here goes nothing…" Trent gulped as he pick the piece up with fork and eat it.
"…" Katie shuffled her feet out of concern.
"…" Trent swallowed it and froze up before screaming out of agony. He stopped screaming and laughed before he collapsed on the ground as he vomited all over himself and floor.
"Trent!" Katie screamed.
"It's cool." Chris laughed, "Give him 24 hours and he'll be up walking and breathing good as new."
"Aren't you going to help him?" Katie shouted as Chris walk away from the paralyzed musician.
"Don't worry, Nurse Chef will take care of him." The host laughed as Chef gives Trent a CPR.
"Yeah, Trent won't die." Naruto said as he patted Katie's shoulder, "The fugu blowfish is not really this deadly, all it does is just give you a bad case of food poisoning and temporary paralysis." The tanned girl sighed, glad that she doesn't accidentally kill her teammate.
Owen and Lindsay laughed as they ran down the dock in their swimsuits. "Last one in is a stinky cheese!" The oaf giggled before skidded on his feet, "Whoops! Forget one thing…" He pulls out Bunny and walk over to the lifeguard chair before put the rabbit on top of it. "Better get little buddy a safe place." Owen grinned before walk back to the bombshell.
"Thank for asking me to go swim with you." Lindsay giggled with a light blush.
"You're welcome, Lind!" Owen grinned, "I really like to spend time with you."
"Really? Me too!" The bombshell clapped her hands and giggled as the oaf cheered before he leaps into the water and she joined him.
"Good news." Chris waved at the team, "The third round involves three challenges. It's the three blind challenges. It begins with the blind William Tell, followed by the blind trapeze and culminating in the treacherous blind toboggan."
DJ turns his head to Owen and whispered, "So where's Bunny? I miss him."
"Oh, Bunny? I'll go get him." Owen gulped as he walk away from the group, he can't tell his giant friend that the rabbit got eaten by snake then eaten by eagle and swallowed by a shark. 'I hope I can find a bunny soon.' DJ sighed as he turns back to the host.
"Like legendary marksman William Tell," Chris said as he placed the arrow on top of DJ's head, "You'll be knocking arrows off your partner's head with crab apples."
"Uh…" Courtney lifts her index finger in air, "Wasn't it another way around?"
Chris shushed her, "Hush! Also, the shooter will be blindfolded." The campers gasped, "The person who knocks the arrow while causing the least amount of facial damage wins." The blindfolded host said as he pulls the slingshot and launched the apple.
"Ooooh!" DJ cried out as he dropped on the ground, holding his family jewelries. Chris winced as he lifts his blindfold before grinned at the campers.
"Leshawna and Lindsay, you'll be team one. Courtney and Cody, you'll be the other." The host said as Naruto helps DJ up.
"I'm violently allergic to apples." Harold inputted as he raised his hand in air. The campers raised their eyebrows, why does the nerd have to say it when he's not picked by the host?
'…I'm starting to think he was really dropped on his head a lot.' Chris rolled his eyes as Cody asked Courtney if he can be the shooter.
"Fine, Cody…" Courtney sighed, "But you better get a good shot."
"Okay, let's rock and roll." Chris said with a grin as Courtney and Lindsay take their place uneasily. The shooters raised their slingshots and fired their apples. The Gophers apple missed Lindsay by a few inches and the Bass apple hit Courtney in her stomach.
"Ah! Ow! Oh!" Courtney cried out as the apples kept hitting her body and Lindsay give out a whine each time the apples flew past her, the bombshell was lucky that Leshawna turn out to be a lousy aimer. It took a while until the apple flew into Lindsay's arrow, knocking it off her head in process and the bombshell sighed out of relief.
"Ooh, did I get a bull's eye?" Leshawna asked, peeking under her blindfold as Cody just launched another apple but it hit Chris' forehead before the host informed the geek that the Gophers just won.
"Ugh!" Courtney screamed, stomping her feet over and over before getting knocked out by an apple.
"Whoops!" Cody gulped.
"And now, the blind trapeze." Chris announced as he presented the trapeze set above a large pond. "To avoid serious injury, the trapeze has been set up over this pond which is filled of jellyfish." The campers gasped in horror before the host tossed them the blindfold. "You two will stand blindfolded on the platform until your partners tell you when to jump."
"And then?" Heather asked with raised eyebrow.
"Then hopefully they'll catch you…" Chris replied, "Or it's going to be one heck of a painful swim." He chuckled before clapping his hands. "Okay, hut, hut."
"So who's with who, dattebayo?" Naruto asked and the host blinked, he accidently forgets to choose the team.
"Hmm…Heather and Katie against…Harold and Bridgette." Chris grinned as the said campers decided who would be the one to jump.
"So where's Bunny at?" DJ asked, starting to get worrying about his pet as the chosen players climb up the trapeze set.
"Um…I forget." Owen nervously giggled, "I put him…" The oaf looks into DJ's puppy eyes and gulped, "There was a…He's not with us anymore…He…um…hopped away." Owen rubbed his head, "Yeah, hopped away. But I'm sure he'll be back. Sorry, buddy."
DJ put his hand on Owen's shoulder and shakes his head. "Nah, it's not your fault, man." The giant turns around and walk away from him with staggering shoulders. "My little bunny, we were such good friends." DJ sniffled before wailing to the sky, "Bunny! Why did you do to me like this!" Owen sighed as Duncan glanced at his teammates before sneaking away from them.
"Okay, Bridgette." Harold said as he swinging back and forth on the swing bar and the blindfolded surfer nods her head, giving the nerd a signal that she was ready to go. "Jump now!" Bridgette hesitated before hugging the pole and Harold groaned. "If we're going to win, you've got to trust me."
"Okay, sorry. Next time." Bridgette muttered as she slowly inching herself to the edge of the platform.
"Ok, one…two…three…Jump!" Harold shouted before Bridgette jumped and the nerd caught her in a swinging.
"All right, you did it!" Cody cheered with his team as the nerd and surfer swing across the pond.
"Okay, Gophers, your turn." Chris grinned.
"Okay, one…" Katie swing her body as blindfolded Heather stand on the platform with a frown. "Two…Three…J-Jump..." Katie gasped, missing her time as Heather leaped. "No, no, wait!" The tanned girl screamed before Heather fall into the pond and screaming out in pain as the jellyfishes stinging the queen bee over and over.
"Ooh, that's a point for the Killer Bass." Chris winced with the campers, only Gwen take a pleasure of watching Heather's sufferance.
(Infirmary tent)
"I can't believe I trusted this little…" Heather growled as she walks in with a jellyfish attaching to her head. The jellyfish zapped her, causing her to cry out. "Frickin' stinging jellyfish…Ow!"
"I'm sure it was an accident." Naruto said, patting his childhood friend's back before the queen bee swatted his hand away with a glare.
"And why are you following me?"
"Why not?" Naruto shrugged, "Just thought you need a company…that and to check on Courtney, dattebayo." Heather rolled her eyes and sat down on the cot.
"What?" Courtney jump up in her cot and groaned as she look around the tent. "Where am I?"
"You're in the infirmary." Heather muttered angrily before glance at nurse Chef, "Get anything for removing jellyfish?" The cooker nods with a smirk and the queen bee lies back.
"You know I can get the jellyfish off, dattebayo." Naruto chuckled.
"No, I don't want your help." Heather scoffed as Naruto scratched his head, both of them never noticed Duncan luring a new rabbit with carrot but Courtney does.
"What's Duncan doing with a rabbit?" Courtney whispered to herself before get up and follows the punk in secret.
Chris leads the team to the base of the large hill before turning to them with a grin. "And now the final leg. The blind toboggan race."
"The say, what?" Leshawna raised her eyebrow with confusing expression.
"Each team will have a driver and a navigator." Chris said as he ignored the fuming Leshawna, "The driver steers while the navigator shouts directions….Oh yeah, and the driver will be blindfolded." The campers gasped and Chris glances over them with a chuckle, "Not many of you left, huh? Keeping losing you guys." He waved it off, "Oh well, Gwen and Leshawna, Owen and DJ."
"DJ, I know you're sad about Bunny." Owen patted DJ's shoulder as he looks down from the top of the hill, "But we have to focus…It look very dangerous."
"Bunny deserted me …" DJ sighed sadly, "Why should I trust you?"
Owen rubbed his head, "Um…I don't want us to get hurt." He glanced at his right to see Chef coating the sleds with something and the cooker noticed their puzzling looks.
"Just lubing them up." Chef snickered with sadistic smirk, "Get little more speed going."
After a few coats, DJ and Leshawna volunteered to be the drivers before the two teams sit upon the sleds. Chris walks up behind the Bass sled while Chef stands behind the Gophers sled. "On your marks, get set…" The host pushed air horn as he and the cooker kick the sled, sending the teams down the hill with a scream.
"Right!" Gwen cried out as Leshawna leaned to right, narrowly avoid the tree.
"Watch out!" Owen screamed and pointing forward, forgetting that DJ was blindfolded but they managed to dodge the incoming tree. Behind them, the Gophers sled hit the natural ramp and soaring in the air.
"Woo! Girl, we are flying now." Leshawna laughed, unawake of the fact that they are really flying as Gwen screams in fear before they landed in the river.
The goth girl look up to see a waterfall before screamed again. "I'm not ready to die yet!" The sled fall down but bounced off the large log in midair and landed on the hill again.
With the Bass sled, Owen tried to reason with depressing DJ. "We really need to steer! Bunny wants us to live!"
"Hey, DJ!" Duncan shouted loudly from the bottom of the hill, "Look who I found?" He raised the rabbit over his head.
"It's Bunny! Duncan found him!" Owen yelled with a grin.
"Don't tease me, man!" DJ gasped before lifting his blindfold to see his pet rabbit. "Bunny, you come back! All right, let's do this!" The giant pulled his blindfold back on and steers the sled at Owen's command.
"Right!" Gwen yelled as the Gophers sled landed in front of the Bass sled. It was neck to neck as the team sleds down the hill at their navigators' command. Suddenly, the ground beside them exploded as they sledded past them.
"What the heck was that?" The giant asked with curiosity as Owen hugged him from behind.
At the top of the hill, Chris pushed the detonator with a grin. "We had a few explosives left and I just hate to waste." He wants to keep things interesting to keep his viewers hooking.
"Left!" Owen cried out before the explosion launched the Bass sled in air and Gwen look back to see nothing. The Gophers teammates cheered as they see their sled coming down before the Bass sled landed on the finishing line.
"Woo-Hoo! We won!" Owen cheered with his teammates as the Gophers dropped their jaws.
"Bunny!" DJ reached for his pet rabbit and swings him around before cuddling Bunny to his chest. "Thank, Duncan. You're the best." The giant sobbed, glad to be reunites with his pet.
"Whatever, man." The punk scoffed, "It's just a stupid rabbit."
"I can't believe you found a new bunny for DJ." Courtney whispered to Duncan as the punk's eyes widened. "You're a good guy." She smiled at him.
"What?" Duncan snarled, "No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are! You're actually nice."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"I saw you do it, Duncan."
"Whatever. He wouldn't leave me alone." Duncan muttered, "Weird rabbit." Courtney kept staring at him before the punk sighed, "Fine, I did it. Are you happy now…Listen, don't tell anyone, okay? I just don't want them to think I'm soft or anything."
"Your secret is safe with me." Courtney smirked as she walks away from the punk. Duncan glanced at the cameraman and starts to give them a glare.
"…We may edit it out or not…" The interns gulped, knowing that part won't be edited out but they want to live a little longer.
Chris collected all of the campers and grinned at them as Trent blabbing nonsense, still affecting by the toxin. "And the Bass are the winners of the toboggan race." Chris said and the team cheered but ended as soon as Chris pointed something out. "Unfortunately, I said that these were blind challenges. By taking off the blindfold for a moment, you broke the number one rule." The host turned to Gophers, "Which makes the Gophers today's big winners."
"Oh yeah!" Leshawna cheered with her Gophers teammates. "That's how we roll!" She gives Gwen a high five as Trent blabbing again with grinning nurse Chef.
"Who wants a treat?" Chris mocked the Bass campers, "A tasty goodie that represents exemption, security, peace of mind…"
"Just get on with it." Courtney interrupted with rolling eyes.
Chris resisted to cussing out but continued with his dialogue. "And if you don't get a marshmallow, you have to walk the dock of shame and you can never come back…Ever!"
"Do you ever get tired of repeating same things, dattebayo?" Naruto asked and Chris glared at him.
"…Let's see, one for Duncan…Bridgette…Courtney…Naruto…Owen…DJ." The host tossed the marshmallows to the said campers before glanced at Cody and Harold. "Looks like we only have one left. Cody and Harold, the final marshmallow…"
"…" Cody takes a deep breath.
"…" Harold shivered with sweat rolling down his face as he swallowed his Adam apple.
"…" Chris grinned before Courtney groaned, "Oh come on, already!"
"Don't rush me." The host glared, "The audience eats up this kind of dramatic conclusion." He tossed the marshmallow in air, "Harold." The nerd cheered and Cody sighed.
"Well, it won't be same without you, dattebayo." Naruto ruffled Cody's head as some of his teammates give him their farewells.
"Yeah, thank." Cody smiled at his former teammates.
(Dock of Shame)
"I miss you already." Katie sniffled with teary puppy eyes and Cody hugged her.
"Me too, I'll root for you." The geek grinned before blushing harder as Katie pecked his cheek.
"Thank…um…When it is over, let's have our first date." Katie giggled as blushing Cody nods with a smile before climbing in the boat of loser.
"Bye, Kat!"
"Bye, Cody!" Katie waved at the waving geek before sighed sadly as she walks back to her cabin.
Two days went by, Naruto was relaxing on the steps of his cabin as Duncan craved skull on the wall before Harold stepped out of their room with a glare. "Ok, who made s'mores out of my underwear?" The nerd pointed at the sandwiched underwear, causing the punk and redhead to laughing at him. Harold yanked out one of his underwear and it landed in front of Courtney.
"Ew!" The CIT cried out before glared at the nerd, "Harold, you are so totally gross!"
"Yeah, ero-megane." Naruto chuckled with Duncan as Harold tried to explain to fuming Courtney. The nerd growled at them before slamming the door.
"Sometime he just makes it too easy." The punk chuckled.
"Yeah, he shouldn't break promise and leaving his underwear all over the room again." Naruto nodded with a grin.
"Listen up, you little maggots!" Chef's voice roared out of the loudspeaker, "I want all campers to report to the dock of shame at 0900 hours!" The campers looked at each other in confusion, "That mean now, soldiers. NOW!" Chef's roaring snapped the confusing campers out, causing them to running to the location.
"Line up and stand at attention." The drill sergeant Chef barked at the campers, "You call this proper formation?" The cooker walk by them while hitting them with a pointer stick, "Feet together. Arms down. Eyes forward. Head up." He finished up by hitting Harold many times since the nerd kept making mistakes.
"Oh, this is gonna be a fun day." Gwen whispered to Trent with sarcasm.
"What did you say, solider?" Chef roared in her face with megaphone.
"Um…Nothing." The goth girl sputtered.
"And you'll continue to say nothing until I tell you that you can say something." Chef growled before turns to another side, "Today's challenge will be not be an easy one. In fact, I do not expect everyone to come out alive."
Owen snickered to himself before Chef hit him with the stick. "Ahh! That hurts!" The sergeant ignored him as he raised his megaphone.
"My orders are to make sure all of the maggots in front of me drop out of my boot camp except one." Chef explained as he stomped by the campers, "The last one standing wins immunity for their team."
"Um…What happened to Chris?" Heather asked but it fall upon deaf ears.
"Rule number one…You will address me as Master Chief. Have you got that?"
"Yes, Master Chief." The campers said in unison.
"You will sleep when I tell you to sleep and you will eat only when I tell you to eat." Chef glared at them, "Is that clear?"
"Yes, Master Chief!"
"Rule number two…When you're ready to give up, you will walk to the end of the dock and ring the bell." The sergeant pointed at the hanging bell. "Which brings me to rule number three…Let's get one quitter before the end of the first day. That day will not end until someone drops out." That make everyone gulped, "Now get your asses down to the beach, soldiers. Now, now, now!" Chef barked as everyone ran past him in terror.
"Listen up." Chef said as he glanced at the teams that stands in front of two canoe. "Each team must hold a canoe over their heads. I catch you taking your hands off the canoe and you will be eliminated." He narrowed his eyes, "And no one eats lunch until someone drops out."
"B-B-But…" Harold whined.
"Canoes up!" The sergeant yelled as the teams lift their canoes over their heads.
"Whew!" Owen chuckled, "That isn't that hard."
"Yeah, I'll say." Trent nods his head with a grin and Naruto shakes his head, they don't have any idea what they are getting into.
No one knows how many hours have passed but their arms were starting to feel the strains. "Come on, you sissies. It's only been three hours now." Chef shouted to let them know how long it has been.
"Looks like they missed lunch today." Chris chuckled, he just showed up an hour ago.
"Mm-hmm." Chef nodded, "Guess they just wasn't hungry…Unless someone wants to quit now." He looks down at them, it turns out that the host and the sergeant was sitting on top of the canoes so they can force someone to drop out.
Owen's stomach growled loudly and Courtney snarled, "Don't even think about it!" No one noticed Naruto secretly hooked Harold's underwear with the fishing rod as Duncan smirked from behind the redhead. Slowly Naruto reeled his rod before turns his head to the smirking punk.
"Time to land this fish." Duncan snickered before Naruto jerked the rod, causing the nerd to cry out in pain.
"Morons!" Harold yelled as the pranksters give him an innocent looks.
"Is there a problem down here?" The nerd quickly holds the canoe as Chef looks down with a glare.
"No." Harold whined before glared at the snickering pranksters.
Naruto glanced at the sky and blinked, he don't noticed it was dark already. Right now, Chef was telling them a war story. "Twenty-five of us went in the jungle that night." The sergeant said, staring into the fire, "Only five of us come back out."
"What war were you in, anyway?" Gwen asked.
"Permission to speak, sir?" Naruto asked out of blue.
"Permission granted."
"Gwen, I wouldn't ask that if I were you, dattebayo." Naruto said, "It's not good idea to ask about the war if someone lose so many."
"That's right." Chef nodded his head before glared at the goth girl, "Did I ask you to speak? Because I don't remember asking you to speak!"
"You also don't ask Naruto to speak." Gwen said with raised eyebrow.
"Because he asked me for my permission." Chef said with a shrug, "A good soldier always asks permission first."
Gwen rolled her eyes, she don't feels like to argue right now. "Whatever...He so wasn't in a war." She whispered that last part to her team.
"Guys, I can't do this anymore." Lindsay groaned before dropping her arms, "I have no more feeling in my arms." She stumbled toward the dock.
"Looks like we got ourselves a quitter." Chef smirked.
"Lind…" Owen whispered, feeling bad that he can't do anything to help the bombshell as she rang the bell. The teams give out relieved sighs as they put down their canoes.
"Listen here," Chef said as he patted Lindsay's shoulder, "You have nothing to be ashamed of…" He pulls out the megaphone and roared at her, "Except being the little baby that let your team down! As for the rest of you, head to the mess hall. Dinner is served."
"Sweet Marie! Thank you!" Owen drooled at idea of having dinner.
(Main Lodge)
Chef barked, "All right, maggots, open your ears. You've got ten minutes to eat before night training begins so get to it."
"Night training?" Someone gasped, "No way."
"Um…Excuse me, Master Chief. Where's the food?" Gwen asked with a raised eyebrow.
"You're looking at it." Chef chuckled, gesturing at the trash cans.
Owen lifted the lid and turned to the sergeant, "This is the leftover garbage from this morning's breakfast."
"Damn right! When you're at war, you take what you can eat." Chef grunted as Naruto walks up to the trash can and digging out some foods. The redhead checked his garbage foods for anything before eating it as some campers' face become green.
"Man, how can you eat it?" DJ groaned, forcing his bile down.
"Hmm?" Naruto blinked as he glanced at the giant, "It's not bad if you get passed the taste, a little trick I pick up from Wilson-san, dattebayo."
"Who's Wilson?" Duncan asked with raised eyebrow.
"Someone who works with one of the circuses, he was a homeless before and his talent was that he can eat rock so he was billed as the rock eater." Naruto chuckled at the campers' paled faces.
"Well, I can see you've got this under control." Chris said, turns his head to Chef, "I'm off to craft service. Coming?"
"Serve me up some of that." Chef nodded as he followed his boss out. Some of the campers start to digging out of the trash cans while some of them complained about the foods.
"I am so not going to eat these." Courtney groaned out of disgust.
"Don't care for today's specials, princess?" Duncan mocked as he carrying a drink.
"I am going to be running for office one day!" The CIT growled with crossed arms, "No one is going to pull up a file of me eating garbage."
The punk rolled his eyes at Courtney as he walk up to Harold and Naruto. "Hey, Harold, we felt really bad about the whole underwear-fishing incident thing so here…we found you some apple juice." Duncan said, presenting Harold with the drink.
"Thank!" Harold said before he drinks it and Naruto raised his eyebrows. The nerd swallowed with a wince before spitting it out as soon as Duncan told him it was kitchen grease.
"Wait a minute…Don't you said that you were allergic to apple, dattebayo?" Naruto said with tilted head and almost all of the campers blinked, recalling the trust challenge.
"Ooooh!" Bridgette growled, "I can't believe you!"
"Yeah, you're a fucking liar." Duncan sneered and the nerd sweated at the campers' glares.
(Chef and Chris)
The host and the cooker were eating their dinner before Chris speaks up, "You know…Something about this redhead kept bothering me a lot."
"Um…What do you mean?" Chef raised his eyebrow and the host rubbed his forehead.
"I don't know…Every time when this kid said dattebayo, it make me thinking of something that I can't even remembering…this and his red hair is kind of familiar for some reason…"
"Well, I can't help you there." The cooker shrugged, "I'm no shrink or mind reader…Maybe you'll remember it right away or later so don't bother thinking about it."
"Hmm…Yeah, you're right. Why worrying about the kid when I have to worry about the rating." Chris chuckled as Chef rolled his eyes at his boss.
It took the campers about twenty minutes to finish their dinner until Chef come back and told them that they have to follow his actions while the music is playing. Some of the campers groaned when they hear the Thriller music as they mimicked Chef's dance move. The sergeant does a few hip thrusts before Duncan turns the boombox off, drawing some gasps from the campers. Duncan blinked at the boombox because he can hear the music and everyone glanced at Naruto. He was humming the song with his eyes closed and still doing the Thriller dance.
"Idiot have a few weaknesses," Heather deadpanned with crossed arms, "And Thriller is one of them."
Naruto danced around in the stall, still humming the song.
"Duncan, what are you doing?" Courtney shouted at the punk.
"One of us drops out, we're done for the day." Duncan said with crossed arms as he glared at Chef.
"We're done when I say we're done." Chef growled, "Now drop and give me twenty." Duncan rolled his eyes, dropping to do some pushup and the sergeant turned to his head to the campers. "Anyone else got anything they want to say?"
"Uh…Yeah…" Gwen raised her hand as she fidgeted around, "Can I go to the bathroom?"
"Sure, here's the mop and bucket." Chef tossed her the said objects with a cruel smirk and Gwen sighed as she carries them to the bathroom. "Now…It's Thriller time!" They resumed their dance routine.
(Main Lodge)
"For your next challenge," Chef announced as he stand in front of the teams with his arms behind his back. "You will complete a three hundreds word essay about how much you love me. Anyone who falls asleep or fails to complete the challenge will be eliminated."
"Oh man…" Owen whispered to himself before the campers starts to write down their essay.
Few hours went by and everyone was tired before the alarm rang out, a signal that the essay challenge had ended as Chef collected the papers. "Crap!" Harold groaned.
Chef cleared his throat before he read the first paper out loud, "I love Master Chief Hatchet because he is very, very, very, very, very…" He continued to repeating 'very' over and over before he figured it out. "This is just one sentence with five pages of 'verys' in between!" Chef glared at Duncan.
"It's three hundred words exactly." Duncan smirked coyly, "You can count them if you want." Chef growled, walks over to the table before slipped on Owen's drool puddle.
"Wipe up that drool, you little maggot!" The sergeant roared as he gets up on his feet with drool stains. He slammed his hand on table and he stares down at sleeping Trent and DJ. "Trent, DJ, you two slackers are out! The rest of you, get to bed and report to the playing field at 0500 hours."
"Uh, missed a spot there, general." Duncan smirked.
"Boy, do you want to run fifty laps around this camp right now?" Chef snarled before Courtney pulls the punk back.
"No thanks. He's going straight to bed, aren't you?" The CIT glared at the punk, "What are you trying to do, get eliminated?"
"I don't know you cared." Duncan smirked.
"I don't! I just don't want to lose this challenge, so stop being such a screw-up and do what you're told for once, ok?" Courtney growled with narrowed eyes before she stomped away.
"…She so want me." Duncan whispered to Naruto with a smirk.
"Big time, dattebayo." The redhead chuckled.
The teams and the sergeant stood in front of the obstacle course. "…It was not there a few hours ago, dattebayo…" Naruto raised his eyebrows at the sight before glancing at the panting interns, he wonder where did Total Drama get these handy interns from?
"You will all run this course until you can all complete it in under one minute. Am I making myself clear?" Chef said right in Duncan's face with a glare.
"Crystal." Duncan smirked and the sergeant take a step back.
"Hmm, it looks easy to do." Naruto tapped his chin as he scanned the course.
"Oh really?" Chef crossed his arms, "Why don't you show us how easy it is…Go!"
Naruto sprinted quickly toward the wall before placing his hands on the ground and flipped himself over the wall. The redhead smirked as he jumped over the pit without using the rope and ran up to the suspending tires, pulling a corkscrew jump through the tire easily. The teams dropped their jaws with widened eyes as Naruto slide under the swinging axes, crossed the finish line. "Ta-da!" The redhead laughed after taking a good look at their face, it was all under a minute, almost thirty seconds.
"…You can sit this one out, soldier." Chef said with widened eyes. Heather rolled her eyes, why does her idiot always love to show off.
"Daaaaaaamn!" Chef said astounded, holding his head. "Not even a soldier in my unit can do this."
"Well, it was easy to do parkour since it goes hand in hand with circus training." Naruto grinned, rubbing his head.
"Come on, guys, you can do it, dattebayo." Naruto encouraged his fellow campers as they ran through the course with a lot of struggle.
"Who do you think will drop out first?" Chef asked, snickered as DJ slipped on the mud.
"Hmm, I guess Harold since he's…well, you know." The sergeant nodded his head, agreed with the brat. The said nerd struggled to get up on top of the wall before fall down and landed in the mud facedown.
"Look like you're right." Chef muttered before Harold lifts his head and vomit out mud. The sergeant and the redhead walk up to the vomiting nerd as Duncan turned to them.
"Uh…General Crazy, we've got a situation here." The punk pointed at the nerd with his thumb.
"Too…Much…Mud…" Harold vomited out mud every time he says a word.
Chef picks the nerd up by his collar and said, "Ring the bell and report to the infirmary. Your tour of duty is finished."
"Wow, poor guy." Duncan jeered.
"Back on the course, maggots, now!" Chef roared at the punk, "One false move and I'll be on you like stink on a poop wagon!"
"I look forward to it, sir." Duncan smirked and the sergeant scowled at him as the punk return to his course.
"There's always one rebel maggot among maggots." Chef muttered.
"Fallen solider, I salute you." Duncan joked as he crawled by sinking Leshawna before stopped in front of Chef's boots.
"You just brought yourself twenty more push-ups." Chef shouted.
"Thank you." Duncan mocked before he pecked sergeant's nose and Chef growled with veins popping out.
"I think you may make him snap." Bridgette whispered to the punk.
"I think you're right." Duncan gulped.
"One night solitary confinement in the boathouse!" Chef roared with fury and everyone screamed out of fear.
"Big deal." Duncan rolled his eyes, "How scary can it be?" The punk chuckled before the sergeant grabbed him by collar and dragged him to the boathouse.
(Main Lodge)
Courtney glanced out of the window as the teams were relaxing with their gruel after finished up with the course. "I'm going check on him." Courtney said, standing up with her bowl.
"You like him a lot." Owen snickered.
"Maybe it's more than like, dattebayo." Naruto smirked.
"I do not like him!" Courtney yelled at them with a lightly blush on her face.
"Yeah…And your blushing face doesn't agree with you." Naruto chuckled as the CIT's face turn red.
"N-N-Not only do I not like him…" Courtney coughed, trying to calm herself down. "I can't stand him. He's rude, rebellious, and totally annoying…I'm going to check on him." She ran out of the main lodge.
Naruto turned to Owen and DJ with a grin. "She's so tsundere, dattebayo." They both nodded before Bridgette sat down next to Naruto. "Hey Bri-chan, I felt like I don't see you for a while."
The surfer nodded her head, "Yeah, Chef is working us so hard that I barely talk to anyone for a while."
"Me too." DJ groaned, rotating his arms around and winced as he feels some pops in his muscle.
"True, but I kind of find this challenge enjoyable and fun, dattebayo." Naruto grinned as his teammates rolled their eyes. After a few bite, Owen looked up in wonder before swallowed his foods.
"Hey, Naru…Can I ask you something?" Naruto nod his head, "What does dattebayo mean? You kept saying it a lot."
"Oh, yeah, I'm been wondering about that for a while." Bridgette said with curiosity.
"Well…" Naruto scratched his nose with a little blush, "It really has no meaning at all." The Bass raised their eyebrows and the redhead chuckled at their expression. "It's just a dialect or verbal tic, something that I got from kaa-san."
"That's odd and interesting." DJ said.
"You really take a lot of things after your mom." Owen grinned and Naruto nodded his head as they finished up their gruel dinner. The redhead stretched his arms out with a lightly groan.
"Well, I don't know you guys but I'm going back to cabin and relax for a bit, dattebayo." Everyone nodded their head, agreeing with the redhead since they were still tired after the course.
(Killer Bass cabin)
"Hey guys!" Duncan grinned as he sat on the steps with Courtney, bags in their hands and both of the teams blinked at them.
"What are you doing out of boathouse?" Harold glared with a scowl.
"Whatever." Duncan shrugged, "Courtney and I just swiped a lot of good foods…" He showed them the contents inside the bags and glanced at the Gophers team. "You guys can come inside and we'll have a party."
"I'm in for the foods." Leshawna grinned and her team nodded, they really want to have some good foods, unlike these gruel and trash foods. The Gophers entered the Bass boys' room and starts to share foods as they chatted with each other. Katie and Trent was chatting about the music and random topics.
"Odin, you get jams all over your face." Lindsay giggled as she wipe some off with her finger and taste it, drawing a blush out of the oaf.
"Thank, Lind!" Owen giggled nervously with blush as some campers smirked at the blonde couple.
"How long do you think it will take until they get together?" Leshawna whispered to Gwen and Bridgette. Both of them said it will be pretty soon if it keeping going well between them before starting to talk about Chef.
"Oh gross!" Harold cried out loud as everyone turns to see him lifting the blanket off, revealing a smiley face draw with peanut butter.
"Now see, that's a waste of good peanut butter." Duncan snickered and Naruto nodded.
Courtney takes the last ice cream sandwich before Bridgette touches her hand, "Ok, I think you had enough."
"Oh, no, no…Just one more." The CIT giggled as she pulled her hand back before swallowed the sandwich whole and burped loudly. "Oh, that one was a mistake." She ran out to vomiting as Gwen and Leshawna giggled.
'Don't say I warned her.' Bridgette rolled her eyes and Naruto chuckled as he watches Duncan walks out to talk with Courtney.
"Idiot, open this jar for me." Heather grunted, shoving the jelly jar in Naruto's hand. "I need to make sandwich before this fatty eat it all up."
"Sure, Heat-chan." He handed the opened jar back to her, "I see that your cold is gone now, dattebayo."
"Yeah…" The queen bee grunted as she made her own sandwich and sat down next to Naruto. She cut it in half before eat one piece, handing the other piece to the redhead. "Eat it, idiot."
"Thank." Naruto smiled at her and Heather's expression get softer as few of Gophers raised their eyebrow at Heather's behavior. He glanced at the doorway to see Courtney kissing Duncan and chuckled as he stand up and walk out with DJ. "Well, well." Naruto put his arm around the punk's shoulders as Courtney walks to the bathroom to wash herself up, "Someone got very lucky."
"Told you she wants me so badly." Duncan nudged the redhead's stomach and they laughed.
"Yeah, look like I own you a few bucks." DJ chuckled and the punk nods his head, neither of them noticed Harold glared at them with an ugly sneer on his face.
"Attention, remaining boot-camper group! The next evolution of your next training will begin tomorrow at 0700 hours and if I caught the sucker that took my dessert, your ass is mine!" Chef's voice bellowed out of nowhere as the campers glanced around for the cooker.
"…I think we finally pissed him off this time." Trent said with widened eyes, it turns out that Chef's voice was so loud that he don't even need the megaphone or loudspeake