Where The Gods Sleep

Chapter 1: Creation And Influence Of Men

Darkness, there was nothing but darkness in the beginning, nothing but the blackness that even the late word "black" couldn't even fathom. This is the early universe, where nothing exists just stillness and quiet. Til one day light came into being, nobody knows how or when it happened, but it kicked off the creation of the very first things in the universe. It turned out to be a bad idea because light has always been blamed for the dark; a thing that needs no blaming, since it can only be described as what it really is: a blessing. It gave birth to primordial deities like "Ozul" the embodiment of Void, Chaos, And Abyss. Aion is the embodiment of eternity and forever, Ciara the embodiment of night and some consider the first watcher of the early universe before the appearance of the outer beings and scary chaos eater that eat dark matter and light with no thought or idea of anything, just roaming the primordial universe causing chaos as children of "Ozul" called "Dark Things." Others say they are the ancestors of the other gods, the ancestors of everything, even down to the earliest forms of life on this planet. They were once called the Great Ones, so-called because their power was great indeed. The Last Primordial deity to come into being was "Luv" the embodiment of love and life-giver to the outer beings from her relationship with "Ozul". Some even say "from the relationship of Ozul and Ciara came the Dark Things". That is all about the ancient days, then came the time when the First Outer Beings began to appear, these were the ones who created the inner workings and functions of our universe. They were called by many names, the most popular of which were "The Ancients" and "The Old Ones". We assume this much happened from old texts, there were 2 Outer Beings and 2 Dark Beings/Dark Things. Azathoth was the first to come into being, an eater of dark matter and galaxies, and the father of all other "Dark Things" And "Dark Beings". Sleeping but also awake, dreaming yet conscious, just a thought creates creatures the mortal mind can't even comprehend, this is the might of the "Chaos Eater", "The Dark One"," The God Eater", "The God Of Gods", "Azathoth". The 2nd being to come into being was "Alioth" the brother of "Azathoth"," Alioth" was a mind-bending being, a matter-eating "Dark Thing" a million eyes, and million hands with a thousand heads and hundreds of voices. He ate not only the matter of the cosmos but also its thoughts, he could create and destroy worlds with just his mind. From the union of "Ozul" And "Aion" came the Outer Being "Anpu" the embodiment of death, and probably has the most names of all gods. His name means "the Deathless One", and is often translated as "God of Death". Anubis, Nuitari, Osiris, Sekhmet, Makhaupet, Set, Thoth, and Horus are all considered to be Anpu. The last of the Outer Beings to be born and the most well-known and studied was "Brahma". Without his birth, the universe as we know it would be empty, only light, dark matter, "Dark Things", Outer Beings, And Chaos all around would be the only things to exist. With his birth, he brought order to all the chaos caused by the "Dark Things" eating everything in sight. In a sense Brahma was the creator of the universe. The world that existed before Brahma's birth was simply too chaotic to support any kind of intelligent life. When Brahma awoke he had no memory of himself, only the remembrances of the first beings ever to have existed: the Primordials. The first thing he set out to do was fight off the "Dark Things" and push them too deep corners of the universe. It took eons but he managed to do it, and the benefits of the fighting brought the first galaxies and the first stars into being. Brahma became master of the universe and began to start filling it with life starting with making the titans. These are beings who have evolved beyond mortal understanding, they are immortal, they live for millions of years and grow stronger each year, they are more powerful than any God and they are the rulers of the universe. One of these titans was Cronus, he was very young but considered the leader of the Titans and a "planet devourer". Cronus helped Brahma clean the universe even more, and became a big deterrent to the Dark Things. But soon after that the universe started to become filled with strange new beings. There was the Titan named Thanatos who was the son of Brahma and the daughter of Thanatos. Thanatos was an entity that was neither good nor evil and did whatever suited him best at the moment. Cronus did not like this one bit, cause he saw himself as the favorite son of Brahma, and Thanatos just doing whatever to the universe was just insulting to him. Thanatos did not care though and was having fun doing whatever he wanted anyway. Then there were the Titans Euryale, Gaea, Uranus, and Hyperion, the first 4 being the children of Brahma, while Hyperion was the son of Cronus. They were all different entities and did whatever they pleased without thinking of anyone else. Even Cronus after thousands of years didn't care about order anymore, and this angered Brahma greatly. The only thing keeping the universe in balance was Brahma and his titans. Every couple thousand years Brahma has to go to sleep to keep the universe balanced, keep his powers in check and reenergize them. Before he slumbers he puts his oldest child and Titan Uranus in charge to oversee the universe while he sleeps. This angered Cronus greatly since he was the one who helped Brahma the most clean up the universe as well as thinking his Brahma's favorite. After many fights between Cronus and Uranus, Even Saving Gaea's Children, Cronus won and took control of the universe while Brahma was asleep and became the leader of the Titans. In time Cronus started to make the universe what he wanted, which was a place full of fear and terror. Only because he foresaw a prophecy that his own children would overthrow him, even if he had Gaea, the universe, and everything he wanted, the paranoia got to him and he started devouring his children just as his brother Uranus did. Soon after that, he made the planet called Tartarus where his children went when they died. Then he made another planet called Limbo where people would go to if they did something wrong or bad enough to be punished for eternity, then he created Hell. Gaea seeing Cronus was going mad, she used her own body to create earth just to hide her last son with Cronus called "Zeus" the first Olympian. She knew that if Cronus found out he would kill him and then the universe would be in complete chaos. Zeus grew up to be the greatest of all the gods and decided to save his brothers and sisters. He told the other gods that he would help them get rid of Cronus once and for all. So he led a great army of gods and titans to war against Cronos and the forces of darkness. This war is known as the "Titanomachy" or "The War Of Gods And Titans". Cronus and the Titans lost and Cronos was captured by the gods. He was chained in Tartarus to rot away until the end of days when he would be released to devour the worlds of Earth and Heaven. While this was going on, Gaea was seeding life on earth even the god Prometheus gave human fire and intelligence which Zeus didn't think these mortals deserved such things. But Prometheus was able to convince Zeus that humans should have the ability to do things like light their houses and cook food. As punishment for giving fire to humans, Prometheus was tied to a rock and every day a bird would peck out his liver and eat it. Zeus even claimed that Andromeda, Milky Way, And The Triangulum Galaxy are his special domain.

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