Where The Gods Sleep

Chapter 5: Roman Empire

Codex Octavianus - Tablet of Dominion

In the days when the sun scorched the earth, and the world itself seemed ablaze beneath Apollo's fiery chariot, I found myself deep within the wild regions beyond our empire's familiar borders. Crawling through tangled underbrush, stripped bare beneath relentless heat, I stumbled upon a relic half-buried in soil untouched by civilization. Its surface, etched with arcane symbols, bore markings alien to our Roman eyes—ancient hieroglyphics whispering secrets of forgotten eras. Compelled by curiosity and fate, I hefted the stone, astonished at its immense weight, burdening myself with this testament of a bygone age.

With the tablet upon my lap, my fingers traced these strange carvings, unraveling mysteries as the words seemed to bestow authority with each translation. Was this the speech of gods, I wondered, or did our ancestors grasp such enigmatic language?

As my fascination deepened, a presence drew my gaze upward—a sleek shadow, eyes like midnight stars, the silent grace of a panther watching intently from the thicket. With defiance, I rose, unsheathed my blade, and challenged the creature's stare, emboldened by newfound power coursing from the stone slab. When it lunged, claws like sharpened blades slicing the air, my sword cleaved through sinew and bone, felling the beast swiftly and decisively. Blood stained the earth, its lifeless eyes still holding secrets of their own.

"Guardian of ancient mysteries?" I pondered aloud, surveying the silent wilderness before carrying the artifact back to my legion stationed at the farthest reaches of our empire, near the contentious borders of Parthia.

My officers questioned my sanity yet permitted me the indulgence of the relic. The following dawn, as Apollo's chariot rose again, illuminating our path south along the Euphrates, I rallied my soldiers, invoking the triumphs of Rome's storied past. Spirits high, we marched beneath gleaming walls of Babylon, resplendent with silver and gold, and on towards Damascus, where fate dealt us treachery.

Scouts returned with grim tidings—we were ensnared by Parthian forces, lying in wait. Rage quickened my commands; swiftly my men dug defensive ditches, erecting walls of iron and timber. From behind our fortifications, we showered arrows upon the enemy's ranks. When their cavalry halted our advance, I charged forth on horseback, leaping amidst them, striking down their leader and scattering their ranks. Victory was swift but merciless, and those who fled were pursued to their bitter ends.

Resting afterward, seeking respite from bloodshed, I ventured forth on a hunt with trusted companions, Marcus among them, whose valor matched my own since the battles of Judea. As we laughed, praised by Marcus who compared my prowess to great Caesar himself, a growl disrupted our peace—a beast emerged from shadowed woods, larger and fiercer than before.

This panther struck swiftly, overpowering me before my bow could release its arrow. Its fangs tore through armor, piercing skin and bone. Marcus, valiant and fearless, came to my aid, sword glinting, but the creature's savage strength hurled him aside, wounding him grievously. In desperation, my mind returned to the tablet's enigmatic verses. In a tongue older than Rome herself, Arabic words spilled forth, my voice beseeching forgotten deities:

"تحياتي يا سيدي لتعيش طويلاً، ودع حكمتك ترشدك، أطلب التوجيه من والدي الذي سقط من النعمة وتركنا وشأننا في وقت الحاجة، أرجو أن تجيبني الآن، أيها الجبار، من فضلك أرسل لنا حكمتك حتى نتمكن من هزيمة أعدائنا."

Miraculously, wounds closed instantly, strength surged anew through my limbs. Astonished, the beast hesitated, confused by powers beyond its comprehension. Seizing the moment, I grappled its mighty form midair, feeling the strength of Hercules himself. With savage determination, I tore open its jaws, reached within, and wrenched forth its heart, roaring my own name as declaration—"Octavian!"

I rushed to Marcus's side, commanding my men to carry him gently back to camp. Through the night, he recovered, our laughter easing away the horrors of our battle, unaware that greater sorrows awaited.

Morning brought news darker than any beast we faced—Caesar, mighty Julius himself, betrayed and murdered by his council and closest companion. Shocked, grieving, my men looked to me, their new sovereign by right and destiny. Sobered by sorrow and steeled by duty, I rose solemnly to command our return."Gather your arms, my brothers," I declared with a resolute heart. "Rome awaits our vengeance and justice."Thus began our journey home, towards a city shadowed by betrayal and blood, a storm brewing that only I, Octavian, armed with ancient secrets, could confront.

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