Why a reverse world

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

The test has yet to start but I am nervous as hell.

The only people in this classroom are me, the principal and Amber. Amber took a seat behind me. My only guess is she is to make sure I don't cheat.

As I looked in front of me principal Ema asks me

" Natsu would you like something to drink or use the bathroom before we start the exam"

I literally just got to school I just want to get this done as quick as possible

" No principal Ema "

She gives me a nod to my response and tells me

" Ok Natsu, just so you know there will be no breaks during the exam, after you are done with a subject you will get a 15 minute break. Also this exam doesn't have a time limit, do you understand Natsu "

The more I hear of this exam the more nervous I get

I put on a slight smile and say

" I understand principal Ema "

She nods her head as she stands up from the desk and walks towards me with what I assume is the exam

" Ok Natsu you may start the exam whenever you want "

As she tells me that she drops off 3 pencils and the 4 exams on my desk

I lay out the 4 exams in front of me

[ Math ]




I know for a fact the hardest test for me are going to be the history and Japanese exams so I might as well get the easier ones out of the way now.

I grab The Good Old reliable math exam. Doesn't matter the world math is math


I Am so fucking done with this shit

I managed to do great on both my math and science exam in my opinion.

But god I hate the fucking Japanese exam. I apparently was only learning ONE out of THREE character sets. So a good 80% of this shit I don't know and I haven't even got to the essay yet.

I just need to calm down and take a breather it's ok if I don't do well in this exam I still have the History exam which I know I will do better in.


I don't know if I saw God when I died but next time I see that thing I will kick its ass.

Because this is BULL SHIT why couldn't I just get a normal world with the same old history I know but no.

I know I was done for when the first question was ( who was the first empress of Japan ) reading that made me feel true despair.

If I thought my Japanese was bad then my knowledge on history is non-existent.

I can kiss my dreams of skipping most of school goodbye.


As I finish up my exams I see principal Ema walk towards me

" Are you finished Natsu?"

No point and trying to fix something I don't even know

" Yes principal Ema "

She gives me a smile as she collects my papers and tells me

" Okay Natsu, I contacted your driver Su and she'll be picking you up soon, miss Amber will lead you back to your classroom to collect your things "

Hearing her say that I look up at the clock and see it's only 1 pm. I just can't wait to get home after those exams

" Thank you principal Ema"

She gives me a nod before walking out the classroom

Amber takes this as a sign for us to leave the classroom

I walk back into Miss Yuki's classroom to collect my things and she asked me

" Hi Natsu how did things go, I hope everything went well "

How does she expect me to respond to that, it's not like I can tell her, oh I did terrible at the exams.

" I hope I did okay Miss Yuki "

She gives me a soft smile before responding

" Well that good, miss Su is waiting to drive you home so don't keep her too long "

I give her a nod before stepping out the class.

I make my way to the pickup spot with Amber.

Now that I think about it she's been following me a lot recently ever since my third day of school basically.

Shit she's the counselor isn't she? Oh just great

After I came to my realization we've already made it to the pickup spot. I say my goodbyes to Amber and get into Su's car.

Su tries to start a conversation but I'm just not in the mood after the exams so the car ride is silent.

~~~~~~~~~~~~POV SATO ~~~~~~~~~~

I'm currently sitting in a room with Ema the principal of the school my son attends having a chat about him with both herself and the counselor Amber

" Miss Sato thank you for taking time out of your busy day to have this chat with us. "

Yes my 'busy' day

" Oh before we continue this is Miss Rebecca ambers our schools counselor I'm sure you two have already met "

Oh so this is the woman that's been watching my little Prince

" Miss Ema can we skipped the formalities "

Ema gives me a nod before continuing

" Absolutely Miss Sato, now I called you here to discuss the results of your son's exams. "

Finally, My Prince has been anxious ever since he took this stupid thing

" Now miss Sato your son outperformed our expectations tenfold when it comes to his math and science exams, getting a 98% on his math exam and a 99% on the science exam "

That's my Prince doing so well on his exams

" Unfortunately that cannot be said for the other two, your son only managed to get a combined score of 5% from the Japanese and history exams "

On no that's bad

" So principal Ema what does this mean for my son Natsu "

She left out a sigh as she rubs the bridge of her nose

" It means we had a lot to discuss Miss Sato.

Your son is already ready for high school or even college level mathematics and science but his performance in Japanese and history are lacking severely behind so much so we debated even moving him up in any grade but after after careful review we have decided to move your son up to the third grade "

My little Prince has just started school and is already in the same great as his sister Aki I couldn't be more proud of him

" Only the third grade? I thought you told me he was already ready high School or even college level work miss Ema "

I see that Ema is searching her desk for some papers

" This brings me to my final point Miss Sato, we plan on giving your son harder work in his math and science where he will be taking advanced classes for those subjects and for the other ones we will keep them at the grade he will be at after this advancement. "

" He will also have to participate in weekly counseling sessions and join the math club "

I look over at Amber as I ask

" Why does my son need weekly counseling sessions miss Ema "

I see that Amber is too much of a coward to meet my eyes

" Well miss Sato your son has shown concerning behavior when it comes to his social interactions or lack thereof. As per miss Yuki's request Amber's been watching over your son to observe his interactions "

I stare Amber down even harder watching as she squirms under my eyes

" Miss Amber if you would please explain what you have seen concerning her son's behavior "

Amber clears her throat before looking at principal Ema

" Over the past week and a half that I have been observing your son, I've noticed his interactions with others hold little to no emotion and he will actively avoid social interactions. My concern is Miss sato's son maybe on the spectrum and I would like to have counseling sessions with him to see if it's just anxiety from a new environment "

If you're going to talk about my prince you can least have the guts to look me in the eyes

" Miss Sato please understand where we're coming from your son is a genius in certain subjects and we are just worried about his social development "

I peel my eyes off of Amber to look at principal Ema.

" We're not asking you to make a decision now miss Sato but please understand we want the best for your son's future "

" I understand principal Ema give me some time to think on this matter and discuss it with Natsu "

Principal Ema looks relieved hearing my words

" Thank you Miss Sato we only want the best for your son "

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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